989 resultados para Speeches, addresses, etc., American.


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Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) are being widely used to detect low temperature, while thermocouples (TCs) are being used to detect high temperature. The materials suitable for RTDs are platinum, germanium, carbon, carbon-glass, cernox, etc. Here, we have reported the possible application of another form of carbon i.e. carbon nanotubes in low temperature thermometry. It has been shown the resistance R and the sensitivity of carbon nanotube bundles can be tuned and made suitable for ultralow temperature detection. We report on the R-T measurement of carbon nanotube bundles from room temperature down to 1 K to felicitate the possible application of bundles in low temperature RTDs. ©2008 American Institute of Physics


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Mechanisms that control the volume changes behavior of foundation soils are well understood. The changes that occur in the behavior of soil due to migration of pollutants are not well understood. The extent of changes that occur in the presence of small concentration of contaminants can be predicted based on changes in the thickness of double layer and associated fabric changes. Interactions that occur with strong contaminants depends on the type of soil, type and concentration of contamination and duration of interaction etc It has been shown that different concentrations (1N and 4N) of sodium hydroxide solution causes abnormal changes on volume change behaviour of soil due to mineralogical changes. An attempt is made in this paper to stabilize contaminated soil using fly ash, after establishing its stability in alkali solutions. It was found that the effectiveness of fly ash to control the alkali induced heave increases with fly ash content incorporated into the soil. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that the mineralogical changes that occur in soil due to alkali interaction are inhibited by the presence of fly ash.


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In this paper we model a scenario where a ship uses decoys to evade a hostile torpedo. We address the problem of enhancing ship survivability against enemy torpedoes by using single and multiple decoy deployments. We incorporate deterministic ship maneuvers and realistic constraints on turn rates, field of view, etc in the model. We formulate the objective function to quantify and maximize the survivability of the ship in terms of maximizing the intercept time. We introduce the concept of optimal deployment regions, same side deployment, and zig-zag deployment strategies. Finally, we present simulation results.


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Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) is the joint management of natural resources by a community based on a community strategy, through a participatory mechanism involving all legitimate stakeholders. The approach is community-based in that the communities managing the resources have the legal rights, the local institutions and the economic incentives to take substantial responsibility for sustained use of these resources. This implies that the community plays an active role in the management of natural resources, not because it asserts sole ownership over them, but because it can claim participation in their management and benefits for practical and technical reasons1–4. This approach emerged as the dominant conservation concept in the late 1970s and early 1980s, of the disillusionment with the developmental state. Governments across South and South East Asia, Africa and Latin America have adopted and implemented CBNRM in various ways, viz. through sectoral programmes such as forestry, irrigation or wildlife management, multisectoral programmes such as watershed development and efforts towards political devolution. In India, the principle of decentralization through ‘gram swaraj’ was introduced by Mahatma Gandhi. The 73rd and 74th constitution amendments in 1992 gave impetus to the decentralized planning at panchayat levels through the creation of a statutory three-level local self-government structure5,6. The strength of this book is that it includes chapters by CBNRM advocates based on six seemingly innovative initiatives being implemented by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in ecologically vulnerable regions of South Asia: two in the Himalayas (watershed development programme in Lingmutechhu, Bhuthan and Thalisain tehsil, Paudi Grahwal District, Uttarakhand), three in semi-arid parts of western India (watershed development in Hivre Bazar, Maharashtra and Nathugadh village, Gujarat and water-harvesting structures in Gopalapura, Rajasthan) and one in the flood-plains of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna (Char land, Galibanda and Jamalpur districts, Bangladesh). Watersheds in semi-arid regions fall in the low-rainfall region (500–700 mm) and suffer the vagaries of drought 2–3 years in every five-year cycle. In all these locations, the major occupation is agriculture, most of which is rainfed or dry. The other two cases (in Uttarakhand) fall in the Himalayan region (temperate/sub-temperate climate), which has witnessed extensive deforestation in the last century and is now considered as one of the most vulnerable locations in South Asia. Terraced agriculture is being practised in these locations for a long time. The last case (Gono Chetona) falls in the Brahmaputra–Jamuna charlands which are the most ecologically vulnerable regions in the sub-continent with constantly changing landscape. Agriculture and livestock rearing are the main occupations, and there is substantial seasonal emigration for wage labour by the adult males. River erosion and floods force the people to adopt a semi-migratory lifestyle. The book attempts to analyse the potential as well as limitations of NGOdriven CBNRM endeavours across agroclimatic regions of South Asia with emphasis on four intrinsically linked normative concerns, namely sustainability, livelihood enhancement, equity and demographic decentralization in chapters 2–7. Comparative analysis of these case studies done in chapter 8, highlights the issues that require further research while portraying the strengths and limits of NGO-driven CBNRM. In Hivre Bazar, the post-watershed intervention scenario is such that farmers often grow three crops in a year – kharif bajra, rabi jowar and summer vegetable crops. Productivity has increased in the dry lands due to improvement in soil moisture levels. The revival of johads in Gopalpura has led to the proliferation of wheat and increased productivity. In Lingmuteychhu, productivity gains have also arisen, but more due to the introduction of both local and high-yielding, new varieties as opposed to increased water availability. In the case of Gono Chetona, improvements have come due to diversification of agriculture; for example, the promotion of vegetable gardens. CBNRM interventions in most cases have also led to new avenues of employment and income generation. The synthesis shows that CBNRM efforts have made significant contributions to livelihood enhancement and only limited gains in terms of collective action for sustainable and equitable access to benefits and continuing resource use, and in terms of democratic decentralization, contrary to the objectives of the programme. Livelihood benefits include improvements in availability of livelihood support resources (fuelwood, fodder, drinking water), increased productivity (including diversification of cropping pattern) in agriculture and allied activities, and new sources of livelihood. However, NGO-driven CBNRM has not met its goal of providing ‘alternative’ forms of ‘development’ due to impediments of state policy, short-sighted vision of implementers and confrontation with the socio-ecological reality of the region, which almost always are that of fragmented communities (or communities in flux) with unequal dependence and access to land and other natural resources along with great gender imbalances. Appalling, however, is the general absence of recognition of the importance of and the will to explore practical ways to bring about equitable resource transfer or benefit-sharing and the consequent innovations in this respect that are evident in the pioneering community initiatives such as pani panchayat, etc. Pertaining to the gains on the ecological sustainability front, Hivre Bazar and Thalisain initiatives through active participation of villagers have made significant regeneration of the water table within the village, and mechanisms such as ban on number of bore wells, the regulation of cropping pattern, restrictions on felling of trees and free grazing to ensure that in the future, the groundwater is neither over-exploited nor its recharge capability impaired. Nevertheless, the longterm sustainability of the interventions in the case of Ghoga and Gopalpura initiatives as the focus has been mostly on regeneration of resources, and less on regulating the use of regenerated resources. Further, in Lingmuteychhu and Gono Chetona, the interventions are mainly household-based and the focus has been less explicit on ecological components. The studies demonstrate the livelihood benefits to all of the interventions and significant variation in achievements with reference to sustainability, equity and democratic decentralization depending on the level and extent of community participation apart from the vision of implementers, strategy (or nature of intervention shaped by the question of community formation), the centrality of community formation and also the State policy. Case studies show that the influence of State policy is multi-faceted and often contradictory in nature. This necessitates NGOs to engage with the State in a much more purposeful way than in an ‘autonomous space’. Thus the role of NGOs in CBNRM is complementary, wherein they provide innovative experiments that the State can learn. This helps in achieving the goals of CBNRM through democratic decentralization. The book addresses the vital issues related to natural resource management and interests of the community. Key topics discussed throughout the book are still at the centre of the current debate. This compilation consists of well-written chapters based on rigorous synthesis of CBNRM case studies, which will serve as good references for students, researchers and practitioners in the years to come.


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At the present time, materials with dimensions in the range of microns to nanometers have become the prime objects of vigorous research activities of all over the world. The possibility of artificially creating novel materials with exotic and tailor made properties that are essential for future development in the frontier areas of electronics, photonics, spintronics etc has generated much interest in the study of these mesoscopic and nanoscopic materials. These materials also have the potential for wide ranging economically viable technological, industrial, engineering and bio-medical applications. They may consist of metals , alloys , ceramics, polymers, composites and biological materials; which are usually assembled at the atomic / molecular level to achieve new properties. Understanding the underlying science and characterization of these new materials with a view of harnessing their exotic properties is the prime focus of the researchers. These Proceedings address these issues relating to mesoscopic, nanoscopic and macroscopic materials.


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This paper addresses a search problem with multiple limited capability search agents in a partially connected dynamical networked environment under different information structures. A self assessment-based decision-making scheme for multiple agents is proposed that uses a modified negotiation scheme with low communication overheads. The scheme has attractive features of fast decision-making and scalability to large number of agents without increasing the complexity of the algorithm. Two models of the self assessment schemes are developed to study the effect of increase in information exchange during decision-making. Some analytical results on the maximum number of self assessment cycles, effect of increasing communication range, completeness of the algorithm, lower bound and upper bound on the search time are also obtained. The performance of the various self assessment schemes in terms of total uncertainty reduction in the search region, using different information structures is studied. It is shown that the communication requirement for self assessment scheme is almost half of the negotiation schemes and its performance is close to the optimal solution. Comparisons with different sequential search schemes are also carried out. Note to Practitioners-In the futuristic military and civilian applications such as search and rescue, surveillance, patrol, oil spill, etc., a swarm of UAVs can be deployed to carry out the mission for information collection. These UAVs have limited sensor and communication ranges. In order to enhance the performance of the mission and to complete the mission quickly, cooperation between UAVs is important. Designing cooperative search strategies for multiple UAVs with these constraints is a difficult task. Apart from this, another requirement in the hostile territory is to minimize communication while making decisions. This adds further complexity to the decision-making algorithms. In this paper, a self-assessment-based decision-making scheme, for multiple UAVs performing a search mission, is proposed. The agents make their decisions based on the information acquired through their sensors and by cooperation with neighbors. The complexity of the decision-making scheme is very low. It can arrive at decisions fast with low communication overheads, while accommodating various information structures used for increasing the fidelity of the uncertainty maps. Theoretical results proving completeness of the algorithm and the lower and upper bounds on the search time are also provided.


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Mufflers with at least one acoustically absorptive duct are generally called dissipative mufflers. Generally, for want of systems approach, these mufflers are characterized by transmission loss of the lined duct with overriding corrections for the terminations, mean flow, etc. In this article, it is proposed that dissipative duct should be integrated with other muffler elements, source impedance and radiation impedance, by means of transfer matrix approach. Towards this end, the transfer matrix for rectangular duct with mean flow has been derived here, for the least attenuated mode. Mean flow introduces a coupling between transverse wave numbers and axial wave number, the evaluation of which therefore calls for simultaneous solution of two or three transcendental equations. This is done by means of a Newton-Raphson iteration scheme, which is illustrated here for square ducts lined with porous ceramic tiles.


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When radiation of sufficiently high energy is incident on the surface of a semiconductor photocathode, electrons are excited from the valence band to the conduction band and these may contribute to the photocurrent. The photocurrent in a single-layer cathode is found to be small, because of collisions within the cathode material, the electron affinity condition, etc. It is observed that when a thin layer of n-type cesium antimonide (Cs3Sb) is deposited over a p-type layer of sodium potassium antimonide (Na2KSb), there occurs a sharp rise in the photocurrent. The causes for the dramatic increase in the photocurrent obtainable from a sodium potassium antimonide cathode, by depositing a thin layer of cesium antimonide are analyzed in this article. It has been shown that the interface between sodium potassium antimonide and cesium antimonide can result in lowering of the electron affinity to a level below the bottom of the conduction band of sodium potassium antimonide. The drift field that arises at the heterointerface enables the electrons to reach the surface, leading to the emission of almost all the photogenerated electrons within the cathode. The processes involved in photoemission from such a double-layer cathode are examined from a theoretical point of view. The spectral response of the two-layer cathode is also found to be better than that of a single-layer cathode.


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Dielectric materials with high tunability, low loss, and desired range of permittivity are an attractive class of materials for a variety of applications in microwave components such as tunable filters, phase shifters, antennas, etc. In this article, we have investigated the low frequency dielectric properties of BaZrO3/BaTiO3 and SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices of varying modulation periods for the potential application toward electrically tunable devices. The dielectric response of the superlattices as a function of temperature revealed remarkable stability for both types of superlattices, with no observed dielectric anomalies within that range. Dielectric losses were also nominally low with minimal variation within the measured temperature range. Sufficiently high tunability of ∼ 40% was observed for the BaZrO3/BaTiO3 superlattices at the lowest individual layer thicknesses. In comparison, the SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices showed a minimum tunability for lowest period structures. It showed maximum tunability of ∼ 20% at 10 kHz and room temperature at an intermediate dimension of 3.85 nm periodicity superlattice. The tunability value degraded with increasing as well as decreasing periodicities for the SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices. The dielectric response has been explained on the basis of size effects, interlayer coupling between dissimilar materials, domain contribution, and depolarizing electric fields.


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Stirred tank bioreactors, employed in the production of a variety of biologically active chemicals, are often operated in batch, fed-batch, and continuous modes of operation. The optimal design of bioreactor is dependent on the kinetics of the biological process, as well as the performance criteria (yield, productivity, etc.) under consideration. In this paper, a general framework is proposed for addressing the two key issues related to the optimal design of a bioreactor, namely, (i) choice of the best operating mode and (ii) the corresponding flow rate trajectories. The optimal bioreactor design problem is formulated with initial conditions and inlet and outlet flow rate trajectories as decision variables to maximize more than one performance criteria (yield, productivity, etc.) as objective functions. A computational methodology based on genetic algorithm approach is developed to solve this challenging multiobjective optimization problem with multiple decision variables. The applicability of the algorithm is illustrated by solving two challenging problems from the bioreactor optimization literature.


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Thermo Acoustic Prime Movers (TAPMs) are being considered as the ideal choice for driving the Pulse Tube Cryocoolers replacing the conventional compressors. The advantages are the absence of moving components and they can be driven by low grade energy as such as fuel, gas, solar energy, waste heat etc. While the development of such TAPMs is in progress in our laboratory, their design and fabrication should be guided by numerical modeling and this may be done by several methods such as solving the energy equation 1], enthalpy flow model 2], CFD 3], etc. We have used CFD technique, since it provides a better insight into the velocity and temperature profiles. The analysis is carried out by varying parameters such as (a) temperature difference across the stack, (b) stack and resonator lengths and (c) different working fluids such as air, nitrogen, argon etc. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental data wherever possible and they are in reasonably good agreement with each other. The analysis indicate that (i) larger temperature difference across the stack leads to increased acoustic amplitude, (ii) longer resonator leads to decrease in frequency with lesser amplitude and (iii) there exists an optimal stack length for the best performance of TAPM. These results are presented here.


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A molecular dynamics simulation study of aqueous solution of LiCl is reported as a function of pressure. Experimental measurements of conductivity of Li+ ion as a function of pressure shows an increase in conductivity with pressure. Our simulations are able to reproduce the observed trend in conductivity. A number of relevant properties have been computed in order to understand the reasons for the increase in conductivity with pressure. These include radial distribution function, void and neck distributions, hydration or coordination numbers, diffusivity, velocity autocorrelation functions, angles between ion-oxygen and dipole of water as well as OH vector, mean residence time for water in the hydration shell, etc. These show that the increase in pressure acts as a structure breaker. The decay of the self part of the intermediate scattering function at small wave number k shows a bi-exponential decay at 1 bar which changes to single exponential decay at higher pressures. The k dependence of the ratio of the self part of the full width at half maximum of the dynamic structure factor to 2Dk(2) exhibits trends which suggest that the void structure of water is playing a role. These support the view that the changes in void and neck distributions in water can account for changes in conductivity or diffusivity of Li+ with pressure. These results can be understood in terms of the levitation effect. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4756909]


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This paper addresses the problem of multiple unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) rendezvous when the UAVs have to perform maneuvers to avoid collisions with other UAVs. The proposed solution consists of using velocity control and a wandering maneuver, if needed, of the UAVs based on a consensus among them on the estimated time of arrival at the point of the rendezvous. This algorithm, with a slight modification is shown to be useful in tracking stationary or slowly moving targets with a standoff distance. The proposed algorithm is simple and computationally efficient. The simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000145. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The combustion synthesis has been utilized to prepare nanophased powders of cobalt spinel ferrite using ODH and glycine fuels. The product was characterized by X‐ray diffraction; Fourier transformed spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, UV‐Vis absorption etc. The XRD patterns reveal spinal cubic structure. SEM profiles show the product is porous, agglomeration, irregular in shape. The crystallite size was estimated using Scherer’s formula and W‐H plots and show nano in size (13 nm: ODH & 36 nm: Glycine). The UV‐Vis absorption shows at ∼430 nm in both the samples.


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We present a centralized integrated approach for: 1) enhancing the performance of an IEEE 802.11 infrastructure wireless local area network (WLAN), and 2) managing the access link that connects the WLAN to the Internet. Our approach, which is implemented on a standard Linux platform, and which we call ADvanced Wi-fi Internet Service EnhanceR (ADWISER), is an extension of our previous system WLAN Manager (WM). ADWISER addresses several infrastructure WLAN performance anomalies such as mixed-rate inefficiency, unfair medium sharing between simultaneous TCP uploads and downloads, and inefficient utilization of the Internet access bandwidth when Internet transfers compete with LAN-WLAN transfers, etc. The approach is via centralized queueing and scheduling, using a novel, configurable, cascaded packet queueing and scheduling architecture, with an adaptive service rate. In this paper, we describe the design of ADWISER and report results of extensive experimentation conducted on a hybrid testbed consisting of real end-systems and an emulated WLAN on Qualnet. We also present results from a physical testbed consisting of one access point (AP) and a few end-systems.