948 resultados para Social safety net
Aquest treball final de carrera analitza el món dels videojocs des d’una perspectiva comercial i de màrqueting. Els videojocs s’han convertit en la forma d’oci audiovisual més important, per davant del cinema i de la música, fins arribar a estar presents en la majoria de les plataformes actuals: consoles, ordinadors, dispositius mòbils, xarxes socials… Aquest creixement exponencial del mercat dels videojocs no ha passat desapercebut per les grans marques, les quals ja han començat a invertir importants sumes de diners en el desenvolupament de noves campanyes amb els videojocs com a protagonistes. El que ens fa també adonar-nos del potencial que té aquest mitjà publicitari de cara al futur, són les constants millores que van sortint al mercat de forma progressiva. Algunes millores que ja han començat a situar la videoconsola com el centre d'oci multimèdia dins de les nostres llars.
Appleby Report - August 2005
The Inequalities Monitoring System comprises a basket of indicators which are monitored over time to assess area differences in morbidity, utilisation of and access to health and social care services in Northern Ireland. Inequalities between the 20% most deprived electoral wards and Northern Ireland as a whole are measured with deprived areas identified from an update of the Noble Income domain for current ward boundaries. Results for 20% most rural areas were also compared against Northern Ireland overall using population density from the 2001 Census of Population as a measure of rurality. This report is the first annual update of the baseline results presented in Chapter 8 of Equality and Inequalities in Health and Social care in Northern Ireland – A Statistical Overview (DHSSPS 2004) which focused on 2001/2002. The morbidity and utilisation data in this report are the latest available while the locations of services for the accessibility analysis will be updated in subsequent years åÊ
Final Report
Public Attitudes to Health and Personal Social Services in Northern Ireland, 2004 - Final Report
Inspection of Social Work in Mental Health Services
Inspection of Social Work in Mental Health Services - Overview Report and Summary (June 2004)
This paper considers two recent initiatives in Northern Ireland relating to targeting social need and inequalities. While the paper deals with each separately they should be seen as complementary. Therefore, many of the points made in relation to one are also pertinent to the other. åÊ
Health and Social Care: Comparative Data for Northern Ireland and other Countries - May 2004
This policy guidance is intended for staff working within the Health and Personal Social Services sector in Northern Ireland, and aims to provide advice and information on the provision of health and social care services to asylum seekers and refugees. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that asylum seekers and refugees are given equitable access to health and social care services under the terms of the current legislation, with the overall aim of providing a culturally competent health and social care services. åÊ
Aquest treball segueix la trajectòria dels joves que han passat pel centre de compliment de mesures judicials de Justícia juvenil Oriol Badia, un cop han estat desinternats del centre, per tal de saber el seu grau d’integració social. Per fer-ho s’ha seguit a tots aquells menors que han superat els sis mesos d’internament en el període comprès entre l’agost de 1992 i el juny de 2004 i se’ls ha passat un qüestionari, on se’ls pregunta respecte alguns aspectes del que fan a l’actualitat. Del total de població possible a estudiar (99 menors) ha estat possible contactar i obtenir resposta en 76 casos. L’estudi és continuïtat d’un altre que es va plantejar objectius molt similars en un període anterior, i que va ser realitzat l’any 1994. Els àmbits d’estudi que s’han tingut en compte són la situació laboral del jove, la seva situació socioeconòmica, la salut, l’estat emocional-relacional i l’àmbit social. Aquests 5 àmbits s’han valorat en quatre categories d’indicadors: molt acceptable, acceptable, regular i desfavorable. Finalment els resultats, expressats en forma de puntuació permet agrupar els nois en tres categories, on es valora si la integració social ha estat favorable, regular o desfavorable, i les relaciona amb les característiques de perfil que presenten els joves. Les principals diferències amb l’estudi anterior es troben amb l’augment de població immigrada i l’aplicació de la Llei 5/2000, reguladora de la responsabilitat penal dels menors, que va entrar en vigor l’any 2001.
The Inequalities Monitoring System comprises a basket of indicators which are monitored over time to assess area differences in morbidity, utilisation of and access to health and social care services in Northern Ireland. Inequalities between the 20% most deprived electoral wards and Northern Ireland as a whole are measured with deprived areas identified from an update of the Noble Income domain for current ward boundaries. Results for 20% most rural areas were also compared against Northern Ireland overall using population density from the 2001 Census of Population as a measure of rurality. This report is the firståÊ annual update of the baseline results presented in Chapter 8 of Equality and Inequalities in Health and Social care in Northern Ireland – A Statistical Overview (DHSSPS 2004) which focused on 2001/2002. The morbidity and utilisation data in this report are the latest available while the locations of services for the accessibility analysis will be updated in subsequent years. åÊ åÊ
Briggs Report - Review of Health and Social Services in the Case of David and Samuel Briggs - June 2003