990 resultados para Soil cover rate


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The inclined plane test (IPT) is commonly performed to measure the interface shear strength between different materials as those used in cover systems of landfills. The test, when interpreted according to European test Standards provides the static interface friction angle, usually assumed for 50 mm displacement and denoted as phi(stat)(50). However, if interpreted considering the several phases of the sliding process, the test is capable of yielding more realistic information about the interface shear strength such as differentiating interfaces which exhibit the same value of phi(stat)(50) but different behavior for displacement less than 50 mm. In this paper, the IPT is used to evaluate the interface shear strength of some materials usually present in cover liner systems of landfill. The results of the tests were analyzed for both, the static and the dynamic phases of the sliding and were interpreted based on the static initial friction angle, phi(0), and the limit friction angle, phi(lim). It is shown that depending on the sliding behavior of the interfaces, phi(stat)(50), which is usually adopted as the designing parameter in stability analysis, can be larger than phi(0) and phi(lim). (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Some peculiarities of water retention in a tropical lateritic soil of clayey nature are presented and discussed. The typical soil microstructure is shown through thin-layer plates emphasizing soil microaggregation and pore distribution and their repercussion on the soil-water retention curve and on hysteresis. It is shown that the clayey soil has a behavior that to a large extent resembles sandy soil, which is characterized by the relatively high saturated hydraulic conductivity, low air-entry value, and small suction range at which water drainage takes place. The severe weathering processes that originated this soil have produced an altered soil that seems to be homogeneous in terms of physical indices, hydraulic conductivity, and soil-water retention characteristics, up to 4.5 m in depth.


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A typical residual clayey soil originating from basalt in southern Brazil has been analyzed in order to assess the influence of wetting-induced deformation and microstructural features on the collapse behavior. Single and double oedometer tests were undertaken on a soil profile to 9 m depth. The results indicated collapsible behaviour at all profile depths. The influence of pre-consolidation stress and pedogenetic factors in the variability of the physical characteristics of the soil and in the magnitude of the collapse was noted. The collapse coefficient has been shown to be related to the both the microaggregate plasma and the varying nature of the pores and their interconnectivity.


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This paper presents a technological viability study of wastewater treatment in an automobile industry by an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor containing immobilized biomass (AnSBBR) with a draft tube. The reactor was operated in 8-h cycles, with agitation of 400 rpm, at 30 degrees C and treating 2.0 L wastewater per cycle. Initially the efficiency and stability of the reactor were studied when supplied with nutrients and alkalinity. Removal efficiency of 88% was obtained at volumetric loading rate (VLR) of 3.09 mg COD/L day. When VLR was increased to 6.19 mg COD/L day the system presented stable operation with reduction in efficiency of 71%. In a second stage the AnSBBR was operated treating wastewater in natura, i.e., without nutrients supplementation, only with alkalinity, thereby changing feed strategy. The first strategy consisted in feeding 2.0 L batch wise (10 min), the second in feeding 1.0 L of influent batch wise (10 min) and an additional 1.0 L fed-batch wise (4 h), both dewatering 2.0 L of the effluent in 10 min. The third one maintained 1.0 L of treated effluent in the reactor, without discharging, and 1.0 L of influent was fed fed-batch wise (4 h) with dewatering 1.0 L of the effluent in 10 min. For all implemented strategies (VLR of 1.40, 2.57 and 2.61 mg COD/L day) the system presented stability and removal efficiency of approximately 80%. These results show that the AnSBBR presents operational flexibility, as the influent can be fed according to industry availability. In industrial processes this is a considerable advantage, as the influent may be prone to variations. Moreover, for all the investigated conditions the kinetic parameters were obtained from fitting a first-order model to the profiles of organic matter, total volatile acids and methane concentrations. Analysis of the kinetic parameters showed that the best strategy is feeding 1.0 L of influent batchwise (10 min) and 1.0 L fed-batch wise (4 h) in 8-h cycle. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Collapsible soils are usually nonsaturated, low density, and metastable-structured soils that are known to exhibit a volume reduction following an episode of moisture increase or suction reduction. This paper describes the collapsible behavior of clayey sand based on controlled soil suction tests carried out on undisturbed samples from the city of Pereira Barreto, in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Foundation settlements due to soil collapse are common in this region and occurred during the filling of the reservoir of the Tres Irmaos Dam, which induced the elevation of the groundwater table in different parts of Pereira Barreto. This paper shows that collapse strains depend on the stress and soil suction acting in the sample and that saturation is not necessary for a collapse to occur. The influence of soil suction, gradual wetting, and the wetting and drying cycle on the collapsible behavior of the soil is also shown and discussed.


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The influence of the solvent-evaporation rate on the formation of of. and P crystalline phases in solution-cast poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) films was systematically investigated. Films were crystallized from PVDF/N,N-dimethylformamide solutions with concentrations of 2.5, 5.0, 10, and 20 wt % at different temperatures. During crystallization, the solvent evaporation rate was monitored in situ by means of a semianalytic balance. With this system, it was possible to determine the evaporation rate for different concentrations and temperatures of the solution under specific ambient conditions (pressure, temperature, and humidity). Fourier-Transform InfraRed spectroscopy with Attenuated Total Reflectance revealed the P-phase content in the PVDF films and its dependence on previous evaporation rates. Based on the relation between the evaporation rate and the PVDF phase composition, a consistent explanation for the different amounts of P phase observed at the upper and lower sample surfaces is achieved. Furthermore, the role of the sample thickness has also been studied. The experimental results show that not only the temperature but also the evaporation rate have to be controlled to obtain the desired crystalline phases in solution-cast PVDF films. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 116: 785-791, 2010


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Despite the frequent use of stepping motors in robotics, automation, and a variety of precision instruments, they can hardly be found in rotational viscometers. This paper proposes the use of a stepping motor to drive a conventional constant-shear-rate laboratory rotational viscometer to avoid the use of velocity sensor and gearbox and, thus, simplify the instrument design. To investigate this driving technique, a commercial rotating viscometer has been adapted to be driven by a bipolar stepping motor, which is controlled via a personal computer. Special circuitry has been added to microstep the stepping motor at selectable step sizes and to condition the torque signal. Tests have been carried out using the prototype to produce flow curves for two standard Newtonian fluids (920 and 12 560 mPa (.) s, both at 25 degrees C). The flow curves have been obtained by employing several distinct microstep sizes within the shear rate range of 50-500 s(-1). The results indicate the feasibility of the proposed driving technique.


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In the present paper the dynamic solutions of two non-steady seepage problems are discussed. It is shown that the acceleration term in the equation of motion is important for a correct qualitative description of the flow.


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The paper presents and discusses experimental procedures, visual observations and test results considered important to obtain data that can be used in validation of constitutive relations and failure criteria. The aim is to investigate the combined effects of stress intensity, stress-triaxiality and Lode parameter on the material response and failure behavior of aluminum alloys. Smooth and pre-notched tensile and shear specimens were manufactured from both very thin sheets and thicker plates to cover a wide range of stress triaxialities and Lode parameters. In addition, modified Arcan specimens were designed allowing investigation of the effect of sudden changes in stress states and deformation modes on the material behavior. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work is to study the reaction rate and the morphology of intermediate reaction products during iron ore reduction when iron ore and carbonaceous materials are agglomerated together with or without Portland cement. The reaction was performed at high temperatures, and used small size samples in order to minimise heat transfer constraints. Coke breeze and pure graphite were the carbonaceous materials employed. Portland cement was applied as a binder, and pellet diameters were in the range 5.6-6.5 mm. The experimental technique involved the measurement of the pellet weight loss, as well as the interruption of the reaction at different stages, in order to submit the partially reduced pellet to scanning electron microscopy. The experimental temperature was in the range 1423-1623 K, and the total reaction time varied from 240 to 1200 s. It was observed that above 1523 K the formation of liquid slag occurred inside the pellets, which partially dissolved iron oxides. The apparent activation energies obtained were 255 kJ mol(-1) for coke breeze containing pellets, and 230 kJ mol(-1) for those pellets containing graphite. It was possible to avoid heat transfer control of the reaction rate up to 1523 K by employing small composite pellets.


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The calcium carbonate industry generates solid waste products which, because of their high alkaline content (CaO, CaCO(3) and Ca (OH)(2)), have a substantial impact on the environment. The objectives of this study are to characterize and classify the solid waste products, which are generated during the hydration process of the calcium carbonate industry, according to ABNT`s NBR 10.000 series, and to determine the potential and efficiency of using these solid residues to correct soil acidity. Initially, the studied residue was submitted to gross mass, leaching, solubility, pH. X-ray Diffractometry, Inductive Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), granularity and humidity analyses. The potential and efficiency of the residue for correcting soil acidity was determined by analysis of the quality attributes for soil correctives (PN, PRNT, Ca and Mg contents, granularity). Consequently, the results show that the studied residue may be used as a soil acidity corrective, considering that a typical corrective compound is recommended for each different type of soil. Additionally, the product must be further treated (dried and ground) to suit the specific requirements of the consumer market.


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Pipeline systems play a key role in the petroleum business. These operational systems provide connection between ports and/or oil fields and refineries (upstream), as well as between these and consumer markets (downstream). The purpose of this work is to propose a novel MINLP formulation based on a continuous time representation for the scheduling of multiproduct pipeline systems that must supply multiple consumer markets. Moreover, it also considers that the pipeline operates intermittently and that the pumping costs depend on the booster stations yield rates, which in turn may generate different flow rates. The proposed continuous time representation is compared with a previously developed discrete time representation [Rejowski, R., Jr., & Pinto, J. M. (2004). Efficient MILP formulations and valid cuts for multiproduct pipeline scheduling. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, 1511] in terms of solution quality and computational performance. The influence of the number of time intervals that represents the transfer operation is studied and several configurations for the booster stations are tested. Finally, the proposed formulation is applied to a larger case, in which several booster configurations with different numbers of stages are tested. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate how the summer and winter conditions affect the photosynthesis and water relations of well-watered orange trees, considering the diurnal changes in leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, and leaf water potential (I) of potted-plants growing in a subtropical climate. The diurnal pattern of photosynthesis in young citrus trees was not significantly affected by the environmental changes when compared the summer and winter seasons. However, citrus plants showed higher photosynthetic performance in summer, when plants fixed 2.9 times more CO(2) during the diurnal period than in the winter season. Curiously, the winter conditions were more favorable to photosynthesis of citrus plants, when considering the air temperature (< 29 A degrees C), leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (< 2.4 kPa) and photon flux density (maximum values near light saturation) during the diurnal period. Therefore, low night temperature was the main environmental element changing the photosynthetic performance and water relations of well-watered plants during winter. Lower whole-plant hydraulic conductance, lower shoot hydration and lower stomatal conductance were noticed during winter when compared to the summer season. In winter, higher ratio between the apparent electron transport rate and leaf CO(2) assimilation was verified in afternoon, indicating reduction in electron use efficiency by photosynthesis. The high radiation loading in the summer season did not impair the citrus photochemistry, being photoprotective mechanisms active. Such mechanisms were related to increases in the heat dissipation of excessive light energy at the PSII level and to other metabolic processes consuming electrons, which impede the citrus photoinhibition under high light conditions.


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This study tests the hypothesis that potted sweet orange plants show a significant variation in photosynthesis over seasonal and diurnal cycles. even in well-hydrated conditions. This hypothesis was tested by measuring diurnal variations in leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf water potential, and the responses of CO(2) assimilation to increasing air CO(2) concentrations in 1-year-old `Valencia` sweet orange scions grafted onto `Cleopatra` mandarin rootstocks during the winter and summer seasons in a subtropical climate. In addition, diurnal leaf gas exchange was evaluated under controlled conditions, with constant environmental conditions during both winter and summer. In relation to our hypothesis, a greater rate of photosynthesis is found during the summer compared to the winter. Reduced photosynthesis during winter was induced by cool night conditions, as the diurnal fluctuation of environmental conditions was not limiting. Low air and soil temperatures caused decreases in the stomatal conductance and in the rates of the biochemical reactions underlying photosynthesis (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation and RuBP regeneration) during the winter compared to the values obtained for those markers in the Summer. Citrus photosynthesis during the summer was riot impaired by biochemical or photochemical reactions. as CO(2) assimilation was only limited by stomatal conductance due to high leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (VPD) during the afternoon. During the winter, the reduction in photosynthesis during the afternoon Was Caused by decreases in RuBP regeneration and stomatal conductance, which are both precipitated by low night temperature. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior of the association between atrazine and glyphosate in the soil through mineralization and degradation tests. Soil treatments consisted of the combination of a field dose of glyphosate (2.88 kg ha-1) with 0, 1/2, 1 and 2 times a field dose of atrazine (3.00 kg ha-1) and a field dose of atrazine with 0, 1/2, 1 and 2 times a field dose of glyphosate. The herbicide mineralization rates were measured after 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56 and 63 days of soil application, and degradation rates after 0, 7, 28 and 63 days. Although glyphosate mineralization rate was higher in the presence of 1 (one) dose of atrazine when compared with glyphosate alone, no significant differences were found when half or twice the atrazine dose was applied, meaning that differences in glyphosate mineralization rates cannot be attributed to the presence of atrazine. On the other hand, the influence of glyphosate on atrazine mineralization was evident, since increasing doses of glyphosate increased the atrazine mineralization rate and the lowest dose of glyphosate accelerated atrazine degradation.