1000 resultados para Setor de Assistência à Saúde, organização
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Recent progress in scientific research has facilitated accurate genetic and neuropathological diagnosis of congenital myopathies. However, given their relatively low incidence, congenital myopathies remain unfamiliar to the majority of care providers, and the levels of patient care are extremely variable. This consensus statement aims to provide care guidelines for congenital myopathies. The International Standard of Care Committee for Congenital Myopathies worked through frequent e-mail correspondences, periodic conference calls, 2 rounds of online surveys, and a 3-day workshop to achieve a consensus for diagnostic and clinical care recommendations. The committee includes 59 members from 10 medical disciplines. They are organized into 5 working groups: genetics/diagnosis, neurology, pulmonology, gastroenterology/nutrition/speech/oral care, and orthopedics/rehabilitation. In each care area the authors summarize the committee's recommendations for symptom assessments and therapeutic interventions. It is the committee's goal that through these recommendations, patients with congenital myopathies will receive optimal care and improve their disease outcome.
OBJETIVO: Caracterizar os óbitos decorrentes de trauma em um hospital terciário e avaliar a qualidade do atendimento prestado a essas vÃtimas. MÉTODOS: Tratou-se de um estudo retrospectivo realizado em um centro de referência em trauma no perÃodo de um ano. Através da metodologia Trauma Score - Injury Severity Score e da revisão de prontuários foram identificadas e estudadas as mortes evitáveis, potencialmente evitáveis e inevitáveis. RESULTADOS: Setenta e cinco pacientes foram incluÃdos no estudo. Houve predomÃnio de mortes em pacientes jovens, do sexo masculino, vÃtimas de acidentes de trânsito. As médias do Revised Trauma Score, Injury Severity Score e Trauma Score - Injury Severity Score foram 5,60, 30,7 e 62,2%, respectivamente. A taxa de mortes consideradas evitáveis foi de 61,3%, potencialmente evitáveis, 24%, e inevitáveis, 14,7%. CONCLUSÃO: A amostra do estudo apresentou caracterÃsticas epidemiológicas semelhantes à s amostras de outros estudos, exceto pela alta taxa de mortes evitáveis e pelos altos valores do Revised Trauma Score. Houve dificuldades na obtenção de dados em prontuários, laudos de exames de imagem e laudos de necropsia. A qualidade do atendimento prestado à s vÃtimas de trauma na Instituição se mostrou insatisfatória por problemas na coleta e armazenamento dos dados.
OBJETIVOS: Verificar a prevalência de úlcera por pressão nas unidades de internação de pacientes adultos do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo (HU-USP) e verificar a concordância entre observadores na avaliação de risco, por meio da Escala de Braden. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório, quantitativo. Os dados foram coletados por seis colaboradoras treinadas que realizaram exame fÃsico e avaliação de risco em 87 pacientes, avaliação esta considerada "padrão ouro". Os dados das avaliações feitas pelas enfermeiras, nos mesmos pacientes, foram coletados dos prontuários. RESULTADOS: verificou-se prevalência de 19,5% no hospital e 63,6% na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, 15,6% na ClÃnica Cirúrgica, 13,9% na ClÃnica Médica e 0% na Semi-Intensiva. Quanto à concordância entre os observadores na avaliação clÃnica dos pacientes, a percepção sensorial, atividade, mobilidade e fricção/cisalhamento apresentaram fortÃssima concordância. Umidade e nutrição, baixa concordância, sugerindo que esses subescores deverão ser discutidos para verificar as causas da controvérsia. CONCLUSÃO: Estudos de prevalência de úlcera por pressão possibilitam verificar a extensão do problema e fornecem subsÃdios para construção de estratégias e programas de prevenção.
OBJETIVOS: Conhecer o grau de satisfação dos usuários de um hospital privado e os fatores intervenientes nessa satisfação, baseado no modelo de Parasuraman, Zeithaml e Berry. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório descritivo de abordagem quantitativa realizado em um hospital privado com amostra constituÃda de 288 usuários. A coleta dos dados ocorreu de abril a julho de 2009, por meio de um questionário e a análise estatÃstica descritiva e inferencial. RESULTADOS: Identificaram os nÃveis de satisfação dos usuários, bem como as dimensões com maior escore: garantia e confiabilidade e com menor escore: responsividade e empatia. As equipes de enfermagem e médica obtiveram as maiores pontuações. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se a necessidade de intervenção nas áreas de nutrição e atendimento inicial. Assim, este estudo propiciou um diagnóstico multissetorial, subsidiando os gestores da instituição na revisão de processos assistenciais e gerenciais.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o componente resultado em um serviço de atenção secundária a usuários com Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, tomando como indicadores os controles de pressão arterial, hemoglobina glicada e lipoproteÃna de baixa densidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo documental e retrospectivo envolvendo a análise desses indicadores, obtidos nos anos entre 2007 e 2009, com base na consulta de 108 prontuários de usuários de um serviço de atenção secundária, realizada na avaliação de cuidados em saúde. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram que 30,3% dos usuários alcançaram a meta para a hemoglobina glicada, 48,1%, para a pressão arterial e 42,3%, para a lipoproteÃna de baixa densidade. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados avaliados foram semelhantes aos encontrados em outras investigações internacionais e nacionais, com grande proporção de usuários com DM2 estudados, apresentando controle dos nÃveis hemoglobina A1c, PA e LDL-C, aquém do preconizado nos consensos.
A redução da mortalidade é um objetivo fundamental das unidades de terapia intensiva pediátrica (UTIP). O estágio de gravidade da doença reflete a magnitude das comorbidades e distúrbios fisiológicos no momento da internação e pode ser avaliada pelos escores prognósticos de mortalidade. Os dois principais escores utilizados na UTIP são o Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM) e o Pediatric Index of Mortality (PIM). O PRISM utiliza os piores valores de variáveis fisiológicas e laboratoriais nas primeiras 24 horas de internação enquanto o PIM2 utiliza dados da primeira hora de internação na UTIP e apenas uma gasometria arterial. Não há consenso na literatura, entre PRISM e PIM2, quanto à utilidade e padronização na admissão na terapia intensiva para as crianças e adolescentes, principalmente em uma UTI de nÃvel de atendimento terciário. O objetivo do estudo foi estabelecer o escore de melhor performance na avaliação do prognóstico de mortalidade que seja facilmente aplicável na rotina da UTIP, para ser utilizado de forma padronizada e contÃnua. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo onde foram revisados os escores PRISM e PIM2 de 359 pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das ClÃnicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, considerada uma unidade de atendimento de nÃvel terciário. A mortalidade foi de 15%, o principal tipo de admissão foi clinico (78%) sendo a principal causa de internação a disfunção respiratória (37,3%). Os escores dos pacientes que foram a óbito mostraram-se maiores do que o dos sobreviventes. Para o PRISM foi 15 versus 7 (p = 0,0001) e para o PIM2, 11 versus 5 (p = 0,0002), respectivamente. Para a amostra geral, o Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) subestimou a mortalidade tanto para o PIM2 quanto para o PRISM [1,15 (0,84 - 1,46) e 1,67 (1,23 - 2,11), respectivamente]. O teste de Hosmer-Lemeshow mostrou calibração adequada para ambos os escores [x2 = 12,96 (p = 0,11) para o PRISM e x2 = 13,7 (p = 0,09) para o PIM2]. A discriminação, realizada por meio da área sob a curva ROC, foi mais adequada para o PRISM do que para o PIM2 [0,76 (IC 95% 0,69 - 0,83) e 0,65 (IC 95% 0,57 - 0,72), respectivamente, p= 0,002]. No presente estudo, a melhor sensibilidade e especificidade para o risco de óbito do PRISM foi um escore entre 13 e 14, mostrando que, com o avanço tecnológico, o paciente precisa ter um escore mais elevado, ou seja, maior gravidade clÃnica do que a população original, para um maior risco de mortalidade. Os escores de gravidade podem ter seus resultados modificados em consequência: do sistema de saúde (público ou privado), da infraestrutura da UTIP (número de leitos, recursos humanos, parque tecnológico) e indicação da internação. A escolha de um escore de gravidade depende das caracterÃsticas individuais da UTIP, como o tempo de espera na emergência, presença de doença crônica complexa (por exemplo, pacientes oncológicos) e como é realizado o transporte para a UTIP. Idealmente, estudos multicêntricos têm maior significância estatÃstica. No entanto, estudos com populações maiores e mais homogêneas, especialmente nos paÃses em desenvolvimento, são difÃceis de serem realizados
This study addresses the environmental quality in therapeutic spaces for children's rehabilitation. The assumption that space is active and interfere in interpersonal relationships, highlights the importance of natural light to the hospital architecture, to foster the creation of environments that encourage and assist in the recovery of patients in the rehabilitation process. Therefore, interferes with health humanization through positive actions in the physiological and emotional effects of natural light, as facilitators of the health recovery process. In Brazil hospital openings systems projects are built exclusively to follow requirements of the local construction code which do not consider the landscape, but only ventilation and heat stroke; and the luminance levels are treated just as recommendations for artificial lighting. The National Policy for Healthcare Humanization presents the environmental comfort as a priority. However, it does not guidelines for achieving it. In this context this research aims to evaluate the lighting comfort in infant therapeutic areas from the professional satisfaction, in order to identify human preferences on the variables: technical and constructive aspects, relationship with the exterior, internal visual interface and quality elements. With this purpose it was adopted as research strategy the Post-Occupancy Evaluation (Technical Functional) through a multi method approach, which included a case study in the rehabilitation gym of Children Rehabilitation Center, at Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, and a reference study at SARAH Rehabilitation Center, Fortaleza Unit at Ceará, both in Brazil northeast. The results indicate that the definition of openings systems should consider external and internal factors to the building, as the natural landscape, the immediate surroundings and activities to be performed. The POE found out the preference of the professional visual privacy in detriment to other analyzed aspects. Thus, it is expected that this study can contribute to the discussion of luminous quality and generate inputs for future projects or renovations in the Children's Rehabilitation Centers, which should not be projected as hospitals
The study aimed to understand the concept of women with physical disabilities about their ability to gestate, give birth or care a child. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with qualitative approach developed in three non-governmental organizations in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data collection occurred in the period from April to June, 2014, through semi-structured interviews, using a script composed by sociodemographic questions and a guiding one. It was obtained a priori the permission from the association’s directors, the approval from the Research Ethics Committee, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE nº 27442814.7.0000.5537 and the assent n° 618.045, as well as the participant’s formal authorization by signing the Informed Consent Statement. Participated in the study 12 women, selected according to the following inclusion criteria: to have physical disability, to be aged 18 to 49 years old, and to affirm the existence of limiting characteristics from early childhood (0-3 years). The information obtained in the interviews were subjected to the precepts of Content Analysis according to Bardin, under the thematic analysis technique. From this process, three categories emerged: Conceiving motherhood in front of disability; Conceiving the capacity to be mother with disability; and Conceiving the support during pregnancy and puerperium period. As the theoretical framework we adopted the principles of symbolic interactionism proposed by Blumer. The discussion was supported by literature findings on women's health care in the context of reproduction. The interviewees conceive motherhood as an accomplishment and believe in their own ability to gestate, give birth and care a child. However, the desire for the maternal role tends to be influenced by adverse feelings and limitations raised by disability, social barriers and prejudices. They also referred the importance of support from partner, family and health professionals in the care of child. Upon these findings, it is understood that although there are barriers to the realization of their desire, these barriers were not enough to make them give up on becoming a mother. Therefore, it is necessary that health professionals, highlighted the nurse, be trained to care for women with disabilities in the context of reproductive health care in order to offer adequate support to their needs
The study aimed to analyze the field of nursing diagnoses safety / protection of NANDA International present in patients in the Intensive Care Unit. This is a crosssectional study in intensive care complex of a university hospital in northeastern Brazil. The research took place in two stages. The first step was to collect data through an interview form and physical examination, with 86 patients admitted to the unit, during the months of December 2013 to May 2014. Spreadsheets were built in Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Software in which were marked by the researcher of this study, the presence or absence of defining characteristics, related factors and risk factors of the 31 studied diagnoses. In the second stage, held between July and August 2014, the sheets were sent to three diagnosticians, previously trained to perform the diagnostic inference. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics for the diagnoses that showed higher frequencies than 50%, using IBM SPSS version 20.0 for Statistic Windows.O project was approved by the 440/414 and Presentation Certificate for Ethics Assessment number 22955113 .2.0000.5292. The results indicated the presence of 29 field of nursing diagnoses safety / protection in hospital clientele in the Intensive Care Unit, of which five were present in 100% of patients, namely: Risk of contamination, injury risk, falls risk,risk of allergic response and risk of trauma. Diagnoses that presented more frequently than 50% were: Risk of infection, dry eye risk, poisoning risk, vascular trauma risk, impaired skin integrity, impaired dentition, bleeding risk, risk imbalance in body temperature, Risk perioperative positioning injury, impaired tissue integrity, peripheral neurovascular dysfunction Risk, Risk adverse response to contrast media with iodine, shock Hazard and Risk of aspiration. For these analyzes, we identified 35 risk factors, 11 defining characteristics and three related factors showed statistically significant association with the studied diagnoses. For diagnostics: Risk of contamination, injury risk, falls risk, allergic response risk, trauma Risk, Risk of infection, dry eye risk and risk poisoning there was no association with any of their risk factors. We conclude that most of the area of nursing diagnoses safety / protection feature is prevalent in critically ill patients, with special attention to the risk diagnoses. There was a significant association between these diagnoses and its components. It is noteworthy, therefore, that the lifting of this profile contributes relevant clues to the inference of the priority nursing diagnoses domain safety / protection in the study population, supporting the practice of nursing and stimulating knowledge on the subject.
The gestation process, in general, is a very important event on a woman’s life and it brings phisical, phisiological and emotional changes, which by itself is an experience full of intense feelings. By late-aged pregnancy we mean those which occurs at the age of 35 or further. The occurance of this type of pregnancy is rising in Brasil and throughout the world, factors such as, better access to birth control resources and the search for financial stability explains the pregnancy delay. Important processes like resilience and social support can help late-aged pregnant women, in a benefical way, to adapt to the gestation process. Resilience is the capacity that a certain individual or group of individuals have to go through an adverse situation, be able to overcome it and become streghtened, transforming it in motivation for its biopsichosocial development. Social support is a complex and dinamic process that involves transactions between individuals and their social networks, meeting the social needs, promoting and complementing the personal resources that they have to face new demands. This research has the intention of raising information about the issues of late-aged pregnant women in the County of Natal- RN, the main objective was to evaluate the resilience indicators and the social support on late-aged pregnant women in the Natal-RN County. A transversal cut, correlational and descriptive research that was done with 150 lateaged pregnant women. The tools that were used were: A form with sociodemographic and gestation info, the scale of resilience and social support. An eletronic spreadsheet sofware (Excel e SPSS 21.0) was used to analize data which helped on the statistics according to its variables and the objective of this work. For the nominal variables, relative frequencies were used and for continuous the Pearson correlation and determination coefficient were used, regarding that; the sample had a normal distribution. The project fulfilled the ethnic aspects prescribed by Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council, with a favorable decision (356.436/ 2013) of the UFRN Ethics on Research Committee. Most of the pregnant women had a low money income and education level, born in the state of Rio Grande do Norte they had an average age of 37,49 (±2,577), catholic, married, house wives, they had more than one child and were on their third trimester of pregnancy; they also had a low past abortion rate, not having planned their pregnancy, with an average of 4,22 (±2,506) pre-natal appointments, residing with an average of 3,673 (±1,397) people, having used any sort of birth control device and having high indicators of resilience and social support. The correlations kept between resilience, social support and some of the social demographics and gestation variables were considered low. Such data points out the fact that most of these women were in a stable relationship; they hadn’t had a past of abortion, they were involved with some kind of religion, they were not first pregnancy mothers, had an age on which they are not considered inexperienced mothers and even had scored high on the social support scale, these may all possibly be the most contributing factors on development and resilience building on these 35 years or more mothers. We expect that the data and information from this research may add up knowledge, actions and improvements regarding late-aged pregnant women and the pregnancy phenomena in general.
Segurança do paciente em terapia intensiva neonatal: identificação e análise de eventos adversos
The patient safety is a major concern in health services for its global dimension, as evidenced by the fragility of care processes that predispose an occurrence of adverse events. These events in a neonatal intensive care unit are considered serious and hazardous to lives of newborns. The present study aimed to identify and analyze adverse events in a neonatal intensive care unit based in Trigger Tool. It is an epidemiological, cross-sectional , exploratory, retrospective study with quantitative, descriptive and analytical approach, performed in 2015 at a school hospital. The sample was not probabilistic, involving 116 newborns who met the eligibility criteria. Data collection was performed by retrospective review of medical records, using a specific kind of "trigger" instrument, composed of sentinel events in neonatology, adapted from the American model used by the Vermont-Oxford Network. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The chi-square test for linear trend was used to assess the associations between the variables of interest. The research received a favorable agreement from Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under number 1055533, and Presentation Certificate for Ethics Assessment 43894515.6.0000.5537. The results show among investigated newborns, 110 experienced at least one adverse event during their stay, with a total of 391 medical records analyzed and rate of 3.37 events per patient. Prevailed the preterm newborns with low birth weight, from mother who had hypertensive diseases during pregnancy and urinary tract infection. The average hospitalization time was 25 days, associated with hospital-acquired infections events (p = 0.01). Among the identified adverse events stood out the events related to thermoregulation disorders (39.0%), with prevalence of hypothermia (26.0%), followed by health care-related infections (16.4%) and blood glucose disorders, hypoglycemia (9.00%) and hyperglycemia (6.64%). Most of these incidents were classified in categories E and F, which represents that there was damage small proportion. Due to these damages come from the care practice with newborn, 78% were classified as avoidable. There was statistically significant association between the variable birth weight with infections (p = 0.006) as well as peri/intraventricular bleeding (p = 0.02), hypoglycemia (p = 0.021), hyperglycemia (p = 0.001), hyperthermia (p = 0.39) and death (p=0,02). Gestational age was associated with seizures (p = 0.002), hyperglycemia (p=0.017) e hyperthermia (p=0.027). The security institution culture was reported by the health workers as intermediate, even though the number of adverse events found in only one unit of service indicates that there is much to be done. Thus the high rate of adverse events identified in the neonatal intensive care unit reinforces the necessity to elaborate specific preventive strategies for this risk environment.