907 resultados para Site Specific
Some topoisomerase inhibitors trap covalent topoisomerase–DNA complexes as topoisomerase–drug–DNA ternary complexes. Ternary complex formation results in inhibition of DNA replication and generation of permanent double-strand breaks. Recent demonstrations of the stimulation of covalent topoisomerase–DNA complex formation by DNA lesions suggest that DNA damage may act as an endogenous topoisomerase poison. We have investigated the effects of abasic (AP) sites on topoisomerase IV (Topo IV). AP sites can stimulate the formation of covalent Topo IV–DNA complexes when they are located either within the 4 base overhang generated by DNA scission or immediately 5′ to the point of scission (the –1 position). Thus, the AP site acts as a position-specific, endogenous topoisomerase poison. Both EDTA and salt can reverse covalent Topo IV–DNA complexes induced by AP sites located within the 4 base overhang. Interestingly, an AP site at the –1 position inhibits EDTA-mediated reversal of formation of the covalent Topo IV–DNA complex. Furthermore, we find that, unlike quinolone-induced covalent Topo IV–DNA complexes, AP site-induced covalent Topo IV–DNA complexes do not inhibit the helicase activities of the DnaB and T7 Gene 4 proteins. These results suggest that the AP site-induced poisoning of Topo IV does not arrest replication fork progression.
Evernimicin (Evn), an oligosaccharide antibiotic, interacts with the large ribosomal subunit and inhibits bacterial protein synthesis. RNA probing demonstrated that the drug protects a specific set of nucleotides in the loops of hairpins 89 and 91 of 23S rRNA in bacterial and archaeal ribosomes. Spontaneous Evn-resistant mutants of Halobacterium halobium contained mutations in hairpins 89 and 91 of 23S rRNA. In the ribosome tertiary structure, rRNA residues involved in interaction with the drug form a tight cluster that delineates the drug-binding site. Resistance mutations in the bacterial ribosomal protein L16, which is shown to be homologous to archaeal protein L10e, cluster to the same region as the rRNA mutations. The Evn-binding site overlaps with the binding site of initiation factor 2. Evn inhibits activity of initiation factor 2 in vitro, suggesting that the drug interferes with formation of the 70S initiation complex. The site of Evn binding and its mode of action are distinct from other ribosome-targeted antibiotics. This antibiotic target site can potentially be used for the development of new antibacterial drugs.
An allele of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase gene (Md-ACS1), the transcript and translated product of which have been identified in ripening apples (Malus domestica), was isolated from a genomic library of the apple cultivar, Golden Delicious. The predicted coding region of this allele (ACS1-2) showed that seven nucleotide substitutions in the corresponding region of ACS1-1 resulted in just one amino acid transition. A 162-bp sequence characterized as a short interspersed repetitive element retrotransposon was inserted in the 5′-flanking region of ACS1-2 corresponding to position −781 in ACS1-1. The XhoI site located near the 3′ end of the predicted coding region of ACS1-2 was absent from the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction product, revealing that exclusive transcription from ACS1-1 occurs during ripening of cv Golden Delicious fruit. DNA gel-blot and polymerase chain reaction analyses of genomic DNAs showed clearly that apple cultivars were either heterozygous for ACS1-1 and ACS1-2 or homozygous for each type. RNA gel-blot analysis of the ACS1-2 homozygous Fuji apple, which produces little ethylene and has a long storage life, demonstrated that the level of transcription from ACS1-2 during the ripening stage was very low.
Chromosome-specific gene regulation is known thus far only as a mechanism to equalize the transcriptional activity of the single male X chromosome with that of the two female X chromosomes. In Drosophila melanogaster, a complex including the five Male-Specific Lethal (MSL) proteins, “paints” the male X chromosome, mediating its hypertranscription. Here, with the molecular cloning of Painting of fourth (Pof), we describe a previously uncharacterized gene encoding a chromosome-specific protein in Drosophila. Unlike the MSL proteins, POF paints an autosome, the fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. Chromosome translocation analysis shows that the binding depends on an initiation site in the proximal region of chromosome 4 and spreads in cis to involve the entire chromosome. The spreading depends on sequences or structures specific to chromosome 4 and cannot extend to parts of other chromosomes translocated to the fourth. Spreading can also occur in trans to a paired homologue that lacks the initiation region. In the related species Drosophila busckii, POF paints the entire X chromosome exclusively in males, suggesting relationships between the fourth chromosome and the X and between POF complexes and dosage-compensation complexes.
A cDNA (Cel1) encoding an endo-1,4-β-glucanase (EGase) was isolated from ripe fruit of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa). The deduced protein of 496 amino acids contains a presumptive signal sequence, a common feature of cell wall-localized EGases, and one potential N-glycosylation site. Southern- blot analysis of genomic DNA from F. × ananassa, an octoploid species, and that from the diploid species Fragaria vesca indicated that the Cel1 gene is a member of a divergent multigene family. In fruit, Cel1 mRNA was first detected at the white stage of development, and at the onset of ripening, coincident with anthocyanin accumulation, Cel1 mRNA abundance increased dramatically and remained high throughout ripening and subsequent fruit deterioration. In all other tissues examined, Cel1 expression was invariably absent. Antibodies raised to Cel1 protein detected a protein of 62 kD only in ripening fruit. Upon deachenation of young white fruit to remove the source of endogenous auxins, ripening, as visualized by anthocyanin accumulation, and Cel1 mRNA accumulation were both accelerated. Conversely, auxin treatment of white fruit repressed accumulation of both Cel1 mRNA and ripening. These results indicate that strawberry Cel1 is a ripening-specific and auxin-repressed EGase, which is regulated during ripening by a decline in auxin levels originating from the achenes.
High Al resistance in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. cv Jianxi) has been suggested to be associated with both internal and external detoxification mechanisms. In this study the characteristics of the external detoxification mechanism, Al-induced secretion of oxalic acid, were investigated. Eleven days of P depletion failed to induce secretion of oxalic acid. Exposure to 50 μm LaCl3 also did not induce the secretion of oxalic acid, suggesting that this secretion is a specific response to Al stress. Secretion of oxalic acid was maintained for 8 h by a 3-h pulse treatment with 150 μm Al. A nondestructive method was developed to determine the site of the secretion along the root. Oxalic acid was found to be secreted in the region 0 to 10 mm from the root tip. Experiments using excised roots also showed that secretion was located on the root tip. Four kinds of anion-channel inhibitors showed different effects on Al-induced secretion of oxalic acid: 10 μm anthracene-9-carboxylic acid and 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonate had no effect, niflumic acid stimulated the secretion 4-fold, and phenylglyoxal inhibited the secretion by 50%. Root elongation in buckwheat was not inhibited by 25 μm Al or 10 μm phenylglyoxal alone but was inhibited by 40% in the presence of Al and phenylglyoxal, confirming that secretion of oxalic acid is associated with Al resistance.
A cDNA and corresponding promoter region for a naturally occurring, feedback-insensitive anthranilate synthase (AS) α-subunit gene, ASA2, has been isolated from an unselected, but 5-methyl-tryptophan-resistant (5MTr), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell line (AB15–12-1). The ASA2 cDNA contains a putative transit peptide sequence, and Southern hybridization shows that more than one closely related sequence is present in the tobacco genome. The ASA2 cDNA complemented a trpE nonsense mutant Escherichia coli strain, allowing growth on 300 μm 5MT-containing minimal medium without tryptophan, and cell extracts contained feedback-insensitive AS activity. The 5MTr was lost when the E. coli strain was transformed with an ASA2 site-directed mutant (phenylalanine-107-arginine-108 → serine-107-glutamine-108). Identical nucleotide sequences encoding the phenylalanine-107-arginine-108 region have been found in polymerase chain reaction-amplified 326-bp ASA2 genomic fragments of wild-type (5-methyl-tryptophan-sensitive [5MTs]) tobacco and a progenitor species. High-level ASA2 transcriptional expression was detected only in 5MTr-cultured cells, not in 5MTs cells or in plants. Promoter studies indicate that tissue specificity of ASA2 is controlled by the promoter region between −2252 and −607. Since the ASA2 promoter sequences are not substantially different in the 5MTr and 5MTs lines, the increased levels of ASA2 mRNA in the 5MTr lines are most likely due to changes in a regulatory gene affecting ASA2 expression.
Binase, a member of a family of microbial guanyl-specific ribonucleases, catalyzes the endonucleotic cleavage of single-stranded RNA. It shares 82% amino acid identity with the well-studied protein barnase. We used NMR spectroscopy to study the millisecond dynamics of this small enzyme, using several methods including the measurement of residual dipolar couplings in solution. Our data show that the active site of binase is flanked by loops that are flexible at the 300-μs time scale. One of the catalytic residues, His-101, is located on such a flexible loop. In contrast, the other catalytic residue, Glu-72, is located on a β-sheet, and is static. The residues Phe-55, part of the guanine base recognition site, and Tyr-102, stabilizing the base, are the most dynamic. Our findings suggest that binase possesses an active site that has a well-defined bottom, but which has sides that are flexible to facilitate substrate access/egress, and to deliver one of the catalytic residues. The motion in these loops does not change on complexation with the inhibitor d(CGAG) and compares well with the maximum kcat (1,500 s−1) of these ribonucleases. This observation indicates that the NMR-measured loop motions reflect the opening necessary for product release, which is apparently rate limiting for the overall turnover.
In testis mRNA stability and translation initiation are extensively under the control of poly(A)-binding proteins (PABP). Here we have cloned a new human testis-specific PABP (PABP3) of 631 amino acids (70.1 kDa) with 92.5% identical residues to the ubiquitous PABP1. A northern blot of multiple human tissues hybridised with PABP3- and PABP1-specific oligonucleotide probes revealed two PABP3 mRNAs (2.1 and 2.5 kb) detected only in testis, whereas PABP1 mRNA (3.2 kb) was present in all tested tissues. In human adult testis, PABP3 mRNA expression was restricted to round spermatids, whereas PABP1 was expressed in these cells as well as in pachytene spermatocytes. PABP3-specific antibodies identified a protein of 70 kDa in human testis extracts. This protein binds poly(A) with a slightly lower affinity as compared to PABP1. The human PABP3 gene is intronless with a transcription start site 61 nt upstream from the initiation codon. A sequence of 256 bp upstream from the transcription start site drives the promoter activity of PABP3 and its tissue-specific expression. The expression of PABP3 might be a way to bypass PABP1 translational repression and to produce the amount of PABP needed for active mRNA translation in spermatids.
During meiosis II in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the cytoplasmic face of the spindle pole body changes from a site of microtubule initiation to a site of de novo membrane formation. These membranes are required to package the haploid meiotic products into spores. This functional change in the spindle pole body involves the expansion and modification of its cytoplasmic face, termed the outer plaque. We report here that SPO21 is required for this modification. The Spo21 protein localizes to the spindle pole in meiotic cells. In the absence of SPO21 the structure of the outer plaque is abnormal, and prospore membranes do not form. Further, decreased dosage of SPO21 leaves only two of the four spindle pole bodies competent to generate membranes. Mutation of CNM67, encoding a known component of the mitotic outer plaque, also results in a meiotic outer plaque defect but does not block membrane formation, suggesting that Spo21p may play a direct role in initiating membrane formation.
Genotoxins, such as polycyclic aromatic compounds, are ubiquitous in urban and industrial environments. Our understanding of the role that these chemicals play in generating DNA sequence mutations is predominantly derived from laboratory studies with specific genotoxins or extracts of contaminants from environmental media. Most assays are not indicative of the germinal effects of exposure in situ to complex mixtures of common environmental mutagens. Using multilocus DNA fingerprinting, we found the mutation rate in herring gulls inhabiting a heavily industrialized urban harbor (Hamilton Harbour, Ontario) to be more than twice as high as three rural sites: Kent Island, Bay of Fundy; Chantry Island, Lake Huron; and Presqu'ile Provincial Park in Lake Ontario. Overall we found a mutation rate of 0.017 +/- 0.004 per offspring band in Hamilton, 0.006 +/- 0.002 at Kent Island, 0.002 +/- 0.002 from Chantry Island, and 0.004 +/- 0.002 from Presqu'ile Provincial Park. The mutation rate from the rural sites (pooled) was significantly lower than the rate observed in Hamilton Harbour (Fisher's exact test, two-tailed; P = 0.0006). These minisatellite DNA mutations may be important biomarkers for heritable genetic changes resulting from in situ exposure to environmental genotoxins in a free-living vertebrate species.
We have used a transgene mutation approach to study how expression domains of Hoxc8 are established during mouse embryogenesis. A cis-regulatory region located 3 kb upstream from the Hoxc8 translational start site directs the early phase of expression. Four elements, termed A, B, C, and D, were previously shown to direct expression to the neural tube. Here we report that a fifth element, E, located immediately downstream of D directs expression to mesoderm in combination with the other four elements. These elements are interdependent and partially redundant. Different combinations of elements determine expression in different posterior regions of the embryo. Neural tube expression is determined minimally by ABC, ABD, or ACD; somite expression by ACDE; and lateral plate mesoderm expression by DE. Neural tube and lateral plate mesoderm enhancers can be separated, but independent somite expression has not been achieved. Furthermore, mutations within these elements result in posteriorization of the reporter gene expression. Thus, the anterior extent of expression is determined by the combined action of these elements. We propose that the early phase of Hoxc8 expression is directed by two separate mechanisms: one that determines tissue specificity and another that determines anterior extent of expression.
We have synthesized 13 hammerhead ribozyme variants, each containing an abasic residue at a specific position of the catalytic core. The activity of each of the variants is significantly reduced. In four cases, however, activity can be rescued by exogenous addition of the missing base. For one variant, the rescue is 300-fold; for another, the rescue is to the wild-type level. This latter abasic variant (G10.1X) has been characterized in detail. Activation is specific for guanine, the base initially removed. In addition, the specificity for guanine versus adenine is substantially altered by replacing C with U in the opposite strand of the ribozyme. These results show that a binding site for a small, noncharged ligand can be created in a preexisting ribozyme structure. This has implications for structure-function analysis of RNA, and leads to speculations about evolution in an "RNA world" and about the potential therapeutic use of ribozymes.
A novel photoactivatable analog of ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (ovine photoCRF) has been synthesized and characterized. A diazirine group, the 4-(1-azi-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)benzoyl residue, was covalently bound to the amino terminus of ovine CRF (oCRF), which was N-terminally extended by a tyrosyl residue for radioactive labeling with 125I. Under mild conditions, photolysis yielded highly reactive carbenes, responsible for the formation of covalent bonds to the CRF receptor. Ovine photoCRF was shown to bind to the high-affinity site of the CRF receptor with a similar Kd value as oCRF. When radioactively iodinated ovine photoCRF (ovine 125I-photoCRF) was covalently linked to rat CRF receptor, type 1 (rCRFR1), permanently transfected into human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, a highly glycosylated 75-kDa protein was identified with SDS/PAGE. The specificity of ovine 125I-photoCRF was demonstrated by the finding that this analog could be displaced from the receptor by oCRF, but not other unrelated peptides such as vasoactive intestinal peptide. The observed size of the 75-kDa cross-link was in agreement with the molecular weight reported earlier for native CRFR1 from rat brain. Deglycosylation of the 75-kDa cross-link with peptide:N-glycosidase (PNGase) yielded a 46-kDa protein, in agreement with the molecular weight estimated from cDNA coding for rat CRFR1. The developed CRF analog, photoCRF, is expected to facilitate future biochemical and physiological analysis of CRF receptors and--by analogous strategies--of other peptide receptors.
We previously demonstrated that the primary region of factor IX and IXa responsible for saturable specific binding to bovine aortic endothelial cells resides in residues 3-11 at the amino terminus of factor IX. We also demonstrated that mutations of lysine to alanine at residue 5, factor IX K5A, or valine to lysine at residue 10, factor IX V10K, resulted in a molecule unable to bind to endothelial cells. Moreover, a mutation with lysine to arginine at residue 5, factor IX K5R, resulted in a factor IX molecule with increased affinity for the endothelial cell binding site. In this paper we report that collagen IV is a strong candidate for the factor IX binding site on endothelial cells. Factor IX and factor IX K5R compete with 125I-labeled factor IX for binding to tetrameric collagen IV immobilized on microtiter plates, while factor X, factor VII, and factor IX K5A or V10K fail to compete. The Kd for wild-type factor IX binding to collagen IV in the presence of heparin was 6.8 +/- 2 nM, and the Kd for factor IX K5R was 1.1 +/- 0.2 nM, which agrees well with our previously published Kd values of 7.4 and 2.4 nM for binding of the same proteins to endothelial cells. Our working assumption is that we have identified the endothelial cell binding site and that it is collagen IV. Its physiological relevance remains to be determined.