1000 resultados para Sistema custeio baseado em atividades


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O Município de Pindoba está situado no Vale do Paraíba, microrregião da Mata Alagoana e possui uma população de 2.857 habitantes distribuídos entre zona urbana e rural. O município possui apenas uma Equipe de Saúde da Família sendo o acesso da população à saúde 100 através do Sistema Único de Saúde. Vários problemas foram encontrados a partir da análise situacional do município como baixa taxa de saneamento, baixo nível de escolaridade e o baixo nível de informação sobre as medidas de prevenção relacionadas ao tema, constituindo as principais causas do número expressivo de parasitoses intestinais no local. Esse estudo tem como objetivo a redução em longo prazo da incidência de parasitoses intestinais através da elaboração de um plano de intervenção baseado no método de planejamento estratégico situacional. A alta incidência de parasitoses é um problema socioeconômico e a sua redução através da educação em saúde deve ser feita de maneira multissetorial e multiprofissional. A escola nesse contexto funciona como um veículo para transmissão de conhecimentos sobre educação em Saúde. O plano proposto sugere quatro frentes de ação no município, através da criação dos seguintes projetos: Projeto Água + Saudável, Projeto Rio Seguro, Projeto Escola para Todos e Projeto O Saber para Todos. Espera-se com este trabalho que as atividades propostas sejam implantadas e se tornem um contínuo incentivo às práticas de promoção e prevenção em prol da comunidade escolhida


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O diabetes mellitus (DM) é um grupo de doenças metabólicas que se caracteriza por hiperglicemia e está relacionado a múltiplas complicações, disfunções e insuficiência de vários órgãos, principalmente olhos, rins, nervos, cérebro, coração e vasos sanguíneos. A natureza crônica do DM, a gravidade das complicações e os meios necessários para controlá-la, tornam esta doença muito onerosa, não apenas para os indivíduos afetados e suas famílias, mas também para o sistema de saúde. Pesquisadores esclarecem a relação da incidência da doença com a baixa escolaridade. Este trabalho se justifica pela alta prevalência de diabetes na população de Patrocínio do Muriaé, assim como de pacientes com complicações da doença, que muitas vezes por falta de conhecimento, recebem o diagnóstico tardiamente ou não seguem o tratamento adequadamente. O objetivo do projeto é aumentar o conhecimento da população a respeito do diabetes mellitus e consequentemente aumentar a adesão ao tratamento e diminuir as complicações tardias do diabetes, assim como aumentar o diagnóstico oportuno com aumento da cobertura de consultas e exames diagnósticos na população assistida pela equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família do Posto de Saúde da Família (PSF) Maria Aparecida de Lima Campos, no Município de Patrocínio do Muriaé-MG. A metodologia selecionada foi a utilização do planejamento estratégico situacional para a análise situacional em saúde com definição do diabetes como doença prevalente. Houve a proposta de confecção e distribuição de panfletos informativos, ações educativas e a aplicação de entrevista a população alvo para avaliar o aprendizado a respeito do tema.


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A Diabetes Mellitus (DM) ocupa lugar de destaque no contexto da transição epidemiológica e constitui um dos principais fatores de risco para o aparecimento das doenças cardíacas. O controle da DM está diretamente relacionado ao grau de adesão do paciente ao regime terapêutico. Sendo assim, este estudo objetivou elaborar uma proposta de intervenção para sistematizar o atendimento dos pacientes com DM com vistas a reduzir a incidência de fatores de riscos modificáveis e as complicações nos pacientes cadastrados na Unidade de Saúde de Luxemburgo do Município Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais. O presente trabalho foi realizado através de três etapas: revisão de literatura, diagnóstico situacional e elaboração do plano de intervenção. A revisão bibliográfica aconteceu por meio de busca de artigos sobre o tema DM na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e SciELO, bem como consultas a programas do Ministério de Saúde (DATASUS) e do Sistema de Informação da Atenção Básica (SIAB) do município Sete Lagoas. Após a revisão, elaborou-se um plano de intervenção baseado na DM e os fatores de risco, com os principais resultados do diagnóstico situacional. As principais propostas apresentadas foram adoção aos modos e estilos de vida saudáveis pelos pacientes diabéticos, aumentar o conhecimento acerca da DM, aumentar o atendimento dos pacientes com fatores de riscos e aumentar a realização de atividades de promoção e prevenção em saúde.


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The goals of this study are to identify the potencialities avaiable in elementary public schools for the development of an educational process wich includes environmental issues helpping to find its integration with university in order to contribuite raises teaching levels for a better comprehension of regional environmental problems. Research data were collected through questionnaires and interviews with geography teachers analyising theirs activities and perspectives on the environmental crisis and environmental education. The study also offers sugestions for the devellopment of interdisciplinaires programs trying to contibute for the construction of citizenship showing the importance of better comprehension from environmental problems which includes physical, economics, social, political and cultural aspects.


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Multi-element analyses of sediment samples from the Santos-Cubatão Estuarine System were carried out to investigate the spatial and seasonal variability of trace-element concentrations. The study area contains a rich mangrove ecosystem that is a habitat for tens of thousands of resident and migratory birds, some of them endangered globally. Enrichments of metals in fine-grained surface sediments are, in decreasing order, Hg, Mn, La, Ca, Sr, Cd, Zn, Pb, Ba, Cu, Cr, Fe, Nb, Y, Ni and Ga, relative to pre-industrial background levels. The maximum enrichment ranged from 49 (Hg) to 3.1 (Ga). Mercury concentrations were greater in the Cubatão river than in other sites, while the other elements showed greater concentrations in the Morrão river. Concentrations of Mn were significantly greater in winter and autumn than in summer and spring. However, other elements (e.g. Cd and Pb) showed the opposite, with greater concentrations in summer and spring. This study suggests that seasonal changes in physical and chemical conditions may affect the degree of sediment enrichment and therefore make the assessment of contamination difficult. Consequently, these processes need to be considered when assessing water quality and the potential contamination of biota.


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A solid-phase in-line extraction system for water samples containing low levels of emerging contaminants is described. The system was specially developed for large volume samples (up to 4 L) using commercial solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges. Four sets containing PTFE-made connectors, brass adapters and ball valves were used to fit SPE cartridges and sample bottles to a 4-port manifold attached to a 20 L carboy. A lab-made vacuum device was connected to the manifold cap. The apparatus is robust and less expensive than the typical available system. Its also provides less experimental handling, avoiding cross contamination and sample losses.


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The difficulty in adapting European dairy cows breeds in Brazil affect considerably the milk production sector. Brazilian climatic conditions are not totally favorable and the development of new tecnologies is needed for the animals express their genetic potential, as well as their best feed conversion. An economical analysis of the applied investment in the free-stall climatization equipment in dairy housing, for estimating studies related to profit, possibility of return investment as well as time for this return is necessary. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of climatization investment in the milk production process and analyze the economical aspect of this investment. There were used 470 high productive dairy cows with genetic and morphologic homogeneous characteristics, and analyzed in two similar periods. Investment calculations were done using Excell®. The results were satisfactory and the invested capital was proved to return to the producer in a short term, 57 days.


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In the last few years the sugar-cane mechanical harvested area has increased, especially in regions with appropriated slop. The use of this technology brings some inconveniences, such as, the increase in the percentage of extraneous matter, which causes the reduction of technological quality of the raw material, and losses in the field. Extraneous matter (trash) is composed of tops and leaves in major percentage, plus soil and roots, and eventually some metal parts. In the green cane harvest system the percentage of extraneous matter has a tendency to increase due to the great amount of vegetal matter to be processed. The increase in the blower fan speed to reduce the amount of extraneous matter can lead to an unacceptable economic level of raw material losses. The main objective of this work was, using a cane loss monitor, to evaluate and quantify the amount of visible losses of sugar cane through the primary extractor at two different fan speeds. Afterwards these losses were related to the harvester cleaning efficiency. The piezoelectric transducer shows a reasonable sensibility. The results show that the cleaning efficiency in the primary extractor (85% mean), the cane losses (between 5.68% and 2.15%) and fan speed are interrelated. The total losses and specially splinters (between 3.19% and 0.91%), showed a significant difference among the treatments.


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Quality evaluation of classification was done in two fresh market tomatoes packing house, using electronically and mechanical equipments in two harvest periods, summer and winter seasons. The main goal of this work was to evaluate size and color grading conformity with the standards proposed by the Brazilian Program for Horticulture Modernization and size grading obtainded with the one established by the packer. The cultivar studied was Carmen. The results showed that there was no grade conformity with the fresh tomato quality standards proposed by the Brazilian Program for Horticulture Modernization. The grade conformity obtained when compared with the one programmed by the packer, was only for large sizes, in both equipments. The electronically equipment has presented better performance, over the mechanical, considering grading quality and fruits post-harvest quality. However, the electronically equipment must be constantly monitored to achieve efficiency and investment return. On the other side, for mechanical equipment it will be necessary to review the actual system of size grading, in order to follow the fresh tomato quality standards.


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One of the problems found in mechanical harvest of sugar cane is the lack of synchronism between the harvest machine and the infield wagon, causing crop losses as well as operational capacity. The objective of the present research was to design a system capable of helping to synchronize the sugar cane harvest machine with the wagon. The communication between tractor and harvest machine is wireless. Two ultrasound sensors coupled to the elevator and a microprocessor manage such information, generating a correct synchronization among the machines. The system was tested in laboratory and on field performing its function adequately, maintaining the two machines in synchronization, indicating and alerting the operators their relative positions. The developed system reduced the sugar cane lost in 60 kg ha-1 comparing to the harvest with the system turned off.


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The study assessed phloem canal development and ultra-structure in shoot apices of Spondias dulcis G. Forst., phloematic canal ultra-structure in shoot apices of Tapirira guianensis Aubl., and floral canal ultra-structure and development and fruit canal ultra-structure of the latter specie. The flower and fruit canals of Anacardium humile St.Hil. were also studied ultra-structurally. The canals in shoot apices of S. dulcis show schizo-lysigenous formation and the floral canals of T. guianensis show schizogenous development. Epithelial cells of S. dulcis and T. guianensis canals have rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes, elongated plastids of several shapes with osmiophilic inclusions and dictyosomes with production of vesicles. Such organelles participate in the secretion of a heterogeneous exudate, which is comprised of hydrophilic and lipophilic substances. The epithelial cells of the fruit of A. humile present elongated plastids with circular membrane system, which are involved in the synthesis of lipophilic substances. The results of the ultra-structural analyses of the epithelial cells corroborate the results previously obtained in a histochemical study. In the histochemical study, lipophilic and hydrophilic substances were identified in the canals of T. guinanensis and S. dulcis and only lipophilic substances were identified in the canals of A. humile. Based on the ultrastructural aspects of the secretory canals of T. guianensis and S. dulcis we concluded that the plastids of the epithelial cells of the two species are different although they produce secretion of similar composition. A new record for the family is the presence of a great number of circular plastids in epithelial cells of the fruit of Anacardium humile. The pattern found in the secretory canals of the studied species is the ecrine type of secretion release.


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The MINUS system was developed as a minimally invasive procedure that uses a diaphyseal cephalic extramedullary implant for the treatment of transtrochanteral fractures of the femur in elderly patients. The implant consists of a sliding screw coupled to a plate adapted to the minimally invasive technique. The surgical access is approximately three centimeters in length located on the lateral surface of the hip, below the projection of the small trochanter. A perfectly adapted instrument was used for the procedure, which also requires the use of an image intensifier, reducing surgery time and rate of bleeding. The objective of this study is to present a new instrument and implant, developed specifically for treatment with the minimally invasive technique, reducing the length of the conventional surgical access from 10 to three centimetres. This new implant was given the commercial name of MINUS System.


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Problems identified in the study and analysis of the phonology of Brazilian Indian languages belonging to the Macro-Jê branch such as Kaingang, Maxakali, and Mebengokre led the author to confirm the accuracy of some intuitions on the part of Piggott (1992) and Rice (1993) on dealing with relations between nasality and sonorancy (D'Angelis 1998). The applicability of the approach to the distinct processes of nasality and nasalization in Portuguese was verified with surprising results that recover some intuitions of Trubetzkoy (1939) and contribute to reconfirm the Mattoso Câmara's (1953; 1970) considerations, but at the same time go beyond them. This article presents the result of this investigation and its conclusions that suggest the validity and the necessity of reexamining even the phonemic inventory of the Portuguese language, an issue not at all questioned in the teaching of phonology, to take into account the linguistic changes in the phonological system of that language in the last fifty years.


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This text which discusses the central theme of the National Conference on Education (CONAE), held in Brasília from 28th March to 1st April 2010, deals with the concept of a National System of Education in articulation with the National Plan of Education. To that end, after pointing to the basic uses of the concept of system, it discusses the question of the National System of Education exploring the federative question in order to reveal the complete compatibility of the organization of the National System of Education with the federative regime. Thereafter, it deals with the historical meaning of the National Plan of Education demonstrating that the plan is a demand of the system, since planned action is implicit in systematized education. Thus the National Plan of Education is fulfilling those goals and objectives for which it is responsible.


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INTRODUCTION: Armies from all over the world acknowledge the importance of good physical fitness for the performance of military duties. The Military Exercise Training (MET) attempts to provide assistance to this search for better physical fitness and performance. OBJECTIVE: To verifying the effect on the body composition and physical performance of the students at ESPCEX (Military School for Preparation of Army Cadets) after 13 weeks of MET. METHODS: The sample was formed by 287 male students from the ESPCEX, whose average age was 18.33 ±1.26. Such students accomplished a boarding school routine, having defined schedules, meals and activities from which they were only released during the weekends. The MET was accomplished five days a week and it comprised both aerobic and resistance training. Measurement of body mass, height, skinfold (triceps, abdominal and suprailiac) was accomplished during pre and post training periods, and the following tests were performed: 12-minutes-run, oblique sit up, arm push up and pull up. Fat percentage, fat-free body mass and fat body mass were calculated using the anthropometric data based on the Guedes 3 skinfold protocol. RESULTS: Significant reduction in fat body mass, fat percentage and in triceptal and abdominal skinfold, as well as increase in suprailiac skinfold and fat-free body mass was observed when anthropometric and body composition data were compared, during the initial and the final periods of training. Significant improvement also occurred in all prformed physical tests, in which better performance was achieved. CONCLUSION: The acquired data suggest that performance of MET 5 days a week brought significantly improved body composition as well as physical performance