943 resultados para The Pope John Paul II


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Commercial trawling on the Atlantic slope areas off Brazil intensified in the late 1990’s owing to the expansion of coastal trawling areas and the operations of a chartered foreign fleet. Between 2000 and 2003, 59 fishing trips conducted by 10 chartered trawlers were intensely monitored by observers and satellite vessel monitoring systems, totaling 9,069 tows and 30,085.2 trawling hours. Fishing operations occurred in northern, northeastern, southeastern, and southern sectors of the Brazilian coast in 60–1,173 m depths. Total retained and processed catch were 8,074.6 t and 6,479.8 t, respectively. Argentine hake, Merluccius hubbsi; and Argentine shortfin squid, Illex argentinus, were the primary species taken contributing to 41.1% and 28.6% of the overall catch, respectively. The silver John dory, Zenopsis conchifera; monkfish, Lophius gastrophysus; Brazilian codling, Urophycis mystacea; and the black grouper, Epinephelus nigritus, composed 23% of total processed catch, and the remaining 7.2% was composed of deep-sea shrimps (family Aristeidae) and other teleosts and elasmobranches. The occupation of slope areas included an early exploratory phase, followed by directed phases of the upper slope (300–500 m), aiming principally at the Argentine hake, and the lower slope (>700 m), targeting valuable concentrations of deep-sea aristeid shrimps. The role of chartering for slope trawling development was critically addressed. We conclude that chartered vessels were efficient explorers and were particularly important in areas not available to the technologically limited national fleet. Because the charters were market-oriented and had elevated profit demands, however, those vessels quickly turned from exploration to exploitation and competed with national trawlers in shallower areas and produced significant impacts on Brazil’s modest deep-sea resources.


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Os objetivos deste estudo foram medir o efeito do reforço estrutural com a adição de fibras de vidro, na resistência ao teste de tração diametral e no selamento marginal de restaurações classe II com cimento de ionômero de vidro em molares decíduos. Fibras de vidro foram incorporadas ao pó do cimento de ionômero de vidro (CIV) na concentração de 40%. As fibras usadas foram do tipo E com comprimentos que variavam de 50m a 210m. A propriedade mecânica foi verificada através do teste de tração diametral, após 15 minutos, 24 horas e 15 dias de estocagem em água. Corpos de prova foram preparados com as dimensões de 4x8 mm para cada intervalo de tempo de acordo com as normas do fabricante e padrões internacionais. Para o teste de microinfiltração foram usados segundos molares decíduos hígidos, onde foram preparadas cavidades classe II padronizadas em dois grupos: a) controle com CIV Ketac Molar Easymix (3M/ESPE); e b) teste Ketac Molar Easymix (3M/ESPE); reforçado com fibras. Estes dentes foram restaurados e deixados em água por 24h e, a seguir, imersos em solução de nitrato de prata a 50% pelo mesmo período. Para que houvesse a precipitação de sais de prata os dentes foram colocados em solução reveladora de radiografias por 15 minutos. Para analisar a microinfiltração os espécimes foram seccionados na direção mesio-distal obtendo duas amostras de observação para cada cavidade restaurada. Os resultados do teste mecânico foram analisados através dos testes de variância ANOVA e de múltiplas variáveis de Tukey. Os resultados da microinfiltração foram analisados através do teste de MANN-WHITNEY. Com a metodologia empregada foi possível concluir que houve aumento dos valores de tração diametral no CIV com a adição de fibras de vidro. Para os intervalos de 24 horas e 15 dias, o CIV reforçado com fibras apresentou valores de tração diametral superiores àqueles do CIV não reforçado, havendo diferença significativa estatística (p<0,05) para os intervalos testados. No teste de microinfiltração os grupos mostraram valores semelhantes de infiltração marginal. A adição das fibras de vidro tipo E aumentou a resistência à tração diametral do CIV testado em relação ao grupo controle e as fibras de vidro não alteraram a adesão do cimento reforçado.


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O objetivo deste estudo é o de conhecer e analisar a atenção em saúde de mulheres trabalhadoras com câncer do colo do útero avançado em tratamento no Hospital do Câncer II, no município do Rio de Janeiro. O estudo voltou-se para decifrar os diferentes momentos das trajetórias de vida e de trabalho dessas mulheres e relacioná-los com a procura dos serviços de saúde, estabelecendo relações com o acesso e a atenção à saúde. Constitui-se em um estudo exploratório, de natureza qualitativa, assentado em entrevistas e revisão teórico-bibliográfica. O aprofundamento teórico-empírico acerca deste tema buscou problematizar um objeto de estudo essencialmente relevante para o universo feminino, tendo em vista as altas taxas de incidência e mortalidade deste tipo de câncer no Brasil e no mundo sendo considerado, portanto, um problema de Saúde Pública. Os resultados apontam que o desconhecimento sobre o HPV e sobre a importância da realização do exame preventivo ainda é significativo entre as mulheres entrevistadas, o que aponta para a necessidade em priorizar o acesso à informação e a educação em saúde para o alcance de avanços no diagnóstico precoce. Também foram identificados como obstáculos na atenção em saúde, a sobrecarga de afazeres no cotidiano das mulheres, tendo em vista suas condições de vida e de trabalho e as dificuldades no acesso aos serviços de saúde.


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Esta Dissertação teve como objetivo,a síntese de hidrogéis à base de alginato e nanopartículas magnéticas (maghemita) preparadas in situ. Os hidrogéis foram preparados em diferentes concentrações de alginato de sódio (2 e 3% m/v), FeSO4 (0,3 e 0,5 mol L-1) e CaCl2 (0,1 e 0,3 mol L-1). As propriedades físico-químicas dos hidrogéis foram analisadas e, posteriormente, foram avaliados quanto à capacidade de remoção de íons Ni2+ e Mn2+ de soluções aquosas. Para caracterização das amostras foram utilizadas diversas técnicas de análises, tais como, análise granulométrica, microscopia óptica (OM), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (TEM), magnetometria de amostra vibrante (VSM), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), difratometria de raios-X (XRD), espectroscopia Mössbauer, e análise termogravimétrica (TGA). Foram preparados hidrogéis com morfologia predominantemente esférica e dimensões micrométricas (500 a 850 m), com átomos de Fe e Ca dispersos uniformemente em sua estrutura. Os hidrogéis apresentaram boa resistência térmica e comportamento superparamagnético. As amostras foram intumescidas em água deionizada durante um intervalo de tempo a fim de avaliar o grau de intumescimento (Q) para determinar a amostra com a melhor resposta para posterior aplicação em solução aquosa contendo íons metálicos (Ni2+ e Mn2+). Os resultados revelaram que a amostra cuja concentração de 3% m/v de alginato de sódio, 0,3 mol L-1 de FeSO4 e 0,3 mol L-1 de CaCl2 obteve maior Q (50%). Em consequência deste resultado, optou-se por utilizar estaamostra, na remoção de metais pesados presentes em soluções aquosas e em efluentes industriais. Vários parâmetros,tais como: tempo de contato,pH, concentração inicial do íon e massa de hidrogel foram estudados.Os resultados, para efluente sintético, revelaram que o tempo de equilíbrio foi de 60 minutos; a capacidade de remoção dos metais melhora com o aumento de pH (3 a 9), sendo máxima em pH 7;quanto menor a concentração inicial da solução iônica (50 a 500 mg L-1), maior a capacidade de remoção, 52% de Ni2+ e 49% de Mn2+ (concentração inicial de 50 mg L-1). No efluente industrial, a remoção foi de 61% de Ni2+ e 57% de Mn2+(300 mg de hidrogel). Os resultados encontrados revelaram que os hidrogéis magnéticos produzidos à base de alginato têm potencial uso no tratamento de efluentes industriais contaminados com metais pesados


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The primary objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of the Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument (VICR), a marine protected area in St John, US Virgin Islands. Surveys of habitat and fishes inside and outside of VICR were conducted in 2003-2008. Areas outside the VICR had significantly more scleractinian corals, greater habitat complexity, and greater species richness and density of reef fishes than areas inside., Areas inside and outside the VICR exhibited significant decreases in percent scleractinian coral coverage over the study period. A contrasting trend of increasing macroalgal cover was also observed. No clear effect of the severe 2005 coral bleaching event was observed suggesting other causal factors. No obvious trends in the fish community were observed across the study period. The significant decline in habitat condition, coupled with the initial incorporation of some of the more degraded reefs into the marine protected area may result in a longer time period necessary to detect positive changes in the St. John coral reef ecosystem and associated reef fish abundance and community structure.


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Coral reef ecosystems of the Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument, Virgin Islands National Park and the surrounding waters of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands are a precious natural resource worthy of special protection and conservation. The mosaic of habitats including coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves, are home to a diversity of marine organisms. These benthic habitats and their associated inhabitants provide many important ecosystem services to the community of St. John, such as fishing, tourism and shoreline protection. However, coral reef ecosystems throughout the U.S. Caribbean are under increasing pressure from environmental and anthropogenic stressors that threaten to destroy the natural heritage of these marine habitats. Mapping of benthic habitats is an integral component of any effective ecosystem-based management approach. Through the implementation of a multi-year interagency agreement, NOAA’s Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment - Biogeography Branch and the U.S. National Park Service (NPS) have completed benthic habitat mapping, field validation and accuracy assessment of maps for the nearshore marine environment of St. John. This work is an expansion of ongoing mapping and monitoring efforts conducted by NOAA and NPS in the U.S. Caribbean and replaces previous NOAA maps generated by Kendall et al. (2001) for the waters around St. John. The use of standardized protocols enables the condition of the coral reef ecosystems around St. John to be evaluated in context to the rest of the Virgin Island Territories and other U.S. coral ecosystems. The products from this effort provide an accurate assessment of the abundance and distribution of marine habitats surrounding St. John to support more effective management and conservation of ocean resources within the National Park system. This report documents the entire process of benthic habitat mapping in St. John. Chapter 1 provides a description of the benthic habitat classification scheme used to categorize the different habitats existing in the nearshore environment. Chapter 2 describes the steps required to create a benthic habitat map from visual interpretation of remotely sensed imagery. Chapter 3 details the process of accuracy assessment and reports on the thematic accuracy of the final maps. Finally, Chapter 4 is a summary of the basic map content and compares the new maps to a previous NOAA effort. Benthic habitat maps of the nearshore marine environment of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands were created by visual interpretation of remotely sensed imagery. Overhead imagery, including color orthophotography and IKONOS satellite imagery, proved to be an excellent source from which to visually interpret the location, extent and attributes of marine habitats. NOAA scientists were able to accurately and reliably delineate the boundaries of features on digital imagery using a Geographic Information System (GIS) and fi eld investigations. The St. John habitat classification scheme defined benthic communities on the basis of four primary coral reef ecosystem attributes: 1) broad geographic zone, 2) geomorphological structure type, 3) dominant biological cover, and 4) degree of live coral cover. Every feature in the benthic habitat map was assigned a designation at each level of the scheme. The ability to apply any component of this scheme was dependent on being able to identify and delineate a given feature in remotely sensed imagery.


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Neuropsin (kallikrein 8, ELKS) is a secreted-type serine protease preferentially expressed in the central nervous system and involved in learning and memory. Its splicing pattern is different in human and mouse, with the longer form (type II) only express


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The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase II (Co II) from four different apterygotens Cryptopygus nanjiensis (Collembola), Neanura latior (Collembola), Gracilentulus maijiawensis (Protura) and Lepidocampa weberi (Diplura) were sequenced. Their A+T content, number of nucleotide substitutions, TV/TV ratio; and Tamura-Nei's distance were calculated. A series of phylogenetic trees were constructed by parsimony and distance methods using a crustacean Artemia franciscana as outgroup, Finally the evolutionary trend A+T content of CO II genetic divergence and phylogenetic relationship of apterygotan groups were discussed.


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The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region is believed to play an important biological role in mtDNA replication. Large deletions in this region are rarely found, but when they do occur they might be expected to interfere with the replication of the molecule, thus leading to a reduction of mtDNA copy number. During a survey for mtDNA sequence variations in 5,559 individuals from the general Chinese population and 2,538 individuals with medical disorders, we identified a 50-bp deletion (m.298_347del50) in the mtDNA control region in a member of a healthy Han Chinese family belonging to haplogroup B4c1b2, as suggested by complete mtDNA genome sequencing. This deletion removes the conserved sequence block II (CSBII; region 299-315) and the replication primer location (region 317-321). However, quantification of the mtDNA copy number in this subject showed a value within a range that was observed in 20 healthy subjects without the deletion. The deletion was detected in the hair samples of the maternal relatives of the subject and exhibited variable heteroplasmy. Our current observation, together with a recent report for a benign 154-bp deletion in the mtDNA control region, suggests that the control of mtDNA replication may be more complex than we had thought. Hum Mutat 31:538-543, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The genes encoding type II DNA topoisomerases were investigated in Giardia lamblia genome, and a type IIA gene, GlTop 2 was identified. It is a single copy gene with a 4476 by long ORF without intron. The deduced amino acid sequence shows strong homology to eukaryotic DNA Top 2. However, some distortions were found, such as six insertions in the ATPase domain and the central domain, a similar to 100 as longer central domain; a similar to 200 as shorter C-terminal domain containing rich charged residues. These features revealed by comparing with Top 2 of the host, human, might be helpful in exploiting drug selectivity for antigiardial therapy. Phylogenetic analysis of eukaryotic enzymes showed that kinetoplastids, plants, fungi, and animals were monophyletic groups, and the animal and fungi lineages shared a more recent common ancestor than either did with the plant lineage; microsporidia grouped with fungi. However, unlike many previous phylogenetic analyses, the "amitochondriate" G. lamblia was not the earliest branch but diverged after mitochondriate kinetoplastids in our trees. Both the finding of typical eukaryotic type IIA topoisomerase and the phylogenetic analysis suggest G. lamblia is not possibly as primitive as was regarded before and might diverge after the acquisition of mitochondria. This is consistent with the recent discovery of mitochondrial remnant organelles in G. lamblia.


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Cichlids are known for their explosive radiation especially in the African Great Lakes marked with a high level of lake endemism. These fishes have been characterized mainly along trophic and habitat differences, by variation in morphological structures such as teeth and jaws and by differences in body shape and coloration. Cichlids are important as a microcosm of macroevolution. The explosive radiation, young evolutionary scale, and the isolation of groups characterized with high levels of endemism and presence of living fossils makes the group important for evolutionary and genetic studies. Lake Victoria region cichlids which are isolated and relatively more recent in evolution were the last to be appreciated in their diversity. Recently Ole Seehausen has found scores of rock fishes in Lake Victoria which were up to then thought to be absent from the Lake and only known to occur in Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika. Greenwood put together the species groups of Lake Victoria, and later in the early 1980's revised the classification of haplochromine species to reflect the phyletic origin and interrelationship of the various groups in Lake Victoria region. Melan Stiassny has been interested in early evolution of cichlids while the likes of Paul Fuerst and Lees Kaufman and Axel Meyer have been interested and are working to explain the speciation mechanisms responsible for the explosive radiation and evolution of cichlids. Locally S.B Wandera and his student Getrude Narnulemo are spearheading the biodiversity and taxonomic studies of cichlids in Lake Victoria region


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A generalized bottom trawl exploratory survey was carried out on Lake Victoria to: (i) define the distributional pattern and magnitude of the lakewide demersal stocks, (ii) determine the commercial potential of Haplochromis spp. and (iii) evaluate trawling as a commercial fishing technique for Lake Victoria fisheries. Preliminary results suggest that: (i) bottom trawl catches are more representative of the stocks, (ii) species diversification and fish density decrease with increasing mean depth and (iii) at least 80%of the catchable demersal ichthyomass is Haplochromis. Though bottom trawling is a much more efficient fishing technique for the Lake Victoria fisheries, bio-socio-economic consideration impose that mechanization of the fishery should better proceed in graded steps. Besides demographic and nutritional considerations indicate the necessity for rational management and increased direct human utilization of the fishery resource.


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We report about the magnetoresistive properties of calcium-doped lanthanum manganate thin films grown by RF magnetron sputtering on single crystalline LaAlO3 and MgO substrates. Two orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the electrical current have been studied: (i) magnetic field in the plane of the film and parallel to the electrical current, and (ii) magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the film. The film grown on LaAlO 3 is characterised by an unusual magnetoresistive behaviour when the magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the film plane: the appearance of two bumps in the field dependence of the resistance is shown to be related to the occurrence of anisotropic magnetoresistive effects in manganate films. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper introduces a new version of the multiobjective Alliance Algorithm (MOAA) applied to the optimization of the NACA 0012 airfoil section, for minimization of drag and maximization of lift coefficients, based on eight section shape parameters. Two software packages are used: XFoil which evaluates each new candidate airfoil section in terms of its aerodynamic efficiency, and a Free-Form Deformation tool to manage the section geometry modifications. Two versions of the problem are formulated with different design variable bounds. The performance of this approach is compared, using two indicators and a statistical test, with that obtained using NSGA-II and multi-objective Tabu Search (MOTS) to guide the optimization. The results show that the MOAA outperforms MOTS and obtains comparable results with NSGA-II on the first problem, while in the other case NSGA-II is not able to find feasible solutions and the MOAA is able to outperform MOTS. © 2013 IEEE.