954 resultados para Student learning in science


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This paper proposes a set of strategies to maximise learner-content and learner-learner interactions in on-line learning environments. Extrapolating the outcomes of a research study that investigated the ways in which users responded to the interactive constructs embedded within interactive multimedia applications, the concept of encounter theory is introduced. Using observation and interview techniques, participants in the study identified a range of options by which learnercomputer interactions might be enhanced. The implications of these findings for online and desktop environments are considered, specifically in terms of the independent learner's encounter with content material and other learners. Developing a comprehensive understanding of the interactive phenomenon will not only lead to more effective useability and learning in on-line environments, but also to their working better for the learner.


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This paper examines a methodology for establishing quality in online learning environments. For e-learning to be sustainable in flexible, open and distance learning, its value in learning must be able to be analysed. In the case of computer conferencing, one way to do this is with content analysis. This methodology is discussed with a review of current frameworks. These indicate that while some researchers and evaluators either use or modify existing frameworks, most researchers develop new ones, generally through the adaptation of existing theories, concepts or model, but in some cases through grounded theory approaches. The development and implementation of two frameworks are then discussed in detail. Both were developed to investigate and evaluate both collaborative learning and deep and surface learning as evidenced in computer conferences. Evidence of such learning attributes are precisely the elements of value in e-learning that can be shown through such a methodology. These attributes can then be integrated into courses developed for quality online learning environments.


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Educational research suggests that Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a pedagogy that fosters a deeper understanding of the curriculum and provides students with processes and skills for lifelong learning. According to the literature this pedagogy appears to be a suitable one for teaching undergraduate information technology, yet adoption of PBL in information technology tertiary education appears to be slow. This paper discusses characteristics and processes of PBL and describes how the approach will be used in teaching information technology professional practice. The course described will be offered to information technology students in their final year of study and will be delivered wholly online. The course will not only provide best practice aspects of PBL but it will also provide students with the opportunity of undertaking authentic tasks using multimedia resources that simulate the real world.


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Supervised machine learning techniques generally require that the training set on which learning is based contain sufficient examples representative of the target concept, as well as known counter-examples of the concept; however, in many application domains it is not possible to supply a set of labeled counter-examples. This paper proposes an objective function based on Bayesian likelihoods of necessity and sufficiency. This function can be used to guide search towards the discovery of a concept description given only a set of labeled positive examples of the target concept, and as a corpus of unlabeled examples. Results of experiments performed on several datasets from the VCI repository show that the technique achieves comparable accuracy to conventional supervised learning techniques, despite the fact that the latter require a set of labeled counter-examples to be supplied. The technique can be applied in many domains in which the provision of labeled counter-examples is problematic.


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This paper investigates the performance of 329 (173 on- and 186  off-campus) students enrolled in two structural mechanics units at Deakin University, a leader in engineering distance-education in Australia. The two units experience unacceptably high rates of failure. An analysis of the assignment, laboratory and examination marks is presented. Consideration is also given to the total marks. The results show that on-campus students perform better in structural mechanics than their off-campus counterparts. Plots of the student performance distributions for the three assessment methods are provided (for each unit) and high failure rates are linked to low examination marks. Students tend to perform best in assignments and worst in examinations. Parametric statistical tests show a correlation between the continuous assessment and examination marks. To motivate students to fully participate in continuous assessment tasks the authors therefore propose several changes to the assessment criteria and marking schemes.


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One problem for hypertext-based learning application is to control learning paths for different learning activities. This paper first introduced related concepts of hypertext learning state space and Petri net, then proposed a high level timed Petri Net based approach to provide some kinds of adaptation for learning activities. Examples were given while explaining ways to realizing adaptive instructions. Possible future directions were also discussed at the end of this paper.


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One problem for hypertext-based learning application is to control learning paths for different learning activities. This paper first introduces related concepts of hypertext learning state space, then proposes an agent based approach used to provide kinds of adaptation for learning activities. Examples are given while explaining ways to realizing adaptive instructions. Possible future directions are also discussed at the end of this paper.


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This paper reports an investigation into the ways in which undergraduate students, who are studying on campus, learn in online discussions. The study focuses on student strategies, and the role of text, time and place independence, peer interaction and the influence of the curriculum. It also examines the relationships between online discussions and face to face classes. The study found deep approaches to learning were widely used and were associated with constructivist learning activity, thinking and interacting online in groups in a way that adds value to the classroom, close integration with face to face activity and a positive perception of online discussions and the course as a whole. This case study confirms the relational nature of student learning in a blended learning environment.


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This study describes the investigation of postgraduate students of mixed age and gender distributed across several Australian states as well as off shore who were juggling study with workplace demands. As face to face meeting was impossible because of the geographical distribution of the group members and because the course communication was centred on an online conference space, a small group space was established for each group for the purpose of completing the problem-based learning task. This paper provides a detailed description of the group dynamics and interactive processes required to negotiate an online problem-based learning task. It will also suggest ways to improve the collaborative learning potential of the online environment through well structured and meaningful activities.


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Despite the fact that developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is characterised by a deficit in the ability to learn or automate motor skills, few studies have examined motor learning over repeated trials. In this study we examined procedural learning in a group of 10 children with DCD (aged 8–12 years) and age-matched controls without DCD. The learning task was modelled on that of Nissen and Bullemer [Cognitive Psychology 19 (1987) 1]. Children performed a serial reaction time (SRT) task in which they were required to learn a spatial sequence that repeated itself every 10 trials. Children were not aware of the repetition. Spatial targets were four (horizontal) locations presented on a computer monitor. Children responded using four response keys with the same horizontal mapping as the stimulus. They were tested over five blocks of 100 trials each. The first four blocks presented the same repeating sequence, while the fifth block was randomised. Procedural learning was indexed by the slope of the regression of RT on blocks 1–4. Results showed that most children displayed strong procedural learning of the sequence, despite having no explicit knowledge about it. Overall, there was no group difference in the magnitude of learning over blocks of trials – most children performed within the normal range. Procedural learning for simple sequential movements appears to be intact in children with DCD. This suggests that cortico-striatal circuits that are strongly implicated in the sequencing of simple movements appear to be function normally in DCD.


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Aim of the study. The purpose of this study, conducted as partial requirement for a Master of Nursing Studies Degree, was to explore, describe and compare the level of questions asked by clinical teachers and preceptors.

Background. Questioning is one of many teaching/learning strategies thought to facilitate the development of critical thinking skills which are integral to nursing practice. As such the type and number of questions asked have implications for student learning. Currently in Melbourne, Australia, many undergraduate nursing degree courses utilize both clinical teachers and preceptors to facilitate student learning in the clinical setting.

Design. A comparative descriptive design was used. Participants were given three acute care patient scenarios involving an undergraduate nursing student, as part of a questionnaire, and asked to identify the questions they would ask the student in relation to the scenario.

Findings. Data revealed that the clinical teachers had considerably more years of experience in their role and higher academic qualifications than did the preceptors. The clinical teachers also asked a greater number of questions overall and more from the higher cognitive level. Despite this, the findings suggest that both clinical teachers and especially preceptors need to increase the number of higher level questions they ask.

Conclusions. Based on the findings of this study, it is evident that there is a need for further comparative studies into the questioning skills of clinical teachers and preceptors. Also, these two groups require education about the importance of higher level questioning for student learning as well as how to ask questions generally.


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Calls for major curriculum reform, arguing that the time has passed for tinkering around the edges of a science curriculum that belongs to the past.


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The author stresses the need for schools and science teachers to develop new approaches to attract the imagination of students in Australia. He believes that changes in the nature of post-industrial societies and in the accessibility of science knowledge and youth expectations are the culprits of crisis in science education. He argues that schools and teachers should re-examine the purposes of school science. He suggests that science re-imagining needs to be supported by national effort, create teacher development and training initiatives and assessment.