963 resultados para Second Quinquennial Plan
Nonlinear metamaterials have been predicted to support new and exciting domains in the manipulation of light, including novel phase-matching schemes for wave mixing. Most notable is the so-called nonlinear-optical mirror, in which a nonlinear negative-index medium emits the generated frequency towards the source of the pump. In this Letter, we experimentally demonstrate the nonlinear-optical mirror effect in a bulk negative-index nonlinear metamaterial, along with two other novel phase-matching configurations, utilizing periodic poling to switch between the three phase-matching domains.
During the summer of 1994, Archaeology in Annapolis conducted archaeological investigations of the city block bounded by Franklin, South and Cathedral Streets in the city of Annapolis. This Phase III excavation was conducted as a means to identify subsurface cultural resources in the impact area associated with the proposed construction of the Anne Arundel County Courthouse addition. This impact area included both the upper and lower parking lots used by Courthouse employees. Investigations were conducted in the form of mechanical trenching and hand excavated units. Excavations in the upper lot area yielded significant information concerning the interior area of the block. Known as Bellis Court, this series of rowhouses was constructed in the late nineteenth century and was used as rental properties by African-Americans. The dwellings remained until the middle of the twentieth century when they were demolished in preparation for the construction of a Courthouse addition. Portions of the foundation of a house owned by William H. Bellis in the 1870s were also exposed in this area. Construction of this house was begun by William Nicholson around 1730 and completed by Daniel Dulany in 1732/33. It was demolished in 1896 by James Munroe, a Trustee for Bellis. Excavations in the upper lot also revealed the remains of a late seventeenth/early eighteenth century wood-lined cellar, believed to be part of the earliest known structure on Lot 58. After an initially rapid deposition of fill around 1828, this cellar was gradually covered with soil throughout the remainder of the nineteenth century. The fill deposit in the cellar feature yielded a mixed assemblage of artifacts that included sherds of early materials such as North Devon gravel-tempered earthenware, North Devon sgraffito and Northem Italian slipware, along with creamware, pearlware and whiteware. In the lower parking lot, numerous artifacts were recovered from yard scatter associated with the houses that at one time fronted along Cathedral Street and were occupied by African- Americans. An assemblage of late seventeenth century/early eighteenth century materials and several slag deposits from an early forge were recovered from this second area of study. The materials associated with the forge, including portions of a crucible, provided evidence of some of the earliest industry in Annapolis. Investigations in both the upper and lower parking lots added to the knowledge of the changing landscape within the project area, including a prevalence of open space in early periods, a surprising survival of impermanent structures, and a gradual regrading and filling of the block with houses and interior courts. Excavations at the Anne Arundel County Courthouse proved this to be a multi-component site, rich in cultural resources from Annapolis' Early Settlement Period through its Modern Period (as specified by Maryland's Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan (Weissman 1986)). This report provides detailed interpretations of the archaeological findings of these Phase III investigations.
The hepatitis delta virus (HDV) ribozyme is a self-cleaving RNA enzyme essential for processing viral transcripts during rolling circle viral replication. The first crystal structure of the cleaved ribozyme was solved in 1998, followed by structures of uncleaved, mutant-inhibited and ion-complexed forms. Recently, methods have been developed that make the task of modeling RNA structure and dynamics significantly easier and more reliable. We have used ERRASER and PHENIX to rebuild and re-refine the cleaved and cis-acting C75U-inhibited structures of the HDV ribozyme. The results correct local conformations and identify alternates for RNA residues, many in functionally important regions, leading to improved R values and model validation statistics for both structures. We compare the rebuilt structures to a higher resolution, trans-acting deoxy-inhibited structure of the ribozyme, and conclude that although both inhibited structures are consistent with the currently accepted hammerhead-like mechanism of cleavage, they do not add direct structural evidence to the biochemical and modeling data. However, the rebuilt structures (PDBs: 4PR6, 4PRF) provide a more robust starting point for research on the dynamics and catalytic mechanism of the HDV ribozyme and demonstrate the power of new techniques to make significant improvements in RNA structures that impact biologically relevant conclusions.
My dissertation work integrates comparative transcriptomics and functional analyses to investigate gene expression changes underlying two significant aspects of sea urchin evolution and development: the dramatic developmental changes associated with an ecologically significant shift in life history strategy and the development of the unusual radial body plan of adult sea urchins.
In Chapter 2, I investigate evolutionary changes in gene expression underlying the switch from feeding (planktotrophic) to nonfeeding (lecithotrophic) development in sea urchins. In order to identify these changes, I used Illumina RNA-seq to measure expression dynamics across 7 developmental stages in three sea urchin species: the lecithotroph Heliocidaris erythrogramma, the closely related planktotroph Heliocidaris tuberculata, and an outgroup planktotroph Lytechinus variegatus. My analyses draw on a well-characterized developmental gene regulatory network (GRN) in sea urchins to understand how the ancestral planktotrophic developmental program was altered during the evolution of lecithotrophic development. My results suggest that changes in gene expression profiles occurred more frequently across the transcriptome during the evolution of lecithotrophy than during the persistence of planktotrophy. These changes were even more pronounced within the GRN than across the transcriptome as a whole, and occurred in each network territory (skeletogenic, endomesoderm and ectoderm). I found evidence for both conservation and divergence of regulatory interactions in the network, as well as significant changes in the expression of genes with known roles in larval skeletogenesis, which is dramatically altered in lecithotrophs. I further explored network dynamics between species using coexpression analyses, which allowed me to identify novel players likely involved in sea urchin neurogenesis and endoderm patterning.
In Chapter 3, I investigate developmental changes in gene expression underlying radial body plan development and metamorphosis in H. erythrogramma. Using Illumina RNA-seq, I measured gene expression profiles across larval, metamorphic, and post-metamorphic life cycle phases. My results present a high-resolution view of gene expression dynamics during the complex transition from pre- to post-metamorphic development and suggest that distinct sets of regulatory and effector proteins are used during different life history phases.
Collectively, my investigations provide an important foundation for future, empirical studies to investigate the functional role of gene expression change in the evolution of developmental differences between species and also for the generation of the unusual radial body plan of sea urchins.
The second round of the community-wide initiative Critical Assessment of automated Structure Determination of Proteins by NMR (CASD-NMR-2013) comprised ten blind target datasets, consisting of unprocessed spectral data, assigned chemical shift lists and unassigned NOESY peak and RDC lists, that were made available in both curated (i.e. manually refined) or un-curated (i.e. automatically generated) form. Ten structure calculation programs, using fully automated protocols only, generated a total of 164 three-dimensional structures (entries) for the ten targets, sometimes using both curated and un-curated lists to generate multiple entries for a single target. The accuracy of the entries could be established by comparing them to the corresponding manually solved structure of each target, which was not available at the time the data were provided. Across the entire data set, 71 % of all entries submitted achieved an accuracy relative to the reference NMR structure better than 1.5 Å. Methods based on NOESY peak lists achieved even better results with up to 100 % of the entries within the 1.5 Å threshold for some programs. However, some methods did not converge for some targets using un-curated NOESY peak lists. Over 90 % of the entries achieved an accuracy better than the more relaxed threshold of 2.5 Å that was used in the previous CASD-NMR-2010 round. Comparisons between entries generated with un-curated versus curated peaks show only marginal improvements for the latter in those cases where both calculations converged.
El consumo de productos naturales en el mundo es cada vez más creciente, y dentro de ello las bebidas funcionales que desde sus orígenes han tenido una performance relativamente satisfactoria. El yacón (Smallanthus sochifolius)es una planta perene, herbácea, que crece en toda la serranía peruana. Su demanda en el mercado exterior ha hecho que cada vez tenga mayor importancia. En el 2014 se exportó USD 2 899.398,00 en forma de polvo, jarabe, deshidratado; sin embargo su consumo en el mercado nacional es bajo, a pesar del gran potencial nutritivo que posee. El mercado de Lima moderna se presenta como un importante atractivo de mercado que podría consumir la bebida. Por ello el objetivo del presente trabajo es Realizar un Plan de Marketing para el mercado de Lima moderna a fin de evaluar la factibilidad de insertar una bebida nueva: yacón con piña, para fomentar el consumo interno de este producto. La metodología utilizada fue de carácter exploratorio, descriptivo cuantitativa y cualitativa mediante información primaria y secundaria que ayudó a su desarrollo. Dentro de la información primaria se utilizó como herramienta la encuesta y la información secundaria a través de informes y estudios que se hicieron para el sector de bebidas no alcohólicas. El sector de bebidas no alcohólicas en el Perú, muestra un importante crecimiento en lo referente a bebidas saludables. En el último año (2014) el crecimiento de este sector fue de 6 por ciento, motivados por la percepción del consumidor en los beneficios saludables de estas bebidas. La zona de Lima moderna acoge al 72,2 por ciento del nivel socio económico A y B, este segmento concentra el más alto promedio de ingresos. En el análisis de Porter, se describe a la empresa como una industria, el cual para este rubro las barreras de ingreso son altas por la inversión en activos físicos y la inversión en publicidad y promoción por ser un producto nuevo. A través del estudio realizado se encontró que existe demanda para este producto, el 31,1 por ciento de los encuestados compraría definitivamente, 25,5 por ciento una vez por semana y el 18,3 por ciento todos los días. La estrategia utilizada en el presente trabajo fue la diferenciación, por las características saludables de la bebida y única en el mercado. La bebida es un producto de introducción en el mercado, el precio fijado es alto porque se orienta a un segmento de mercado selectivo y además fijado en la imagen y calidad del producto. La distribución se realizará a través de los supermercados, minimarkets, hoteles categorizados. Y por último se concluye que la introducción de un producto novedoso, podría marcar estándares en el mercado de bebidas no alcohólicas y permitir la creación de una nueva categoría de productos Premium naturales y funcionales.
El presente plan de marketing considera el portafolio de MUEBLES MALDONADO S.A.C. empresa que cuenta con el respaldo de más de 22 años de experiencia y trabajo, desarrolla sus actividades en el sector maderero tanto de fabricación como comercialización de muebles teniendo como línea de productos muebles de sala, comedor, dormitorio y accesorios decorativos; perfilado con diseñados novedosos y exclusivos, muebles lanzados al mercado con las mejores maderas (tornillo, pino, caoba) y de la mejor calidad y precios acorde a productos (diseños o modelos). Cuenta con un equipo de personal eficiente y apto tanto en la fabricación de los productos al cual se debe gran parte de sus éxito como en el área de ventas para satisfacer las necesidades y deseos de sus clientes actuales y potenciales en un futuro; teniendo como competencia a las empresas en productos sustitutos y a la competencia directa. Se analiza la situación del mercado para conocer el mercado objetivo y se describe las estrategias del marketing estratégico y operativo para diagnosticar la situación actual del marketing de la empresa MUEBLES MALDONADO. Además, se tienen en cuenta a los principales competidores, las estrategias, los canales de distribución y el análisis de oportunidades y alternativas de los productos
This paper examines the influence of exit separation, exit availability and seating configuration on aircraft evacuation efficiency and evacuation time. The purpose of this analysis is to explore how these parameters influence the 60-foot exit separation requirement found in aircraft certification rules. The analysis makes use of the airEXODUS evacuation model and is based on a typical wide-body aircraft cabin section involving two pairs of Type-A exits located at either end of the section with a maximum permissible loading of 220 passengers located between the exits. The analysis reveals that there is a complex relationship between exit separation and evacuation efficiency. A main finding of this work is that for the cabin section examined, with a maximum passenger load of 220 and under certification conditions, exit separations up to 170ft will result in approximately constant total evacuation times and average personal evacuation times. This practical exit separation threshold is decreased to 114ft if another combination of exits is selected. While other factors must also be considered when determining maximum allowable exit separations, these results suggest it is not possible to mandate a maximum exit separation without taking into consideration exit type, exit availability and aircraft configuration.
Benati provides clarity about the characteristics and notion of language proficiency in the field of second language acquisition. He looks at four areas of research paradigmatically related to the role of proficiency: theorizing and measuring second language proficiency; the dimensions of L2 proficiency; factors contributing to the attainment of L2 proficiency and attaining L2 proficiency in the classroom. It also contains a variety of research accounts about the specific factors which have an effect on proficiency together with a theorised measurement of proficiency in second language research. It will be required reading for researchers in applied linguistics and second language acquisition.
Key Terms in Second Language Acquisition includes definitions of key terms within second language acquisition, and also provides accessible summaries of the key issues within this complex area of study. The final section presents a list of key readings in second language acquisition that signposts the reader towards classic articles and also provides a springboard to further study.
Book review of: J. Liceras, H. Zobl, and H. Goodluck (eds.), 2008, The Role of Formal Features in Second Language Acquisition. London/New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 577 pages, ISBN: 0-8058-5354-5.
Second Language Processing examines the problems facing learners in the second language classroom from the theoretical perspectives of Processing Instruction (structured input) and Enhanced Input. These two theories are brought to bear on a variety of processing problems, such as the difficulty of connecting second language grammatical forms encoding tense and mood as well as noun-adjective agreement with their meaning. Empirical studies examine a range of languages including Japanese, Italian and Spanish, through which the authors suggest practical solutions to these processing problems.
The Twentieth Century Society’s Spring lecture series (six in total) looks at the restoration and refurbishment of key C20 buildings in Britain and the US. Buildings covered: BBC Broadcasting House in London (G Val Meyer 1930-32, MacCormac Jamieson Prichard 2000-09). Speaker: Mark Hines (Mark Hines Architects), was the project architect and is the author of The Story of Broadcasting House: Home of the BBC. 5 February 2009. Crown Hall, Chicago (Mies van der Rohe 1952), the Art and Architecture Building, Yale University, New Haven (Paul Rudolf 1961-63) and the former Wills head office in Bristol (SOM with YRM 1970-75). Speaker: Patrick Bellew (Atelier 10 Engineers), 12 February 2009. Center for British Art, Yale University, New Haven (Louis Kahn 1969-77). Speaker: Peter Inskip (Inskip and Jenkins Architects), 17 February 2009. Brunswick Centre London (Patrick Hodgkinson 1967-72; Levitt Bernstein with Patrick Hodgkinson 2006). Speaker: Stuart Tappin (Stand Consulting Engineers Ltd), 26 February 2009. De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill-on-Sea (Mendelsohn and Chermayeff 1934-5, John McAslan and Partners 2000-05). Speaker: Mark Cannata (HOK Architects), 5 March 2009. Finsbury Health Centre London (Lubetkin & Tecton 1938, first phase of conservation work Avanti Architects 1995.). Speaker: John Allan of Avanti Architects, 12 March 2009.
An exhibition by four artists from Roma/Gypsy/Traveller communities. [From the press release]
This Dissemination Plan aims to guide and support the efforts of each and all RAGE partners in convincing Applied Games stakeholders to use the outputs of the Project. This is a live document as it will be periodically updated, enhanced and completed along the entire RAGE project lifecycle.