980 resultados para Semi-solid metallic strip casting
Learning is predicted to affect manifold ecological and evolutionary processes, but the extent to which animals rely on learning in nature remains poorly known, especially for short-lived non-social invertebrates. This is in particular the case for Drosophila, a favourite laboratory system to study molecular mechanisms of learning. Here we tested whether Drosophila melanogaster use learned information to choose food while free-flying in a large greenhouse emulating the natural environment. In a series of experiments flies were first given an opportunity to learn which of two food odours was associated with good versus unpalatable taste; subsequently, their preference for the two odours was assessed with olfactory traps set up in the greenhouse. Flies that had experienced palatable apple-flavoured food and unpalatable orange-flavoured food were more likely to be attracted to the odour of apple than flies with the opposite experience. This was true both when the flies first learned in the laboratory and were then released and recaptured in the greenhouse, and when the learning occurred under free-flying conditions in the greenhouse. Furthermore, flies retained the memory of their experience while exploring the greenhouse overnight in the absence of focal odours, pointing to the involvement of consolidated memory. These results support the notion that even small, short lived insects which are not central-place foragers make use of learned cues in their natural environments.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da substituição do farelo de soja pelo feijão guandu cru na alimentação de frangos caipiras criados em sistema semi-intensivo. Foram utilizados 525 frangos de corte da linhagem Caipira Pesadão, com idade inicial de 35 dias, distribuídos em cinco tratamentos com cinco repetições de 21 aves cada um. Os tratamentos consistiram na substituição de 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% do farelo de soja pelo feijão guandu cru moído. Foram avaliados o ganho de peso, o consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar, o rendimento de carcaça e de cortes, o peso do pâncreas e a qualidade da carne. A substituição do farelo de soja pelo feijão guandu em até 15,45%, nas dietas de frangos caipiras de corte, com idade de 57 a 71 dias, não altera o ganho de peso. O aumento dos níveis de feijão guandu na ração não afeta o rendimento de carcaça, o peso do pâncreas e os parâmetros de qualidade da carne.
Teollisuuden tuotannon eri prosessien optimointi on hyvin ajankohtainen aihe. Monet ohjausjärjestelmät ovat ajalta, jolloin tietokoneiden laskentateho oli hyvin vaatimaton nykyisiin verrattuna. Työssä esitetään tuotantoprosessi, joka sisältää teräksen leikkaussuunnitelman muodostamisongelman. Valuprosessi on yksi teräksen valmistuksen välivaiheita. Siinä sopivaan laatuun saatettu sula teräs valetaan linjastoon, jossa se jähmettyy ja leikataan aihioiksi. Myöhemmissä vaiheissa teräsaihioista muokataan pienempiä kokonaisuuksia, tehtaan lopputuotteita. Jatkuvavaletut aihiot voidaan leikata tilauskannasta riippuen monella eri tavalla. Tätä varten tarvitaan leikkaussuunnitelma, jonka muodostamiseksi on ratkaistava sekalukuoptimointiongelma. Sekalukuoptimointiongelmat ovat optimoinnin haastavin muoto. Niitä on tutkittu yksinkertaisempiin optimointiongelmiin nähden vähän. Nykyisten tietokoneiden laskentateho on kuitenkin mahdollistanut raskaampien ja monimutkaisempien optimointialgoritmien käytön ja kehittämisen. Työssä on käytetty ja esitetty eräs stokastisen optimoinnin menetelmä, differentiaalievoluutioalgoritmi. Tässä työssä esitetään teräksen leikkausoptimointialgoritmi. Kehitetty optimointimenetelmä toimii dynaamisesti tehdasympäristössä käyttäjien määrittelemien parametrien mukaisesti. Työ on osa Syncron Tech Oy:n Ovako Bar Oy Ab:lle toimittamaa ohjausjärjestelmää.
Realizou-se um estudo na Embrapa-Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Trópico Semi-Árido (CPATSA), Petrolina-PE, objetivando identificar os mecanismos, através dos quais o umbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam.) mantém o balanço hídrico interno durante as estações de seca e chuvosa. Os resultados obtidos basearam-se em observações do potencial hídrico e de seus componentes, utilizando-se da câmara de pressão e câmaras higrométricas / microvoltímetro. Sob condições de seca, os valores mais baixos de potencial hídrico e potencial osmótico foram observados em torno das 8 h, atingindo, respectivamente --0,97 MPa e --1,17 MPa, resultando em uma pressão de turgor de 0,2 MPa. A pressão mais baixa ocorreu às 16 h, atingindo 0,16 MPa. Entretanto, a recuperação hídrica não foi observada, até o final dia. Durante a estação chuvosa, os valores de mais baixos de potencial hídrico foram obtidos às 14 h , quando foram detectados, respectivamente --1,55 MPa. Neste momento, o potencial osmótico atingiu --1,57 MPa , culminando com uma pressão de turgor de 0,02 MPa. Entretanto, até o final do dia, a condição hídrica da planta foi similar à observada no início do dia. Estes resultados sugerem que o umbuzeiro apresenta duas estratégias para manter, durante o dia, um balanço hídrico interno favorável, dentro das condições ambientais estudadas. Sob condições de sequeiro, o balanço seria mantido através da utilização da água armazenada nas túberas e uma baixa transpiração. Durante a estação das chuvas, o balanço hídrico pode ter sido mediado por um ajuste osmótico, a julgar pelas variações observadas à tarde entre níveis de potencial hídrico e potencial osmótico.
Novel alpha-mannosidase inhibitors of the type (2R,3R,4S)-2-({[(1R)-2-hydroxy-1-arylethyl]amino}methyl)pyrrolidine-3,4-diol have been prepared and assayed for their anticancer activities. Compound 30 with the aryl group=4-trifluoromethylbiphenyl inhibits the proliferation of primary cells and cell lines of different origins, irrespective of Bcl-2 expression levels, inducing a G2/Mcell cycle arrest and by modification of genes involved in cell cycle progression and survival.
This study considered the current situation of solid and liquid biofuels markets and international biofuels trade in Finland and identified the challenges ofthe emerging international biofuels markets for Finland. The fact that industryconsumes more than half of the total primary energy, widely applied combined heat and power production (CHP) and a high share of biofuels in the total energy consumption are specific to the Finnish energy system. One third of the electricity is generated in CHP plants. As much as 27% of the total energy consumption ismet by using wood and peat, which makes Finland the leading country in the use of biofuels. Finland has made a commitment to maintain greenhouse gas emissions at the 1990 level at the highest during the period 2008-2012. The Finnish energypolicy aims to achieve the target, and a variety of measures are taken to promote the use of renewable energy sources and especially wood fuels. In this study, the wooden raw material streams of the forest industry were included the international biofuels trade in addition to biomass streams that are traded for energy production. In 2004, as much as 45% of the raw wood importedinto Finland ended up in energy production. The total international trading of biofuels was evaluated at 72 PJ, of which the majority, 58 PJ, was raw wood. About 22% of wood based energy in Finland originated from imported raw wood. Tall oil and wood pellets composed the largest export streams of biofuels. The annual turnover of international biofuels trade was estimated at about ¤ 90 million fordirect trade and at about ¤ 190 million for indirect trade. The forest industryas the biggest user of wood, and the producer and user of wood fuels has a central position in biomass and biofuels markets in Finland. Lately, the international aspects of Finnish biofuels markets have been emphasised as the import of rawwood and the export of wood pellets have increased. Expanding the use of biofuels in the road transportation sector would increase the international streams ofbiofuels in Finland. In coming years, the international trading of biomass for energy purposes can be expected to continue growing.
The solid-rotor induction motor provides a mechanically and thermally reliable solution for demanding environments where other rotor solutions are prohibited or questionable. Solid rotors, which are manufactured of single pieces of ferromagnetic material, are commonly used in motors in which the rotationspeeds exceed substantially the conventional speeds of laminated rotors with squirrel-cage. During the operation of a solid-rotor electrical machine, the rotor core forms a conductor for both the magnetic flux and the electrical current. This causes an increase in the rotor resistance and rotor leakage inductance, which essentially decreases the power factor and the efficiency of the machine. The electromagnetic problems related to the solid-rotor induction motor are mostly associated with the low performance of the rotor. Therefore, the main emphasis in this thesis is put on the solid steel rotor designs. The rotor designs studied in thisthesis are based on the fact that the rotor construction should be extremely robust and reliable to withstand the high mechanical stresses caused by the rotational velocity of the rotor. In addition, the demanding operation environment sets requirements for the applied materials because of the high temperatures and oxidizing acids, which may be present in the cooling fluid. Therefore, the solid rotors analyzed in this thesis are made of a single piece of ferromagnetic material without any additional parts, such as copper end-rings or a squirrel-cage. A pure solid rotor construction is rigid and able to keep its balance over a large speed range. It also may tolerate other environmental stresses such as corroding substances or abrasive particles. In this thesis, the main target is to improve the performance of an induction motor equipped with a solid steel rotor by traditional methods: by axial slitting of the rotor, by selecting a proper rotor core material and by coating the rotor with a high-resistive stainless ferromagnetic material. In the solid steel rotor calculation, the rotor end-effects have a significant effect on the rotor characteristics. Thus, the emphasis is also put on the comparison of different rotor endfactors. In addition, a corrective slip-dependent end-factor is proposed. The rotor designs covered in this thesis are the smooth solid rotor, the axially slitted solid rotor and the slitted rotor having a uniform ferromagnetic coating cylinder. The thesis aims at design rules for multi-megawatt machines. Typically, mega-watt-size solidrotor machines find their applications mainly in the field of electric-motor-gas-compression systems, in steam-turbine applications, and in various types of largepower pump applications, where high operational speeds are required. In this thesis, a 120 kW, 10 000 rpm solid-rotor induction motor is usedas a small-scale model for such megawatt-range solid-rotor machines. The performance of the 120 kW solid-rotor induction motors is determined by experimental measurements and finite element calculations.
En aquest treball s’han radiomarcat, un total de 4 gripaus corredors (Bufo calamita) que posteriorment foren alliberats a la Bassa de l’Astor, per tal d’estudiar les estratègies comportamentals de l’espècie en una zona semi-àrida. Dels 4 animals alliberats, un es perdé als pocs dies, la resta foren seguits mitjançant radioseguiment uns 64 dies, entre finals d’hivern i principis de primavera del 2007. En el treball de seguiment s’anotà en cada una de les localitzacions la temperatura ambiental del moment i la freqüència a la qual emetia l’emissor. Donat que es tenien els emissors calibrats, a partir d’aquesta freqüència es podia obtenir la temperatura a la qual es trobava l’emissor, és a dir la temperatura corporal del gripau en aquest cas. Mitjançant programes estadístics s’ha pogut determinar que durant el període hivernal i principis de primavera existeix una relació estadísticament significativa entre la variació de la temperatura ambiental i la temperatura corporal dels gripaus. Aquesta relació no es dona però en el període estival. Això fa pensar que el comportament del calamita esdevé una forma de termoregulació actuant per tal d’evitar extrems crítics de temperatura i humitat. S’ha pogut determinar també que gràcies a les característiques dels refugis utilitzats en la zona d’estudi (munts de pedres o caus d’altres espècies) els gripaus aconsegueixen mantenir-se en ambients on la variació de temperatura és inferior a la variació de la temperatura exterior. Així la variació de la temperatura corporal dels gripaus és també inferior. Pel que fa als moviments entre els diferents refugis, aquests han variat en funció de cada animal. La distància mitja recorreguda en el total dels desplaçaments ha estat d’uns 185 metres lineals. Aquests desplaçaments s’han donat sempre en dies de pluja o l’endemà d’un dia de pluja.
A study was carried out at Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, Brazil, aiming to understand the gas exchange process of the umbu tree (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam.) in the dry and rainy seasons. Stomatal conductance, transpiration, photosynthesis and internal CO2 concentration were obtained with a portable infrared gas analyzer (IRGA). During the dry season the umbu tree showed a much lower stomatal conductance early in the morning, as soon as the vapor pressure deficit increased, apparently affecting CO2 assimilation more than transpiration. The highest values were detected around 6:00 am but decreased to the lowest points between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. During the rainy season, however, stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis were significantly higher, reaching the highest values between 8:00 and 10:00 am and the lowest around 2:00 pm. It was also observed at 4:00 pm, mainly during the rainy season, an increase on these variables indicating that the umbu tree exhibits a two-picked daily course of gas exchange.
O uso da irrigação nas regiões semi-áridas do Nordeste brasileiro tem viabilizado o cultivo comercial de inúmeras fruteiras, tais como a uva, a manga, a goiaba, o coco e a banana. Outras espécies, como o pomelo, ou grapefruit, vêm sendo ainda objeto de estudos e avaliações. Uma coleção formada de 06 variedades de pomelos (Citrus paradisi), de polpas com coloração rosa-avermelhada ('Marsh Foster', 'Star Ruby', 'Rio Red' e 'Red Blush') e amarelada ('Triumph' e 'Marsh Foster Nucelar'), foi implantada em 1993 na Estação Experimental de Ibimirim, localizada no município de Ibimirim, no Vale do Rio Moxotó - região semi-árida de Pernambuco. Contando com cinco plantas por parcela, a coleção foi conduzida sob irrigação localizada e as avaliações realizadas durante três anos (2000 a 2002). Os resultados demostraram alta variabilidade na produção de frutos, tendo a variedade 'Marsh Foster Nucelar' alcançado a produção média de 135,0 kg/planta, enquanto a 'Star Ruby' atingiu apenas 31,0 kg/planta. O peso médio dos frutos variou de 285,5g ('Red Blush') até um máximo de 401,6g na variedade 'Triumph'. O volume de suco extraído, os sólidos solúveis totais (SST), a acidez total titulável (ATT) e a relação SSS/ATT também apresentaram mudanças entre as variedades estudadas.
En este artículo se pretende analizar la prensa de la ciudad de Lleida durante el Trienio Liberal. Para ello se ha iniciado el texto introduciendo un contexto histórico marcado por la contrarrevolución realista destinada a acabar con el gobierno liberal. Para a continuación esbozar una breve caracterización de la prensa en el Trienio Liberal. Finalmente se estudian de una manera pormenorizada los ocho números del Semi-Semanario Ilerdense (1822), el único periódico editado y publicado en Lleida a lo largo del período liberal, el cual se identificó por su carácter liberal exaltado.