985 resultados para Software business
Social businesses present a new paradigm to capitalism, in which private companies, non-profit organizations and civil society create a new type of business with the main objective of solving social problems with financial sustainability and efficiency through market mechanisms. As any new phenomenon, different authors conceptualize social businesses with distinct views. This article aims to present and characterize three different perspectives of social business definitions: the European, the American and that of the emerging countries. Each one of these views was illustrated by a different Brazilian case. We conclude with the idea that all the cases have similar characteristics, but also relevant differences that are more than merely geographical. The perspectives analyzed in this paper provide an analytical framework for understanding the field of social businesses. Moreover, the cases demonstrate that in the Brazilian context the field of social business is under construction and that as such it draws on different conceptual influences to deal with a complex and challenging reality.
Inclusive business is a term currently used to explain the organizations that aim to solve social problems with efficiency and financial sustainability by means of market mechanisms. It can be said that inclusive businesses are those targeted at generating employment and income for groups with little or no market mobility, in keeping with the standards of so-called "decent jobs" and in a self-sustaining manner, i.e., generating profit for the enterprises, and establishing relationships with typical business organizations as suppliers of products and services or in the distribution of this type of production. This article discusses the different concepts found in the scientific literature on inclusive businesses. It also analyses data from a survey conducted with the audiences of Social Corporate Responsibility seminars held by FIEMG. This analysis reveals that prospects, risks and idealizations similar to those found in inclusive business theories can also be found among individuals that run social corporate responsibility projects, even if this designation is new for them. The connection between companies and poverty, especially in relation to inclusive businesses, seems full of stumbling blocks and traps in the Brazilian context.
Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) is an invasive technique that is costly and involves the risk of complications and renal failure. The ability of PTRA to reduce the administration of antihypertensive drugs has been demonstrated. A potentially greater benefit, which nevertheless remains to be proven, is the deferral of the need for chronic dialysis. The aim of the study (ANPARIA) was to assess the appropriateness of PTRA to impact on the evolution of renal function. A standardized expert panel method was used to assess the appropriateness of medical treatment alone or medical treatment with revascularization in various clinical situations. The choice of revascularization by either PTRA or surgery was examined for each clinical situation. Analysis was based on a detailed literature review and on systematically elicited expert opinion, which were obtained during a two-round modified Delphi process. The study provides detailed responses on the appropriateness of PTRA for 1848 distinct clinical scenarios. Depending on the major clinical presentation, appropriateness of revascularization varied from 32% to 75% for individual scenarios (overal 48%). Uncertainty as to revascularization was 41% overall. When revascularization was appropriate, PTRA was favored over surgery in 94% of the scenarios, except in certain cases of aortic atheroma where sugery was the preferred choice. Kidney size [7 cm, absence of coexisting disease, acute renal failure, a high degree of stenosis (C70%), and absence of multiple arteries were identified as predictive variables of favorable appropriateness ratings. Situations such as cardiac failure with pulmonary edema or acute thrombosis of the renal artery were defined as indications for PTRA. This study identified clinical situations in which PTRA or surgery are appropriate for renal artery disease. We built a decision tree which can be used via Internet: the ANPARIA software (http://www.chu-clermontferrand.fr/anparia/). In numerous clinical situations uncertainty remains as to whether PTRA prevents deterioration of renal function.
Neste artigo, apresentam-se as perspectivas e os desafios dos bancos no futuro. Com o referencial teórico sobre o tema, construiu-se um questionário para identificar o grau de importância atribuído a 20 diferentes questões. Na pesquisa de campo, abarcaram-se 93 bancários dos níveis gerencial e operacional dos principais bancos brasileiros e 9 professores universitários especialistas em mercado financeiro. Os dados coletados foram analisados estatisticamente usando-se o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versão 13.0. Observando-se as principais conclusões da amostra, não há diferença estatística entre os funcionários dos bancos pesquisados, mas o mesmo não ocorreu entre bancários e professores. Algumas variáveis apresentaram maior relevância: combate às fraudes, business intelligence, bancarização e atendimento rápido. A partir da análise fatorial, identificaram-se seis fatores: sustentabilidade e papel do Brasil; mobilidade e segurança; regulação e novas tecnologias; globalização, inserção e privacidade; atendimento inteligente e bancarização. Pela análise discriminante, classificaram-se corretamente 79,3 e 66,7% dos funcionários do Bradesco e do Banco do Brasil, respectivamente, e 78,8% dos gerentes.
Este proyecto aborda la migración de los sistemas de información de una administración pública de tamaño medio con las simulaciones más importantes propuestas.
Many Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) establish tuition below the equilibrium price to generate permanent demand excess. This paper first adapts Becker’s (1991) theory to understand why the HEIs price in this way. The fact that students are both consumers and inputs on the education production process gives rise to a market equilibrium where some firms have excess demand and charge high prices, and others charge low prices and have empty seats.Second, the paper analyzes this equilibrium empirically. We estimated the demand for undergraduate courses in Business Administration in the State of São Paulo. The results show that tuition, quality of incoming students and percentage of lecturers holding doctorates degrees are the determining factors of students’ choice. Since the student quality determines the demand for a HEI, it is calculated what the value is for a HEI to get better students; that is the total revenue that each HEI gives up to guarantee excess demand. Regarding the “investment” in selectivity, 39 HEIs in São Paulo give up a combined R$ 5 million (or US$ 3.14 million) in revenue per year per freshman class, which means 7.6% of the revenue coming from a freshman class.
A indústria de software tem apresentado crescimento vigoroso nos últimos anos, não só em termos mundiais, como também no Brasil. O segmento é composto basicamente por empresas de pequeno porte, com utilização intensiva de mão de obra especializada. No entanto, estudos indicam que o setor pouco se preocupa com a qualificação de funcionários, talvez porque, normalmente, a demanda supere a oferta, o que relega a um plano secundário as preocupações com a gestão de pessoas, ficando as atenções voltadas para o desenvolvimento e a formatação do serviço propriamente dito. Segundo os modelos teóricos, a participação dos funcionários é de vital importância para o fornecimento de um serviço de qualidade, podendo acarretar a satisfação dos clientes, sua lealdade e, consequentemente, incrementar a rentabilidade da organização. A satisfação dos funcionários pode ser alcançada pela introdução de práticas adequadas de gerenciamento de recursos humanos, incluindo boa comunicação, treinamento e desenvolvimento, trabalho em equipe, incentivo à participação e poder de decisão. Diversos modelos foram propostos para avaliar a satisfação dos clientes, a qual é fruto da qualidade percebida do serviço, de suas expectativas e do valor percebido, de acordo com um dos modelos em questão. Alguns estudos relatam a existência de relação positiva e significativa entre satisfação de clientes e de funcionários. Nesse contexto, procurou-se avaliar qual o impacto da satisfação dos funcionários diretamente sobre a satisfação dos clientes, com base em um modelo teórico que integrasse práticas de Recursos Humanos e antecedentes da satisfação dos clientes. Por meio de pesquisa quantitativa, foram entrevistados clientes e funcionários de 50 empresas da indústria de software de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brasil), totalizando uma amostra válida de 147 respondentes para cada grupo. Os dados foram avaliados com o recurso da modelagem de equações estruturais, pelo método dos mínimos quadrados parciais. Com base nos resultados obtidos, infere-se que as melhores práticas de Recursos Humanos realmente influenciam a satisfação dos funcionários e que a qualidade percebida do serviço influencia positivamente a satisfação dos clientes. Contudo, não se constatou relação significativa entre a satisfação dos funcionários e a satisfação dos clientes.
El proyecto surge con el fin de crear una aplicación que responda a las necesidades de gestión y control de las actividades que se desarrollan en empresas minoristas dedicadas al sector de la electrónica de consumo. Este tipo de establecimientos aunque están muy especializados y proporcionan un trato excelente al público, suelen tener deficiencias técnicas a la hora de gestionar y controlar su negocio. Muchos de ellos carecen de programas informáticos adaptados a sus necesidades, e incluso en algún caso no disponen de ninguno por el alto coste que les supone. Dicho software tiene dos objetivos: por un lado atender las necesidades de este sector y por otro que el desembolso de la adquisición e implantación del mismo sea asequible. Para conseguir este último objetivo se utilizará software libre.
ABSTRACT This paper addresses the changes in university-industry relations in Brazil regarding innovation activities. It is based on a survey of articles published in major national journals or presented at the most relevant Brazilian and regional conferences, between 1980 and 2012. The year 1980 was chosen due to the creation of the Technological Innovation Offices (NITs), which was the first government initiative to encourage knowledge transfer from universities to companies; the second was the Innovation Act of 2004. Our assumption was that after the Act the number of academic papers on this subject would increase, bringing new ideas and propositions of models to enhance this relationship. The methodology employed a qualitative, exploratory approach, using bibliographical research and a bibliometric analysis of 247 papers. Literature review of international studies shows the discussion of problems and suggestions for improvements, while in Brazil there is still a debate on whether this collaboration should occur, and if this is a legitimate role for the university. Despite the numerical growth, the content analysis showed few papers on new configurations and procedures for partnership management. We conclude that university-industry relations are not a regular and totally accepted process in Brazilian public universities, which reflect an ideological bias against cooperation with firms.
El presente proyecto parte de la propuesta realizada por la empresa Tempos21 donde se recoge la necesidad de crear una librería de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres para la plataforma Android. Esta librería podrá ser utilizada por diferentes aplicaciones ejecutadas en terminales móviles que cuenten con este sistema operativo.
SAP R/3 és un software estàndard de gestió empresarial que engloba tots els processos iactivitats d’una companyia i permet el disseny de l’aplicació a les necessitats de l’empresa.Diferents avantatges, com ara disposar d’una base de dades única, han fet escollir aquestsistema a una empresa del sector metal•lúrgic com a eina de gestió:Aquest projecte té com a objecte la implantació de dos dels mòduls que inclou el sistemaSAP R/3, concretament el mòdul SD (Sales and Distribution), amb el qual es controlen lesvendes de l’empresa, i el mòdul MM (Material Management), mòdul amb el qual es controlatot el que fa referència als materials, la gestió d’estocs i tota la gestió de compres del’empresa
La proposta d'aquest treball és realitzar un projecte que produeixi una solució de programari per a un hipotètic negoci de fleques de pa. Aquest projecte inclou la recollida i documentació de requisits així com l'anàlisi, el disseny i la implementació d'un prototip funcional per a un sistema capaç de rebre i gestionar comandes de pa i productes derivats (pastisseria, rebosteria, etc...).
Purpose: IOL centration and stability after cataract surgery is of high interest for cataract surgeons and IOL-producing companies. We present a new imaging software to evaluate the centration of the rhexis and the centration of the IOL after cataract surgery.Methods: We developed, in collaboration with the Biomedical Imaging Group (BIG), EPFL, Lausanne, a new working tool in order to assess precisely outcomes after IOL-implantation, such as ideal capsulorhexis and IOL-centration. The software is a plug-in of ImageJ, a general-purpose image processing and image-analysis package. The specifications of this software are: evaluation of the rhexis-centration and evaluation the position of the IOL in the posterior chamber. The end points are to analyze the quality of the centration of a rhexis after cataract surgery, the deformation of the rhexis with capsular bag retraction and the centration of the IOL after implantation.Results: This software delivers tools to interactively measure the distances between limbus, IOL and capsulorhexis and its changes over time. The user is invited to adjust nodes of three radial curves for the limbus, rhexis and the optic of the IOL. The radial distances of the curves are computed to evaluate the IOL implantation. The user is also able to define patterns for ideal capsulorhexis and optimal IOL-centration. We are going to present examples of calculations after cataract surgery.Conclusions: Evaluation of the centration of the rhexis and of the IOL after cataract surgery is an important end point for optimal IOL implantation after cataract surgery. Especially multifocal or accommodative lenses need a precise position in the bag with a good stability over time. This software is able to evaluate these parameters just after the surgery but also its changes over time. The results of these evaluations can lead to an optimizing of surgical procedures and materials.