985 resultados para Surfactant


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O ensaio foi conduzido em 2003, em vinhedo de 'Tieta'. O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito de bioestimulante nas características dos cachos de uva. Foi aplicado o produto Stimulate® que contém em sua fórmula 0,09g L-1 de cinetina (citocinina), 0,05g L-1 de ácido giberélico (giberelina) e 0,05mg L-1 de ácido indolbutírico (auxina). Os tratamentos consistiram na imersão dos cachos, 15 dias após o florescimento, em solução aquosa de 0,5% do adjuvante Natura'l Óleo, acrescidos de 5 doses de Stimulate®: 0; 28; 56; 84 e 112 ml L-1. Analisaram-se o comprimento, a largura e o peso dos cachos, bagos e engaço e o diâmetro do pedicelo. O delineamento estatístico foi em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições. Concluiu-se que a maior massa fresca dos cachos foi obtida em função do aumento do número de bagos fixados na ráquis e da massa do engaço. O Stimulate® associado ao Natura'l Óleo provocou o aparecimento de manchas marrons nos bagos e depreciando na qualidade, diminuiu o tamanho dos bagos e atrasou a maturação dos frutos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Argilas constituem uma classe de complexos micro-heterogêneos e podem ser utilizados como substrato para adsorção. O seu comportamento de sorção em fase sólida intensificada pela presença de surfactantes, argilas organofílicas, é um importante fenômeno explorado pela tecnologia ambiental para a remoção de compostos orgânicos policíclicos (hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos, HPA) da água, introduzidos no ambiente por fontes antropogênicas. Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o comportamento fotofísico do antraceno, como modelo de HPA, em sistemas micro-heterogêneos argila-surfactantes-íons metálicos (M(II)= Cd(II), Cu(II), Hg(II), Ni(II) e Pb(II); surfactantes: CTACl; SDS; TR-X100). Os estudos foram conduzidos pelo monitoramento na mudança das propriedades de fluorescência estática e na supressão da emissão do antraceno utilizado como sonda fluorescente. Como supressores foram utilizados os cátions metálicos: Cd(II), Cu(II), Hg(II), Ni(II) e Pb(II). O perfil do espectro de fluorescência e os resultados dos ensaios de supressão da fluorescência da sonda permitiram inferir na localização do sítio de solubilização do antraceno nos sistemas micro-heterogêneos estudados e na conseqüente organização dos mesmos.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar o espectro de gotas e os perfis de distribuição volumétrica de um bico hidráulico de jato plano de faixa expandida, modelo XR11003. Utilizou-se de analisador de partículas a laser para avaliar o espectro de gotas e de mesa de deposição para análise da distribuição volumétrica. O ensaio do espectro de gotas foi em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 3, com três repetições, em que o primeiro fator representa o líquido pulverizado (L1 = água e L2 = água + 0,1% de espalhante adesivo não-iônico), o segundo representa a pressão de pulverização (P1 = 200 kPa e P2 = 400 kPa) e o terceiro representa três bicos hidráulicos XR11003 de jato plano (B1, B2 e B3). No ensaio de distribuição volumétrica, o delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial com dois fatores, não se avaliando o fator bico. Dos resultados do espectro de gotas, observaram-se maior tamanho de gotas para a pressão de 200 kPa e menor amplitude relativa quando se utilizou 0,1% de adjuvante. Para os perfis de distribuição volumétrica, ocorreu aumento na faixa de deposição e no espaçamento entre bicos com C.V. de 10%, com a adição de 0,1% de adjuvante e aumento na pressão.


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Foram avaliadas as interações entre o glyphosate e o espalhante adesionante correspondente ao condensado de alcoolfenóis com óxido de eteno e sulfonados orgânicos quanto à redução de tensão superficial e ao controle de Panicum maximum e Brachiaria decumbens. Os produtos comerciais apresentavam 360 g e.a./l e 466 g i.a./l, respectivamente. O herbicida reduziu o efeito do espalhante sobre a tensão superficial. Na concentração de 0,1% de p.c., o espalhante maximizou o controle das duas espécies pelo glyphosate. P. maximum mostrou-se menos sensível ao glyphosate que B. decumbens, exigindo doses 24,05% superiores.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Embora espalhantes-adesivos sejam considerados importantes em pulverizações, existem dúvidas quanto à sua utilidade em pulverizações a alto volume quando o escorrimento é maior, como nas aplicações com equipamentos tipo pistola, para o controle de Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes). Dois ensaios de campo foram conduzidos, em 1991 e 1994, em pomar de citros cv. Natal. As pulverizações foram realizadas com pulverizador tratorizado equipado com pistolas de alta pressão usando 18 l e 11 l de calda/planta, respectivamente. Efeitos dos espalhante-adesivo foi avaliado contando-se o número de ácaros antes e após a aplicação. Não se verificaram diferenças sensíveis na retenção do líquido pulverizado nas folhas de citros quando se adicionou o espalhante-adesivo à calda com propargite. Redução de até 95,6% na população do ácaro foi obsevada com o aumento na dosagem do propargite e de até 98,9% em relação de menor dosagem para o cyhexatin. Constatou-se que o espalhante-adesivo não melhorou a eficiência do cyhexatin, embora a somatória dos totais de ácaros, independentemente da dosagem e da formulação, tenha sido 50,1% menor com o uso de espalhante-adesivo.


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We report the preparation of direct hexagonal liquid crystals, constituted of oil-swollen cylinders arranged on a triangular lattice in water. The volume ratio of oil over water, rho, can be as large as 3.8. From the lattice parameter measured by small-angle X-ray scattering, we show that all the oil is indeed incorporated into the cylinders, thus allowing the diameter of the cylinders to be controlled over one decade range, provided that the ionic strength of the aqueous medium and rho are varied concomitantly. These hexagonal swollen liquid crystals (SLCs) have been first reported with sodium dodecyl sulfate as anionic surfactant, cyclohexane as solvent, 1-pentanol as co-surfactant, and sodium chloride as salt (Ramos, L.; Fabre, P. Langmuir 1997, 13, 13). The stability of these liquid crystals is investigated when the pH of the aqueous medium or the chemical nature of the components (salt and surfactant) is changed. We demonstrate that the range of stability is quite extended, rendering swollen hexagonal phases potentially useful for the fabrication of nanomaterials. As illustrations, we finally show that gelation of inorganic particles in the continuous aqueous medium of a SLC and polymerization within the oil-swollen cylinders of a SLC can be conducted without disrupting the hexagonal order of the system.


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Silica particles were obtained by addition of diluted soluble sodium silicate in sodium 1,2 bis (2-ethylhexyloxycarbonyl)-1-ethenesulfonate reverse microemulsions, in which aqueous phase was nitric acid solution and the water/surfactant ratio (W) was 5 or 10. Products, whether washed or not, were dried at 100 degrees C and suspended in different solvents: heptane, water, kerosene or pentane for making SEM measurements. Thermal treatments of washed silica samples were carried out at 900 degrees C and 1200 degrees C. Silica particles of sizes from 1 to 10 mu m were obtained at room temperature without changing their shape due to thermal treatment and crystallization. SEM micrographs show hollow particles suggesting that silica preferably polymerizes on microemulsion droplet interface where ionic strength of nitric acid aqueous solution is favourable for silica polymerization reaction. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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MCM-41 material was synthesized starting from hydrogel containing colloidal fumed silica, sodium silicate, cetyltetramethylammonium bromide (CTMABr) as surfactant, and distilled water as solvent. These reactants were mixed to obtain a gel with the following composition: 4SiO(2):1Na(2)O:1CTMABr:200H(2)O. The hydrogel with pH=14 was hydrothermally treated at 100 degreesC, for 4 days. Each day, the pH was measured, and then adjusted to 9.5-10 by using 30% acetic acid solution. Thermogravimetry was the main technique, which was used to monitor the participation of the surfactant on the MCM-41 nanophase, being possible to determine the temperature ranges relative to water desorption as well as the surfactant decomposition and silanol condensation.


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In this paper we describe the production of zirconia-based foams by a novel thermostimulated sol-gel route, that employs the foaming of colloidal suspensions prior to the sol-gel transition promoted by small increase of temperature (congruent to3 degreesC). This method produces gelled bodies having porosity >70% in the wet stage, and can be used to produce complex-shaped components. The effect of a foaming agent (Freon11 or CCl3F) and surfactant content on the formation and stability of the foams was analyzed. The rheologic measurements demonstrate that by increasing the surfactant concentration, the gelation time decreases increasing foam stability. As the surfactant concentration and quantity of foaming agent increase, the density decreases and the porosity increases. Hg porosimetry results show that the dry foam presents a bimodal pore size distribution. The family of sub-micrometer pores was attributed to the formation of a microemulsion between Freon11 and water. Scanning electron microscopy analysis shows that the foam structure consists of a three-dimensional network of spherical pores, which may be open and interconnected or closed, at larger or smaller porosities, respectively. Finally these results show that the thermostimulated sol-gel transition provides a potential route for ceramic foam manufacture. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We used dynamic light scattering (DLS), a steady-state fluorescence, time resolved fluorescence quenching (TRFQ), tensiometry, conductimetry, and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) to investigate the self-assembly of the cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium sulfate (CTAS) in aqueous solution, which has SO42- as divalent counterion. We obtained the critical micelled concentration (cmc), aggregation number (N-agg), area per monomer (a(0)), hydrodynamic radius (R-H), and degree of counterion dissociation (alpha) of CTAS micelles in the absence and presence of up to 1 M Na2SO4 and at temperatures of 25 and 40 degrees C. Between 0.01 and 0.3 M salt the hydrodynamic radius of CTAS micelle R-H approximate to 16 angstrom is roughly independent on Na2SO4 concentration; below and above this concentration range R-H increases steeply with the salt concentration, indicating micelle structure transition, from spherical to rod-like structures. R-H increases only slightly as temperature increases from 25 to 40 degrees C, and the cmc decreases initially very steeply with Na2SO4 concentration up to about 10 mM, and thereafter it is constant. The area per surfactant at the water/air interface, a(0), initially increases steeply with Na2SO4 concentration, and then decrases above ca. 10 mM. Conductimetry gives alpha = 0.18 for the degree of counterion dissociation, and N-agg obtained by fluorescence methods increases with surfactant concentration but it is roughly independent of up to 80 mM salt. The ITC data yield cmc of 0.22 mM in water, and the calculated enthalpy change of micelle formation, Delta H-mic = 3.8 kJ mol(-1), Gibbs free energy of micellization of surfactant molecules, Delta G(mic) = -38.0 kJ mol(-1) and entropy T Delta S-mic = 41.7 kJ mol(-1) indicate that the formation of CTAS micelles is entropy-driven. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Suspensions of undoped SnO2 nanoparticles and containing Eu3+ ions were prepared by a sol-gel procedure. Using the classical synthesis method ( precipitation), the particles tend to grow by a coarsening process in order to minimize the surface free energy. This effect can strongly be reduced by the addition of an amide and surfactant during the synthesis, which decreases the surface free energy of the colloidal particles. These additives promote the formation of powders composed of very small primary particles formed by a crystallite of 10 Angstrom, and exhibit good redispersion properties. The local and long order structures of the redispersible powder were studied by X-rays absorption spectroscopy at Sn L-I edge and X-rays diffraction, respectively. The structure of the colloidal aggregates in suspension was investigated by small angle X-rays scattering (SAXS). SAXS results indicate the sol are composed by a polidisperse system of hard spheres resulting of agglomeration of the primary particles and their size increasing by agglomeration for progressively higher Eu3+ content.


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We report the synthesis of zirconia microneedles by the direct nucleation of particles inside a hexagonal swollen liquid crystal (SLC) (cell parameter a = 27 nm) prepared by mixing with the proper ratio, an aqueous solution of sulfated zirconium colloids, a cationic surfactant (cetylpyridinium chloride), cychlohexane as swelling agent with an oil over water ratio of 2.5 (vol.), and 1-pentanol as cosurfactant. After a slow crystallogenesis that can be enhanced by an initial induction step under moderate temperature, particles in the centimeter range can be obtained, with a very high shape ratio (over 100). These particles are made of crystalline octahydrate zirconium oxychloride containing pores of 20 nm diameter, aligned along the main axis of the liquid crystal, as the fingerprint of the oil cylinders present in the hexagonal phase. The morphology of these particles confirms that the shaping mechanism is based on true liquid crystal templating (TLCT). Further thermal treatment of these particles, after extraction from the SLC, leads to the crystallization of zirconia with the same needlelike morphology as the zirconium oxychloride.


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Oils from Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa), Cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflora), Passion Fruit (Passiflora alata), Andiroba (Carapa gitianensis), Brazilian Nut (Bertholletia excelsa) and Babassu (Orbignya spp.) were evaluated as carbon sources for rhamnolipid production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI. The highest rhamnolipid concentrations were obtained from Brazilian Nut (9.9 l(-1)) and Passion Fruit (9.2 g l(-1)) oils. Surface tension varied from 29.8 to 31.5 mN m(-1), critical micelle concentration from 55 to 163 mg l(-1) and the emulsifying activity was higher against toluene (93-100%) than against kerosene (70-92%). Preliminary characterization of the surfactant mixtures by mass spectrometry revealed the presence of two major components showing m/z of 649 and 503, which corresponded to the dirhamnolipid (Rha(2)C(10)C(10)) and the monorhamnolipid (RhaC(10)C(10)), respectively. The monorhamnolipid detected as the ion of m/z 503 is predominant in all samples analyzed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.