980 resultados para Smith, R. W.
FAMOUS is an ocean-atmosphere general circulation model of low resolution, based on version 4.5 of the UK MetOffice Unified Model. Here we update the model description to account for changes in the model as it is used in the CMIP5 EMIC model intercomparison project (EMICmip) and a number of other studies. Most of these changes correct errors found in the code. The EMICmip version of the model (XFXWB) has a better-conserved water budget and additional cooling in some high latitude areas, but otherwise has a similar climatology to previous versions of FAMOUS. A variant of XFXWB is also described, with changes to the dynamics at the top of the model which improve the model climatology (XFHCC).
Larvae of Galleria mellonella (Greater Wax Moth) have been shown to be susceptible to Campylobacter jejuni infection and our study characterizes this infection model. Following infection with C. jejuni human isolates, bacteria were visible in the haemocoel and gut of challenged larvae, and there was extensive damage to the gut. Bacteria were found in the extracellular and cell-associated fraction in the haemocoel, and it was shown that C. jejuni can survive in insect cells. Finally, we have used the model to screen a further 67 C. jejuni isolates belonging to different MLST types. Isolates belonging to ST257 were the most virulent in the Galleria model, whereas those belonging to ST21 were the least virulent.
Galleria mellonella (wax moth) larvae have elsewhere been shown to be susceptible to pathogens such as Francisella tularensis, Burkholderia mallei, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We report that the larvae are rapidly killed by Campylobacter jejuni at 37 degrees C. Three strains of C. jejuni tested, 11168H (human diarrheal isolate), G1 (human Guillain-Barre syndrome isolate), and 81-176 (human diarrheal isolate), were equally effective at killing G. mellonella larvae. A panel of defined mutants of C. jejuni 11168H, in known or putative virulence genes, showed different degrees of attenuation in G. mellonella larvae. A mutant lacking the O-methyl phosphoramidate (MeOPN) capsule side group was attenuated, clearly demonstrating that MeOPN has a role in virulence. This new model of C. jejuni infection should facilitate the identification of novel virulence genes.
The transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) varies strongly across the coupled GCMs (general circulation models) used for the IPCC AR4. This note shows that a large fraction of this across-model variance can be explained by relating it to the parameterization of eddy-induced transports. In the majority of models this parameterization is based on the study by Gent and McWilliams (1990). The main parameter is the quasi-Stokes diffusivity kappa (often referred to less accurately as ’’thickness diffusion’’). The ACC transport and the meridional density gradient both correlate strongly with kappa across those models where kappa is a prescribed constant. In contrast, there is no correlation with the isopycnal diffusivity jiso across the models. The sensitivity of the ACC transport to kappa is larger than to the zonal wind stress maximum. Experiments with the fast GCM FAMOUS show that changing kappa directly affects the ACC transport by changing the density structure throughout the water column. Our results suggest that this limits the role of the wind stress magnitude in setting the ACC transport in FAMOUS. The sensitivities of the ACC and the meridional density gradient are very similar across the AR4 GCMs (for those models where kappa is a prescribed constant) and among the FAMOUS experiments. The strong sensitivity of the ACC transport to kappa needs careful assessment in climate models.
Restoration schemes aimed at enhancing plant species diversity of improved agricultural grassland have been a key feature of agri-environmental policy since the mid 1980s. Allied to this has been much research aimed at providing policy makers with guidelines on how best to manage grassland to restore botanical diversity. This research includes long-term studies of the consequences for grassland diversity of management techniques such as different hay cut dates, fertiliser additions, seed introductions and grazing regimes. Studies have also explored the role of introductions of Rhinanthus minor into species-poor swards to debilitate competitive grasses. While these studies have been successful in identifying some management features that control plant species diversity in agricultural grassland, they have taken a largely aboveground perspective on plant community dynamics.
Incubation with 5-n-alkylresorcinols (chain lengths C15:0, C17:0, C19:0, C21:0, and C23:0) increased the self-protection capacity of HT29 human colon cancer cells against DNA damage induced by hydrogen peroxide and genotoxic fecal water samples using comet assay (single-cell gel electrophoresis assay). The alkylresorcinols did not exert potent antioxidant activity in the FRAP (ferric reduction ability of plasma) and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical assays. However they were able to significantly inhibit copper-mediated oxidation of human LDL (low-density lipoprotein) in vitro, and pentadecylresorcinol at 25 micromol/L increased lag time by 65 min. The results show that alkylresorcinols have antigenotoxic and antioxidant activity under in vitro conditions.
Green roof plants alter the microclimate of building roofs and may improve roof insulation. They act by providing cooling by shading, but also through transpiration of water through their stomata. However, leaf surfaces can become warmer when plants close the stomata and decrease water loss in response to drying substrate (typically associated with green roofs during summers), also reducing transpirational cooling. By using a range of contrasting plant types (Sedum mix – an industry green roof ‘standard’, Stachys byzantina, Bergenia cordifolia and Hedera hibernica) we tested the hypothesis that plants differ in their ‘cooling potential’. We firstly examined how leaf morphology influenced leaf temperature and how drying substrate altered that response. Secondly, we investigated the relationship between leaf surface temperatures and the air temperatures immediately above the canopies (i.e. potential to provide aerial cooling). Finally we measured how the plant type influenced the substrate temperature below the canopy (i.e. potential for building cooling). In our experiments Stachys outperformed the other species in terms of leaf surface cooling (even in drying substrate, e.g. 5 oC cooler compared with Sedum), substrate cooling beneath its canopy (up to 12 oC) and even - during short intervals over hottest still periods - the air above the canopy (up to 1 oC, when soil moisture was not limited). We suggest that the choice of plant species on green roofs should not be entirely dictated by what survives on the shallow substrates of extensive systems, but consideration should be given to supporting those species providing the greatest eco-system service potential.
Mitochondria and Wolbachia are maternally inherited genomes that exhibit strong linkage disequilibrium in many organisms. We surveyed Wolbachia infections in 187 specimens of the fig wasp species, Ceratosolen solmsi, and found an infection prevalence of 89.3%. DNA sequencing of 20 individuals each from Wolbachia-infected and -uninfected subpopulations revealed extreme mtDNA divergence (up to 9.2% and 15.3% in CO1 and cytochrome b, respectively) between infected and uninfected wasps. Further, mtDNA diversity was significantly reduced within the infected group. Our sequencing of a large part of the mitochondrial genome from both Wolbachia-infected and -uninfected individuals revealed that high sequence divergence is common throughout the mitochondrial genome. These patterns suggest a partial selective sweep of mitochondria subsequent to the introduction of Wolbachia into C. solsmi, by hybrid introgression from a related species.
Activation of platelets by collagen is mediated through a tyrosine kinase-dependent pathway that is associated with phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma chain, the tyrosine kinase syk, and phospholipase C gamma2 (PLC gamma2). We recently described a collagen-related triple-helical peptide (CRP) with the sequence GCP*(GPP*)GCP*G (single letter amino acid code: P* = hydroxyproline; Morton et al, Biochem J306:337, 1995). The cross-linked peptide is a potent stimulus of platelet activation but, unlike collagen, does not support alpha2beta1-mediated, Mg2+-dependent adhesion, suggesting that its action is independent of the integrin alpha2beta1. This finding suggests the existence of a platelet receptor other than alpha2beta1 that underlies activation. In the present study, we show that CRP stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of the same pattern of proteins in platelets as collagen, including syk and PLC gamma2. Protein tyrosine phosphorylation induced by CRP is not altered in the absence of Mg2+ or the presence of monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) to the integrin alpha2beta1 (MoAb 6F1 and MoAb 13), conditions that prevent the interaction of collagen with the integrin. In contrast, phosphorylation of syk and PLC gamma2 by collagen is partially reduced by MoAb 6F1 and MoAb 13 or by removal of Mg2+. This may reflect a direct role of alpha2beta1 in collagen-induced signaling events or an indirect role in which the integrin facilitates the binding of collagen to its signaling receptor. The results show an alpha2beta1-independent pathway of platelet activation by CRP that involves phosphorylation of syk and PLC gamma2. This pathway appears to contribute to platelet activation by collagen.
Within a changing climate, Mediterranean ‘Garrigue’ xerophytes are increasingly recommended as suitable urban landscape plants in north-west Europe, based on their capacity to tolerate high temperature and reduced water availability during summer. Such species, however, have a poor reputation for tolerating waterlogged soils; paradoxically a phenomenon that may also increase in north-west Europe due to predictions for both higher volumes of winter precipitation, and short, but intensive periods of summer rainfall. This study investigated flooding tolerance in four landscape ‘Garrigue’ species, Stachys byzantina, Cistus × hybridus, Lavandula angustifolia and Salvia officinalis. Despite evolving in a dry habitat, the four species tested proved remarkably resilient to flooding. All species survived 17 days flooding in winter, with Stachys and Lavandula also surviving equivalent flooding duration during summer. Photosynthesis and biomass production, however, were strongly inhibited by flooding although the most tolerant species, Stachys quickly restored its photosynthetic capacity on termination of flooding. Overall, survival rates were comparable to previous studies on other terrestrial (including wetland) species. Subsequent experiments using Salvia (a species we identified as ‘intermediate’ in tolerance) clearly demonstrated adaptations to waterlogging, e.g. acclimation against anoxia when pre-treated with hypoxia. Despite anecdotal information to the contrary, we found no evidence to suggest that these xerophytic species are particularly intolerant of waterlogging. Other climatic and biotic factors may restrict the viability and distribution of these species within the urban conurbations of north-west Europe, but we believe increased incidence of flooding per se should not preclude their consideration.
BACKGROUND: We examined the role of aerosol transmission of influenza in an acute ward setting. METHODS: We investigated a seasonal influenza A outbreak that occurred in our general medical ward (with open bay ward layout) in 2008. Clinical and epidemiological information was collected in real time during the outbreak. Spatiotemporal analysis was performed to estimate the infection risk among patients. Airflow measurements were conducted, and concentrations of hypothetical virus-laden aerosols at different ward locations were estimated using computational fluid dynamics modeling. RESULTS: Nine inpatients were infected with an identical strain of influenza A/H3N2 virus. With reference to the index patient's location, the attack rate was 20.0% and 22.2% in the "same" and "adjacent" bays, respectively, but 0% in the "distant" bay (P = .04). Temporally, the risk of being infected was highest on the day when noninvasive ventilation was used in the index patient; multivariate logistic regression revealed an odds ratio of 14.9 (95% confidence interval, 1.7-131.3; P = .015). A simultaneous, directional indoor airflow blown from the "same" bay toward the "adjacent" bay was found; it was inadvertently created by an unopposed air jet from a separate air purifier placed next to the index patient's bed. Computational fluid dynamics modeling revealed that the dispersal pattern of aerosols originated from the index patient coincided with the bed locations of affected patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest a possible role of aerosol transmission of influenza in an acute ward setting. Source and engineering controls, such as avoiding aerosol generation and improving ventilation design, may warrant consideration to prevent nosocomial outbreaks.
We present a new iterative approach called Line Adaptation for the Singular Sources Objective (LASSO) to object or shape reconstruction based on the singular sources method (or probe method) for the reconstruction of scatterers from the far-field pattern of scattered acoustic or electromagnetic waves. The scheme is based on the construction of an indicator function given by the scattered field for incident point sources in its source point from the given far-field patterns for plane waves. The indicator function is then used to drive the contraction of a surface which surrounds the unknown scatterers. A stopping criterion for those parts of the surfaces that touch the unknown scatterers is formulated. A splitting approach for the contracting surfaces is formulated, such that scatterers consisting of several separate components can be reconstructed. Convergence of the scheme is shown, and its feasibility is demonstrated using a numerical study with several examples.
Data assimilation algorithms are a crucial part of operational systems in numerical weather prediction, hydrology and climate science, but are also important for dynamical reconstruction in medical applications and quality control for manufacturing processes. Usually, a variety of diverse measurement data are employed to determine the state of the atmosphere or to a wider system including land and oceans. Modern data assimilation systems use more and more remote sensing data, in particular radiances measured by satellites, radar data and integrated water vapor measurements via GPS/GNSS signals. The inversion of some of these measurements are ill-posed in the classical sense, i.e. the inverse of the operator H which maps the state onto the data is unbounded. In this case, the use of such data can lead to significant instabilities of data assimilation algorithms. The goal of this work is to provide a rigorous mathematical analysis of the instability of well-known data assimilation methods. Here, we will restrict our attention to particular linear systems, in which the instability can be explicitly analyzed. We investigate the three-dimensional variational assimilation and four-dimensional variational assimilation. A theory for the instability is developed using the classical theory of ill-posed problems in a Banach space framework. Further, we demonstrate by numerical examples that instabilities can and will occur, including an example from dynamic magnetic tomography.
The Metafor project has developed a common information model (CIM) using the ISO19100 series for- malism to describe numerical experiments carried out by the Earth system modelling community, the models they use, and the simulations that result. Here we describe the mechanism by which the CIM was developed, and its key properties. We introduce the conceptual and application ver- sions and the controlled vocabularies developed in the con- text of supporting the fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). We describe how the CIM has been used in experiments to describe model coupling properties and de- scribe the near term expected evolution of the CIM.
A study was carried out to determine whether spirochaetes are frequently associated with digital dermatitis in United Kingdom (UK) dairy cattle. Histopathological examination of lesions using a silver stain showed a large number of unidentified spirochaete-like organisms present in digital dermatitis hoof skin tissue in all examined biopsies. Immunocytochemical staining demonstrated that spirochaetes in skin lesions were identified by polyclonal antisera to Borrelia burgdorferi, Treponema denticola and Treponema vincentii (again all biopsies were positively stained), whereas monoclonal antibodies to B. burgdorferi and any Treponema pallidum did not stain any organisms in all biopsies. A PCR of 16S rRNA, previously shown to be specific for a new treponeme, was employed and produced positive results from 82.4% of digital dermatitis tissues. It is concluded that this spirochaete (or related spirochaetes), which is similar to human oral treponemes, is frequently associated with, and may be responsible for, pathological changes in digital dermatitis. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.