984 resultados para Self (Philosophy)


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The stability of N-propylbutanimine (1) was investigated under different experimental conditions. The acid-catalyzed self-condensation that produced the E-enimine (4) and Z-inimine (5) was studied by experimental analyses and theoretical calculations. Since the calculations for the energy of 5 indicated that it had a lower energy than 4, yet 4 was the principal product, the self-condensation of 1 must be kinetically controlled.


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The Annonaceae family is distributed throughout Neotropical regions of the world. In Brazil, it covers nearly all natural formations particularly Annona, Xylopia and Polyalthia and is characterized chemically by the production of sources of terpenoids (mainly diterpenes), alkaloids, steroids, polyphenols and, flavonoids. Studies from 13C NMR data of diterpenes related with their botanical occurrence were used to generate self-organizing maps (SOM). Results corroborate those in the literature obtained from morphological and molecular data for three genera and the model can be used to project other diterpenes. Therefore, the model produced can predict which genera are likely to contain a compound.


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A new Cu(II) trimers, [Cu3(dcp)2(H2O)8]. 4DMF, with the ligand 3,5-pyrazoledicarboxylic acid monohydrate (H3dcp) has been prepared by solvent method. Its solid-state structure has been characterized by elemental analysis, thermal analysis (TGA and DSC), and single crystal X-ray diffraction. X-ray crystallographic studies reveal that this complex has extended 1-D,2-D and 3-D supramolecular architectures directed by weak interactions (hydrogen bond and aromatic π-π stacking interaction) leading to a sandwich solid-state structure.


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This article starts by identifying the crucial importance of the notion of historical handicap for the present-day social sciences of Latin America. Such notion is not an original invention made by Latinamericanists. On the contrary, I demonstrate that the genealogy of the notion of historical handicap must be sought in the tradition of Western political philosophy. Such genealogy must take into account the way it was integrated into ethnological descriptions. When and how did the Other become the backward, the primitive? While this relation was secondary for ancient Greek thought, theories of historical development became the main source of ethnological categories in the modern era. Interestingly enough, this modern synthesis suited the practical purpose of justifying two successive waves of European imperialistic: the era of discoveries, and 19th century colonialism. The article concludes by raising questions about the present role and application of the social sciences.


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This paper discusses the capital role that friendship plays in moral self-knowledge within Aristotelian Ethics. It focuses on the different ways in which a friend may shed light on the understanding of our behavior. Great attention is paid to the accounts of certain commentators (especially, of Richard Kraut and Anthony Kenny) on this subject. The paper tries to provide a conciliatory interpretation between views on self-knowledge that are, only in appearance, irreconcilable.


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ABSTRACT In section XII of the First Inquiry, Hume refers to the two Hellenistic schools of skepticism (Academic and Pyrrhonian) to present his own view of skepticism, which, however, depends on the ancient skeptics mainly indirectly. Hume's view of skepticism depends crucially on Descartes and post-Cartesian philosophers such as Pascal, Huet, Foucher and Bayle, who reacted skeptically to major Cartesian doctrines but followed one version or other of Descartes's methodical doubt. Although all these post-Cartesian philosophers are relevant in section XII, I focus on the topics in which Descartes himself-besides his skeptical followers-seems directly relevant. After an introductory section (I) on Julia Annas' and Richard Popkin's views of Hume's relation to, respectively, ancient and modern skepticism, I turn to section XII and examine what Hume calls (II) "consequent skepticism about the senses," (III) "antecedent skepticism," and (IV) "Academic skepticism."


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ABSTRACT The paper intends to build a dialogue between Nāgārjuna and Schelling on Self, world, and standpoints, taking as main references Nāgārjuna's The Fundamental Verses of the Middle Way and Schelling's Philosophical Letters on Dogmatism and Criticism. Whereas Nāgārjuna criticizes the substantialization of beings by resorting to the discourse of the dependent co-origination in order to overcome suffering, Schelling, on his turn, refutes the fanaticism based on dogmatism's tenets in favor of the criticism interpreted according to its spirit, and not according to its letter, in order to emancipate humanity. Starting with a succint contextualization of the Eastern and Western philosophical discourse, proceeding further to discuss the philosophies of both thinkers, the paper is concluded by assessing their theories.


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Pro gradu -tutkielmani käsittelee itsensä vahingoittamisen, hiljaisuuden ja toipumisen representaatioita Patricia McCormickin nuorille aikuisille suunnatussa teoksessa Cut. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on analysoida itsensä vahingoittamista kirjallisuudentutkimuksellisesta näkökulmasta. Vaikka itsensä vahingoittamisesta on englanninkielisillä markkinoilla olemassa runsaasti psykologista kirjallisuutta, ei sen representaatioita kirjallisuudessa ole vielä juurikaan tutkittu. Näiden representaatioiden analysointi on tärkeää, sillä 1990-luvun alkupuolella syntyi nuortenkirjallisuudessa genre, joka keskittyy juuri itsensä vahingoittamisen käsittelyyn. Patricia McCormickin Cut on edustava esimerkki tämän genren romaanista. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu monitieteellisistä teksteistä. Ensisijaisina lähteinä ovat Patrick Fueryn teoreettiset käsitykset hiljaisuudesta ja poissa-olosta sekä Christine Wilkie-Stibbsin feministiset luennat yksittäisistä nuortenkirjoista. Armando R. Favazzan kliiniset määritelmät itsensä vahingoittamisesta luovat perustan käyttämilleni termeille. Pääpaino tutkielmassa on kuitenkin omalla luennallani romaanista. Tutkimustuloksena on, että sekä päähenkilön hiljaisuus että itsensä viiltely ovat monimerkityksisiä ja dynaamisia tiloja. Ne toimivat kommunikaation ja itsehoidon välineinä. Viiltelyyn sisältyy voimakkaasti hoivan käsite, sillä viiltämällä itseään päähenkilö yrittää käsitellä ja helpottaa henkistä ahdistustaan. Sekä hiljaisuus että viiltely auttavat eri tavoin päähenkilöä käsittelemään ja sisäistämään oman tilansa ja näin ollen myös edistävät paranemisprosessia, joka jatkuu puheen kautta perinteisessä psykoterapeuttisessa diskurssissa. Teos painottaa puheen roolia, mutta myös hiljaisuus ja viiltely muodostavat yhtäläiset kommunikaatio- ja hoitoväylät.


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The overriding aim of this drama educational case study is to deepen the understanding of meaning making in a creative intercultural youth theatre process and to examine it in the context of the 10th European Children's TheatreEncounter. The research task is to give a theoretical description of some key features of a creative drama process as the basis for theory about meaning makingin physical theatre. The first task is to illuminate the culture-historical connections of the multilayered practice of the EDERED-association. The second taskis to analyse and interpret theatrical meaning making. The ethnographical research site is regarded as a theatrical event. The analysis of the theatrical eventis divided into four segments: cultural contexts, contextual theatricality, theatrical playing and playing culture. These segments are connected with four research questions: What are the cultural contexts of a creative drama process? How can the organisation of the Encounter, genres, aesthetic codes and perception ofcodes be seen to influence the lived experiences of the participants? What are some of the key phases and characteristics in a creative practice? What kind of cultural learning can be interpreted from the performance texts? The interpretative question concerns identity and community (re)construction. How are the categories, `community´ and `child´ constructed in the Encounter culture? In this drama educational case study the research material (transcribed interviews, coded questionnaire answers, participant drawings, videotaped process text and performance texts) are examined in a multi-method analysis in the meta-theoretical framework of Dewey's naturalistic pragmatism. A three-dimensional research interest through a combination of lived experiences, social contexts and cultural-aesthetical practices compared with drama-educational practices required the methodological project of cultural studies. Furthermore, the critical interpretation of cultural texts is divided into three levels of analyses which are called description, structural analysis and theoretical interpretation. Dialogic validity (truthfulness, self-reflexivity and polyvocality) is combined with contextual validity (sensitivity to social context and awareness of historicity) and with deconstructive validity (awareness of the social discourses). My research suggests that itis possible, by means of physical theatre, to construct symbolic worlds where questions about intercultural identity and multilingual community are examined and where provisional answers are constructed in social interaction.


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The aim of this study is to analyse the content of the interdisciplinary conversations in Göttingen between 1949 and 1961. The task is to compare models for describing reality presented by quantum physicists and theologians. Descriptions of reality indifferent disciplines are conditioned by the development of the concept of reality in philosophy, physics and theology. Our basic problem is stated in the question: How is it possible for the intramental image to match the external object?Cartesian knowledge presupposes clear and distinct ideas in the mind prior to observation resulting in a true correspondence between the observed object and the cogitative observing subject. The Kantian synthesis between rationalism and empiricism emphasises an extended character of representation. The human mind is not a passive receiver of external information, but is actively construing intramental representations of external reality in the epistemological process. Heidegger's aim was to reach a more primordial mode of understanding reality than what is possible in the Cartesian Subject-Object distinction. In Heidegger's philosophy, ontology as being-in-the-world is prior to knowledge concerning being. Ontology can be grasped only in the totality of being (Dasein), not only as an object of reflection and perception. According to Bohr, quantum mechanics introduces an irreducible loss in representation, which classically understood is a deficiency in knowledge. The conflicting aspects (particle and wave pictures) in our comprehension of physical reality, cannot be completely accommodated into an entire and coherent model of reality. What Bohr rejects is not realism, but the classical Einsteinian version of it. By the use of complementary descriptions, Bohr tries to save a fundamentally realistic position. The fundamental question in Barthian theology is the problem of God as an object of theological discourse. Dialectics is Barth¿s way to express knowledge of God avoiding a speculative theology and a human-centred religious self-consciousness. In Barthian theology, the human capacity for knowledge, independently of revelation, is insufficient to comprehend the being of God. Our knowledge of God is real knowledge in revelation and our words are made to correspond with the divine reality in an analogy of faith. The point of the Bultmannian demythologising programme was to claim the real existence of God beyond our faculties. We cannot simply define God as a human ideal of existence or a focus of values. The theological programme of Bultmann emphasised the notion that we can talk meaningfully of God only insofar as we have existential experience of his intervention. Common to all these twentieth century philosophical, physical and theological positions, is a form of anti-Cartesianism. Consequently, in regard to their epistemology, they can be labelled antirealist. This common insight also made it possible to find a common meeting point between the different disciplines. In this study, the different standpoints from all three areas and the conversations in Göttingen are analysed in the frameworkof realism/antirealism. One of the first tasks in the Göttingen conversations was to analyse the nature of the likeness between the complementary structures inquantum physics introduced by Niels Bohr and the dialectical forms in the Barthian doctrine of God. The reaction against epistemological Cartesianism, metaphysics of substance and deterministic description of reality was the common point of departure for theologians and physicists in the Göttingen discussions. In his complementarity, Bohr anticipated the crossing of traditional epistemic boundaries and the generalisation of epistemological strategies by introducing interpretative procedures across various disciplines.


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The overallpurpose of this research is to develop knowledge about health and suffering in connection with serious cancer disease through the development of a contextual model describing how patients live their lives between the possibility of life and the necessity of death. The research takes its point of departure from a caring science perspective, and Gadamer's hermeneutical philosophy is chosen as the overall methodology. In addition to the caring science perspective, the existential philosophy of Kierkegaard constructs a framework of interpretation. The research consists of three empirical studies. In two of the studies 21 patients participated, whilst 8 nurses took part in the remaining study. The patients were seriously ill and the nurses had long experience of caring for seriously ill patients. Scientific conversations were used for data collection. The findings from the patient studies show that the relationship with one-self, others, God or the supernatural and nature, constitute the unit of meaning, in which the struggle between health and suffering takes place. This struggle takes the form of a dialectic movement between being delivered and being accommodated and confirmed. The patients strive, in their delivery, for health and integration, for being a self by being reconciled with one self. The patients are lonely in this struggle, as conversations related to existence and death seldom occurs with either the natural or the professional caregivers. Themes related to patients' death remain mainly unarticulated. The patients' life struggle appears on the existential level as a threefold struggle against time and annihilation, towards being accommodatedand confirmed and for restoration and reconciliation. Through the hermeneutic process the struggle at the ontological level appears as a struggle of the will between anxiety and love. The patients in this research experience their life's tragedy. A holistic interpretation of living under the pressure created between the possibility of life and the necessity of death appears to be a struggle for life in the veil of pensiveness. The nurses want to be involved in the patients' struggle, and they show a deep desire to support the dignity of the patients. The depth in the nurses' view of their responsibility for the patient as an entityof body, soul and spirit seems to be related to the nurses' understanding of life.