894 resultados para Taoism in Business


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The use of simulation games as a pedagogic method is well established though its effective use is context-driven. This study adds to the increasing growing body of empirical evidence of the effectiveness of simulation games but more importantly emphasises why by explaining the instructional design implemented reflecting best practices. This multi-method study finds evidence that student learning was enhanced through the use of simulation games, reflected in the two key themes; simulation games as a catalyst for learning and simulation games as a vehicle for learning. In so doing the research provides one of the few empirically based studies that support simulation games in enhancing learning and, more importantly, contextualizes the enhancement in terms of the instructional design of the curriculum. This research should prove valuable for those with an academic interest in the use of simulation games and management educators who use, or are considering its use. Further, the findings contribute to the academic debate concerning the effective implementation of simulation game-based training in business and management education.


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Computer software plays an important role in business, government, society and sciences. To solve real-world problems, it is very important to measure the quality and reliability in the software development life cycle (SDLC). Software Engineering (SE) is the computing field concerned with designing, developing, implementing, maintaining and modifying software. The present paper gives an overview of the Data Mining (DM) techniques that can be applied to various types of SE data in order to solve the challenges posed by SE tasks such as programming, bug detection, debugging and maintenance. A specific DM software is discussed, namely one of the analytical tools for analyzing data and summarizing the relationships that have been identified. The paper concludes that the proposed techniques of DM within the domain of SE could be well applied in fields such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), eCommerce and eGovernment. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H.2.8.


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This chapter investigates the resistance by institutional actors in ambiguous supply chain environments for online grocery provision. Recent studies have shown that significant shifts in urban geographies are increasing consumers' expectations of online retail provision. However, at the same time there is also growing evidence that the collaborative practice in online grocery provision within the urban supply chains is resisted. That these trends are found despite growing demand of online provision highlights both the difficulty of bringing geographically dispersed supply partners together and the problems associated with operating within and across ambiguous environments. Drawing upon twenty-nine in-depth interviews with a range of institutional actors, including retail, logistics, and urban planning experts within an urban metropolis in an emerging market, we detail the different ways that collaboration is resisted in online retail provision. Several different patterns of resistance were identified in (non-) collaboration notably, ideological, functional, regulatory and spatial. © 2011, IGI Global. C.


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Purpose: This study explores the use of a hybrid ERP system, combining an ERP system with enterprise social software (ESS). The study will provide a critical assessment of the implementation of this process technology. Design/methodology/approach: Multiple case studies of organisations based in China were conducted to understand the use of ERP systems in different contexts. Following an evaluation of the context of each ERP implementation (within-case analysis) the research draws a cross-case conclusion that defines the nature of a hybrid ERP system and then synthesises the propositions related to the benefits and challenges of implementation. Findings We find that a hybrid ERP system is able to support efficiency in business process management and also provide a flexible response to changes in business requirements. It does this by allowing for the continued use of informal processes that cannot be incorporated into the ERP system. Practical implications: This research indicates how ERP systems in conjunction with ESS can provide a flexible response to changing business requirements and increase collaboration within the organisation. Key lessons include the need to perform informal activities under the guidance of managers and provide clear boundaries for the implementation of informal activities. Originality/Value: This study has found that the use of case studies can provide a valuable insight into the use of a hybrid ERP system from the perspective of its use within the organisation as a work system that requires an assessment of the context within which organisational members perform their work


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A dolgozatban az ellátási láncokban meglévő diadikus kapcsolatok minőségét állítjuk a vizsgálatok középpontjába. Az irodalomban számtalan megközelítés ismert az ellátási lánc kapcsolatok fejlődésének leírására. Ezen fejlődési elméletek inkább elméleti szinten írják le a diadikus kapcsolatok változását, annak empirikus tesztelhetőségét nem vizsgálják. Dolgozatunkban kísérletet teszünk az ellátási lánc kapcsolatok fejlődésének empirikus vizsgálatára. Arra próbálunk választ találni, hogy az életciklus hipotézis az üzleti kapcsolatok időbeli fejlődésére alkalmazható-e. = Our paper combines two approaches using data of an internet based questionnaire and applying quantitative analysis it tests the hypothesis business relationship development in time can be described with the concept of life cycle. The concept of life cycle is widely used in business research. Among others the diffusion of innovation is described using this concept, or the concept of product life cycle just to name a few. All of these researches analyze the life cycle along a specific variable (for example the volume of sales or revenue in case of the product life cycle) which (except the last stage of the cycle, the decline) has a cumulative character resulting in the widely known specific shape of a life cycle. Consequently testing a life cycle hypothesis inevitably means the acceptance of some type cumulativity in the development.


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A gazdasági tevékenységek folytatásához kapcsolódó jogi, etikai kérdések régóta foglalkoztatják mind az elméleti kutatókat, mind a gyakorlati szakembereket is. Az elfogadott normák időről időre változnak, az érintettek új dimenziókat emelnek be a vélemények, magatartási keretek kialakítása, formálódása során. Az új irányzatok, megközelítések integrálása azonban nem egyszerű sem az elméletalkotás, sem a gyakorlati megvalósítás szempontjából, mivel a már meglévő gondolati és magatartási struktúrák megváltoztatási kényszerével járnak. A CSR fogalma talán az eddigieknél jóval erőteljesebben honosodott meg az üzleti szaknyelvben, de definiálása, elméleti szintézise a kapcsolódó fogalmakkal és mindezek gyakorlati megvalósítása jelenleg még meglehetősen divergens. Az előadás során arra teszünk kísérletet, hogy áttekintsük a CSR szakirodalmi értelmezését és meghatározzuk a lehetséges kapcsolódási pontjait a jelenleg elfogadott marketing fogalmi struktúrákhoz. / === / Both theorists and practitioners have been interested in legal and ethical issues regarding business activities for a long time. The socially accepted norms are changing time by time; new dimensions are being revealed and becoming coherent parts of the constantly formulating views and frames of the expected behaviour. The integration of new streams and approaches however is not an easy process from the respect of both theorydevelopment and practical implementation, as it forces the transformation of the rigid cognitive and behavioural structures. Today CSR has become most widely internalised in business terminology but both its definition and its theoretical synthesis with relating concepts and the way how it is applied in practice have remained divergent. The presentation attempts to provide a literature review focusing on different explanations and determine the possible relationship with the currently accepted marketing theories and conceptual frameworks.


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There is a long debate (going back to Keynes) how to interpret the concept of probability in economics, in business decisions, in finance. Iván Bélyácz suggested that the Black–Scholes– Merton analysis of fi nancial derivatives has a contribution to this risk vs. uncertainty debate. This article tries to interpret this suggestion, from the viewpoint of traded options, real options, Arrow–Debreu model, Heath–Jarrow–Morton model, insurance business. The article suggests making clear distinction and using different naming ● when the frequents approach and the statistics is relevant, ● when we just use consequent relative weights during the no-arbitrage pricing, and these weight are just interpreted as probabilities, ● when we just lack the necessary information, and there is a basic uncertainty in the business decision making process. The paper suggests making a sharp distinction between fi nancial derivatives used for market risk management and credit risk type derivatives (CDO, CDS, etc) in the reregulation process of the fi nancial markets.


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Műhelytanulmányunk a nemzeti versenyképesség vállaltokon túli dimenziójával kíván foglalkozni. A felgyorsult globalizáció korának világgazdasági környezetében, ahol a nemzetköziesedett nagyvállalatok rendelkeznek az erőforrások és a közvetlen beruházások jelentős része felett és az egyes regionális piacok folyamatai gyorsan áttevődnek más régiókra, a gazdaságpolitika és tágabb értelemben az állam mozgástere és feladata megváltozott. Ez az országokra nézve azt jelenti, hogy a stabil üzleti környezet megteremtésével és az emberi erőforrás illetve a technológiai infrastruktúra, mint háttérerőforrások fejlesztésével képesek hosszútávon megalapozni a gazdasági növekedést és felzárkózást, függetlenül attól, hogy az európai gazdasági integrációs környezetben valósítják-e meg mindezt. _____ The working paper examines the dimensions of competitiveness over the corporate level. The regional positions are changing quickly and the room for manoeuvre of the economic policy in national level is narrowed for attraction of business activities in the era of quickened globalisation. The countries compete for direct investments with the level of stability in business environment, the quality of human resource, the development of technological infrastructure. The development of background factors determines the economic growth.