978 resultados para Tb


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A range of liquid rare-earth chlorometallate complexes with alkyl-phosphonium cations, [P666 14]+, has been synthesised and characterised. EXAFS confirmed the predominant liquid-state speciation of the [LnCl6]3- of the series with Ln = Nd, Eu, Dy. The crystal structure of the shorter-alkyl-chain cation analogue [P4444]+ has been determined and exhibits a very large unit cell. The luminescence properties, with visible light emissions of the liquid Tb, Eu, Pr and Sm and the NIR emissions for the Nd and Er compounds were determined. The effective magnetic moments were measured and fitted for the Nd, Tb, Ho, Dy, Gd and Er samples.


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Linear aerospike nozzles are envisaged as a possible device able to improve launcher engine performance. One of the most interesting properties of these nozzles is the possibility of a good integration with the vehicle. Tb improve the knowledge of the flow-field and performance of aerospike nozzles, they are studied numerically, with particular attention to the differences between the basic two-dimensional nozzle, usually considered in the design phase, and the more realistic three-dimensional nozzle. The study considers different plug lengths and ambient pressures to assess the role of the linear plug side truncation on the base pressure behavior. Numerical tests are carried out at supersonic flight Mach number. Copyright © 2005 by M. Geron and R. Paciorri.F. Nasuti, F. Sabetta, E. Martelli.


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Animal models have been developed for the study of rickettsial pathogenesis. However, to understand what occurs during the natural route of rickettsial transmission via the tick bite, the role of tick saliva should be considered in these models. To address this, we analysed the role of tick saliva in the transmission of Rickettsia conorii (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) in a murine host by intradermally (i.d.) inoculating two groups of susceptible C3H/HeJ mice with this Rickettsia, and infesting one group with nymphal Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (Ixodida: Ixodidae) ticks. Quantification of bacterial loads and mRNA levels of interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-10 and NF-κB was performed in C3H/HeJ lung samples by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and real-time reverse transcriptase PCR, respectively. Lung histology was examined to evaluate the pathological manifestations of infection. No statistically significant difference in bacterial load in the lungs of mice was observed between these two groups; however, a statistically significant difference was observed in levels of IL-1β and NF-κB, both of which were higher in the group inoculated with rickettsiae but not infected with ticks. Lung histology in both groups of animals revealed infiltration of inflammatory cells. Overall, this study showed that i.d. inoculation of R. conorii caused infection in the lungs of C3H/HeJ mice and tick saliva inhibited proinflammatory effects.


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Este estudo transversal está focado na propriedade de luminescência persistente do aluminato de estrôncio co-dopado com cério (III), disprósio (III) e európio (II), SrAl2O4:Ce3+, Dy3+, Eu2+, em sistemas de sinalização de áreas de risco e emergências para pessoas com deficiências. Na área da ciência e engenharia dos materiais, foram desenvolvidos novos materiais com características nanométricas, nanotubos, nanoarames e nanobastões luminescentes de SrAl2O4:Ce3+, Dy3+, Eu2+ para aplicações na área da reabilitação e acessibilidade de pessoas com deficiências. Os nanotubos foram obtidos a partir de micro- e nano-partículas precursoras sintetizadas por reacção do estado-sólido e tratamento térmico de recozedura (1273-1473 K). Os nanoarames e nanobastões foram preparados por moagem, sonificação e recozedura (373 K). Novas nanocápsulas de aluminatos luminescentes dopados com cério (III) e encapsulados com TiO2 foram criadas de modo a obter-se materiais multifuncionais, designadamente com acção fotocatalítica antimicrobiana, antibacteriana e resistência à água. Tais aluminatos podem ser amplamente aplicados como superfícies higiénicas, auto-limpantes, em biomateriais, no domínio de medicamentos antibióticos, na formulação de vacinas, e com ênfase à aplicação em cerâmicas fotoluminescentes. As metodologias de obtenção de tais nanoestruturas de aluminato de estrôncio dopado com cério (III) e do seu encapsulamento, desenvolvidas no âmbito desta tese, são aplicáveis a diversos aluminatos dopados com outros iões lantanídeos (Ln consiste em La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Tm ou Lu) com a fórmula M(1-x-y)N2O4:Cex, Lny, onde M é Be, Mg, Ca, Sr ou Ba. Na área da oftalmologia, foi desenvolvido um equipamento médico para o diagnóstico de biofuncionalidade das células retinais fotoreceptoras, e como suporte à telemedicina oftalmológica. Este equipamento foi utilizado para realizar testes de visão cromática FM100HUE em fundo branco/preto para a personalização de materiais luminescentes. Os resultados demonstraram uma biofuncionalidade celular à visibilidade fotópica das cores em fundo preto superior no grupo de tratamento, composto por pessoas com retinopatia diabética (n=38), em comparação ao grupo de referência (n=38). Estes resultados sugerem a recomendação de materiais com fotoluminescência persistente (λem=485-555 nm), incluindo SrAl2O4:Ce3+, Dy3+, Eu2+, para o referido grupo de tratamento, em sinalização de emergência e em ambientes de baixa iluminação. Na área da arquitectura, foi proposta uma nova aplicação dos referidos nanomateriais luminescentes à base de SrAl2O4:Ce3+, Dy3+, Eu2+ em cerâmica de revestimento, tendo em vista a sua boa visibilidade e uso por pessoas com deficiências. Novos pavimentos, cerâmicos, fotoluminescentes, foram desenhados com propriedades multisensoriais (contraste táctil, sonoro e visual) e antimicrobianas, para pessoas portadoras de deficiências utilizarem, no escuro, com a prioridade de salvar vidas em emergências. Tais pisos, com relevos, podem ser combinados de modo a compor um sistema exclusivo de sinalização fotoluminescente multisensorial que possibilita a rápida evacuação mediante o uso de auxílios de mobilidade (e.g. bengala, cadeira de rodas, andadores, muletas). A solução integrada de tais inovações que potencializa a propriedade de luminescência persistente de SrAl2O4:Ce3+, Dy3+, Eu2+ de modo acessível para as pessoas com deficiências, pode contribuir para salvar vidas, no escuro, em emergências.


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In the past few years a new generation of multifunctional nanoparticles (NPs) has been proposed for biomedical applications, whose structure is more complex than the structure of their predecessor monofunctional counterparts. The development of these novel NPs aims at enabling or improving the performance in imaging, diagnosis and therapeutic applications. The structure of such NPs comprises several components exhibiting various functionalities that enable the nanoparticles to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, such as active targeting of certain cells or compartmentalization, imaging and delivery of active drugs. This thesis presents two types of bimodal bio-imaging probes and describes their physical and chemical properties, namely their texture, structure, and 1H dynamics and relaxometry, in order to evaluate their potential as MRI contrast agents. The photoluminescence properties of these probes are studied, aiming at assessing their interest as optical contrast agents. These materials combine the properties of the trivalent lanthanide (Ln3+) complexes and nanoparticles, offering an excellent solution for bimodal imaging. The designed T1- type contrast agent are SiO2@APS/DTPA:Gd:Ln or SiO2@APS/PMN:Gd:Ln (Ln= Eu or Tb) systems, bearing the active magnetic center (Gd3+) and the optically-active ions (Eu3+ and Tb3+) on the surface of silica NPs. Concerning the relaxometry properties, moderate r1 increases and significant r2 increases are observed in the NPs presence, especially at high magnetic fields, due to susceptibility effects on r2. The Eu3+ ions reside in a single low-symmetry site, and the photoluminescence emission is not influenced by the simultaneous presence of Gd3+ and Eu3+. The presence of Tb3+, rather than Eu3+ ion, further increases r1 but decreases r2. The uptake of these NPs by living cells is fast and results in an intensity increase in the T1-weighted MRI images. The optical features of the NPs in cellular pellets are also studied and confirm the potential of these new nanoprobes as bimodal imaging agents. This thesis further reports on a T2 contrast agent consisting of core-shell NPs with a silica shell surrounding an iron oxide core. The thickness of this silica shell has a significant impact on the r2 and r2* relaxivities, and a tentative model is proposed to explain this finding. The cell viability and the mitochondrial dehydrogenase expression given by the microglial cells are also evaluated.


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Nesta tese relatam-se estudos de fotoluminescência de nanopartículas de óxidos e fosfatos dopados com iões trivalentes de lantanídeos, respectivamente, nanobastonetes de (Gd,Eu)2O3 e (Gd,Yb,Er)2O3 e nanocristais de (Gd,Yb,Tb)PO4, demonstrando-se também aplicações destes materiais em revestimentos inteligentes, sensores de temperatura e bioimagem. Estuda-se a transferência de energia entre os sítios de Eu3+ C2 e S6 dos nanobastonetes Gd2O3. A contribuição dos mecanismos de transferência de energia entre sítios para o tempo de subida 5D0(C2) é descartada a favor da relaxação directa 5D1(C2) 5D0(C2) (i.e., transferência de energia entre níveis). O maior tempo de decaimento do nível 5D0(C2) nos nanobastonetes, relativamente ao valor medido para o mesmo material na forma de microcristais, é atribuído, quer à existência de espaços livres entre nanobastonetes próximos (factor de enchimento ou fracção volúmica), quer à variação do índice de refracção efectivo do meio em torno dos iões Eu3+. A dispersão de nanobastonetes de (Gd,Eu)2O3 em três resinas epoxi comerciais através da cura por UV permite obter nanocompósitos epoxi- (Gd,Eu)2O3. Relatam-se estudos cinéticos e das propriedades térmicas e de fotoluminescência destes nanocompósitos. Estes, preservam as típicas propriedades de emissão do Eu3+, mostrando o potencial do método de cura por UV para obter revistimentos inteligentes e fotoactivos. Considera-se um avanço significativo a realização de uma nanoplataforma óptica, incorporando aquecedor e termómetro e capaz de medir uma ampla gama de temperaturas (300-2000 K) à escala nano, baseada em nanobastonetes de (Gd,Yb,Er)2O3 (termómetros) cuja superfície se encontra revestida com nanopartículas de ouro. A temperature local é calculada usando, quer a distribuição de Boltzmann (300-1050 K) do rácio de intensidades da conversão ascendente 2H11=2!4I15=2/4S3=2!4I15=2, quer a lei de Planck (1200-2000 K) para uma emissão de luz branca atribuída à radiação do corpo negro. Finalmente, estudam-se as propriedades de fotoluminescência correspondentes às conversões ascendente e descendente de energia em nanocristais de (Gd,Yb,Tb)PO4 sintetizados por via hidrotérmica. A relaxividade (ressonância magnética) do 1H destes materiais são investigadas, tendo em vista possíveis aplicações em imagem bimodal (luminescência e ressonância magnética nuclear).


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Actualmente, existe uma grande difusão de aparelhos digitais do tipo “strong-motion”, por todo mundo, que permitem registar movimentos sísmicos intensos. Também começa a ser frequente esses registos estarem disponíveis, na Internet, para acesso livre. O Eurocódigo 8 (EN 1998-1:2004) permite a representação da acção sísmica, no domínio do tempo, por intermédio de um número, não inferior a três, de acelerogramas registados. No entanto, a escolha desses acelerogramas, de forma a cumprir as regras impostas pelo EC8, reveste-se de alguma complexidade. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma metodologia para selecção dos acelerogramas a utilizar nas análises sísmicas de estruturas. O que propomos é a escolha de um conjunto de factores multiplicadores dos acelerogramas, que ajustam os valores dos respectivos espectros de resposta às regras impostas pelo EC8. Recorre-se a técnicas de optimização numérica, por forma a quantificar os valores desses factores. Eles são determinados de modo a minimizarem a soma dos desvios em relação ao espectro de resposta objectivo, para o tipo de terreno em causa. A mesma técnica pode ser utilizada na determinação dos valores de TB, TC e TD dos espectros do EC8, depois de normalizados os espectros de resposta dos acelerogramas registados. São apresentados exemplos de aplicação das metodologias propostas a alguns casos de estudo.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Microbiologia e Parasitologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2012


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Abstract The emergence of multi and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB and XDRTB) has increased the concern of public health authorities around the world. The World Health Organization has defined MDRTB as tuberculosis (TB) caused by organisms resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin, the main first-line drugs used in TB therapy, whereas XDRTB refers to TB resistant not only to isoniazid and rifampicin, but also to a fluoroquinolone and to at least one of the three injectable second-line drugs, kanamycin, amikacin and capreomycin. Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is mainly due to the occurrence of spontaneous mutations and followed by selection of mutants by subsequent treatment. However, some resistant clinical isolates do not present mutations in any genes associated with resistance to a given antibiotic, which suggests that other mechanism(s) are involved in the development of drug resistance, namely the presence of efflux pump systems that extrude the drug to the exterior of the cell, preventing access to its target. Increased efflux activity can occur in response to prolonged exposure to subinhibitory concentrations of anti-TB drugs, a situation that may result from inadequate TB therapy. The inhibition of efflux activity with a non-antibiotic inhibitor may restore activity of an antibiotic subject to efflux and thus provide a way to enhance the activity of current anti-TB drugs. The work described in this thesis foccus on the study of efflux mechanisms in the development of multidrug resistance in M. tuberculosis and how phenotypic resistance, mediated by efflux pumps, correlates with genetic resistance. In order to accomplish this goal, several experimental protocols were developed using biological models such as Escherichia coli, the fast growing mycobacteria Mycobacterium smegmatis, and Mycobacterium avium, before their application to M. tuberculosis. This approach allowed the study of the mechanisms that result in the physiological adaptation of E. coli to subinhibitory concentrations of tetracycline (Chapter II), the development of a fluorometric method that allows the detection and quantification of efflux of ethidium bromide (Chapter III), the characterization of the ethidium bromide transport in M. smegmatis (Chapter IV) and the contribution of efflux activity to macrolide resistance in Mycobacterium avium complex (Chapter V). Finally, the methods developed allowed the study of the role of efflux pumps in M. tuberculosis strains induced to isoniazid resistance (Chapter VI). By this manner, in Chapter II it was possible to observe that the physiological adaptation of E. coli to tetracycline results from an interplay between events at the genetic level and protein folding that decrease permeability of the cell envelope and increase efflux pump activity. Furthermore, Chapter III describes the development of a semi-automated fluorometric method that allowed the correlation of this efflux activity with the transport kinetics of ethidium bromide (a known efflux pump substrate) in E. coli and the identification of efflux inhibitors. Concerning M. smegmatis, we have compared the wild-type M. smegmatis mc2155 with knockout mutants for LfrA and MspA for their ability to transport ethidium bromide. The results presented in Chapter IV showed that MspA, the major porin in M. smegmatis, plays an important role in the entrance of ethidium bromide and antibiotics into the cell and that efflux via the LfrA pump is involved in low-level resistance to these compounds in M. smegmatis. Chapter V describes the study of the contribution of efflux pumps to macrolide resistance in clinical M. avium complex isolates. It was demonstrated that resistance to clarithromycin was significantly reduced in the presence of efflux inhibitors such as thioridazine, chlorpromazine and verapamil. These same inhibitors decreased efflux of ethidium bromide and increased the retention of [14C]-erythromycin in these isolates. Finaly, the methods developed with the experimental models mentioned above allowed the study of the role of efflux pumps on M. tuberculosis strains induced to isoniazid resistance. This is described in Chapter VI of this Thesis, where it is demonstrated that induced resistance to isoniazid does not involve mutations in any of the genes known to be associated with isoniazid resistance, but an efflux system that is sensitive to efflux inhibitors. These inhibitors decreased the efflux of ethidium bromide and also reduced the minimum inhibitory concentration of isoniazid in these strains. Moreover, expression analysis showed overexpression of genes that code for efflux pumps in the induced strains relatively to the non-induced parental strains. In conclusion, the work described in this thesis demonstrates that efflux pumps play an important role in the development of drug resistance, namely in mycobacteria. A strategy to overcome efflux-mediated resistance may consist on the use of compounds that inhibit efflux activity, restoring the activity of antimicrobials that are efflux pump substrates, a useful approach particularly in TB where the most effective treatment regimens are becoming uneffective due to the increase of MDRTB/XDRTB.


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A backside protein-surface imprinting process is presented herein as a novel way to generate specific synthetic antibody materials. The template is covalently bonded to a carboxylated-PVC supporting film previously cast on gold, let to interact with charged monomers and surrounded next by another thick polymer. This polymer is then covalently attached to a transducing element and the backside of this structure (supporting film plus template) is removed as a regular “tape”. The new sensing layer is exposed after the full template removal, showing a high density of re-binding positions, as evidenced by SEM. To ensure that the templates have been efficiently removed, this re-binding layer was cleaned further with a proteolytic enzyme and solution washout. The final material was named MAPS, as in the back-side reading of SPAM, because it acts as a back-side imprinting of this recent approach. It was able to generate, for the first time, a specific response to a complex biomolecule from a synthetic material. Non-imprinted materials (NIMs) were also produced as blank and were used as a control of the imprinting process. All chemical modifications were followed by electrochemical techniques. This was done on a supporting film and transducing element of both MAPS and NIM. Only the MAPS-based device responded to oxLDL and the sensing layer was insensitive to other serum proteins, such as myoglobin and haemoglobin. Linear behaviour between log(C, μg mL−1) versus charged tranfer resistance (RCT, Ω) was observed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Calibrations made in Fetal Calf Serum (FCS) were linear from 2.5 to 12.5 μg mL−1 (RCT = 946.12 × log C + 1590.7) with an R-squared of 0.9966. Overall, these were promising results towards the design of materials acting close to the natural antibodies and applied to practical use of clinical interest.


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Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a key diagnostic marker of pregnancy and an important biomarker for cancers in the prostate, ovaries and bladder and therefore of great importance in diagnosis. For this purpose, a new immunosensor of screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) is presented here. The device was fabricated by introducing a polyaniline (PANI) conductive layer, via in situ electropolymerization of aniline, onto a screen-printed graphene support. The PANI-coated graphene acts as the working electrode of a three terminal electrochemical sensor. The working electrode is functionalised with anti-hCG, by means of a simple process that enabled oriented antibody binding to the PANI layer. The antibody was attached to PANI following activation of the –COOH group at the Fc terminal. Functionalisation of the electrode was analysed and optimized using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Chemical modification of the surface was characterised using Fourier transform infrared, and Raman spectroscopy with confocal microscopy. The graphene–SPE–PANI devices displayed linear responses to hCG in EIS assays from 0.001 to 50 ng mL−1 in real urine, with a detection limit of 0.286 pg mL−1. High selectivity was observed with respect to the presence of the constituent components of urine (urea, creatinine, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, ammonium chloride, potassium sulphate and sodium chloride) at their normal levels, with a negligible sensor response to these chemicals. Successful detection of hCG was also achieved in spiked samples of real urine from a pregnant woman. The immunosensor developed is a promising tool for point-of-care detection of hCG, due to its excellent detection capability, simplicity of fabrication, low-cost, high sensitivity and selectivity.