990 resultados para Stable Distribution


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We show that the ratio of matched individuals to blocking pairs grows linearly with the number of propose–accept rounds executed by the Gale–Shapley algorithm for the stable marriage problem. Consequently, the participants can arrive at an almost stable matching even without full information about the problem instance; for each participant, knowing only its local neighbourhood is enough. In distributed-systems parlance, this means that if each person has only a constant number of acceptable partners, an almost stable matching emerges after a constant number of synchronous communication rounds. We apply our results to give a distributed (2 + ε)-approximation algorithm for maximum-weight matching in bicoloured graphs and a centralised randomised constant-time approximation scheme for estimating the size of a stable matching.


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The method of Wigner distribution functions, and the Weyl correspondence between quantum and classical variables, are extended from the usual kind of canonically conjugate position and momentum operators to the case of an angle and angular momentum operator pair. The sense in which one has a description of quantum mechanics using classical phase‐space language is much clarified by this extension.


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A detailed experimental and simulation study has been carried out in the present work to understand drop breakup in regions around the edge of the Rushton turbine in agitated vessels. The effect of impeller speed, impeller size, interfacial tension, and the viscosities of the two phases is studied on drop breakup through their effect on dmax, the size of the largest drop in the system, and the whole size distribution. The measurements were carried out using Galai particle size analyser and optical microscope. Experimental analysis shows that the dmax, maximum stable drop diameter varies with impeller tip velocity to the power -1. The variation of dmax with interfacial tension is studied using different surfactants. The effect of viscosity ratio, achieved by changing the dispersed phase viscosity, on dmax is captured. For the same dmax values obtained from two different dispersed phases show that the wider drop size distribution is observed for higher dispersed phase viscosity.


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The mechano-chemical degradation of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), poly(ethyl methacrylate) (PEMA) and poly(n-butyl methacrylate) (PBMA) using ultrasound (US), ultraviolet (UV) radiation and a photoinitiator (benzoin) has been investigated. The degradation of the polymers was monitored using the reduction in number average molecular weight (M-n) and polydispersity (PDI). A degradation mechanism that included the decomposition of the initiator, generation of polymer radicals by the hydrogen abstraction of initiator radicals, reversible chain transfer between stable polymer and polymer radicals was proposed. The mechanism assumed mid-point chain scission due to US and random scission due to UV radiation. A series of experiments with different initial M-n of the polymers were performed and the results indicated that, irrespective of the initial PDI, the PDI during the sono-photooxidative degradation evolved to a steady state value of 1.6 +/- 0.05 for all the polymers. This steady state evolution of PDI was successfully predicted by the continuous distribution kinetics model. The rate coefficients of polymer scission due to US and UV exhibited a linear increase and decrease with the size of the alkyl group of the poly(alkyl methacrylate)s, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper may be considered as a sequel to one of our earlier works pertaining to the development of an upwind algorithm for meshless solvers. While the earlier work dealt with the development of an inviscid solution procedure, the present work focuses on its extension to viscous flows. A robust viscous discretization strategy is chosen based on positivity of a discrete Laplacian. This work projects meshless solver as a viable cartesian grid methodology. The point distribution required for the meshless solver is obtained from a hybrid cartesian gridding strategy. Particularly considering the importance of an hybrid cartesian mesh for RANS computations, the difficulties encountered in a conventional least squares based discretization strategy are highlighted. In this context, importance of discretization strategies which exploit the local structure in the grid is presented, along with a suitable point sorting strategy. Of particular interest is the proposed discretization strategies (both inviscid and viscous) within the structured grid block; a rotated update for the inviscid part and a Green-Gauss procedure based positive update for the viscous part. Both these procedures conveniently avoid the ill-conditioning associated with a conventional least squares procedure in the critical region of structured grid block. The robustness and accuracy of such a strategy is demonstrated on a number of standard test cases including a case of a multi-element airfoil. The computational efficiency of the proposed meshless solver is also demonstrated. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A model of drop breakage in turbulent stirred dispersions based on interaction of a drop with eddies of a length scale smaller than the drop diameter has been developed. It predicts that, unlike the equal breakage assumed by earlier models, a large drop reduces in size due to stripping of smaller segments off it through unequal breakage. It is only when the drop nears the value of the maximum stable drop diameter that it breaks into equal parts. This new model of drop breakage, coupled with the pattern of interaction of drops with eddies of different sizes existing in the vessel, has been used to evaluate not only the breakage frequency, but also the size distribution of the daughter droplets(which was hitherto assumed). The model has been incorporated in the population balance equation and the resulting cumulative size distributions compared with those availble in the literature.


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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a unique barrier that strictly regulates the entry of endogenous substrates and xenobiotics into the brain. This is due to its tight junctions and the array of transporters and metabolic enzymes that are expressed. The determination of brain concentrations in vivo is difficult, laborious and expensive which means that there is interest in developing predictive tools of brain distribution. Predicting brain concentrations is important even in early drug development to ensure efficacy of central nervous system (CNS) targeted drugs and safety of non-CNS drugs. The literature review covers the most common current in vitro, in vivo and in silico methods of studying transport into the brain, concentrating on transporter effects. The consequences of efflux mediated by p-glycoprotein, the most widely characterized transporter expressed at the BBB, is also discussed. The aim of the experimental study was to build a pharmacokinetic (PK) model to describe p-glycoprotein substrate drug concentrations in the brain using commonly measured in vivo parameters of brain distribution. The possibility of replacing in vivo parameter values with their in vitro counterparts was also studied. All data for the study was taken from the literature. A simple 2-compartment PK model was built using the Stella™ software. Brain concentrations of morphine, loperamide and quinidine were simulated and compared with published studies. Correlation of in vitro measured efflux ratio (ER) from different studies was evaluated in addition to studying correlation between in vitro and in vivo measured ER. A Stella™ model was also constructed to simulate an in vitro transcellular monolayer experiment, to study the sensitivity of measured ER to changes in passive permeability and Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameter values. Interspecies differences in rats and mice were investigated with regards to brain permeability and drug binding in brain tissue. Although the PK brain model was able to capture the concentration-time profiles for all 3 compounds in both brain and plasma and performed fairly well for morphine, for quinidine it underestimated and for loperamide it overestimated brain concentrations. Because the ratio of concentrations in brain and blood is dependent on the ER, it is suggested that the variable values cited for this parameter and its inaccuracy could be one explanation for the failure of predictions. Validation of the model with more compounds is needed to draw further conclusions. In vitro ER showed variable correlation between studies, indicating variability due to experimental factors such as test concentration, but overall differences were small. Good correlation between in vitro and in vivo ER at low concentrations supports the possibility of using of in vitro ER in the PK model. The in vitro simulation illustrated that in the simulation setting, efflux is significant only with low passive permeability, which highlights the fact that the cell model used to measure ER must have low enough paracellular permeability to correctly mimic the in vivo situation.


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Satellite-derived chlorophyll a concentration (chl a) maps show three regions with high chl a in the Bay of Bengal. First among these is close to the coast, particularly off river mouths, with high values coinciding with the season of peak discharge; second is in the southwestern bay during the northeast monsoon, which is forced by local Ekman pumping; and the third is to the east of Sri Lanka in response to the summer monsoon winds. Chlorophyll-rich water from the mouths of rivers flows either along the coast or in an offshore direction, up to several hundred kilometers, depending on the prevailing ocean current pattern. The Irrawady River plume flows toward offshore and then turns northwestward during October–December, but it flows along the coast into the Andaman Sea for the rest of the year. From the Ganga-Brahmaputra river mouth, chl a–rich water flows directly southward into the open bay during spring but along the Indian coast during summer and winter. Along the Indian coast, the flow of chl a–rich water is determined by the East India Coastal Current (EICC). Whenever the EICC meanders off the Indian coast, it leads to an offshore outbreak of chl a–rich water from the coastal region into open ocean. The EICC as well as open ocean circulation in the bay is made up of several eddies, and these eddies show relatively higher chl a. Eddies near the coast, however, can often have higher chl a because of advection from the coastal region rather than generation within the eddy itself. The bay experiences several cyclones in a year, most of them occurring during October–November. These cyclones cause a drop in the sea surface temperature, a dip in the sea level, and a local increase in chl a. The impact of a cyclone is weaker in the northern part of the bay because of stronger stratification compared to the southern parts.


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The efficiency of acoustooptic (AO) interaction in YZ-cut proton exchanged (PE) LiNbO3 waveguides is theoretically analysed by determining the overlap between the optical and acoustic field distributions. The present analysis takes into account the perturbed SAW field distribution due to the presence of the PE layer on the LiNbO3 substrate determined by the rigorous layered medium approach. The overlap is found to be significant upto very high acoustic frequencies of the order of 5 GHz, whereas in the earlier analysis by vonHelmolt and Schaffer [6] for diffused waveguides, it was shown that the overlap integral rolls down to nearly zero at this high frequency range.


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In order to answer the practically important question of whether the down conductors of lightning protection systems to tall towers and buildings can be electrically isolated from the structure itself, this work is conducted. As a first step in this regard, it is presumed that the down conductor placed on metallic tower will be a pessimistic representation of the actual problem. This opinion was based on the fact that the proximity of heavy metallic structure will have a large damping effect. The post-stroke current distributions along the down conductors and towers, which can be quite different from that in the lightning channel, govern the post-stroke near field and the resulting gradient in the soil. Also, for a reliable estimation of the actual stroke current from the measured down conductor currents, it is essential to know the current distribution characteristics along the down conductors. In view of these, the present work attempts to deduce the post-stroke current and voltage distribution along typical down conductors and towers. A solution of the governing field equations on an electromagnetic model of the system is sought for the investigation. Simulation results providing the spatio-temporal distribution of the post-stroke current and voltage has provided very interesting results. It is concluded that it is almost impossible to achieve electrical isolation between the structure and the down conductor. Furthermore, there will be significant induction into the steel matrix of the supporting structure.