989 resultados para Sink nodes


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Clock synchronization in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) assures that sensor nodes have the same reference clock time. This is necessary not only for various WSN applications but also for many system level protocols for WSNs such as MAC protocols, and protocols for sleep scheduling of sensor nodes. Clock value of a node at a particular instant of time depends on its initial value and the frequency of the crystal oscillator used in the sensor node. The frequency of the crystal oscillator varies from node to node, and may also change over time depending upon many factors like temperature, humidity, etc. As a result, clock values of different sensor nodes diverge from each other and also from the real time clock, and hence, there is a requirement for clock synchronization in WSNs. Consequently, many clock synchronization protocols for WSNs have been proposed in the recent past. These protocols differ from each other considerably, and so, there is a need to understand them using a common platform. Towards this goal, this survey paper categorizes the features of clock synchronization protocols for WSNs into three types, viz, structural features, technical features, and global objective features. Each of these categories has different options to further segregate the features for better understanding. The features of clock synchronization protocols that have been used in this survey include all the features which have been used in existing surveys as well as new features such as how the clock value is propagated, when the clock value is propagated, and when the physical clock is updated, which are required for better understanding of the clock synchronization protocols in WSNs in a systematic way. This paper also gives a brief description of a few basic clock synchronization protocols for WSNs, and shows how these protocols fit into the above classification criteria. In addition, the recent clock synchronization protocols for WSNs, which are based on the above basic clock synchronization protocols, are also given alongside the corresponding basic clock synchronization protocols. Indeed, the proposed model for characterizing the clock synchronization protocols in WSNs can be used not only for analyzing the existing protocols but also for designing new clock synchronization protocols. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Drawing inspiration from real world interacting systems, we study a system consisting of two networks that exhibit antagonistic and dependent interactions. By antagonistic and dependent interactions we mean that a proportion of functional nodes in a network cause failure of nodes in the other, while failure of nodes in the other results in failure of links in the first. In contrast to interdependent networks, which can exhibit first-order phase transitions, we find that the phase transitions in such networks are continuous. Our analysis shows that, compared to an isolated network, the system is more robust against random attacks. Surprisingly, we observe a region in the parameter space where the giant connected components of both networks start oscillating. Furthermore, we find that for Erdos-Renyi and scale-free networks the system oscillates only when the dependence and antagonism between the two networks are very high. We believe that this study can further our understanding of real world interacting systems.


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In WSNs the communication traffic is often time and space correlated, where multiple nodes in a proximity start transmitting simultaneously. Such a situation is known as spatially correlated contention. The random access method to resolve such contention suffers from high collision rate, whereas the traditional distributed TDMA scheduling techniques primarily try to improve the network capacity by reducing the schedule length. Usually, the situation of spatially correlated contention persists only for a short duration, and therefore generating an optimal or suboptimal schedule is not very useful. Additionally, if an algorithm takes very long time to schedule, it will not only introduce additional delay in the data transfer but also consume more energy. In this paper, we present a distributed TDMA slot scheduling (DTSS) algorithm, which considerably reduces the time required to perform scheduling, while restricting the schedule length to the maximum degree of interference graph. The DTSS algorithm supports unicast, multicast, and broadcast scheduling, simultaneously without any modification in the protocol. We have analyzed the protocol for average case performance and also simulated it using Castalia simulator to evaluate its runtime performance. Both analytical and simulation results show that our protocol is able to considerably reduce the time required for scheduling.


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This work considers the identification of the available whitespace, i.e., the regions that do not contain any existing transmitter within a given geographical area. To this end, n sensors are deployed at random locations within the area. These sensors detect for the presence of a transmitter within their radio range r(s) using a binary sensing model, and their individual decisions are combined to estimate the available whitespace. The limiting behavior of the recovered whitespace as a function of n and r(s) is analyzed. It is shown that both the fraction of the available whitespace that the nodes fail to recover as well as their radio range optimally scale as log(n)/n as n gets large. The problem of minimizing the sum absolute error in transmitter localization is also analyzed, and the corresponding optimal scaling of the radio range and the necessary minimum transmitter separation is determined.


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A new class of exact-repair regenerating codes is constructed by stitching together shorter erasure correction codes, where the stitching pattern can be viewed as block designs. The proposed codes have the help-by-transfer property where the helper nodes simply transfer part of the stored data directly, without performing any computation. This embedded error correction structure makes the decoding process straightforward, and in some cases the complexity is very low. We show that this construction is able to achieve performance better than space-sharing between the minimum storage regenerating codes and the minimum repair-bandwidth regenerating codes, and it is the first class of codes to achieve this performance. In fact, it is shown that the proposed construction can achieve a nontrivial point on the optimal functional-repair tradeoff, and it is asymptotically optimal at high rate, i.e., it asymptotically approaches the minimum storage and the minimum repair-bandwidth simultaneously.


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In several wireless sensor networks, it is of interest to determine the maximum of the sensor readings and identify the sensor responsible for it. We propose a novel, decentralized, scalable, energy-efficient, timer-based, one-shot max function computation (TMC) algorithm. In it, the sensor nodes do not transmit their readings in a centrally pre-defined sequence. Instead, the nodes are grouped into clusters, and computation occurs over two contention stages. First, the nodes in each cluster contend with each other using the timer scheme to transmit their reading to their cluster-heads. Thereafter, the cluster-heads use the timer scheme to transmit the highest sensor reading in their cluster to the fusion node. One new challenge is that the use of the timer scheme leads to collisions, which can make the algorithm fail. We optimize the algorithm to minimize the average time required to determine the maximum subject to a constraint on the probability that it fails to find the maximum. TMC significantly lowers average function computation time, average number of transmissions, and average energy consumption compared to approaches proposed in the literature.


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Phase-change cooling technique is a suitable method for thermal management of electronic equipment subjected to transient or cyclic heat loads. The thermal performance of a phase-change based heat sink under cyclic heat load depends on several design parameters, namely, applied heat flux, cooling heat transfer coefficient, thermophysical properties of phase-change materials (PCMs), and physical dimensions of phase-change storage system during melting and freezing processes. A one-dimensional conduction heat transfer model is formulated to evaluate the effectiveness of preliminary design of practical PCM-based energy storage units. In this model, the phase-change process of the PCM is divided into melting and solidification subprocesses, for which separate equations are written. The equations are solved sequentially and an explicit closed-form solution is obtained. The efficacy of analytical model is estimated by comparing with a finite-volume-based numerical solution for both transient and cyclic heat loads.


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Opportunistic selection in multi-node wireless systems improves system performance by selecting the ``best'' node and by using it for data transmission. In these systems, each node has a real-valued local metric, which is a measure of its ability to improve system performance. Our goal is to identify the best node, which has the largest metric. We propose, analyze, and optimize a new distributed, yet simple, node selection scheme that combines the timer scheme with power control. In it, each node sets a timer and transmit power level as a function of its metric. The power control is designed such that the best node is captured even if. other nodes simultaneously transmit with it. We develop several structural properties about the optimal metric-to-timer-and-power mapping, which maximizes the probability of selecting the best node. These significantly reduce the computational complexity of finding the optimal mapping and yield valuable insights about it. We show that the proposed scheme is scalable and significantly outperforms the conventional timer scheme. We investigate the effect of. and the number of receive power levels. Furthermore, we find that the practical peak power constraint has a negligible impact on the performance of the scheme.


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We consider the basic bidirectional relaying problem, in which two users in a wireless network wish to exchange messages through an intermediate relay node. In the compute-and-forward strategy, the relay computes a function of the two messages using the naturally occurring sum of symbols simultaneously transmitted by user nodes in a Gaussian multiple-access channel (MAC), and the computed function value is forwarded to the user nodes in an ensuing broadcast phase. In this paper, we study the problem under an additional security constraint, which requires that each user's message be kept secure from the relay. We consider two types of security constraints: 1) perfect secrecy, in which the MAC channel output seen by the relay is independent of each user's message and 2) strong secrecy, which is a form of asymptotic independence. We propose a coding scheme based on nested lattices, the main feature of which is that given a pair of nested lattices that satisfy certain goodness properties, we can explicitly specify probability distributions for randomization at the encoders to achieve the desired security criteria. In particular, our coding scheme guarantees perfect or strong secrecy even in the absence of channel noise. The noise in the channel only affects reliability of computation at the relay, and for Gaussian noise, we derive achievable rates for reliable and secure computation. We also present an application of our methods to the multihop line network in which a source needs to transmit messages to a destination through a series of intermediate relays.


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For maximizing influence spread in a social network, given a certain budget on the number of seed nodes, we investigate the effects of selecting and activating the seed nodes in multiple phases. In particular, we formulate an appropriate objective function for two-phase influence maximization under the independent cascade model, investigate its properties, and propose algorithms for determining the seed nodes in the two phases. We also study the problem of determining an optimal budget-split and delay between the two phases.


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We consider a continuum percolation model consisting of two types of nodes, namely legitimate and eavesdropper nodes, distributed according to independent Poisson point processes in R-2 of intensities lambda and lambda(E), respectively. A directed edge from one legitimate node A to another legitimate node B exists provided that the strength of the signal transmitted from node A that is received at node B is higher than that received at any eavesdropper node. The strength of the signal received at a node from a legitimate node depends not only on the distance between these nodes, but also on the location of the other legitimate nodes and an interference suppression parameter gamma. The graph is said to percolate when there exists an infinitely connected component. We show that for any finite intensity lambda(E) of eavesdropper nodes, there exists a critical intensity lambda(c) < infinity such that for all lambda > lambda(c) the graph percolates for sufficiently small values of the interference parameter. Furthermore, for the subcritical regime, we show that there exists a lambda(0) such that for all lambda < lambda(0) <= lambda(c) a suitable graph defined over eavesdropper node connections percolates that precludes percolation in the graphs formed by the legitimate nodes.


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We present a localization system that targets rapid deployment of stationary wireless sensor networks (WSN). The system uses a particle filter to fuse measurements from multiple localization modalities, such as RF ranging, neighbor information or maps, to obtain position estimations with higher accuracy than that of the individual modalities. The system isolates different modalities into separate components which can be included or excluded independently to tailor the system to a specific scenario. We show that position estimations can be improved with our system by combining multiple modalities. We evaluate the performance of the system in both an indoor and outdoor environment using combinations of five different modalities. Using two anchor nodes as reference points and combining all five modalities, we obtain RMS (Root Mean Square) estimation errors of approximately 2.5m in both cases, while using the components individually results in errors within the range of 3.5 and 9 m.


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In this paper, sensing coverage by wireless camera-embedded sensor networks (WCSNs), a class of directional sensors is studied. The proposed work facilitates the autonomous tuning of orientation parameters and displacement of camera-sensor nodes in the bounded field of interest (FoI), where the network coverage in terms of every point in the FoI is important. The proposed work is first of its kind to study the problem of maximizing coverage of randomly deployed mobile WCSNs which exploits their mobility. We propose an algorithm uncovered region exploration algorithm (UREA-CS) that can be executed in centralized and distributed modes. Further, the work is extended for two special scenarios: 1) to suit autonomous combing operations after initial random WCSN deployments and 2) to improve the network coverage with occlusions in the FoI. The extensive simulation results show that the performance of UREA-CS is consistent, robust, and versatile to achieve maximum coverage, both in centralized and distributed modes. The centralized and distributed modes are further analyzed with respect to the computational and communicational overheads.


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Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET), is a type of wireless ad-hoc network that aims to provide communication among vehicles. A key characteristic of VANETs is the very high mobility of nodes that result in a frequently changing topology along with the frequent breakage and linkage of the paths among the nodes involved. These characteristics make the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements in VANET a challenging issue. In this paper we characterize the performance available to applications in infrastructureless VANETs in terms of path holding time, path breakage probability and per session throughput as a function of various vehicle densities on road, data traffic rate and number of connections formed among vehicles by making use of table-driven and on-demand routing algorithms. Several QoS constraints in the applications of infrastructureless VANETs are observed in the results obtained.


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A routing protocol in a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) should be secure against both the outside attackers which do not hold valid security credentials and the inside attackers which are the compromised nodes in the network. The outside attackers can be prevented with the help of an efficient key management protocol and cryptography. However, to prevent inside attackers, it should be accompanied with an intrusion detection system (IDS). In this paper, we propose a novel secure routing with an integrated localized key management (SR-LKM) protocol, which is aimed to prevent both inside and outside attackers. The localized key management mechanism is not dependent on any routing protocol. Thus, unlike many other existing schemes, the protocol does not suffer from the key management - secure routing interdependency problem. The key management mechanism is lightweight as it optimizes the use of public key cryptography with the help of a novel neighbor based handshaking and Least Common Multiple (LCM) based broadcast key distribution mechanism. The protocol is storage scalable and its efficiency is confirmed by the results obtained from simulation experiments.