929 resultados para Theoretical assumptions


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Possible structures of La2C2 were studied and proposed by use of density functional theory. All proposed isomers are planar. The results indicate that the structure with the lowest symmetry (C-1) is the most stable. Linear isomers are not favored.


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The three scaling parameters described in Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory (SLLFT), T*, P* and rho* of pure polystyrene (PS), pure poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) (PPO) and their mixtures are obtained by fitting corresponding experimental pressure volume-temperature data with equation-of-state of SLLFT. A modified combining rule in SLLFT used to match the volume per mer, v* of the PS/PPO mixtures was advanced and the enthalpy of mixing and Flory-Huggins (FH) interaction parameter were calculated using the new rule. It is found that the difference between the new rule and the old one presented by Sanchez and Lacombe is quite small in the calculation of the enthalpy of mixing and FH interaction parameter and the effect of volume-combining rule on the calculation of thermodynamic properties is much smaller than that of energy-combining rule. But the relative value of interaction parameter changes much due to the new volume-based combining rule. This effect can affect the position of phase diagram very much, which is reported elsewhere [Macromolecules 34 (2001) 6291]


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In the framework of lattice fluid model, the Gibbs energy and equation of state are derived by introducing the energy (E-s) stored during flow for polymer blends under shear. From the calculation of the spinodal of poly(vinyl methyl ether) (PVME) and polystyrene (PS) mixtures, we have found the influence of E., an equation of state in pure component is inappreciable, but it is appreciable in the mixture. However, the effect of E, on phase separation behavior is extremely striking. In the calculation of spinodal for the PVME/PS system, a thin, long and banana miscibility gap generated by shear is seen beside the miscibility gap with lower critical solution temperature. Meanwhile, a binodal coalescence of upper and lower miscibility gaps is occurred. The three points of the three-phase equilibrium are forecasted. The shear rate dependence of cloud point temperature at a certain composition is discussed. The calculated results are acceptable compared with the experiment values obtained by Higgins et at. However, the maximum positive shift and the minimum negative shift of cloud point temperature guessed by Higgins are not obtained, Furthermore, the combining effects of pressure and shear on spinodal shift are predicted.


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K(4)Ln(2)(CO3)(3)F-4 (Ln=Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd) is a special type of frequency doubling compound, whose crystal structure exhibits a scarcity of fluorine ions. This leads to two different coordination polyhedrons in the general position of K(2) atoms: [K(2)O6F(1)(2)F(2)] and [K(21)O6F(1)(2)] in a 2/1 ratio. The chemical bonding structures of all constituent atoms of the compound K4Gd2(CO3)(3)F-4 (KGCOF) are comprehensively studied; moreover, the relationship between the chemical bonding structure and the nonlinear optical (NLO) properties is investigated from the chemical bond viewpoint. The theoretical prediction of the NLO tensor coefficient d(11) of KGCOF is in agreement with experimental observation. Theoretical analyses show that the nonlinearity of this crystal type mainly originates from K-O bonds. In addition, the correlation between the NLO tensor d(11) and the refractive index n(0) of KGCOF is discussed. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)07506-X].


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By fitting the spinodals of poly(vinyl methyl ether)/deuterated polystyrene (PVME/PSD) systems, the adjustable parameters epsilon (12)* and delta epsilon* in the Sanchez-Balasz lattice fluid (SBLF) theory could be determined for different molecular weights. According to these parameters, Flory-Huggins and scattering interaction parameters were calculated for PVME/PSD with different molecular weights by means of the SELF theory. From our calculation, Flory-Huggins and scattering interaction parameters are both Linearly dependent on the reciprocal of the temperature, and almost linearly on the concentration of PSD. Compared with the scattering interaction parameters, the Flory-Huggins interaction parameters decreased more slowly with an increase in the concentration for all three series of blends.


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All structural geometries of intermediates, transition states and product are, optimized at HF/ LANL2DZ level under the effective core potential approximation. The potential energy profile for some elementary reactions of hydroformylation catalyzed by Co-2(CO)(6)(PH3)(2), consisting of carbonyl insertion, H-2 oxidative addition and aldehyde reductive elimination, are calculated, The transition states are further confirmed by having one and only one imaginary vibrational frequency, The activation energies of carbonyl insertion, H-2 oxidative addition and aldehyde reductive elimination are 54, 02, 134, 02 and 43. 44 kJ/mol, respectively.


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Studies of low-energy collision-induced dissociation and isotopic labeling on ionized tetrahydroimidazole-substituted methylene P-diketones by tandem mass spectrometry showed that their unimolecular fragmentations may involve the reactions of intermediate ion/neutral complexes and multistep rearrangements. The corresponding mechanisms were proved by semiemipirical calculations of PM3 and AM1 methods.


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LaC2 (with doublet and quartet states) and LaC2+ (with singlet and triplet states) cluster have been studied by using the B3LYP (Becke three-parameter/Lee-Yang-Parr) density functional method and the HF (Hartree-Fock) method with LANLIDZ basis set. For each cluster, four possible isomers in C-2v, C-s, C-proportional to v and D-proportional to h symmetries have been investigated. The results indicate that structures in C-s symmetry are local minima in all cases and, in most cases (particularly for high spin states), our initial guess in C-s symmetry converges to structures in C-2v symmetry. For the isomers in C-2v, C-proportional to v and D-proportional to h symmetries, local minima were found to be dependent on the method and spin state. The two clusters may also exist as linear chains. The ordering of the binding energies for the isomers in all spin states is C-s similar to C-2v < C-proportional to v < D-proportional to h. The ionization potential of LaC2 is reported as well. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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LaC3n+ (n = 0, 1, 2) clusters have been studied using B3LYP (Becke 3-parameter-Lee-Yang-Parr) density functional method. The basis set is Dunning/ Huzinaga valence double zeta for carbon and [2s2p2d] for lanthanum, denoted LANL1DZ. Four isomers are presented for each cluster; two of them are edge binding isomers with C-2 upsilon symmetry, the other two are Linear chains with C-infinity upsilon symmetry. Meanwhile, two spin states for each isomer, that is, singlet and triplet for LaC3+, doublet and quartet for LaC3 and LaC32+, respectively, are also considered. Geometries, vibrational frequencies, infrared intensities, and other quantities are reported and discussed. The results indicate that at some spin states; the C-2 upsilon symmetry isomers are the dominant structures, while for the other spin states, linear isomers are energetically favored. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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LaCn+ (n = 2-8) have been studied using Hartree-Fock (HF) and B3LYP density functional method. The results indicated that at both levels, isomers with C-2v, C-s symmetry for n = 2, and edge insertion isomer for n = 4, 6, 8, as well as edge binding isomer for n = 3, 5, 7 were found as ground states. This is in good agreement with experimental results. The exceptional case is for n = 6 at B3LYP level, in which edge insertion and edge binding isomers were computed to be near isoenergetic. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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LaC2+, LaC22+, LaC3 and LaC3- clusters have been studied using B3LYP density functional method. Four isomers with C-2v, C-s, C-infinity v and D-infinity h symmetry were presented for LaC2+ and LaC22+. Meanwhile, two spin states, namely, singlet and triplet for LaC2+, doublet and quartet for LaC22+ were considered The results indicated that ring isomers with C-2v and C-s symmetry are the most stable for La-C2(+) at both spin states and for LaC22+ at quartet state. Whereas for LaC22+ at doublet state, linear isomer with C-infinity v symmetry is energetically favored, For LaC3 and LaC3- clusters,, three isomers have been presented for each cluster, that is, two ring isomers with C-2v symmetry ( in one of them, La forms two single bonds with two carbons, and in another, La forms a double bond with carbon), and one linear isomer with C-infinity v symmetry. The results revealed that the ring isomer in which La forms two single bonds with carbons is the lowest in energy.


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Semiempirical molecular orbital calculations on the unimolecular mass spectrometric fragmentation of tetrahydroimidazole-substituted methylene beta-diketones are carried out by Austin Model 1 method, and the calculated results give a strong support to our experimental results reported previously. The optimum of the investigated molecular configuration indicates that the two hydrogen atoms attached to nitrogen atom have different activities due to their chemical environment; the relative energies of the ions in fragmentation pathway of ionized tetrahydroimidazole-substituted methylene beta-diketones provide indirectly an evidence for both the existence of ion/neutral complex and the stabilities of these ions.


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Gas-phase ion-molecule reactions of buckminsterfullerene (C-60) with the acetyl cation CH3-C-+=O (m/z 43) and formylmethyl cation (CH2)-C-+-CH=O (m/z 43, or oxiranyl cation), generated from the self-chemical ionization of acetone and vinyl acetate, respectively, were studied in the ion source of a mass spectrometer. Adduct cations [C60C2H3O](+) (m/z 763) and protonated C-60, [C60H](+) (m/z 721), were observed as the major products. AM1 semiempirical molecular orbital calculations on the possible structures, stabilities and charge locations of the isomers of the adducts [C60C2H3O](+) were carried out at the restricted Hartree-Fock level. The results indicated that the sigma-addition product [C-60-COCH3](+) is the most stable adduct for the reaction of C-60 with CH3-C-+=O rather than that resulting from the [2+2] cycloaddition. The [2+3] cycloadduct and the sigma-adduct [C60CH2CHO](+) might be the most possible coexisting products for the reactions of C-60 with (CH2)-C-+-CH=O or oxiranyl cation. Other [C60C2H3O](+) isomers are also discussed. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.