924 resultados para Sick person
Résumé : Une épidémie de gale sarcoptique (Sarcoptes scabiei) touche le canton de Genève depuis 1996. Nous avons étudié l'impact de cette maladie sur différents caractères comportementaux du renard roux (Vulpes vulpes) : l'écologie alimentaire, les comportements spatiaux et l'activité, ainsi que les contacts sociaux. Nous avons également évalué si la gale pouvait influencer la composition et la transmission de la communauté helminthique intestinale du renard. En effet, cette espèce est l'hôte de parasites qui sont liés à des zoonoses importantes, en particulier le ténia échinocoque du renard (Echinococcus multilocularis) pour lequel Genève est considérée comme une zone de haute endémie. Durant 5 années, des carcasses de renards ont été récoltées sur l'ensemble du canton. Nous les avons disséquées et avons conservé différents échantillons pour des analyses ultérieures. Des données sur le poids, l'âge et le statut reproductif des femelles ont ainsi pu être obtenues. Les contenus stomacaux ont été analysés pour déterminer le régime alimentaire, les intestins pour collecter des helminthes, des échantillons de sang pour faire des sérologies et des échantillons de peau pour récupérer les sarcoptes. Des renards sauvages ont également été capturés et équipés de colliers émetteurs afin de déterminer leur activité et leur utilisation de l'espace. Finalement, nous avons réalisé des affûts sur des terriers et des observations nocturnes à l'aide d'un détecteur thermique afin d'étudier les contacts sociaux. Nous avons ensuite considéré tous ces aspects pour comparer les renards galeux aux individus sains. Trois catégories de gale ont été prises en compte selon l'importance de l'infection. L'épidémie a traversé le canton en 8 ans environ et elle a provoqué une forte diminution des populations de renard. Les animaux malades étaient caractérisés par un poids réduit, ils utilisaient des domaines vitaux réduits et présentaient un rythme d'activité irrégulier. En ce qui concerne le régime alimentaire, les renards galeux avaient souvent des estomacs vides ou contenant peu d'aliments d'origine animale. Cette réduction de l'alimentation ne semble pas seulement être liée à des capacités de prédation réduite, mais également à un désintérêt face à la nourriture. Tous les changements de comportement cités étaient plus marqués chez les animaux soumis à une forte infestation. Dix taxons d'helminthes ont été identifiés dans les intestins des renards analysés. Deux d'entre eux représentent un risque de santé publique: Echinococcus multilocularis et Toxocara carvis. Pour ces helminthes, nous n'avons pas identifié de différences de prévalence entre les renards galeux et les animaux sains, mais la charge parasitaire était significativement supérieure chez les individus galeux, en particulier ceux souffrant d'une infestation importante. Ceci est probablement lié à une susceptibilité accrue des individus qui présentent une condition physique amoindrie et des défenses immunitaire affaiblies. Selon nos résultats, nous pouvons conclure que la gale induit des changements comportementaux importants et que ces changements ont une influence potentielle sur la transmission de la gale elle-même, mais également sur la transmission du reste de la communauté parasitaire de l'hôte. Les individus qui souffrent d'une infestation importante sont susceptibles de provoquer une contamination de l'environnement accrue en ce qui concerne des helminthes pouvant provoquer des zoonoses. La gale apparaît être un facteur à ne pas négliger dans le cadre de la gestion de la faune sauvage, mais également en ce qui concerne des problématiques de santé publique. Summary An epidemic outbreak of sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) has struck the canton of Geneva since 1996. The impact of the disease on various behavioural traits of the main host, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), was investigated: feeding ecology, spatial behaviour and activity, and social contacts. We also evaluated if mange might have an influence on the composition and transmission of the intestinal helminth community of foxes. Indeed, this species is host of parasites with potential zoonotic importance, particularly the fox tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis) for which Geneva is reported as endemic area. During 5 years, red fox carcasses have been collected throughout the canton. They were then dissected and various samples conserved for further analysis. Data on weight, age, and reproductive status of females were obtained. Stomach content were analysed for diet analysis, intestines to recover helminths, blood to proceed to ELISAs and skin samples to check for the presence of Sarcoptes mites. Further, wild foxes were captured and fitted with transmitters in order to determine their activity pattern and space use. Finally, we proceeded to direct observations at dens and using a thermal imaging sensor at night to gain information about social contacts. A comparison between healthy and mangy foxes was made for all these aspects. Three categories of mangy foxes were considered from moderately to severely infected. The epidemic wave crossed the canton in about 8 years and induced a significant reduction in fox densities. Mangy individuals appeared to have reduced body weights, to use more restricted home ranges and exhibited an irregular activity pattern. Regarding food, sick foxes often had empty stomachs and consumed less food items of animal origin. The reduction in food intake appeared to be linked not only to a reduced ability to hunt, but also to a reduced interest in food. The changes observed were particularly pronounced in individuals with severe infestation. Ten helminth taxa were recovered from the intestines on the analysed fox carcasses. Two of them have an importance with regard to human public health: Echinococcus multilocularis and Toxocara cams. The prevalence of these helminths did not differ between healthy and mangy foxes, however the worm burden was significantly higher in mangy foxes, particularly those with severe mange. This is probably linked to an increased susceptibility in individuals with a reduced body condition and weakened immune defences. From our observations, we can conclude that mange induces pronounced behavioural changes in the red fox, and that those changes influence the transmission risks of mange itself, but also of the rest of the parasite community of the host. Individuals with severe mange are for example likely to increase the environment contamination of free living stages of helminths with zoonotic importance. Mange appears thus to represent a factor not to be neglected for the management of wild species and for public health issues.
Aquest treball de final de carrera (TFC) constitueix un petit estudi dels sistemes d'informació geogràfica (SIG) per a gestionar una informació cadastral, i mira d'oferir una visió general dels SIG a qualsevol persona física o jurídica o a qualsevol ens públic o privat interessat en el tema. Així mateix, es vol despertar l'interès per aquests sistemes d'informació amb l'estudi més particularitzat d'una informació cadastral perquè aquesta pot proporcionar una informació més atractiva a un ampli sector de la població.
La finalitat d'aquest treball és proporcionar al responsable de gestionar el CD de programari lliure que la UOC subministra als seus estudiants, una aplicació que sigui capaç de controlar, administrar i generar l'esmentat CD.
Memory Clinics provide evidence based diagnosis and treatment of dementia. Whenever a diagnosis of dementia is made, it is important to inform the patients about the possible impact of dementia on driving. Patients and their next of kin require competent advice whenever this difficult question is addressed and the mobility desire and the risks related to driving need to be carefully weight up. The time of diagnosis does not necessarily equate to the time when a person with dementia becomes an unsafe driver. The cause and severity of dementia, comorbidities and the current medication need to be carefully taken into account for this decision. On behalf of the association of the Swiss Memory Clinics, a group of experts has developed recommendations to assess fitness to drive in cognitively impaired older adults.
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: Domestic accidents are an important problem in paediatric medicine. This study was designed to gain a better understanding of burn mechanisms and target prevention. METHODS: Children treated for burn lesions in the Department of Paediatric Surgery between August 2004 and August 2005 were included in this prospective study. The burn mechanisms, the children's ages and the circumstances in which children were burned as well as their home environment variables were analyzed. RESULTS: The current study included eighty-nine patients, aged between 2 months and 15 years. Seventy-eight percent were less than 5 years old. More than half were boys. Hot liquid scalding was the most frequent mechanism. There does not seem to be an increased risk in the immigrant population or in low economic status families. In most cases, an adult person was present at time of injury. CONCLUSIONS: If we were to describe the highest "at risk" candidate for a burn in our region, it would be a boy aged 15 months to 5 years who is burned by a cup of hot liquid on his hand, at home, around mealtime, in the presence of one or both parents. Reduced attention in the safe domestic setting is probably responsible.
Scanty data are available on the incidence (i.e., the absolute risk) of second cancers of the head and neck (HN) and its pattern with age. We investigated this issue using data from a multicentric study of 13 population-based cancer registries from Europe, Canada, Australia and Singapore for the years 1943-2000. A total of 99,257 patients had a first primary HN cancer (15,985 tongue, 22,378 mouth, 20,758 pharyngeal, and 40,190 laryngeal cancer), contributing to 489,855 person-years of follow-up. A total of 1,294 of the patients (1.3%) were diagnosed with second HN cancers (342 tongue, 345 mouth, 418 pharynx and 189 larynx). Male incidence rates of first HN cancer steeply increased from 0.68/100,000 at age 30-34 to 46.2/100,000 at age 70-74, and leveled off at older age; female incidence increased from 0.50/100,000 at age 30-34 to 16.5/100,000 at age 80-84. However, age-specific incidence of second HN cancers after a first HN cancer in men was around 200-300/100,000 between age 40-44 and age 70-74 and tended to decline at subsequent ages (150/100,000 at age 80-84); in women, incidence of second HN cancers was around 200-300/100,000 between age 45-49 and 80-84. The patterns of age-specific incidence were consistent for different subsites of second HN cancer and sexes; moreover, they were similar for age-specific incidence of first primary HN cancer in patients who subsequently developed a second HN cancer. The incidence of second HN cancers does not increase with age, but remains constant, or if anything, decreases with advancing age.
El projecte és una web per a un taller mecànic dels anomenats ¿de servei ràpid¿, amb tecnologies J2EE.Els clients del taller poden demanar dia i hora per fer unareparació al seu cotxe. I el taller, en el seu cas el cap de taller o persona autoritzada, pot llistar les reparacions del dia.
Your views matter - if you have heart failure, or are close to someone who does, please complete our survey by 31st�March 2012 (link below).Heart failure is a common condition affecting at least 20,000 people in Northern Ireland. The aim of this survey is to find out how to increase the confidence of people living with heart failure so they have a better quality of life, and can work in partnership with health care professionals and support services in managing their condition. The findings of this survey will be used to help improve services.Your views are important and we would encourage you to complete the survey. It should only take around 20 minutes. Participation is confidential which means that your identity will not be revealed. You are asked for your age, the first part of you post code and which GP practice you are registered with. This is so the results for different age groups and for different large geographical areas (i.e. Health & Social Care Trust areas) can be compared.� Results will not be examined by individual GP practice.Participation is voluntary i.e. taking part in the study is your decision. Whether you participate or not will have no effect on the medical care you receive from your GP practice or elsewhere. None of the health care professionals involved in your care will know if you participate or not: neither will they see your individual response.Whether you are an adult or a young person living with heart failure, or a partner, care giver, son, daughter, relative or friend, we would like you to share your experiences. This will help us to develop existing services in Northern Ireland to better meet your needs.You can share your experience by completing the survey online, clicking this�link:�http://sg.sensemaker-suite.com/CopewithconfidenceThe survey should be completed by 31st�March 2012.�If you have any queries about the survey, or you would like to request a paper copy to complete, please contact the Public Health Agency (028) 9032 1313 and ask for extension 2487 or email us at copewithconfidence@hscni.netPlease note that the survey team can only assist in survey related questions and will not able to answer questions about heart failure, its treatment or services provided.The Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke Association and The British Heart Foundation can provide information about support available to people with heart failure. Their contact details are:.�Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke Association:� www.nichsa.com, telephone (028) 9032 0184.�British Heart Foundation:� www.bhf.org.uk, telephone 0300 330 3311
Effective safeguarding children practice depends upon information sharing, collaboration and understanding between families, agencies and professionals. Nurses are required to work in partnership with other disciplines and agencies to safeguard and promote the health and wellbeing of children and young people. This includes working in partnership with the guardian ad litem (guardian) appointed by the court when making decisions regarding the best interests of a child or young person.This guidance replaces previous regional guidance. Regional implementation will ensure that information held by nurses is shared with the guardian in a consistent, timely and appropriate manner, so that informed decisions can be made in the best interests of children and young people.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Der international renommierte Religionswissenschaftler Michael Pye, seit 1982 Professor für Religionswissenschaft an der Philipps-Universität Marburg, hat die moderne, konfessionell unabhängige Religionsforschung maßgeblich mitgeprägt und dazu beigetragen, das Profil der Religionswissenschaft als einer autonomen akademischen Disziplin zu schärfen. In der vorliegenden Festschrift, die aus Anlaß des 65. Geburtstages Michael Pyes von zweien seiner Schüler bzw. Schülerinnen und einer ehemaligen Mitarbeiterin herausgegeben wurde, würdigen über 30 Religionswissenschaftler und Religionswissenschaftlerinnen aus Finnland, Großbritannien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Italien, Japan, Kanada, den Niederlanden, Norwegen, Schweden, der Schweiz, Tschechien und den USA mit ihren Beiträgen die Person und das Werk des Jubilars. Darüber hinaus enthält die Festschrift Porträts und eine Bibliographie der Arbeiten Michael Pyes. Die große thematische und methodische Bandbreite, die das Oevre dieses maßgebenden Religionswissenschaftlers kennzeichnet, spiegelt sich in der Vielfalt der Beiträge wider. So gibt dieses Buch zugleich einen guten Überblick über die Themen und Methoden der gegenwärtigen Religionswissenschaft.
The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training Programme for Northern Ireland has been adapted from the original MHFA programme established in Australia by Betty Kitchener and Anthony Jorm. MHFA is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem or who is currently in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until professional help is available or until the crisis resolves. More than 4,500 people have attended MHFA training in Northern Ireland since it began in 2009 following a successful pilot in 2005. The aims of MHFA are to: preserve life where a person may be a danger to themselves or others; provide help to prevent the mental health problem becoming more serious; promote the recovery of good mental health; provide comfort to a person experiencing a mental health problem. MHFA teaches participants: how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems; how to provide initial help; how to go about guiding a person towards appropriate professional help. The training programme is available to people from all backgrounds and has proved successful with different professional groups. MHFA training involves teaching participants how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and psychosis. Each course is delivered by two MHFA instructors, usually over two consecutive days and four sessions to a maximum of 20 delegates. The course can also be delivered one day a week for two weeks or in four three-hour sessions. To apply for the training programme, people should contact their local Health and Social care Trust. Each Trust runs MHFA training several times a year. Topics covered include: What is meant by mental health/mental ill health? Dealing with crisis situations such as suicidal behaviour, self-harm, panic attacks and acute psychotic behaviour. Recognising the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems including depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis and substance use disorders. Where and how to get help. Self help strategies.
Work to help communities prevent suicide has taken a further step forward with over 50 ASIST Trainers from across Northern Ireland completing the new ASIST 11 upgrader trainer course.The Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) enables people in a position of trust to recognise risk and learn how to intervene to prevent the immediate risk of suicide.The Public Health Agency (PHA) funded the upgrading training as part of their ongoing commitment to supporting quality training for a range of individuals, communities and organisations.Madeline Heaney, the PHA's strategic lead for Suicide Prevention, explained: "This programme enables people who have been trained to become more willing, ready and able to help those at risk of suicide, which can be vital in a crisis situation.�"We want to empower people who are in position of responsibility and care to know what to do if they find themselves in a situation where someone is at risk of taking their own lives."�ASIST has been delivered in Northern Ireland since 2003 and the course is designed for all caregivers or any person in a position of trust, making it useful for a range of people. The training is suitable for mental health professionals, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, teachers, counsellors, youth workers, police and prison staff, school support staff, clergy, community volunteers and the general public.This most recent training, which ASIST Trainers must complete, builds on previous editions and offers advances that help meet current challenges and provides new opportunities in helping to reduce suicides within communities.The intensive Trainer Upgrade was held in Derry/ Londonderry.More information on looking after your mental health and the support which is available across Northern Ireland can be found at www.mindingyourhead.info��You can also talk to your GP for advice.If you or someone you know is in distress or despair, call Lifeline on 0808 808 8000. This is a confidential service, where trained counsellors will listen and help immediately on the phone and follow up with other support if necessary. The helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also access the Lifeline website at www.lifelinehelpline.info
Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) is an essential component in the delivery of truly person centred services.�It is also a statutory duty.�The PHA has leadership responsibilities in respect of the implementation of PPI across HSC.�One of the ways in which the PHA discharges that leadership function, is through the Regional HSC PPI Forum.�This body brings together all HSC organisations, working alongside service users and carers, to bring a focus on involvement.�It promotes the sharing of best practice, identifies and tackles issues of common concern and providers a platform for the active participation of service users and carers.� Each year in response to a Priorities for Action (PFA) target, the PHA, working with HSC partners, service users and carers in the Forum, develop an Annual Report on PPI work taken forward through the Forum.The report for 2012/13 details progress in a number of important areas such as training, development of standards etc.
Improving the health and wellbeing of the elderly is the theme of the fourth Director of Public Health annual report, launched on 12 June 2013. Northern Ireland's elderly population is growing and older people are living longer than ever before, which emphasises the importance of providing health and social care that allows them to live a productive life.This report highlights the many areas of public health work aimed at giving elderly people in Northern Ireland the best opportunity to live active and healthy lives in a safe and secure environment. An in-depth overview also provides statistics on many aspects of life as an elderly person here - life expectancy, mortality, mental wellbeing, lifestyle, social determinants of health etc. Further, more detailed, data is included in an accompanying report available�as a separate document.��The core tables for 2011, also available to download below, include information such as estimated home population figures and projections, birth rates, fertility rates, death rates, information on mortality, life expectancy, immunisation rates and screening uptake rates.The presentation slides from key speakers from the launch event on 12 June 2013 and all parallel sessions are also appended below.�Please note:�The PHA cannot be held responsible for any breach of copyright that may exist within individual presentations.Anyone wishing to get a copy of the presentation by Ron McDowell�in the 'Identifying those at risk' category should contact him directly at mcdowell-R3@email.ulster.ac.uk
This factsheet summarises why one person's smoking can be harmful to others, by highlighting the health risks of second-hand smoke to adults and children.�