962 resultados para Seasonal variations (Economics)


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A current error space phasor based simple hysteresis controller is proposed in this paper to control the switching frequency variation in two-level pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) inverter-fed induction motor (IM) drives. A parabolic boundary for the current error space phasor is suggested for the first time to obtain the switching frequency spectrum for output voltage with hysteresis controller similar to the constant switching frequency voltage-controlled space vector PWM-based IM drive. A novel concept of online variation of this parabolic boundary, which depends on the operating speed of motor, is presented. A generalized technique that determines the set of unique parabolic boundaries for a two-level inverter feeding any given induction motor is described. The sector change logic is self-adaptive and is capable of taking the drive up to the six-step mode if needed. Steady-state and transient performance of proposed controller is experimentally verified on a 3.7-kW IM drive in the entire speed range. Close resemblance of the simulation and experimental results is shown.


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Water-rock reactions are driven by the influx of water, which are out of equilibrium with the mineral assemblage in the rock. Here a mass balance approach is adopted to quantify these reactions. Based on field experiments carried out in a granito-gneissic small experimental watershed (SEW), Mule Hole SEW (similar to 4.5 km(2)), quartz, oligoclase, sericite, epidote and chlorite are identified as the basic primary minerals while kaolinite, goethite and smectite are identified as the secondary minerals. Observed groundwater chemistry is used to determine the weathering rates, in terms of `Mass Transfer Coefficients' (MTCs), of both primary and secondary minerals. Weathering rates for primary and secondary minerals are quantified in two steps. In the first step, top red soil is analyzed considering precipitation chemistry as initial phase and water chemistry of seepage flow as final phase. In the second step, minerals present in the saprolite layer are analyzed considering groundwater chemistry as the output phase. Weathering rates thus obtained are converted into weathering fluxes (Q(weathering)) using the recharge quantity. Spatial variability in the mineralogy observed among the thirteen wells of Mule Hole SEW is observed to be reflected in the MTC results and thus in the weathering fluxes. Weathering rates of the minerals in this silicate system varied from few 10 mu mol/L (in case of biotite) to 1000 s of micromoles per liter (calcite). Similarly, fluxes of biotite are observed to be least (7 +/- 5 mol/ha/yr) while those of calcite are highest (1265 791 mol/ha/yr). Further, the fluxes determined annually for all the minerals are observed to be within the bandwidth of the standard deviation of these fluxes. Variations in these annual fluxes are indicating the variations in the precipitation. Hence, the standard deviation indicated the temporal variations in the fluxes, which might be due to the variations in the annual rainfall. Thus, the methodology adopted defines an inverse way of determining weathering fluxes, which mainly contribute to the groundwater concentration. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel methodology for modeling the effects of process variations on circuit delay performance is proposed by relating the variations in process parameters to variations in delay metric of a complex digital circuit. The delay of a 2-input NAND gate with 65nm gate length transistors is extensively characterized by mixed-mode simulations which is then used as a library element. The variation in saturation current Ionat the device level, and the variation in rising/falling edge stage delay for the NAND gate at the circuit level, are taken as performance metrics. A 4-bit x 4-bit Wallace tree multiplier circuit is used as a representative combinational circuit to demonstrate the proposed methodology. The variation in the multiplier delay is characterized, to obtain delay distributions, by an extensive Monte Carlo analysis. An analytical model based on CV/I metric is proposed, to extend this methodology for a generic technology library with a variety of library elements.


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Reduction of carbon emissions is of paramount importance in the context of global warming and climate change. Countries and global companies are now engaged in understanding systematic ways of solving carbon economics problems, aimed ultimately at achieving well defined emission targets. This paper proposes mechanism design as an approach to solving carbon economics problems. The paper first introduces carbon economics issues in the world today and next focuses on carbon economics problems facing global industries. The paper identifies four problems faced by global industries: carbon credit allocation (CCA), carbon credit buying (CCB), carbon credit selling (CCS), and carbon credit exchange (CCE). It is argued that these problems are best addressed as mechanism design problems. The discipline of mechanism design is founded on game theory and is concerned with settings where a social planner faces the problem of aggregating the announced preferences of multiple agents into a collective decision, when the actual preferences are not known publicly. The paper provides an overview of mechanism design and presents the challenges involved in designing mechanisms with desirable properties. To illustrate the application of mechanism design in carbon economics,the paper describes in detail one specific problem, the carbon credit allocation problem.


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All major rivers in Bhutan depend on snowmelt for discharge. Therefore, changes in snow cover due to climate change can influence distribution and availability of water. However, information about distribution of seasonal snow cover in Bhutan is not available. The MODIS snow product was used to study snow cover status and trends in Bhutan. Average snow cover area (SCA) of Bhutan estimated for the period 2002 to 2010 was 9030 sq. km, about 25.5% of the total land area. SCA trend of Bhutan for the period 2002-2010 was found to decrease (-3.27 +/- 1.28%). The average SCA for winter was 14,485 sq. km (37.7%), for spring 7411 sq. km (19.3%), for summer 4326 sq. km (11.2%), and for autumn 7788 sq. km (20.2%), mostly distributed in the elevation range 2500-6000 m amsl. Interannual and seasonal SCA trend both showed a decline, although it was not statistically significant for all sub-basins. Pho Chu sub-basin with 19.5% of the total average SCA had the highest average SCA. The rate of increase of SCA for every 100 m elevation was the highest (2.5%) in the Pa Chu sub-basin. The coefficient of variance of 1.27 indicates high variability of SCA in winter.


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Stability analysis of residual soil slopes are now increasingly being performed with the incorporation of the matric suction component of strength. The matric suction (u(a)-u(w)) component of shear strength is known as apparent cohesion. The relation between matric suction and apparent cohesion (c(app)) may be linear or non-linear. The impact of type of apparent strength versus matric suction relationship on the stability of an unsaturated residual soil slope is examined in this study. Results of the study showed that the factor of safety values were unaffected by the nature of the strength versus matric suction relationship for the residual soil slope examined. This was so as contribution from the effective stress- strength component to the factor of safety predominated over the contribution made by the apparent strength component.


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South peninsular India experiences a large portion of the annual rainfall during the northeast monsoon season (October to December). In this study, the facets of diurnal, intra-seasonal and inter-annual variability of the northeast monsoon rainfall (the NEMR) over India have been examined. The analysis of satellite derived hourly rainfall reveals that there are distinct features of diurnal variation over the land and oceans during the season. Over the land, rainfall peaks during the late afternoon/evening, while over the oceans an early morning peak is observed. The harmonic analysis of hourly data reveals that the amplitude and variance are the largest over south peninsular India. The NEMR also exhibits significant intra-seasonal variability on a 20-40 day time scale. Analysis also shows significant northward propagation of the maximum cloud zone from south of equator to the south peninsula during the season. The NEMR exhibits large inter-annual variability with the co-efficient of variation (CV) of 25%. The positive phases of ENSO and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) are conducive for normal to above normal rainfall activity during the northeast monsoon. There are multi-decadal variations in the statistical relationship between ENSO and the NEMR. During the period 2001-2010 the statistical relationship between ENSO and the NEMR has significantly weakened. The analysis of seasonal rainfall hindcasts for the period 1960-2005 produced by the state-of-the-art coupled climate models, ENSEMBLES, reveals that the coupled models have very poor skill in predicting the inter-annual variability of the NEMR. This is mainly due to the inability of the ENSEMBLES models to simulate the positive relationship between ENSO and the NEMR correctly. Copyright (C) 2012 Royal Meteorological Society


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The presence of energetically less favourable cis peptides in protein structures has been observed to be strongly associated with its structural integrity and function. Inter-conversion between the cis and trans conformations also has an important role in the folding process. In this study, we analyse the extent of conservation of cis peptides among similar folds. We look at both the amino acid preferences and local structural changes associated with such variations. Nearly 34% of the Xaa-Proline cis bonds are not conserved in structural relatives; Proline also has a high tendency to get replaced by another amino acid in the trans conformer. At both positions bounding the peptide bond, Glycine has a higher tendency to lose the cis conformation. The cis conformation of more than 30% of beta turns of type VIb and IV are not found to be conserved in similar structures. A different view using Protein Block-based description of backbone conformation, suggests that many of the local conformational changes are highly different from the general local structural variations observed among structurally similar proteins. Changes between cis and trans conformations are found to be associated with the evolution of new functions facilitated by local structural changes. This is most frequent in enzymes where new catalytic activity emerges with local changes in the active site. Cis-trans changes are also seen to facilitate inter-domain and inter-protein interactions. As in the case of folding, cis-trans conversions have been used as an important driving factor in evolution.