937 resultados para Standard IEEE 1149.1.


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We propose to employ bilateral filters to solve the problem of edge detection. The proposed methodology presents an efficient and noise robust method for detecting edges. Classical bilateral filters smooth images without distorting edges. In this paper, we modify the bilateral filter to perform edge detection, which is the opposite of bilateral smoothing. The Gaussian domain kernel of the bilateral filter is replaced with an edge detection mask, and Gaussian range kernel is replaced with an inverted Gaussian kernel. The modified range kernel serves to emphasize dissimilar regions. The resulting approach effectively adapts the detection mask according as the pixel intensity differences. The results of the proposed algorithm are compared with those of standard edge detection masks. Comparisons of the bilateral edge detector with Canny edge detection algorithm, both after non-maximal suppression, are also provided. The results of our technique are observed to be better and noise-robust than those offered by methods employing masks alone, and are also comparable to the results from Canny edge detector, outperforming it in certain cases.


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This paper explains the algorithm of Modified Roaming Optimization (MRO) for capturing the multiple optima for multimodal functions. There are some similarities between the Roaming Optimization (RO) and MRO algorithms, but the MRO algorithm is created to overcome the problems facing while applying the RO to the problems possessing large number of solutions. The MRO mainly uses the concept of density to overcome the challenges posed by RO. The algorithm is tested with standard test functions and also discussions are made to improve the efficacy of the MRO algorithm. This paper also gives the results of MRO applied for solving Inverse Kinematics (IK) problem for SCARA and PUMA robots.


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Detection of QRS serves as a first step in many automated ECG analysis techniques. Motivated by the strong similarities between the signal structures of an ECG signal and the integrated linear prediction residual (ILPR) of voiced speech, an algorithm proposed earlier for epoch detection from ILPR is extended to the problem of QRS detection. The ECG signal is pre-processed by high-pass filtering to remove the baseline wandering and by half-wave rectification to reduce the ambiguities. The initial estimates of the QRS are iteratively obtained using a non-linear temporal feature, named the dynamic plosion index suitable for detection of transients in a signal. These estimates are further refined to obtain a higher temporal accuracy. Unlike most of the high performance algorithms, this technique does not make use of any threshold or differencing operation. The proposed algorithm is validated on the MIT-BIH database using the standard metrics and its performance is found to be comparable to the state-of-the-art algorithms, despite its threshold independence and simple decision logic.


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We address the task of mapping a given textual domain model (e.g., an industry-standard reference model) for a given domain (e.g., ERP), with the source code of an independently developed application in the same domain. This has applications in improving the understandability of an existing application, migrating it to a more flexible architecture, or integrating it with other related applications. We use the vector-space model to abstractly represent domain model elements as well as source-code artifacts. The key novelty in our approach is to leverage the relationships between source-code artifacts in a principled way to improve the mapping process. We describe experiments wherein we apply our approach to the task of matching two real, open-source applications to corresponding industry-standard domain models. We demonstrate the overall usefulness of our approach, as well as the role of our propagation techniques in improving the precision and recall of the mapping task.


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The effect of structure height on the lightning striking distance is estimated using a lightning strike model that takes into account the effect of connecting leaders. According to the results, the lightning striking distance may differ significantly from the values assumed in the IEC standard for structure heights beyond 30m. However, for structure heights smaller than about 30m, the results show that the values assumed by IEC do not differ significantly from the predictions based on a lightning attachment model taking into account the effect of connecting leaders. However, since IEC assumes a smaller striking distance than the ones predicted by the adopted model one can conclude that the safety is not compromised in adhering to the IEC standard. Results obtained from the model are also compared with Collection Volume Method (CVM) and other commonly used lightning attachment models available in the literature. The results show that in the case of CVM the calculated attractive distances are much larger than the ones obtained using the physically based lightning attachment models. This indicates the possibility of compromising the lightning protection procedures when using CVM. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Innovative bi-electrolyte solid-state cells incorporating single crystal CaF2 and composition-graded solid electrolyte (LaF3) y (CaF2) 1-y (y = 0 to 0.32) were used for measurement of the standard Gibbs energy of formation of hexagonal La0.885Al11.782O19 and cubic LaAlO3 from component binary oxides La2O3 and alpha-Al2O3 in the temperature range from 875 to 1175 K. The cells were designed based on experimentally verified relevant phase relations in the systems La2O3-Al2O3LaF3 and CaF2-LaF3. The results can be summarized as: 5.891 alpha-Al2O3 + 0.4425 La2O3 (A-rare earth)-> La0.885Al11.782O19 (hex), Delta G(f(ox))(degrees)(+/- 2005)/Jmol(-1) = -80982 + 7.313(T/K); 1/2 La2O3 (A-rare earth) + 1/2 a-Al2O3 -> LaAlO3 (cubic), Delta G(f(ox))(degrees)(+/- 2100)/Jmol(-1) = -59810 + 4.51(T/K). Electron probe microanalysis was used to ascertain the non-stoichiometric range of the hexaaluminate phase. The results are critically analyzed in the light of earlier electrochemical measurements. Several imperfections in the electrochemical cells used by former investigators are identified. Data obtained in the study for LaAlO3 are consistent with calorimetric enthalpy of formation and entropy derived from heat capacity data. Estimated are the standard entropy and the standard enthalpy of formation from elements of hexagonal La0.885Al11.782O19 and rhombohedral LaAlO3 at 298.15 K. c 2014 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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The standard approach to signal reconstruction in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT) is to apply the inverse Fourier transform to the measurements. This technique offers limited resolution (due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle). We propose a new super-resolution reconstruction method based on a parametric representation. We consider multilayer specimens, wherein each layer has a constant refractive index and show that the backscattered signal from such a specimen fits accurately in to the framework of finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signal model and is represented by a finite number of free parameters. We deploy the high-resolution Prony method and show that high-quality, super-resolved reconstruction is possible with fewer measurements (about one-fourth of the number required for the standard Fourier technique). To further improve robustness to noise in practical scenarios, we take advantage of an iterated singular-value decomposition algorithm (Cadzow denoiser). We present results of Monte Carlo analyses, and assess statistical efficiency of the reconstruction techniques by comparing their performance against the Cramer-Rao bound. Reconstruction results on experimental data obtained from technical as well as biological specimens show a distinct improvement in resolution and signal-to-reconstruction noise offered by the proposed method in comparison with the standard approach.


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Seismic site characterization is the basic requirement for seismic microzonation and site response studies of an area. Site characterization helps to gauge the average dynamic properties of soil deposits and thus helps to evaluate the surface level response. This paper presents a seismic site characterization of Agartala city, the capital of Tripura state, in the northeast of India. Seismically, Agartala city is situated in the Bengal Basin zone which is classified as a highly active seismic zone, assigned by Indian seismic code BIS-1893, Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Part-1 General Provisions and Buildings. According to the Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi (2002), it is the highest seismic level (zone-V) in the country. The city is very close to the Sylhet fault (Bangladesh) where two major earthquakes (M (w) > 7) have occurred in the past and affected severely this city and the whole of northeast India. In order to perform site response evaluation, a series of geophysical tests at 27 locations were conducted using the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) technique, which is an advanced method for obtaining shear wave velocity (V (s)) profiles from in situ measurements. Similarly, standard penetration test (SPT-N) bore log data sets have been obtained from the Urban Development Department, Govt. of Tripura. In the collected data sets, out of 50 bore logs, 27 were selected which are close to the MASW test locations and used for further study. Both the data sets (V (s) profiles with depth and SPT-N bore log profiles) have been used to calculate the average shear wave velocity (V (s)30) and average SPT-N values for the upper 30 m depth of the subsurface soil profiles. These were used for site classification of the study area recommended by the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) manual. The average V (s)30 and SPT-N classified the study area as seismic site class D and E categories, indicating that the city is susceptible to site effects and liquefaction. Further, the different data set combinations between V (s) and SPT-N (corrected and uncorrected) values have been used to develop site-specific correlation equations by statistical regression, as `V (s)' is a function of SPT-N value (corrected and uncorrected), considered with or without depth. However, after considering the data set pairs, a probabilistic approach has also been presented to develop a correlation using a quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot. A comparison has also been made with the well known published correlations (for all soils) available in the literature. The present correlations closely agree with the other equations, but, comparatively, the correlation of shear wave velocity with the variation of depth and uncorrected SPT-N values provides a more suitable predicting model. Also the Q-Q plot agrees with all the other equations. In the absence of in situ measurements, the present correlations could be used to measure V (s) profiles of the study area for site response studies.


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With the renewed interest in vector-like fermion extensions of the Standard Model, we present here a study of multiple vector-like theories and their phenomenological implications. Our focus is mostly on minimal flavor conserving theories that couple the vector-like fermions to the SM gauge fields and mix only weakly with SM fermions so as to avoid flavor problems. We present calculations for precision electroweak and vector-like state decays, which are needed to investigate compatibility with currently known data. We investigate the impact of vector-like fermions on Higgs boson production and decay, including loop contributions, in a wide variety of vector-like extensions and their parameter spaces.


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This brief presents the capturability analysis of a 3-D Retro-proportional navigation (Retro-PN) guidance law, which uses a negative navigation constant (as against the usual positive one), for intercepting targets having higher speeds than interceptors. This modification makes it possible to achieve collision conditions that were inaccessible to the standard PN law. A modified polar coordinate system, that makes the model more compact, is used in this brief for capturability analysis. In addition to the ratio of the target to interceptor speeds, the directional cosines of the interceptor, and target velocity vectors play a crucial role in the capturability. The existence of nontrivial capture zone of the Retro-PN guidance law and necessary and sufficient conditions, for capturing the target in finite time, are presented. A sufficient condition on the navigation constant is derived to ensure finiteness of the line-of-sight turn rate. The results are more extensive than those available for 2-D engagements, which can be obtained as special cases of this brief. Simulation results are given to support the analytical results.


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We consider the problem of parameter estimation from real-valued multi-tone signals. Such problems arise frequently in spectral estimation. More recently, they have gained new importance in finite-rate-of-innovation signal sampling and reconstruction. The annihilating filter is a key tool for parameter estimation in these problems. The standard annihilating filter design has to be modified to result in accurate estimation when dealing with real sinusoids, particularly because the real-valued nature of the sinusoids must be factored into the annihilating filter design. We show that the constraint on the annihilating filter can be relaxed by making use of the Hilbert transform. We refer to this approach as the Hilbert annihilating filter approach. We show that accurate parameter estimation is possible by this approach. In the single-tone case, the mean-square error performance increases by 6 dB for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) greater than 0 dB. We also present experimental results in the multi-tone case, which show that a significant improvement (about 6 dB) is obtained when the parameters are close to 0 or pi. In the mid-frequency range, the improvement is about 2 to 3 dB.


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The gas-phase infrared spectra of 1,2-ED and 1,4-BD have been, recorded at three different temperatures using a multipass gas cell of 6 m optical path length. DFT calculation has also been carried out using 6-311++G** and aug-cc-pVDZ basis sets to look for the existence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding, in them from the red shift and infrared absorption intensity enhancement of the bonded O-H band compared to that of the free O-H hand. Equilibrium population analysis With 10 conformers of 1,2-ED and 1,4-BD at experimental temperatures were-carried out for the reconstruction of the Observed vibrational spectra at that temperature,using standard statistical relationships. The most abundant conformer at experimental temperatures, was identified. In 1,2-ED a red shift of 45 cm(-1) in the intramolecularly interacting O-H stretching vibrational band position and no significant intensity enhancement compared to that of-the free O-H have been observed. On the contrary, in one of the hydrogen bonded conformers of 1,4-BD, a 124 cm(-1) red shift in the O-H stretching frequency and 8.5 times-intensity enhancement for the ``bonded'' O-H compared to that of the ``free'' O-H is seen. On the basis of this comparative study, we have concluded that strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding exists in 1,4-BD. But there appears, to be weak intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 1,2-ED at temperatures of 303, 313, and 323 Km the gas phase We have found that most stable hydrogen-bonded conformers of 1,4-BD are less populated than some of the non-hydrogen-bonded conformers. Even for the 1,4-BD, the relative population of the g'GG'Gt conformer, which has a strong intramolecular,hydrogen bond, is less than what is predicted. Perhaps the intramolecular hydrogen bond plays a less Significant role in the relative stability,of the various Conformers than what has been predicted from calculations and prevails in the literature.


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We consider the possibility that the heavier CP-even Higgs boson (H-0) in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) decays invisibly into neutralinos in the light of the recent discovery of the 126 GeV resonance at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). For this purpose we consider the minimal supersymmetric standard model with universal, nonuniversal and arbitrary boundary conditions on the supersymmetry breaking gaugino mass parameters at the grand unified scale. Typically, scenarios with universal and nonuniversal gaugino masses do not allow invisible decays of the lightest Higgs boson (h(0)), which is identified with the 126 GeV resonance, into the lightest neutralinos in the MSSM. With arbitrary gaugino masses at the grand unified scale, such an invisible decay is possible. The second lightest Higgs boson can decay into various invisible final states for a considerable region of the MSSM parameter space with arbitrary gaugino masses as well as with the gaugino masses restricted by universal and nonuniversal boundary conditions at the grand unified scale. The possibility of the second lightest Higgs boson of the MSSM decaying into invisible channels is more likely for arbitrary gaugino masses at the grand unified scale. The heavier Higgs boson decay into lighter particles leads to the intriguing possibility that the entire Higgs boson spectrum of the MSSM may be visible at the LHC even if it decays invisibly, during the searches for an extended Higgs boson sector at the LHC. In such a scenario the nonobservation of the extended Higgs sector of the MSSM may carefully be used to rule out regions of the MSSM parameter space at the LHC.