985 resultados para Summons--Maine


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The Carrabassett Valley Sanitary District in Carrabassett Valley, Maine has utilized both a forest spray irrigation system and a Snowfluent™ system for the treatment of their wastewater effluent. This study was designed to evaluate potential changes in soil properties after approximately 20 years of treatment in the forested spray irrigation site and three years of treatment in the field Snowfluent™ site. In addition, grass yield and composition were evaluated on the field study sites. After treatment with effluent or Snowfluent™, soils showed an increase in soil exchangeable Ca, Mg, Na, and K, base saturation, and pH. While most constituents were higher in treated soils, available P was lower in treated soils compared to the controls. This difference was attributed to higher rates of P mineralization from soil organic matter due to an irrigation effect of the treatment, depleting available P pools despite the P addition with the treatment. Most of the differences due to treatment were greatest at the surface and diminished with depth. Depth patterns in soil properties mostly reflected the decreasing influence of organic matter and its decomposition products with depth as evidenced by significantly higher total C in the surface compared to lower horizons. There were decreasing concentrations of total N, and exchangeable or extractable Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn, Zn, and P with depth. In addition, there was decreasing BS with depth, driven primarily by declining exchangeable Ca and Mg. Imgation with Snowfluent™ altered the chemical composition of the grass on the site. All element concentrations were significantly higher in the grass foliage except for Ca. The differences were attributed to the additional nutrients and moisture derived from the Snowfluent™. The use of forest spray imgation and Snowfluent™ as a wastewater treatment strategy appears to work well. The soil and vegetation were able to retain most of the applied nutrients, and do not appear to be moving toward saturation. Vegetation management may be a key tool for managing nutrient accumulation on the grass sites as the system ages.


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The present study sought to investigate the ways in which social anxiety impedes the development of romantic relationships across adolescence. Previous research has demonstrated a natural progression for romantic associations during adolescence in which teens transition from same- to mixed-sex peer groups, and finally to dyadic relationships with romantic partners (Connolly, Furman, Konarski, 2000; Dunphy, 1963). This model of development was the basis for the present investigation. Social anxiety was examined in terms of how it impacted affiliations at the same- and mixed sex peer group levels, and ultimately the formation of romantic relationships. This project involved administering a series of questionnaires and rating scales to students enrolled in the 9th through \2l grades. Participants included 457 adolescents (196 males, 261 females) recruited from public high schools in the state of Maine. The questionnaires assessed social anxiety, peer acceptance, heterosocial competence, gender composition of adolescent peer networks, dating history, and relationship quality with significant others in the adolescent's life. Higher levels of social anxiety were expected to be associated with impairment at each of these three levels. Given the proposed developmental progression, the effects of anxiety were theorized to be most pronounced within the older cohort of adolescents. Moreover, gender was expected to affect the pattern of results. Social anxiety is most prevalent among females (LaGreca, 1998; LaGreca & Lopez, 1998), who are also thought to progress along the proposed developmental trajectory more quickly than their male counterparts. Therefore, social anxiety was expected to impact the females to a greater degree at each of the three levels. Correlation coefficients, multivariate analyses of variance, and regression analyses were used to evaluate the data. Overall, despite some discrepant findings, the results supported the hypotheses. Social anxiety was affiliated with problems in the same-sex peer group, the mixed-sex clique, and, for older adolescents, romantic relationships. As expected, social anxiety affected females the most at each level. There seems to be a maladaptive pathway that socially anxious teens are following that is markedly different than their non-anxious counterparts.


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u.a. Angaben zur Farbenlehre Schopenhauers; Focher de Careil; Maine de Biran; Karl Gutzkow; Aufsatz zu Schopenhauer von Jues Frauenstädt;


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ouvrage posthume de Maine de Biran. Publ. par Cousin


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The United States health care system faces significant challenges, particularly with problems of the uninsured and with the rising costs of care. These problems lead many to study and discuss strategies for reforming the health care system. Four different plans for ideal health care reform, set forth by notable scholars or organizations, are explained herein. Then, states within the United States are examined in terms of their recent efforts at health care reform. Those states proposing significant changes to their health care systems are analyzed—namely, Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont. The strategies used in these three states are compared to the strategies laid out by the experts in order to determine which strategies are the most popular in current health care reform efforts among the states studied here. These strategies are totaled to find which organization's plan for ideal reform seems to be the most popular. The strategies of managed competition are shown to be the most popular strategies among these three state health care reforms, while the strategies of the single-payer plan discussed herein were the least popular. All three states seem to utilize strategies that build upon their previous health care system, rather than implementing strategies that completely replace the previous system. ^


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The sediments of the Argo and Gascoyne abyssal plains are generally lean in organic matter, are immature, and contain hydrocarbons trapped during sediment deposition rather than those generated during sediment catagenesis. TOC concentrations in the Argo Abyssal Plain Cenozoic sediments are 0.5 wt%, and organic matter appears to be from mixed marine and reworked, degraded, organic matter sources, with the latter being contributed by turbidity flows from the nearby continental margin. TOC concentrations within the Cenozoic sediments of the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain are mostly undetectable (<0.1 wt%). Biomarker distributions determined by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) indicate that organic matter extracted from the Lower Cretaceous sediments from both sites is predominantly marine with varying contributions from terrestrial organic matter. The specific marine biomarker, 24-n-propylcholestane is in relatively high abundance in all samples. In addition, the relatively high abundance of the 4-methylsteranes with the 23,24-dimethyl side chain (in all samples) indicates significant dinoflagellate contributions and marine organic matter. The ratios of n-C27/n-C17 reflect relative contributions of marine vs. terrestrial organic matter. TOC, while generally low at Argo, is relatively high near the Barremian/Aptian boundary (one sample has a TOC of 5.1 wt%) and the Aptian/Albian boundary (up to 1.3 wt% TOC), and two samples from the Barremian and Aptian sections contain relatively high proportions of terrestrial organic carbon. TOC values in the Lower Cretaceous sediments from Gascoyne Abyssal Plain are low (<0.1 wt%) near the Aptian/Barremian boundary. TOC values are higher in older sediments, with maxima in the upper Barremian (1.02 wt%), the Barremian/Hauterivian (0.6 wt%), and Valanginian (1.8 wt%). Sediments from the upper Barremian contain higher amounts of terrestrial organic carbon than older sediments.


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Modern microbial mats are widely recognized as useful analogs for the study of biogeochemical processes relevant to paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the Precambrian. We combined microscopic observations and investigations of biomarker composition to investigate community structure and function in the upper layers of a thick phototrophic microbial mat system from a hypersaline lake on Kiritimati (Christmas Island) in the Northern Line Islands, Republic of Kiribati. In particular, an exploratory incubation experiment with 13C-labeled bicarbonate was conducted to pinpoint biomarkers from organisms actively fixing carbon. A high relative abundance of the cyanobacterial taxa Aphanocapsa and Aphanothece was revealed by microscopic observation, and cyanobacterial fatty acids and hydrocarbons showed 13C-uptake in the labeling experiment. Microscopic observations also revealed purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) in the deeper layers. A cyclic C19:0 fatty acid and farnesol were attributed to this group that was also actively fixing carbon. Background isotopic values indicate Calvin-Benson cycle-based autotrophy for cycC19:0 and farnesol-producing PSBs. Biomarkers from sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the top layer of the mat and their 13C-uptake patterns indicated a close coupling between SRBs and cyanobacteria. Archaeol, possibly from methanogens, was detected in all layers and was especially abundant near the surface where it contained substantial amounts of 13C-label. Intact glycosidic tetraether lipids detected in the deepest layer indicated other archaea. Large amounts of ornithine and betaine bearing intact polar lipids could be an indicator of a phosphate-limited ecosystem, where organisms that are able to substitute these for phospholipids may have a competitive advantage.