999 resultados para Susceptibilité au VIH
Morphological and functional effects of transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMLR) are analyzed in an acute setting on a porcine model. Ten channels were drilled in the left lateral wall of the heart of 15 pigs (mean weight, 73 +/- 4 kg) with a Holmium-YAG laser (wavelength: 2.1 mu, probe diameter: 1.75 mm). Echocardiographic control was performed before the TMLR procedure as well as 5 min and 30 min thereafter. Echocardiographic parameters were recorded in short-axis at the level of the laser channels, and included left ventricular ejection fraction, fractional shortening and segmental wall motility of the channels' area (scale 0-3: 0 = normal, 1 = hypokinesia, 2 = akinesia, 3 = dyskinesia). After sacrifice the lased region was sliced perpendicularly to the channels for histological and morphometrical analysis. Five minutes after the drilling of the channels, all the echocardiographic index worsened significantly in comparison with baseline values (p < 0.01). All recovered after 30 min and showed no difference with baseline values. Cross-section of the channel lesions measured 8.8 +/- 2.4 mm2 which is more than three times that of the probe (p < 0.01). In acute conditions, the lesions due to the TMLR probe are significantly larger than the probe itself and cause a transient drop of the segmental wall motility on a healthy myocardium. These results suggest that TMLR should be used cautiously in the clinical setting for patients with an impaired ventricular function.
Thoracic pain in primary care. Don't forget the patients without heart disease Thoracic pain is a frequent medical complaint. Diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines have been developed and evaluated mostly in emergency and hospital settings. The primary care practitioner, as the emergency room doctor, has to identify quickly any severe condition needing urgent and highly specialized treatment. But in primary care, the process is not finished then! A patient with no vital and urgent problem still needs a diagnosis, information and adequate treatment. This review goes over the presentation of thoracic pain, the differential diagnoses and the challenge of treating such patients in ambulatory care.
Se examinan los comportamientos anticonceptivos de 225 jóvenes universitarios (22'7% hombres y 77'3% mujeres) con el objetivo de conocer su eficacia para evitar embarazos no deseados, SIDA y otras enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS). Se recogió información sobre los diferentes métodos anticonceptivos empleados por los sujetos con su última pareja, sin establecer ningún límite temporal. La mitad de los estudiantes no habían tenido nunca relaciones sexuales completas. La mitad de las conductas heterosexuales de los jóvenes sexualmente activos fueron adecuadas para protegerse frente al SIDA, otras ETS y embarazos no deseados (usar siempre preservativo); un tercio de las conductas únicamente eran útiles para evitar embarazos (píldora anticonceptiva) y las restantes (usar ocasionalmente el preservativo o el coitus interruptus ) les pusieron en riesgo frente a los tres problemas. Además, conforme se eleva la edad o el número de parejas de los estudiantes, es más frecuente el uso de píldoras anticonceptivas y menos probable el empleo de preservativo. Estos resultados sugieren que los estudiantes sexualmente activos están más interesados en la prevención de los embarazos no deseados que en evitar infectarse con el SIDA u otras ETS, por lo que seria conveniente promocionar entre ellos el uso del preservativo como método anticonceptivo, destacando sus ventajas frente a la píldora