964 resultados para Shk Toxin
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus, together with the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) of the thalamus are considered the central components of the circadian timing system (CTS) of mammals. This system is responsible for the generation and regulation of circadian rhythms by establishing a temporal organization of physiological processes and behaviors. The neuronal specific nuclear protein (NeuN) has been widely used as a neuronal marker in several studies. Since glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a component of intermediate filaments found in the cytoplasm of astrocytes and is commonly used as a specific marker for these cells. This study aims to identify, in the marmoset, the NeuN immunoreactive neurons and glial cells immunoreactive to GFAP, as well as map the major route of photic synchronization of the STC, retinohypothalamic tract (RHT), and identify the indirect pathway to the SCN and pregeniculate nucleus (PGN) - structure homologous to IGL rodents, using immunohistochemical and cytoarchitectonic techniques. Observed in SCN the presence of neurons immunoreactive to NeuN and terminals immunoreactive subunit b of cholera toxin (CTb), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and serotonin (5- HT). In the PGN noted the presence of the NeuN and NPY immunoreactive neurons and the immunoreactive terminals CTb and 5-HT. Astrocytes are present throughout the extent of the SCN and the PGN this New World primate
Foi verificada pelo teste de ELISA indireto a resposta humoral contra os toxoides botulínicos C e D em bovinos de diferentes idades. O estudo envolveu 90 animais, que foram divididos em três grupos (n = 30), de acordo com a sua faixa etária; inferior a 2 anos de idade (G1), entre 2 e 5 anos (G2) e superior a 5 anos (G3). Os grupos experimentais foram vacinados com duas doses de vacina antibotulínica bivalente (C e D) comercial, nos dias 0 e 42 após a primo-vacinação (booster). Na avaliação, quando realizada 30 dias após o booster, os animais do G3 apresentaram maior produção de anticorpos (p < 0,05) em relação aos demais grupos. Entre o G1 e G2 não houve diferença significativa na resposta humoral contra a toxina C, no entanto, contra a toxina D, os animais do G1 apresentaram maior produção de anticorpos. Todos os grupos produziram uma resposta significativa de anticorpos contra as toxinas botulínicas após a 2ª dose da vacina bivalente comercial, principalmente contra o tipo D.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper presents a new approach to develop Field Programmable Analog Arrays (FPAAs),(1) which avoids excessive number of programming elements in the signal path, thus enhancing the performance. The paper also introduces a novel FPAA architecture, devoid of the conventional switching and connection modules. The proposed FPAA is based on simple current mode sub-circuits. An uncompounded methodology has been employed for the programming of the Configurable Analog Cell (CAC). Current mode approach has enabled the operation of the FPAA presented here, over almost three decades of frequency range. We have demonstrated the feasibility of the FPAA by implementing some signal processing functions.
A disfonia espasmódica (DE) é um distúrbio vocal caracterizado por voz tensa-estrangulada, com quebras de sonoridade e que compromete a comunicação do indivíduo. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica dos tratamentos médico e fonoaudiológico proposto para a DE no período entre 2006 e 2010. Os tratamentos descritos foram: injeção de toxina botulínica (TB), miectomia, neurectomia, denervação e reinervação laríngea seletiva adutora, tireoplastia, miotermia tiroaritenóidea com radiofrequência, injeção de lidocaína, homeopatia e tratamento fonoaudiológico (fonoterapia). O uso de injeção de TB mostrou resultados que indicaram a satisfação dos pacientes tratados, embora alguns dos artigos apontassem a necessidade de reaplicação da toxina frequentemente, como desvantagem. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram considerados duradouros e indicados para os pacientes que não quiseram se submeter às aplicações de TB. Tais estudos, no entanto, apresentaram contingência de pacientes restrita e os resultados foram baseados, na maioria das investigações, no julgamento dos próprios pacientes sobre a sua qualidade vocal. Os tratamentos, com uso de lidocaína e homeopatia, mostraram resultados positivos em relação à qualidade vocal dos pacientes e foram sugeridos como uma opção, também, para aqueles que não gostariam de ser submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico ou à aplicação de TB. Os poucos estudos que reportam fonoterapia assinalaram bons resultados quando a mesma foi associada à injeção de TB, mostrando a escassez de informações nesta área. Futuras pesquisas envolvendo a fonoterapia no tratamento da DE são necessárias.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Possible connections between the retina and the raphe nuclei were investigated in the monkey Cebus apella by intraocular injection of cholera toxin B subunit (CTb). CTb-positive fibers were seen in the lateral region of the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) on the side contralateral to the injection, and a few labeled perikarya were observed in the lateral portion of the DR on the ipsilateral side. Our findings suggest that direct and reciprocal connections between the retina and DR may exist in Cebus apella. These connections might be part of an important pathway through which the light/dark cycle influences the Activity and/or functional status of raphe neurons, with potential effects on a broad set of neural and behavioral circuits. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Blooms negatively compromise the aquatic environment, plants, animals and human health.Some species are toxin-producing, such as the neurotoxin saxitoxin and the hepatotoxin microcystin, which may contaminate water reservoirs, as those existing in the semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) which are used to supply the population, fishing, aquiculture and recreational activities, thereby providing the risk of human exposure through water intake, dermal contact and respiratory tract. Thus, it is recommended a constant monitoring of the density of cyanobacteria with the quantification of cyanotoxins. One goal with this work was the monitoring of water in four reservoirs in semiarid of RN through the identification and enumeration of cyanobacteria and through the identification and quantification of cyanotoxins by ELISA. Furthermore, we intended to assess the environmental perception of farmers and artisanal fishers in reservoirs of semiarid of RN through semi-structured interviews with questions mostly related to water and eutrophication. Through these objectives the aim was the development of management strategies for aquaculture and prevention of risks to public health. The results showed that the highest values of microcystins were found in the rainy season. Standards for drinking water, according to the guidelines of Ministry of Health 2914/2011 and CONAMA 357/05, setting the maximum values for raw water density of cyanobacteria: 50,000 cel.mL-1; microcystin: 1 μg. L-1 and saxitoxin: 3 μg. L-1. The values found for microcystin ranged between 0.00227 μg. L-1 and 24.1954 μg. L-1. From 128 samples analyzed, 27% were above the limit. There was no clear seasonal pattern for saxitoxins and their values ranged between 0.003 μg. L-1 and 0.766 μg. L-1 with none of the values above the limit. Furthermore, 76% of the densities of cyanobacteria values were above the limit. About environmental perception, 52 interviews were conducted and the results show that the respondents recognize the main uses of water of the rervoirs, recognize the importance and have a positive view about the reservoirs. They also realize that the water has a poor quality and can cause health problems. The results provide data showing the persistence of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins, many times over the limit, reinforcing the importance of constant monitoring. The assessment of environmental perception gives foundation for later proposed environmental education linked to public health management into the context of this particular population, making it more effective
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Infantile botulism was recognized in 1976 as a paralyzing disease caused by the ingestion of viable spores that would germinate and colonize the intestinal tract of infants, with local production and absorption of Clostridium botulinum toxin. The possible origins of botulinic spores are dust and honey, which has been identified as a dietary risk factor for infantile botulism. The objectives of the present study were to investigate 100 honey samples obtained in the state of São Paulo (Brazil) in terms of incidence of botulinic spores and of microbiologic quality, in agreement with Decree 367/9. All 100 samples analysed were negative for the presence of Salmonella, Shigella, total coliforms. C botulinum spores were present in 3 samples (3%) and molds and yeasts, in 64 samples (64%), but only 25 (25%) exceeded established criteria, with counts ranging from zero to 1.5 x 10(5) CFU/g. The presence of small sporogenic Gram-positive rods was observed in 42 (42%) of the 100 samples tested but these bacteria were not identified. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this work was to assess the microbiological quality of commercialized desserts, sandwiches and finger food in Botucatu, SP, for human consumption. A total of 172 food samples were analyzed for fecal coliforms and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus and 69 (40.1%) were in disagreement with the standards established by Decree No. 12 (Brazilian Food Sanitation Standard, 2001). Coagulase-positive Staplylococcus was isolated from 26 (15.1%) samples. Toxins were not isolated directly from foods but 27 (54%) coagulase-positive Staphylococcus strains were enterotoxigenic, and toxin type C was the most frequently detected. These results suggest that these products may act as an important vehicle of transmission for well-established pathogens. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Envenomations caused by Loxosceles (brown spider) have been reported throughout the world. Clinical signs associated to bites of these spiders involve dermonecrotic lesions and intense local inflammatory response, besides systemic manifestations such as intravascular hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation and acute renal failure. The present study aimed to report and to describe dermonecrotic lesions probably caused by a Loxosceles envenomation in a four year-old poodle female dog, treated at the Dermatology Service of the Veterinary Hospital of the Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry School, São Paulo State University, Botucatu, Brazil. Initially, the animal presented two skin lesions with blackish aspect that evolved into ulcerative crusts. The owner reported the presence of a brown spider near the place where the animal spent most of the time. Histological examination of lesions revealed necrosis of the epidermis extending to adnexa and panniculi, which is compatible with Loxosceles bite reaction. The animal was treated with systemic antibiotic and local curatives. Lesions healed by second intention in two months.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)