898 resultados para Sensor data


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A novel temperature sensor based on nematic liquid crystal permittivity as a sensing magnitude, is presented. This sensor consists of a specific micrometric structure that gives considerable advantages from other previous related liquid crystal (LC) sensors. The analytical study reveals that permittivity change with temperature is introduced in a hyperbolic cosine function, increasing the sensitivity term considerably. The experimental data has been obtained for ranges from −6 °C to 100 °C. Despite this, following the LC datasheet, theoretical ranges from −40 °C to 109 °C could be achieved. These results have revealed maximum sensitivities of 33 mVrms/°C for certain temperature ranges; three times more than of most silicon temperature sensors. As it was predicted by the analytical study, the micrometric size of the proposed structure produces a high output voltage. Moreover the voltage’s sensitivity to temperature response can be controlled by the applied voltage. This response allows temperature measurements to be carried out without any amplification or conditioning circuitry, with very low power consumption.


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In the recent years, the computer vision community has shown great interest on depth-based applications thanks to the performance and flexibility of the new generation of RGB-D imagery. In this paper, we present an efficient background subtraction algorithm based on the fusion of multiple region-based classifiers that processes depth and color data provided by RGB-D cameras. Foreground objects are detected by combining a region-based foreground prediction (based on depth data) with different background models (based on a Mixture of Gaussian algorithm) providing color and depth descriptions of the scene at pixel and region level. The information given by these modules is fused in a mixture of experts fashion to improve the foreground detection accuracy. The main contributions of the paper are the region-based models of both background and foreground, built from the depth and color data. The obtained results using different database sequences demonstrate that the proposed approach leads to a higher detection accuracy with respect to existing state-of-the-art techniques.


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A depth-based face recognition algorithm specially adapted to high range resolution data acquired by the new Microsoft Kinect 2 sensor is presented. A novel descriptor called Depth Local Quantized Pattern descriptor has been designed to make use of the extended range resolution of the new sensor. This descriptor is a substantial modification of the popular Local Binary Pattern algorithm. One of the main contributions is the introduction of a quantification step, increasing its capacity to distinguish different depth patterns. The proposed descriptor has been used to train and test a Support Vector Machine classifier, which has proven to be able to accurately recognize different people faces from a wide range of poses. In addition, a new depth-based face database acquired by the new Kinect 2 sensor have been created and made public to evaluate the proposed face recognition system.


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Las redes de sensores inalámbricas son uno de los sectores con más crecimiento dentro de las redes inalámbricas. La rápida adopción de estas redes como solución para muchas nuevas aplicaciones ha llevado a un creciente tráfico en el espectro radioeléctrico. Debido a que las redes inalámbricas de sensores operan en las bandas libres Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) se ha producido una saturación del espectro que en pocos años no permitirá un buen funcionamiento. Con el objetivo de solucionar este tipo de problemas ha aparecido el paradigma de Radio Cognitiva (CR). La introducción de las capacidades cognitivas en las redes inalámbricas de sensores permite utilizar estas redes para aplicaciones con unos requisitos más estrictos respecto a fiabilidad, cobertura o calidad de servicio. Estas redes que aúnan todas estas características son llamadas redes de sensores inalámbricas cognitivas (CWSNs). La mejora en prestaciones de las CWSNs permite su utilización en aplicaciones críticas donde antes no podían ser utilizadas como monitorización de estructuras, de servicios médicos, en entornos militares o de vigilancia. Sin embargo, estas aplicaciones también requieren de otras características que la radio cognitiva no nos ofrece directamente como, por ejemplo, la seguridad. La seguridad en CWSNs es un aspecto poco desarrollado al ser una característica no esencial para su funcionamiento, como pueden serlo el sensado del espectro o la colaboración. Sin embargo, su estudio y mejora es esencial de cara al crecimiento de las CWSNs. Por tanto, esta tesis tiene como objetivo implementar contramedidas usando las nuevas capacidades cognitivas, especialmente en la capa física, teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones con las que cuentan las WSNs. En el ciclo de trabajo de esta tesis se han desarrollado dos estrategias de seguridad contra ataques de especial importancia en redes cognitivas: el ataque de simulación de usuario primario (PUE) y el ataque contra la privacidad eavesdropping. Para mitigar el ataque PUE se ha desarrollado una contramedida basada en la detección de anomalías. Se han implementado dos algoritmos diferentes para detectar este ataque: el algoritmo de Cumulative Sum y el algoritmo de Data Clustering. Una vez comprobado su validez se han comparado entre sí y se han investigado los efectos que pueden afectar al funcionamiento de los mismos. Para combatir el ataque de eavesdropping se ha desarrollado una contramedida basada en la inyección de ruido artificial de manera que el atacante no distinga las señales con información del ruido sin verse afectada la comunicación que nos interesa. También se ha estudiado el impacto que tiene esta contramedida en los recursos de la red. Como resultado paralelo se ha desarrollado un marco de pruebas para CWSNs que consta de un simulador y de una red de nodos cognitivos reales. Estas herramientas han sido esenciales para la implementación y extracción de resultados de la tesis. ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are one of the fastest growing sectors in wireless networks. The fast introduction of these networks as a solution in many new applications has increased the traffic in the radio spectrum. Due to the operation of WSNs in the free industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) bands, saturation has ocurred in these frequencies that will make the same operation methods impossible in the future. Cognitive radio (CR) has appeared as a solution for this problem. The networks that join all the mentioned features together are called cognitive wireless sensor networks (CWSNs). The adoption of cognitive features in WSNs allows the use of these networks in applications with higher reliability, coverage, or quality of service requirements. The improvement of the performance of CWSNs allows their use in critical applications where they could not be used before such as structural monitoring, medical care, military scenarios, or security monitoring systems. Nevertheless, these applications also need other features that cognitive radio does not add directly, such as security. The security in CWSNs has not yet been explored fully because it is not necessary field for the main performance of these networks. Instead, other fields like spectrum sensing or collaboration have been explored deeply. However, the study of security in CWSNs is essential for their growth. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to study the impact of some cognitive radio attacks in CWSNs and to implement countermeasures using new cognitive capabilities, especially in the physical layer and considering the limitations of WSNs. Inside the work cycle of this thesis, security strategies against two important kinds of attacks in cognitive networks have been developed. These attacks are the primary user emulator (PUE) attack and the eavesdropping attack. A countermeasure against the PUE attack based on anomaly detection has been developed. Two different algorithms have been implemented: the cumulative sum algorithm and the data clustering algorithm. After the verification of these solutions, they have been compared and the side effects that can disturb their performance have been analyzed. The developed approach against the eavesdropping attack is based on the generation of artificial noise to conceal information messages. The impact of this countermeasure on network resources has also been studied. As a parallel result, a new framework for CWSNs has been developed. This includes a simulator and a real network with cognitive nodes. This framework has been crucial for the implementation and extraction of the results presented in this thesis.


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La diabetes mellitus es un trastorno en la metabolización de los carbohidratos, caracterizado por la nula o insuficiente segregación de insulina (hormona producida por el páncreas), como resultado del mal funcionamiento de la parte endocrina del páncreas, o de una creciente resistencia del organismo a esta hormona. Esto implica, que tras el proceso digestivo, los alimentos que ingerimos se transforman en otros compuestos químicos más pequeños mediante los tejidos exocrinos. La ausencia o poca efectividad de esta hormona polipéptida, no permite metabolizar los carbohidratos ingeridos provocando dos consecuencias: Aumento de la concentración de glucosa en sangre, ya que las células no pueden metabolizarla; consumo de ácidos grasos mediante el hígado, liberando cuerpos cetónicos para aportar la energía a las células. Esta situación expone al enfermo crónico, a una concentración de glucosa en sangre muy elevada, denominado hiperglucemia, la cual puede producir a medio o largo múltiples problemas médicos: oftalmológicos, renales, cardiovasculares, cerebrovasculares, neurológicos… La diabetes representa un gran problema de salud pública y es la enfermedad más común en los países desarrollados por varios factores como la obesidad, la vida sedentaria, que facilitan la aparición de esta enfermedad. Mediante el presente proyecto trabajaremos con los datos de experimentación clínica de pacientes con diabetes de tipo 1, enfermedad autoinmune en la que son destruidas las células beta del páncreas (productoras de insulina) resultando necesaria la administración de insulina exógena. Dicho esto, el paciente con diabetes tipo 1 deberá seguir un tratamiento con insulina administrada por la vía subcutánea, adaptado a sus necesidades metabólicas y a sus hábitos de vida. Para abordar esta situación de regulación del control metabólico del enfermo, mediante una terapia de insulina, no serviremos del proyecto “Páncreas Endocrino Artificial” (PEA), el cual consta de una bomba de infusión de insulina, un sensor continuo de glucosa, y un algoritmo de control en lazo cerrado. El objetivo principal del PEA es aportar al paciente precisión, eficacia y seguridad en cuanto a la normalización del control glucémico y reducción del riesgo de hipoglucemias. El PEA se instala mediante vía subcutánea, por lo que, el retardo introducido por la acción de la insulina, el retardo de la medida de glucosa, así como los errores introducidos por los sensores continuos de glucosa cuando, se descalibran dificultando el empleo de un algoritmo de control. Llegados a este punto debemos modelar la glucosa del paciente mediante sistemas predictivos. Un modelo, es todo aquel elemento que nos permita predecir el comportamiento de un sistema mediante la introducción de variables de entrada. De este modo lo que conseguimos, es una predicción de los estados futuros en los que se puede encontrar la glucosa del paciente, sirviéndonos de variables de entrada de insulina, ingesta y glucosa ya conocidas, por ser las sucedidas con anterioridad en el tiempo. Cuando empleamos el predictor de glucosa, utilizando parámetros obtenidos en tiempo real, el controlador es capaz de indicar el nivel futuro de la glucosa para la toma de decisones del controlador CL. Los predictores que se están empleando actualmente en el PEA no están funcionando correctamente por la cantidad de información y variables que debe de manejar. Data Mining, también referenciado como Descubrimiento del Conocimiento en Bases de Datos (Knowledge Discovery in Databases o KDD), ha sido definida como el proceso de extracción no trivial de información implícita, previamente desconocida y potencialmente útil. Todo ello, sirviéndonos las siguientes fases del proceso de extracción del conocimiento: selección de datos, pre-procesado, transformación, minería de datos, interpretación de los resultados, evaluación y obtención del conocimiento. Con todo este proceso buscamos generar un único modelo insulina glucosa que se ajuste de forma individual a cada paciente y sea capaz, al mismo tiempo, de predecir los estados futuros glucosa con cálculos en tiempo real, a través de unos parámetros introducidos. Este trabajo busca extraer la información contenida en una base de datos de pacientes diabéticos tipo 1 obtenidos a partir de la experimentación clínica. Para ello emplearemos técnicas de Data Mining. Para la consecución del objetivo implícito a este proyecto hemos procedido a implementar una interfaz gráfica que nos guía a través del proceso del KDD (con información gráfica y estadística) de cada punto del proceso. En lo que respecta a la parte de la minería de datos, nos hemos servido de la denominada herramienta de WEKA, en la que a través de Java controlamos todas sus funciones, para implementarlas por medio del programa creado. Otorgando finalmente, una mayor potencialidad al proyecto con la posibilidad de implementar el servicio de los dispositivos Android por la potencial capacidad de portar el código. Mediante estos dispositivos y lo expuesto en el proyecto se podrían implementar o incluso crear nuevas aplicaciones novedosas y muy útiles para este campo. Como conclusión del proyecto, y tras un exhaustivo análisis de los resultados obtenidos, podemos apreciar como logramos obtener el modelo insulina-glucosa de cada paciente. ABSTRACT. The diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder, characterized by the low or none insulin production (a hormone produced by the pancreas), as a result of the malfunctioning of the endocrine pancreas part or by an increasing resistance of the organism to this hormone. This implies that, after the digestive process, the food we consume is transformed into smaller chemical compounds, through the exocrine tissues. The absence or limited effectiveness of this polypeptide hormone, does not allow to metabolize the ingested carbohydrates provoking two consequences: Increase of the glucose concentration in blood, as the cells are unable to metabolize it; fatty acid intake through the liver, releasing ketone bodies to provide energy to the cells. This situation exposes the chronic patient to high blood glucose levels, named hyperglycemia, which may cause in the medium or long term multiple medical problems: ophthalmological, renal, cardiovascular, cerebrum-vascular, neurological … The diabetes represents a great public health problem and is the most common disease in the developed countries, by several factors such as the obesity or sedentary life, which facilitate the appearance of this disease. Through this project we will work with clinical experimentation data of patients with diabetes of type 1, autoimmune disease in which beta cells of the pancreas (producers of insulin) are destroyed resulting necessary the exogenous insulin administration. That said, the patient with diabetes type 1 will have to follow a treatment with insulin, administered by the subcutaneous route, adapted to his metabolic needs and to his life habits. To deal with this situation of metabolic control regulation of the patient, through an insulin therapy, we shall be using the “Endocrine Artificial Pancreas " (PEA), which consists of a bomb of insulin infusion, a constant glucose sensor, and a control algorithm in closed bow. The principal aim of the PEA is providing the patient precision, efficiency and safety regarding the normalization of the glycemic control and hypoglycemia risk reduction". The PEA establishes through subcutaneous route, consequently, the delay introduced by the insulin action, the delay of the glucose measure, as well as the mistakes introduced by the constant glucose sensors when, decalibrate, impede the employment of an algorithm of control. At this stage we must shape the patient glucose levels through predictive systems. A model is all that element or set of elements which will allow us to predict the behavior of a system by introducing input variables. Thus what we obtain, is a prediction of the future stages in which it is possible to find the patient glucose level, being served of input insulin, ingestion and glucose variables already known, for being the ones happened previously in the time. When we use the glucose predictor, using obtained real time parameters, the controller is capable of indicating the future level of the glucose for the decision capture CL controller. The predictors that are being used nowadays in the PEA are not working correctly for the amount of information and variables that it need to handle. Data Mining, also indexed as Knowledge Discovery in Databases or KDD, has been defined as the not trivial extraction process of implicit information, previously unknown and potentially useful. All this, using the following phases of the knowledge extraction process: selection of information, pre- processing, transformation, data mining, results interpretation, evaluation and knowledge acquisition. With all this process we seek to generate the unique insulin glucose model that adjusts individually and in a personalized way for each patient form and being capable, at the same time, of predicting the future conditions with real time calculations, across few input parameters. This project of end of grade seeks to extract the information contained in a database of type 1 diabetics patients, obtained from clinical experimentation. For it, we will use technologies of Data Mining. For the attainment of the aim implicit to this project we have proceeded to implement a graphical interface that will guide us across the process of the KDD (with graphical and statistical information) of every point of the process. Regarding the data mining part, we have been served by a tool called WEKA's tool called, in which across Java, we control all of its functions to implement them by means of the created program. Finally granting a higher potential to the project with the possibility of implementing the service for Android devices, porting the code. Through these devices and what has been exposed in the project they might help or even create new and very useful applications for this field. As a conclusion of the project, and after an exhaustive analysis of the obtained results, we can show how we achieve to obtain the insulin–glucose model for each patient.


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Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) have become more and more important in ocean exploration applications, such as ocean monitoring, pollution detection, ocean resource management, underwater device maintenance, etc. In underwater acoustic sensor networks, since the routing protocol guarantees reliable and effective data transmission from the source node to the destination node, routing protocol design is an attractive topic for researchers. There are many routing algorithms have been proposed in recent years. To present the current state of development of UASN routing protocols, we review herein the UASN routing protocol designs reported in recent years. In this paper, all the routing protocols have been classified into different groups according to their characteristics and routing algorithms, such as the non-cross-layer design routing protocol, the traditional cross-layer design routing protocol, and the intelligent algorithm based routing protocol. This is also the first paper that introduces intelligent algorithm-based UASN routing protocols. In addition, in this paper, we investigate the development trends of UASN routing protocols, which can provide researchers with clear and direct insights for further research.


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The pregnane X receptor (PXR) is the molecular target for catatoxic steroids such as pregnenolone 16α-carbonitrile (PCN), which induce cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) expression and protect the body from harmful chemicals. In this study, we demonstrate that PXR is activated by the toxic bile acid lithocholic acid (LCA) and its 3-keto metabolite. Furthermore, we show that PXR regulates the expression of genes involved in the biosynthesis, transport, and metabolism of bile acids including cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (Cyp7a1) and the Na+-independent organic anion transporter 2 (Oatp2). Finally, we demonstrate that activation of PXR protects against severe liver damage induced by LCA. Based on these data, we propose that PXR serves as a physiological sensor of LCA, and coordinately regulates gene expression to reduce the concentrations of this toxic bile acid. These findings suggest that PXR agonists may prove useful in the treatment of human cholestatic liver disease.


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Expression of glucokinase in hepatocytes and pancreatic 6-cells is of major physiologic importance to mammalian glucose homeostasis. Liver glucokinase catalyzes the first committed step in the disposal of glucose, and beta-cell glucokinase catalyzes a rate-limiting step required for glucose-regulated insulin release. The present study reports the expression of glucokinase in rat glucagon-producing alpha-cells, which are negatively regulated by glucose. Purified rat alpha-cells express glucokinase mRNA and protein with the same transcript length, nucleotide sequence, and immunoreactivity as the beta-cell isoform. Glucokinase activity accounts for more than 50% of glucose phosphorylation in extracts of alpha-cells and for more than 90% of glucose utilization in intact cells. The glucagon-producing tumor MSL-G-AN also contained glucokinase mRNA, protein, and enzymatic activity. These data indicate that glucokinase may serve as a metabolic glucose sensor in pancreatic alpha-cells and, hence, mediate a mechanism for direct regulation of glucagon release by extracellular glucose. Since these cells do not express Glut2, we suggest that glucose sensing does not necessarily require the coexpression of Glut2 and glucokinase.


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Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) is a robotic control scheme based on vision. This scheme uses only the visual information obtained from a camera to guide a robot from any robot pose to a desired one. However, IBVS requires the estimation of different parameters that cannot be obtained directly from the image. These parameters range from the intrinsic camera parameters (which can be obtained from a previous camera calibration), to the measured distance on the optical axis between the camera and visual features, it is the depth. This paper presents a comparative study of the performance of D-IBVS estimating the depth from three different ways using a low cost RGB-D sensor like Kinect. The visual servoing system has been developed over ROS (Robot Operating System), which is a meta-operating system for robots. The experiments prove that the computation of the depth value for each visual feature improves the system performance.


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La temperatura superficial del mar (SST) estimada a partir de los productos 11 μm diurnos y nocturnos y 4 μm nocturnos del sensor MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) a bordo de la plataforma Aqua, han sido comparados con datos medidos in situ a tres profundidades diferentes (15, 50 y 100 cm) en una zona costera del Mediterráneo Occidental. Esta comparación ha permitido analizar la incertidumbre que existe en la estimación de este parámetro en aguas someras y próximas a la costa mediante imágenes de satélite de baja resolución espacial. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el producto diurno SST_11 μm, obtiene los estadísticos RMSE (error cuadrático medio) y r2 (coeficiente de correlación de Pearson) más ajustados con valores de 1°C y 0,96, respectivamente, para la profundidad 50 cm.


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Multi-sensor advanced DInSAR analyses have been performed and compared with two GPS station measurements, in order to evaluate the land subsidence evolution in a 20-year period, in the Alto Guadalentín Basin where the highest rate of man-induced subsidence (> 10 cm yr−1) of Europe had been detected. The control mechanisms have been examined comparing the advanced DInSAR data with conditioning and triggering factors (i.e. isobaths of Plio-Quaternary deposits, soft soil thickness and piezometric level).


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Sensing techniques are important for solving problems of uncertainty inherent to intelligent grasping tasks. The main goal here is to present a visual sensing system based on range imaging technology for robot manipulation of non-rigid objects. Our proposal provides a suitable visual perception system of complex grasping tasks to support a robot controller when other sensor systems, such as tactile and force, are not able to obtain useful data relevant to the grasping manipulation task. In particular, a new visual approach based on RGBD data was implemented to help a robot controller carry out intelligent manipulation tasks with flexible objects. The proposed method supervises the interaction between the grasped object and the robot hand in order to avoid poor contact between the fingertips and an object when there is neither force nor pressure data. This new approach is also used to measure changes to the shape of an object’s surfaces and so allows us to find deformations caused by inappropriate pressure being applied by the hand’s fingers. Test was carried out for grasping tasks involving several flexible household objects with a multi-fingered robot hand working in real time. Our approach generates pulses from the deformation detection method and sends an event message to the robot controller when surface deformation is detected. In comparison with other methods, the obtained results reveal that our visual pipeline does not use deformations models of objects and materials, as well as the approach works well both planar and 3D household objects in real time. In addition, our method does not depend on the pose of the robot hand because the location of the reference system is computed from a recognition process of a pattern located place at the robot forearm. The presented experiments demonstrate that the proposed method accomplishes a good monitoring of grasping task with several objects and different grasping configurations in indoor environments.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have shown wide applicability to many fields including monitoring of environmental, civil, and industrial settings. WSNs however are resource constrained by many competing factors that span their hardware, software, and networking. One of the central resource constrains is the charge consumption of WSN nodes. With finite energy supplies, low charge consumption is needed to ensure long lifetimes and success of WSNs. This thesis details the design of a power system to support long-term operation of WSNs. The power system’s development occurs in parallel with a custom WSN from the Queen’s MEMS Lab (QML-WSN), with the goal of supporting a 1+ year lifetime without sacrificing functionality. The final power system design utilizes a TPS62740 DC-DC converter with AA alkaline batteries to efficiently supply the nodes while providing battery monitoring functionality and an expansion slot for future development. Testing tools for measuring current draw and charge consumption were created along with analysis and processing software. Through their use charge consumption of the power system was drastically lowered and issues in QML-WSN were identified and resolved including the proper shutdown of accelerometers, and incorrect microcontroller unit (MCU) power pin connection. Controlled current profiling revealed unexpected behaviour of nodes and detailed current-voltage relationships. These relationships were utilized with a lifetime projection model to estimate a lifetime between 521-551 days, depending on the mode of operation. The power system and QML-WSN were tested over a long term trial lasting 272+ days in an industrial testbed to monitor an air compressor pump. Environmental factors were found to influence the behaviour of nodes leading to increased charge consumption, while a node in an office setting was still operating at the conclusion of the trail. This agrees with the lifetime projection and gives a strong indication that a 1+ year lifetime is achievable. Additionally, a light-weight charge consumption model was developed which allows charge consumption information of nodes in a distributed WSN to be monitored. This model was tested in a laboratory setting demonstrating +95% accuracy for high packet reception rate WSNs across varying data rates, battery supply capacities, and runtimes up to full battery depletion.