935 resultados para TOPOGRAPHY


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Na Floresta Pluvial Atlântica Montana do Sudeste Brasileiro, foi realizado um estudo para descrever e avaliar a colonização de clareiras. A composição de clareiras foi levantada através da cobertura do solo para as espécies herbáceas enquanto que todos os indivíduos lenhosos maiores que um metro de altura foram mensurados e identificados. Também foram coletadas informações sobre a estrutura das clareiras (área da clareira, número e diâmetro das quedas), posição topográfica e vegetação circundante. Dois gêneros de Marantaceae apresentaram considerável freqüência e abundância nas clareiras. As espécies lenhosas mais freqüentes e abundantes pertenceram ao grupo não-pioneiro e as famílias mais ricas encontradas nas clareiras não diferiram quando comparado à floresta como um todo. Como para as variáveis do estrato herbáceo e da vegetação circundante, os resultados revelaram que efeitos diretos e indiretos da topografia são importantes na determinação da composição interna de clareiras por espécies lenhosas. Estes resultados sugerem que a colonização de clareiras é influenciada não apenas pelas variáveis de estrutura, mas também pela posição topográfica e pelos indivíduos pré-estabelecidos.


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Variações nos atributos do solo dependem da posição do solo na paisagem e processos de drenagem, erosão e deposição. Este estudo objetivou avaliar os atributos físicos e químicos do solo, em uma topossequência de origem basáltica, na região de Batatais (SP). A área possui relevo aplanado e altitude oscilando entre 740 m e 610 m, em região dominada por basaltos. Foi estabelecido caminhamento de 3.000 m, a partir do espigão da vertente, no seu declive mais suave. As superfícies geomórficas foram identificadas e delimitadas conforme critérios topográficos e estratigráficos, com base em intensas investigações detalhadas de campo. Foram coletadas amostras laterais aos perfis modais representativos das diversas superfícies geomórficas (S.G.) da topossequência (S.G. I = topo; S.G. II = meia encosta e sopé de transporte; S.G. III = ombro e sopé de deposição), totalizando 142 amostras. Além disto, foram abertas trincheiras, nos segmentos de vertente inseridos nas superfícies geomórficas mapeadas. As amostras coletadas foram analisadas quanto à densidade do solo, textura, bases trocáveis (Ca2+, K+ e Mg2+), soma de bases, capacidade de troca catiônica, saturação por bases, pH (água e KCl), SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 (ataque por H2SO4), óxidos de Fe livres extraídos com ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato e Fe mal cristalizado extraído com oxalato de amônio. Os resultados revelaram que os solos oriundos de basalto apresentaram atributos físicos e químicos com comportamento dependente das formas do relevo. Com o uso de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas, foi possível distinguir três diferentes ambientes, que equivalem às três superfícies geomórficas.


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A formação Aquidauana é constituída por um conjunto de sedimentos com até 500 m de espessura, predominando arenito de granulometria fina a média, intercalado com conglomerado arenoso. Nesse ambiente, o relevo é um dos principais fatores condicionantes na formação de solos. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, caracterizar e classificar os solos desenvolvidos desses arenitos. Para isso, foram estudados quatro perfis ao longo de uma topossequência, de uma pendente representativa das colinas suaves onduladas verificadas na área de estudo. Os perfis localizavam-se no terço superior (P1), terço médio (P2), terço inferior (P3) e sopé de encosta (P4). Eles foram morfologicamente descritos, e os horizontes, caracterizados quanto às propriedades físicas e químicas. Os solos estudados apresentaram predomínio da fração areia (> 680 g kg-1), com textura variando de franco-arenosa (P4) a franco-argiloarenosa. Os valores de pH em água variaram de 4,2 a 6,5. Os valores de capacidade de troca catiônica variaram de 1,6 cmol c kg-1 no P4 a 10,3 cmol c kg-1 no P2, com predomínio dos íons H+ no P1 e P4 e Ca2+ no P2 e P3. Os horizontes subsuperficiais do P1 e P4 são distróficos, enquanto em P2 e P3 verificou-se elevada saturação por bases, evidenciando caráter eutrófico. À exceção do P2, os demais apresentaram argila de baixa atividade. em todos os perfis verificaram-se atributos morfológicos, físicos, químicos e mineralógicos condicionados pelo material de origem e relevo, demonstrando a influência desses fatores na pedogênese.


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Filmes finos de SrBi2Ta2O9 foram depositados em substratos de Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si e, pela primeira vez, sinterizados em forno microondas doméstico. Os padrões de difração de raios X mostraram que os filmes são policristalinos. O processamento por microondas permite utilizar baixa temperatura na síntese e obter filmes com boas propriedades elétricas. Ensaios de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e de Força Atômica (MFA) revelam boa aderência entre filme e substrato, com microestrutura de superfície apresentando grãos finos e esféricos e rugosidade de 4,7 nm. A constante dielétrica e o fator de dissipação, para freqüência de 100 KHz, à temperatura ambiente, foram de 77 e 0,04, respectivamente. A polarização remanescente (2Pr) e o campo coercitivo (Ec) foram 1,04 miC/cm² e 33 kV/cm. O comportamento da densidade de corrente de fuga revela três mecanismos de condução: linear, ôhmico e outro mecanismo que pode ser atribuído à corrente de Schottky. Dos padrões de DRX, análises das imagens por MEV e topografia de superfície por MFA observa-se que 10 min de tratamento térmico a 550 ºC, em forno microondas, é tempo suficiente para se obter a cristalização do filme.


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O comportamento da veia ázigos, sua formação e topografia foram estudados em 10 cutias (Dasyprocta aguti, rodentia) adultas (6 machos e 4 fêmeas, capturadas no estado do Piauí, Brasil). Este trabalho tem por objetivo constituir a base de outras investigações, particularmente aquelas referentes à exploração zootécnica desta espécie. O sistema de veia ázigos foi injetado com látex - Neoprene 671, e os animais foram colocados em solução aquosa de formol a 10%, e dissecados. em todas as espécies foi observado que a veia ázigos sempre chega na veia cava cranial em nível do quarto espaço intercostal. A veia ázigos recebe em (50%) dos casos as veias intercostais à direita e (50%) à esquerda. As tributárias da veia ázigos são: as veias frênicas (100%) e a veia bronco esofágica (30%). A veia hemiázigos aparece em todos os casos à esquerda e em 60% dos casos à direita. A veia ázigos comunica-se com a veia hemiázigos esquerda (90%), e com a direita (100%), com a veia cava caudal e veias intervertebrais, com igual freqüência (30%).


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A influência do desmatamento da Mata Atlântica sobre o microclima da Serra da Mantiqueira ainda não é totalmente compreendida. Para conhecer as consequências do desmatamento sobre o clima serrano é necessário realizar estudos sobre o balanço de radiação na superfície. A falta de dados possibilita conjugar imagens de satélite com dados meteorológicos em um Sistema de Informação Geográfica na determinação do balanço de radiação. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o modelo MTCLIM em dias de céu claro ou nublado para simular o balanço de radiação na Serra da Mantiqueira, divisa entre os estados de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Imagens diárias, semanais e dezesseis dias do sensor MODIS disponíveis em 2003 foram utilizadas em rotinas específicas do MTCLIM. Alvos específicos foram selecionados para avaliar o comportamento do balanço de radiação. Observou-se que o balanço de radiação acompanhou a topografia local e é influenciado pelo tipo de uso da terra. Conclui-se que a temperatura da superfície contribui para aumentar a temperatura do ar implicando em diminuição do balanço de radiação sobre pastagem. O modelo MTCLIM demonstrou boa correlação para a temperatura do ar (R² = 0,82) e para a radiação solar global (R² = 0,71).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We report the fabrication of relief diffraction gratings recorded on a surface of photosensitive Ga10Ge25S65 and Ga5Ge25As5S65 glasses by means of interference of two UV laser beams at 351 nm. The diffraction efficiency (eta) of first diffraction order was measured. Atomic-force-microscope (AFM) was used to perform a 3D imaging analysis of the sample surface topography that shows the superposition of an imprinted grating over the topography of the glass. The change in the absorption edge and the refractive index has been evaluated and a structural approach of the relief grating on the glass surface has been discussed.


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Topography has been reported to be the major factor ruling the spatial distribution of Acrisols, Plinthosols and Gleysols on the seasonally flooded, low elevation plateaux of the upper Amazon basin occupied by Tertiary (Ica & Solimoes) sediments. In this study, detailed morphological and mineralogical investigations conducted in a representative 25-ha site were combined with hydro-geochemical data to relate the vertical and lateral soil differentiations observed to the hydro-geological history of that part of the basin. As a result of the uplift of the Andes, several cuts in the extensive Tertiary marshlands have formed, at first, slightly incised plateaux of low elevation. There, weathering under hot and humid climates would have generated a reddish, freely drained and bioturbated topsoil layer and the vertical differentiation in subsoil sediments of a plinthite over an iron-depleted mottled clay. The second episode of soil differentiation is linked to the replacement of the forest by a savannah under the drier climates of the late Pleistocene, which favours surface runoff and the infill of the incisions by fine particles. This infill, combined with the return to the present humid climate, has then enabled the local groundwater to rise on the plateaux and to generate episaturation at the topsoil/subsoil transition close to the depressions. Nowadays, ferrous iron is released from the partly iron-depleted topsoil weathering front at high water levels during the rainy seasons. It moves from footslope to low-lying positions and from top to bottom in the soil profile according to the groundwater dynamics. The present general trend is thus to the lateral export of iron at high water levels due to subsurface and overland flows, its vertical transfer during the recession of the groundwater and accumulation in a nodular plinthite. In the latter, ferrous iron is adsorbed onto its softest iron masses where it feeds the neoformation of ferrihydrite that rapidly dehydrates into haematite.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: To develop a new preoperative classification of submucous myomas for evaluating the viability and the degree of difficulty of hysteroscopic myomectomy.DESIGN: Retrospective study (Canadian Task Force classification II-3)SETTING: University teaching hospitals.PATIENTS: Fifty-five patients who underwent hysteroscopic resection of submucous myomas.INTERVENTION: the possibility of total resection of the myoma, the operating time, the fluid deficit, and the frequency of any complications were considered. The myomas were classified according to the Classification of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) and by our group's new classification (NC), which considers not only the degree of penetration of the myoma into the myometrium, but also adds in such parameters as the distance of the base of the myoma from the uterine wall, the size of the nodule (cm), and the topography of the uterine cavity. The Fisher's exact test, the Student's t test, and the analysis of variance test were used in the statistical analysis. A p value less than .05 in the two-tailed test was considered significant.MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In 57 myomas, hysteroscopic surgery was considered complete. There was no significant difference among the three ESGE levels (0, 1, and 2). Using the NC, the difference between the numbers of complete surgeries was significant (p < .001) for the two levels (groups I and H). The difference between the operating times was significant for the two classifications. With respect to the fluid deficit, only the NC showed significant differences between the levels (p = .02).CONCLUSIONS: We believe that the NC gives more clues as to the difficulties of a hysteroscopic myomectomy than the standard ESGE classification. It should be stressed that the number of hysteroscopic myomectomies used in this analysis was low, and it would be interesting to evaluate the performance of the classification in a larger number of patients. (c) 2005 AAGL. All rights reserved.


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Surface modifications have been applied in endosteal bone devices in order to improve the osseointegration through direct contact between neoformed bone and the implant without an intervening soft tissue layer. Surface characteristics of titanium implants have been modified by addictive methods, such as metallic titanium, titanium oxide and hydroxyapatite powder plasma spray, as well as by subtractive methods, such as acid etching, acid etching associated with sandblasting by either AlO2 or TiO2, and recently by laser ablation. Surface modification for dental and medical implants can be obtained by using laser irradiation technique where its parameters like repetition rate, pulse energy, scanning speed and fluency must be taken into accounting to the appropriate surface topography. Surfaces of commercially pure Ti (cpTi) were modified by laser Nd:YVO4 in nine different parameters configurations, all under normal atmosphere. The samples were characterized by SEM and XRD refined by Rietveld method. The crystalline phases alpha Ti, beta Ti, Ti6O, Ti3O and TiO were formed by the melting and fast cooling processes during irradiation. The resulting phases on the irradiated surface were correlated with the laser beam parameters: the aim of the present work was to control titanium oxides formations in order to improve implants osseointegration by using a laser irradiation technique which is of great importance to biomaterial devices due to being a clean and reproducible process. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aggressive display in Betta splendens is particularly prominent, and vital to its adaptation to the environment. Methylmercury is an organic variation of Hg that presents particularly pronounced neuro-behavioral effects. The present experiments aim to test the effect of acute and chronic poisoning with methylmercury on the display in Bettas. The animals were poisoned by trophic means in both experiments (16 ug/kg in acute poisoning; 16 ug/kg/day for chronic poisoning), and tested in agonistic pairs. The total frequency of the display was recorded, analyzing the topography of the agonistic response. The methylmercury seems to present a dose- and detoxification-dependent effect on these responses, with a more pronounced effect on motivity in acute poisoning and on emotionality in the chronic poisoning. It is possible that this effect could be mediated by alteration in the mono-amino-oxidase systems.


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A case study of convective development in the Southwest Amazon region during the Wet Season Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign (WETAMC) and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)/Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere (LBA) Experiment in Amazonia is presented. The convective development during 7 February 1999 is shown to occur during a period of very weak large-scale forcing in the presence of topography and deforestation. The available data include dual Doppler radar analysis, radiosonde launches, and surface and boundary layer observations. The observational analysis is complemented with a series of model simulations using the RAMS with 2-km resolution over a 300 km 300 km area forced by a morning radiosonde profile. A comparison of the observed and simulated thermodynamic transformation of the boundary layer and of the formation of convective lines, and of their kinematic and microphysical properties is presented. It is shown that only a few very deep and intense convective cells are necessary to explain the overall precipitating line formation and that discrete propagation and coupling with upper atmosphere circulations may explain the appearance of several lines. The numerical simulation indicates that topography may be the cause of initial convective development, although later on the convective line is parallel to the midlevel shear. There are indications that small-scale deforestation may have an effect on increasing rainfall in the wet season when the large-scale forcing is very weak.


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Diamictites interbedded with marine shales and turbidites onlap the eastern border of the Parana Basin (Southern Brazil). These poorly sorted sediments were deposited during the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation, and their matrix-supported clasts show no preferred orientation. These massive rocks have been studied using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and grain shape fabric. Hysteresis loops and thermomagnetic measurements show that AMS depends mostly on the paramagnetic clays, but fine ferromagnetic particles also contribute to the anisotropy. The coarse silt to sand grain preferred orientation study supports the use of AMS in describing the diamictite fabric, at least regarding the orientation of the foliation. AMS and grain shape data reveal subhorizontal to weakly inclined magnetic and grain shape foliation parallel to the regional bedding. The magnetic lineations are normally scattered within the foliation plane in agreement with the oblate AMS ellipsoids found in these rocks. Both fabric patterns are consistent with deposition by subaqueous mudflows that were resedimented downslope, with elastic supply from continental sources. The off-vertical grain shape foliation poles suggest that the deposition of diamictites was controlled by the depocentre topography of the Rio do Sul sub-basin.


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It seems that a dual location for vagal preganglionic neurones (VPNs) has important functional correlates in all vertebrates. This may be particularly the case with the central control exerted over the heart by cardiac VPNs (CVPNs). About 30 % of VPNs but up to 70 % of CVPNs are in the nucleus ambiguus (NA) of mammals. There is a similar proportional representation of VPNs between the major vagal nuclei in amphibians and turtles but in fish and crocodilians; the proportion of VPNs in the NA is closer to 10% and in some lizards and birds it is about 5%. However, the CVPNs are distributed unequally between these nuclei so that 45 % of the CVPNs are located in the NA of the dogfish, and about 30% in the NA of Xenopus and the duck. This topographical separation of CVPNs seems to be of importance in the central control of the heart. Cells in one location may show respiration-related activity (e.g those in the dorsal vagal nucleus (DVN) of dogfish and in the NA of mammals) while cells in the other locations do not. Their different activities and separate functions will be determined by their different afferent inputs from the periphery or from elsewhere in the CNS, which in turn will relate to their central topography. Thus, CVPNs in the NA of mammals receive inhibitory inputs from neighbouring inspiratory neurones, causing respiratory sinus arrythmia (RSA), and the CVPNs in the DVN of the dogfish may generate cardiorespiratory synchrony (CRS).