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Envisagée comme une situation sociale de rassemblement en rue, l'intervention policière se caractérise par sa nature publique et observable. Le « copwatching », en tant que pratique amateur de captation vidéo des interventions de police, problématise la visibilité des agents sur la voie publique en les soumettant à une surveillance médiatique. M'appuyant sur des exemples vidéos, j'explore les dimensions visuelles et symboliques du travail policier. De la performance policière en rue à la figuration médiatique du policier, l'étude des médiations entre action et image permet d'interroger la perception publique de la police engagée dans les rassemblements. Abstract Cop-watching and the public perception of the police. Police intervention as performance under surveillance. This paper deals with police work as a public performance on the street. Cop-watching, a way of publicly observing and documenting police activities, reveals the complex relationship between public perceptions of law enforcement and the visual nature of much police work. Three methodological approaches to cop-watching videos allow us to highlight the visual dimensions of police work : the study of mass-media images of cops, the study of street performance by real cops, and the study of the ways people make sense of the visual symbolic environment present in everyday police work.
The issue of specificity of delusions in schizophrenia is still a matter of debate. The authors analyze the delusion formation in schizophrenia from a prototypical, phenomenological point of view, focusing on the subject's experience. This perspective links delusion formation to the autistic predisposition, which is considered here as the elementary phenotypic expression of the vulnerability to schizophrenia. Autism is viewed as a defective preconceptual (i.e., before language) attunement to the world. It impedes the individual's sharing of "common sense" with others and impairs the ability to project into the future. The development of delusions is illustrated, in part, by Klaus Conrad's work on the onset of paranoid schizophrenia. Delusions are viewed as transformations of the structure of experiencing. When threatened in future ability to be, the autistic, vulnerable person looks for the clues to becoming by attributing significance to disparate elements of the environment, which become self-referential. The link established between these disparate elements is based on universal characteristics that give the schizophrenic delusion a metaphysical quality. The transitivistic experience in delusions of control and omnipotence points to a specific way of crossing the border between "mine" and "yours" (disturbances of the experiencing "I"). What strikes a clinician in these delusions is that the normally tacit link between the sense of being and the sense of acting becomes quite apparent. The authors also propose a specificity in the themes of schizophrenic delusions. Delusions acquire a schizophrenic quality when ontological (i.e., universal) elements of the discourse between the locutor and the Other dominate at the expense of the worldly elements. It is emphasized that delusional content and form are dialectically related and hardly distinguishable. The authors consider the delusion formation as a phenomenon of emergence, a situation in which a new qualitative order arises from the reorganization of essentially unchanged elements. To consider schizophrenia as an emergent, particular way of experiencing, related to the autistic defect, has important consequences for research and for treatment. A dialectic exchange is needed between prototypical models generated by phenomenological inquiry and empirical, operational validation of testable aspects of such models.
The neurochemical profile of the cortex develops in a region and time specific manner, which can be distorted by psychiatric and other neurological pathologies. Pre-clinical studies often involve experimental mouse models. In this study, we determined the neurochemical profile of C57BL/6 mice in a longitudinal study design to provide a reference frame for the normal developing mouse cortex. Using in vivo proton NMR spectroscopy at 14 T, we measured the concentrations of 18 metabolites in the anterior and posterior cortex on postnatal days (P) 10, 20, 30, 60 and 90. Cortical development was marked by alterations of highly concentrated metabolites, such as N-acetylaspartate, glutamate, taurine and creatine. Regional specificity was represented by early variations in the concentration of glutamine, aspartate and choline. In adult animals, regional concentration differences were found for N-acetylaspartate, creatine and myo-inositol. In this study, animals were exposed to recurrent isoflurane anaesthesia. Additional experiments showed that the latter was devoid of major effects on behaviour or cortical neurochemical profile. In conclusion, the high sensitivity and reproducibility of the measurements achieved at 14 T allowed us to identify developmental variations of cortical areas within the mouse cortex.
This leaflet is for anyone who wants to know more about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).It discusses how it works, why it is used, its effects, its side-effects, and alternative treatments. If you can't find what you want here, there are sources of further information at the end of this leaflet. What is CBT? It is a way of talking about: ï,§ how you think about yourself, the world and other people ï,§ how what you do affects your thoughts and feelings. CBT can help you to change how you think ('Cognitive') and what you do ('Behaviour'). These changes can help you to feel better. Unlike some of the other talking treatments, it focuses on the 'here and now' problems and difficulties. Instead of focusing on the causes of your distress or symptoms in the past, it looks for ways to improve your state of mind now. When does CBT help? CBT has been shown to help with many different types of problems. These include: anxiety, depression, panic, phobias (including agoraphobia and social phobia), stress, bulimia, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder and psychosis. CBT may also help if you have difficulties with anger, a low opinion of yourself or physical health problems, like pain or fatigue. How does it work? CBT can help you to make sense of overwhelming problems by breaking them down into smaller parts. This makes it easier to see how they are connected and how they affect you. These parts are: ï,§ A Situation - a problem, event or difficult situation. From this can follow: ï,§ Thoughts ï,§ Emotions ï,§ Physical feelings ï,§ Actions Each of these areas can affect the others. How you think about a problem can affect how you feel physically and emotionally. All these areas of life can connect like this: {5 Areas - click related link below} What happens in one of these areas can affect all the others. There are helpful and unhelpful ways of reacting to most situations, depending on how you think about it. The way you think can be helpful - or unhelpful. An example: If you go home feeling depressed, you'll probably brood on what has happened and feel worse. If you get in touch with the other person, there's a good chance you'll feel better about yourself. If you avoid the other person, you won't be able to correct any misunderstandings about what they think of you - and you will probably feel worse. This 'vicious circle' can make you feel worse. It can even create new situations that make you feel worse. You can start to believe quite unrealistic (and unpleasant) things about yourself. This happens because, when we are distressed, we are more likely to jump to conclusions and to interpret things in extreme and unhelpful ways. CBT can help you to break this vicious circle of altered thinking, feelings and behaviour. When you see the parts of the sequence clearly, you can change them - and so change the way you feel. CBT aims to get you to a point where you can 'do it yourself', and work out your own ways of tackling these problems. [For full factsheet â?" click on link above]This resource was contributed by the National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Determinar el procedimiento que se deberá llevar a cabo para realizar las medidas de campo del alcance y, en caso de que se den las circunstancias, llevar a cabo la medición de la interacción con el resto del equipamiento médico de determinadas zonas críticas.
he Food Focus Community Food Initiative promotes healthy eating through a variety of co-ordinated, strategic activities that offer people a way to engage in a positive approach to food. It is creating one community, one message about healthy eating and ensure the ability to achieve a healthy diet through building a variety of sustainable, engaging food activities. Food Focus is a set of community based structures dedicated to addressing the risk and instances of food poverty in the Knocknaheeny area and intends to act as a model for similar work across other RAPID/Health Area Zone areas on the North side of Cork. It offers participants the chance to grow their own food, sign up to the food charter, learn about budgeting and planning or volunteer. The Community Food Charter was developed by local people and other stakeholders supported by the Community Dietician and will reflect the kind of food experiences they want for themselves, their families, within projects and public outlets. They are currently developing a large community garden in Knocknaheeny. Contact Person Katherine Harford Phone +353 (0)21 4300135 Address HSE BuildingHarbourview RoadKnocknaheenyCork Email Katherine@nicheonline.ie Website http://www.nicheonline.ie/index.php?pageID=152
The Mayo North East Ballina Eat Wise project will proactively engage with disadvantaged communities, including migrant and Traveller groups, in Ballina to encourage and support people to make informed decisions regarding their diet and that of their families. The project aims to empower people with the resources, skills and knowledge to improve their physical and mental wellbeing through affordable healthy eating. A steering group comprising local stakeholders will be established to co-ordinate and inform the CFI’s work and to ensure it is fully addressing the needs of the target group. The CFI will begin by developing a training module to equip a group of peer researchers to carry out a needs analysis. The information gathered will inform the practical aspects of the project ensuring participation and a sense of ownership from the local community. Young people will be targeted through local schools and youth organisations. Training will be provided for both adults and young people in vegetable/fruit growing, nutrition, cooking, preventing food wastage, smart shopping and budgeting. Practical cookery demonstrations coupled with advice on healthy eating will take place in the target areas. The project will also engage with local supermarkets and takeaways to encourage the provision of healthy affordable options. Other options to increase the availability of healthy food in the target areas will be explored. Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Mayo Target Groups Children (13-18 years) Families Partner Agencies safefood
INTRODUCTION: The spatio-temporal pattern of arrhythmias in the embryonic/fetal heart subjected to a transient hypoxic or hypothermic stress remains to be established. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spontaneously beating hearts or isolated atria, ventricles, and conotruncus from 4-day-old chick embryos were subjected in vitro to 30-minute anoxia and 60-minute reoxygenation. Hearts were also submitted to 30-minute hypothermia (0-4 degrees C) and 60-minute rewarming. ECG disturbances and alterations of atrial and ventricular electromechanical delay (EMD) were systematically investigated. Baseline functional parameters were stable during at least 2 hours. Anoxia induced tachycardia, followed by bradycardia, atrial ectopy, first-, second-, and third-degree atrio-ventricular blocks and, finally, transient electromechanical arrest after 6.8 minutes, interquartile ranges (IQR) 3.1-16.2 (n = 8). Reoxygenation triggered also Wenckebach phenomenon and ventricular escape beats. At the onset of reoxygenation QT, PR, and ventricular EMD increased by 68%, 70%, and 250%, respectively, whereas atrial EMD was not altered. No fibrillations, no ventricular ectopic beats, and no electromechanical dissociation were observed. Arrhythmic activity of the isolated atria persisted throughout anoxia and upon reoxygenation, whereas activity of the isolated ventricles abruptly ceased after 5 minutes of anoxia and resumed after 5 minutes of reoxygenation. During hypothermia-rewarming, cardiac activity stopped at 17.9 degrees C, IQR 16.2-20.6 (n = 4) and resumed at the same temperature with no arrhythmias. All preparations fully recovered after 40 minutes of reoxygenation or rewarming. CONCLUSION: In the embryonic heart, arrhythmias mainly originated in the sinoatrial tissue and resembled those observed in the adult heart. Furthermore, oxygen readmission was by far more arrhythmogenic than rewarming and the chronotropic, dromotropic, and inotropic effects were fully reversible.
CHANGE is a multi-faceted programme which seeks to transform the way lone parents think about food. The programme focuses on education, health and the affordability of healthy food for lone parents, as a particularly disadvantaged low-income group. The key activities include training programmes for lone parents and a community garden which engages the wider community. Five training programmes will be developed over the three years; Healthy Eating (basic and advanced), Food Growing, Community Gardening and Community Resilience The community garden is supported by Northside Partnership, Coolock Development Council and Sphere 17 regional youth service, who are all represented on the steering group and contribute some human resources to maintaining and developing the garden. Â Â Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Dublin 11 Dublin 13 Dublin 3 Dublin 5 Dublin 7 Dublin 9 Target Groups Lone parents Funding Safefood Partner Agencies Coolock Development Council Connect with this Initiative Facebook
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this investigation was to improve the hemodynamics during venoarterial bypass by remote decompression of the left ventricle (LV). METHODS: Venoarterial bypass was established in 5 bovine experiments (69+/-10 kg) by the transjugular insertion of a self-expanding cannula (smartcanula) with return through a carotid artery. Cardiogenic shock was simulated with ventricular fibrillation induced by an external stimulator. Left ventricular decompression was achieved by switching to transfemoral drainage of the pulmonary artery (PA) with a long self-expanding cannula. RESULTS: Initial pump flow was 4.7+/-0.9 l/min and the aortic pressure accounted for 75+/-21 mmHg. After induction of ventricular fibrillation, the pump flow dropped after 11+/-8 min to 2.5+/-0.1 l/min. Transfemoral decompression increased the pump flow to 5.6+/-0.7 l/min, while the RV pressure decreased from 27+/-9 to 3+/-5 mmHg, the PA pressure decreased from 29+/-7 to 5+/-4 mmHg, the LV pressure decreased from 29+/-6 to 7+/-2 mmHg, and the aortic pressure increased from 31+/-3 to 47+/-11 mmHg. CONCLUSIONS: Remote drainage of the pulmonary artery during venoarterial bypass allows for effective decompression of the left ventricle and provides superior hemodynamics.
2.3 Million Americans are “Long-Distance Caregivers” for people with Alzheimer’s; Costs for Long-Distance Caregivers are Almost Twice as High.According to the Alzheimer's Association 2013 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures report released today, one in three seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another dementia in the United States. The new report shows that while deaths from other major diseases, such as heart disease, HIV/AIDS and stroke, continue to experience significant declines, Alzheimer’s deaths continue to rise — increasing 68 percent from 2000-2010.��“Unfortunately, today there are no Alzheimer’s survivors. If you have Alzheimer's disease, you either die from it or diewith it,” said Harry Johns, president and CEO of the Alzheimer’s Association. “Now we know that 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. Urgent, meaningful��action is necessary, particularly as more and more people age into greater risk for developing a disease��that today has no cure and no way to slow or stop its progression.”Read more here.����������
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és connectar el sintonitzador de televisió per satèl·lit Dreambox 7000S amb el Nokia 770 Internet Tablet. El propòsit d'aquesta aplicació és utilitzar el Dreambox 7000S com una font de streaming mpeg2 i el Nokia 770 com a reproductor portàtil.
El projecte consisteix en l' aplicació practica i real de les tecnologies sense fils actuals per l' ampliació dels serveis d' accés a la xarxa TCP / IP en una empresa
A strategy is being developed across the South East based on five major themes - inequalities, older adults, children, workforce, and sustainable communities. This presentation looks at the steps being taken to develop this strategy and gives more detail on the expected outcomes.