996 resultados para Shakespeare, William, 1954-1616. Hamlet
William C. Moloney MD kept a personal journal, with photographs, for much of his two years in Japan with the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission. In January of 1986, Dr.Moloney donated his journal, correspondence and diary pages to the Harris County Medical Archive. He died in 1998 at the age of 91. His first contribution was a set of ten reprints representing his work with the ABCC from 1952 to 1954. Dr.Moloney's journal is a fine document, one which will be of great use to historians. It is an important record of personal impressions, thoughts and details of events. The journal gives new insights into the work of the ABCC and into the people who participated in that work. Dr. Moloney wrote in his journal from April 1952 to February 1954. The Korean War was on and there was a great deal of military activity in southern Japan. The collection is open for research. The collection consists of a handwritten journal, loose calendar or notebook pages and some reprints. The journal is in generally fair condition. The paper is slightly acidic and the binding is loose. There are numerous photos glued onto the pages. The collection encompasses the years 1952-1954 and is 0.25 cubic feet (1 box).
Mode of access: Internet.
Reprint. Originally published: London : Thomas Marshe, 1581.
This research aims to explore the place of marginality (or that which is not the immediate focus of narrative) in the context of the play and through the examination of the characters of Fortinbras and Horatio, in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The intended outcome is to encourage diversified perspectives and approaches to the play by focusing on the marginal themes and/or characters. The chapters address the characters of Fortinbras and Horatio; the first inverts the protagonist/foil relationship by reading Hamlet as a foil to Fortinbras, while the second uses Freud’s “The Uncanny” as a way to understand Horatio’s role in the play, as its uncanniest phenomena. Both are marginal to the text, but both are significant to the understanding of the text. Essentially, the objective is to encourage readings of the play, and of narratives, that appreciate the complexity of marginality, in order to broaden the language for future research.
Twenty years since its release onto the big screen, Baz Luhrmann’s William Shakespeare’s Romeo+Juliet continues to attract viewers, divide critics and remain unchallenged, in a league of its own, when it comes to film adaptation of Shakespeare’s plays. This article begins with taking stock of reception directions which still dispute the field of film adaptation. Cued by Worthen’s “Performance Paradigm”, my argument positions Luhrmann’s film (his second at the time and the one to propel the Australian director into Hollywood fame) firmly in the cinematic and sees the film narrative not as opposed to the textual and/or spoken one, but as a complex citational practice developed at the level of oral, visual and written discourse.
The purpose of my thesis was to explore the problem surrounding the sources believed to constitute the Ur-Hamlet from which Shakespeare derived Hamlet. By utilization of close reading, analysis, and archetypical criticism, my thesis confirms Shakespeare’s usage of the “Hero as Fool” archetype present in the Danish legend of Amleth, translated by Saxo Grammaticus and Francois Belleforest, as the Ur-Hamlet. My study is significant because it further develops the notion that the earlier legend served as the originary source for Hamlet, while providing evidence that rejects the validity of other sources of the Ur-Hamlet. The evidence was corroborated by presenting analytical comparisons of the framework both works share. Focusing on the archetypal origins of Shakespeare’s plot, characters and their actions revealed a more complex understanding of the play. These findings indicate and substantiate the claim that the Ur-Hamlet can be no other source but the Danish legend of Amleth.
(...) Desde logo, salienta-se um aspeto curioso. Estamos na presença de três números primos (significa que são divisíveis apenas por eles próprios e pela unidade) separados uns dos outros por seis unidades: 11+6=17 e 17+6=23. Ou seja, o 6 volta aqui a estar em destaque! (...) Destacam-se algumas ocorrências do número 11 associadas a vários acontecimentos históricos. Em 1998, um avião da Swissair, com 229 pessoas a bordo, despenhou-se no Oceano Atlântico sem sobreviventes. Era um modelo McDonnell Douglas MD-11 com número de voo SWR111. Todos nos recordamos da tragédia decorrente do sismo e tsunami de Sendai, no Japão. Estima-se que este sismo, que assolou a costa japónica a 11 de março de 2011, tenha sido o maior sismo a atingir o Japão e um dos cinco maiores do mundo desde que os registros modernos começaram a ser compilados. (...) O 17 é considerado por muitos povos um número tão azarento como o 13, como acontece, por exemplo, em Itália. Uma das justificações para esta triste fama prende-se com a escrita do 17 em numeração romana, XVII, e com um dos seus anagramas, VIXI, que significa “vivi”. E se “vivi” é porque estou morto! A aversão a este número em Itália é tal que levou a Renault, marca francesa de automóveis, a mudar a designação do seu modelo R17 para R177, para que o pudesse vender em território italiano. Ainda hoje não se encontra facilmente em Itália prédios com andares 17 e hotéis com quartos 17, nem tão pouco assentos de aviões italianos com esse número. Terminamos com algumas curiosidades relativas ao 23, um dos números favoritos em muitas teorias da conspiração: 2/3 é aproximadamente igual a 0,666, sendo 666 o número da Besta; quando foi assassinado, Júlio César terá sido esfaqueado 23 vezes; William Shakespeare nasceu a 23 de abril de 1564 e morreu a 23 de abril de 1616; o famoso Titanic afundou-se na madrugada do dia 15 de abril de 1912 (1+5+4+1+9+1+2=23); a bomba atómica foi lançada sobre Hiroshima pelas 8h15 (8+15=23); (...)
The Meat Packers Council of Canada was originally founded in 1919 in an effort to encourage farmers to produce better quality livestock. Originally known as the Industrial and Development Council of Canadian Meat Packers, charter members included Harris Abattoir Co. Ltd.; William Davies Co. Ltd.; Swift Canadian Co. Ltd.; Gunns Ltd.; Canadian Packing Co. Ltd.; Puddy’s Ltd.; F.W. Fearman Co.; Ingersol Packing Co. Ltd.; Whyte Packing Co. Ltd.; Gallagher-Holman & Lafrance Co. Ltd.; Gordon – Fronside and Fares Packers Ltd.; Wilson Canadian Co. Ltd.; and Armour & Co. Most of these firms were based in Ontario, but the Council’s operations were soon expanded with the opening of a western and eastern field office. The Council was incorporated in 1961. In 1980, the name changed to the Canadian Meat Council.
Variations on Charisma: Shakespeare’s Saintly, Villain, and Lustful Leaders est une étude des mécanismes du leadership charismatique dans Henry V, Richard III et Antoine et Cléopâtre de William Shakespeare, respectivement. Le mémoire explore certains outils, tels que la rhétorique, l'ironie et resignification, qui permettent aux dirigeants de gagner l'amour des disciples, la reconnaissance, et même la crainte. Cette thèse ne traitera pas avec l'essence du charisme en tant que telle, mais plutôt avec les techniques de leadership charismatique. Dans le premier chapitre, j'ai étudié le caractère du roi Harry dans trois différents aspects: en tant que chef militaire, en tant que chef spirituel, et comme un leader politique. Parmi les techniques de leadership charismatique qui déploie Henry V de gagner l'amour de ses disciples et de dévouement est rhétorique. La capacité de livrer le discours à droite dans la conjoncture à droite et à convaincre les adeptes, même dans les moments de difficultés formes sa force clé comme une figure centrale dans la pièce. Le deuxième chapitre traite du leadership charismatique Richard III, qui est évaluée sur le plan éthique parce qu'elle est acquise grâce à assassiner. J'ai essayé d'examiner les relations possibles qui pourraient exister entre le charisme et l'agence moral. Dans ce chapitre, j'ai soulevé des questions sur la mesure dans laquelle le charisme est d'ordre éthique et comment un chef de file, qui usurpes alimentation via assassiner, est charismatique. Une technique qui renforce le leadership charismatique de Richard est l'ironie. Richard III déploie l'ironie de gagner la complicité du public. Dans le troisième chapitre, l'accent est mis sur le caractère de Cléopâtre. La question soulevée dans le chapitre concerne la relation entre le charisme et la lutte pour une identité féminine orientale. politique sexuelle de Cléopâtre est également au cœur de mon étude, car il est revu et de nouveaux sens de Shakespeare d'une manière qui souligne les qualités charismatiques de Cléopâtre. Mots clés: le charisme, la rhétorique, l'agence morale, resignification, William Shakespeare
Se descubre la vida y obra de uno de los dramaturgos más grandes del mundo, William Shakespeare, desde su nacimiento en 1564 en Stratford-upon-Avon. Desarrolladas en el marco político y religioso del reinado de Isabel I, se describe su llegada a Londres, el ambiente teatral de la ciudad, la representación de sus obras en el teatro El Globo, los dramaturgos coetáneos, el público; así como, las características de sus obras, la publicación de éstas y su enorme influencia posterior. Se completa con una cronología de la época shakesperiana, y con una relación de los personajes más conocidos creados por este autor y las obras en que aparecen.
Libro dirigido a profesores de literatura inglesa y arte dramático, tanto en educación secundaria como en la universidad, para la enseñanza de las obras del dramaturgo inglés William Shakespeare con métodos activos en clase y en talleres de teatro. Contiene alrededor de doscientas actividades para la enseñanza de los textos de Shakespeare, desde la formación de grupos de trabajo, juegos y ejercicios teatrales, a técnicas prácticas para la enseñanza del lenguaje, la narrativa y los personajes del autor, que ayudarán a los alumnos a leer, entender y trabajar con su obra.
Varias fotograf??as de la representaci??n de 'Macbeth', acompa??an al texto
T??tulo anterior de la publicaci??n : Bolet??n de la Comisi??n Espa??ola de la UNESCO