953 resultados para South of Córdoba


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Chironomid headcapsules were used to reconstruct late glacial and early-Holocene summer temperatures at Lago Piccolo di Avigliana (LPA). Two training sets (northern Sweden, North America) were used to infer temperatures. The reconstructed patterns of temperature change agreed well with the GRIP and NGRIP d18O records. Inferred temperatures were high during the Bølling (ca 19 °C), slowly decreased to ca 17.5 °C during the Allerød, reached lowest temperatures (ca 16 °C) during the Younger Dryas, and increased to ca. 18.5 °C during the Preboreal. The amplitudes of change at climate transitions (i.e. Oldest Dryas/Bølling: 3 °C, Allerød/Younger Dryas: 1.5 °C, and Younger Dryas/Preboreal: 2.5 °C) were smaller than in the northern Alps but similar to those recorded at another site in northeastern Italy. Our results suggest that (1) Allerød temperatures were higher in the southern Alps and (2) higher during the Preboreal (1 °C) than during the Allerød. These differences might provide an explanation for the different responses of terrestrial-vegetation to late glacial and early-Holocene climatic changes in the two regions. Other sites on both sides of the Alps should be studied to confirm these two hypotheses.


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In order to test the sensitivity of marine primary productivity in the midlatitude open ocean North Atlantic to changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), we investigated two spliced sediment cores from a site south of the Azores Islands at the northern rim of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. For this purpose we analyzed coccolithophore assemblages, diatom abundances, alkenones and conducted X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning. During times of reduced AMOC, especially during Heinrich event 1 (H1) and the Younger Dryas, we observe a strong increase in productivity as evidenced by high coccolith accumulation rates, high alkenone concentrations/accumulation rates, high Ba/Ti-ratios, high abundances of diatoms and low abundances ofF. profunda. The increased productivity is partly caused by a more southern position of the Azores Front (AzF), and hence by a less northward extension of the subtropical gyre, as deduced from high abundances of the temperate coccolithophore species G. muellerae and low abundances of subtropical species (Oolithotus spp., Umbellosphaera spp., Umbilicosphaeraspp.). However, to explain the full range of the observed productivity increase, other factors like increased westerly winds and advection of nutrient-rich surface waters have also to be considered. Because this pattern can also be observed in other sediment cores from the midlatitude North Atlantic, we propose that during times of reduced AMOC there has been a band of strongly increased productivity across the North Atlantic at the northern rim of the contracted subtropical gyre, which partly counteracts the decreased organic carbon pump in the high northern latitudes.


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A series of cores from east of New Zealand have been examined to determine the paleoceanographic history of the late Quaternary in the SW Pacific using planktonic foraminiferal data. Distinct shifts of species can be seen between glacial and interglacial times especially south of Chatham Rise east of South Island. Foraminiferal fragmentation ratios and benthic/planktonic foraminiferal ratios both show increased dissolution during glacials, especially isotope stage 2 to the south of Chatham Rise. The present-day Subtropical Convergence appears to be tied to the Chatham Rise at 44°S, but during glacial times this rise separated cold water to the south from much warmer water to the north, with an associated strong thermal gradient across the rise. We estimate that this gradient could have presented as much as an 8°C temperature change across 4° of latitude during the maximum of the last ice age. There is only weak evidence of the Younger Dryas cool event, but there is a clear climatic optimum between 8 and 6.4 ka with temperatures 1°-2°C higher than the present day. The marine changes compare well with vegetational changes on both South and North Island.


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Site 32 was proposed by the Pacific Advisory Panel at a location over a strong positive magnetic anomaly (Number 13 on the Pittman-Heirtzler scale, 38 million years) where samples of the basement and the basal sediment would be of value in testing hypotheses for origin of the linear magnetic anomalies from this part of the Pacific. Comparison of this site, south of the Pioneer Fracture Zone, with later sites north of the Fracture Zone would be the basis for evaluating the discontinuity formed by the Pioneer.


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Recent revisions of the geological time scale by Kent and Gradstein (in press) suggest that, on the average, Cretaceous magnetic anomalies are approximately 10 m.y. older than in Larson and Hilde's (1975) previous time scale. These revised basement ages change estimates for the duration of alteration in the ocean crust, based on the difference between secondary-mineral isochron ages and magnetic isochron-crustal ages, from 3 to approximately 13 m.y. In addition to the revised time scale, Burke et al.'s (1982) new data on the temporal variation of 87Sr/86Sr in seawater allow a better understanding of the timing of alteration and more realistic determinations of water/rock ratios during seawater-basalt interaction. Carbonates from all DSDP sites which reached Layer 2 of Atlantic crust (Sites 105, 332, 417, and 418) are deposited within 10-15 m.y. of crustal formation from solutions with 87Sr/86Sr ratios identical to unaltered or contemporaneous seawater. Comparisons of the revised seawater curve with the 87Sr/86Sr of basement carbonates is consistent with a duration of approximately 10-15 m.y. for alteration in the ocean crust. Our preliminary Sr and 87Sr/86Sr data for carbonates from Hole 504B, on 5.9-m.y.-old crust south of the Costa Rica Rift, suggest that hydrous solutions from which carbonates precipitated contained substantial amounts of basaltic Sr. For this reason, carbonate 87Sr/86Sr cannot be used to estimate the duration of alteration at this site. A basalt-dominated alteration environment at Hole 504B is consistent with heat-flow evidence which indicates rapid sediment burial of crust at the Costa Rica Rift, sealing it from access by seawater and resulting in unusually low water/rock ratios during alteration.


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Pelagic clay of the east-central Pacific province is shown to be a mixture of three primary detrital components, reflecting continental source areas in Asia, North America, and Central and South America. Relative contributions from each source area are a function of geography, and this distribution appears to have remained constant over the past five million years, despite changing flux rates. A Q-mode factor analysis of downcore records for Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopes identified three factors that account for 98% of the total variance. These factors represent the radiogenic isotopic signatures of 1) late Cenozoic Asian dust, which dominates in the central North Pacific; 2) North American continental hemipelagic/eolian sources, restricted mainly to the easternmost North Pacific at ~30 °N latitude; and 3) Central and South American sources, restricted to areas east of ~100 °W longitude. South of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (~6 °N), the Asian dust signature diminishes abruptly. We conclude that late Cenozoic Asian dust sources can be isotopically differentiated downcore from both North American and South and Central American sources in the eastcentral Pacific. This approach has a utility for identifying changes in long-term Cenozoic atmospheric circulation patterns.


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The northern margin of the Demerara Abyssal Plain is bordered by a low ESE-WNW trending rise known as the Barracuda Ridge. North of South America, the eastern margin of the Demerara Abyssal Plain is formed by the Barbados Ridge. An extensive sedimentary section of the Barbados Ridge is exposed on the island of Barbados and consists of a series of radiolarian to planktonic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil biogenic sediments interlayered with ash beds. To determine the nature of the sediments and "basement," Site 27 was selected on the northern margin of the Demerara Abyssal Plain, south of the Barracuda Ridge.