988 resultados para Scatter plot


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Background: Studies have examined whether tumor expression of PTGS2 (also known as COX-2), an enzyme inhibited by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, is associated with prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer. However, results to date have been mixed. Methods: Using terms for PTGS2 and colorectal cancer, the Medline, Embase, and Web of Science databases were systematically searched for studies published, in any language, until December 2011. Random effects meta-analyses were used to calculate pooled HRs [95% confidence intervals (CI)] for the association between PTGS2 expression and tumor recurrence, colorectal cancer-specific survival, and overall survival. Results: In total, 29 studies, which had prognostic data on 5,648 patients, met the inclusion criteria. PTGS2- positive patients were at an increased risk of tumor recurrence (n = 9 studies; HR, 2.79; 95% CI, 1.76-4.41; P <0.001) and had poorer colorectal cancer-specific survival (n = 7; HR, 1.36; 95% CI, 1.02-1.82; P = 0.04). However, there was funnel plot asymmetry, possibly due to publication bias, for the association with cancerspecific survival but less so for recurrence. PTGS2 expression was not associated with overall survival [(n= 16; pooled unadjusted HR, 1.30; 95% CI, 0.94-1.79; P=0.11) and (n=9; pooled adjusted HR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.72-1.45; P = 0.91)]. Conclusions: PTGS2 expression was associated with an increased risk of tumor recurrence and poorer colorectal cancer-specific survival but not overall survival among patients with colorectal cancer. However, confounding by tumor characteristics such as tumor stage seems likely. Impact: There is insufficient evidence to recommend PTGS2 expression as a prognostic marker in patients with colorectal cancer. Furthermore, studies providing adjusted results are required. © 2013 AACR.


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We cross match the GALEX and Kepler surveys to create a unique dataset with both ultraviolet (UV) measurements and highly precise photometric variability measurements in the visible light spectrum. As stellar activity is driven by magnetic field modulations, we have used UV emission from the magnetically heated gas in the stellar atmosphere to serve as our proxy for the more well-known stellar activity indicator, R' HK . The R' HK approximations were in turn used to estimate the level of astrophysical noise expected in radial velocity (RV) measurements and these were then searched for correlations with photometric variability. We find significant scatter in our attempts to estimate RV noise for magnetically active stars, which we attribute to variations in the phase and strength of the stellar magnetic cycle that drives the activity of these targets. However, for stars we deem to be magnetically quiet, we do find a clear correlation between photometric variability and estimated levels of RV noise (with variability up to ~10 m s–1). We conclude that for these quiet stars, we can use photometric measurements as a proxy to estimate the RV noise expected. As a result, the procedure outlined in this paper may help select targets best-suited for RV follow-up necessary for planet confirmation.


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The start of the Upper Wurmian in the Alps was marked by massive fluvioglacial aggradation prior to the arrival of the Central Alpine glaciers. In 1984, the Subcommission on European Quaternary Stratigraphy defined the clay pit of Baumkirchen (in the foreland of the Inn Valley, Austria) as the stratotype for the Middle to Upper Wurmian boundary in the Alps. Key for the selection of this site was its radiocarbon chronology, which still ranks among the most important datasets of this time interval in the Alps. In this study we re-sampled all available original plant specimens and established an accelerator mass spectrometry chronology which supersedes the published 40-year-old chronology. The new data show a much smaller scatter and yielded slightly older conventional radiocarbon dates clustering at ca. 31 C-14 ka BP. When calibrated using INTCAL13 the new data suggest that the sampled interval of 653-681 m in the clay pit was deposited 34-36 cal ka BP. Using two new radiocarbon dates of bone fragments found in the fluvioglacial gravel above the banded clays allows us to constrain the timing of the marked change from lacustrine to fluvioglacial sedimentation to ca. 32-33 cal ka BP, which suggests a possible link to the Heinrich 3 event in the North Atlantic. Copyright (c) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In finite difference time domain simulation of room acoustics, source functions are subject to various constraints. These depend on the way sources are injected into the grid and on the chosen parameters of the numerical scheme being used. This paper addresses the issue of selecting and designing sources for finite difference simulation, by first reviewing associated aims and constraints, and evaluating existing source models against these criteria. The process of exciting a model is generalized by introducing a system of three cascaded filters, respectively, characterizing the driving pulse, the source mechanics, and the injection of the resulting source function into the grid. It is shown that hard, soft, and transparent sources can be seen as special cases within this unified approach. Starting from the mechanics of a small pulsating sphere, a parametric source model is formulated by specifying suitable filters. This physically constrained source model is numerically consistent, does not scatter incoming waves, and is free from zero- and low-frequency artifacts. Simulation results are employed for comparison with existing source formulations in terms of meeting the spectral and temporal requirements on the outward propagating wave.


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SOMMARIO – Si presenta un macro modello di tipo reticolare in grado di riprodurre il comportamento in presenza di taglio e momento di nodi esterni trave-colonna di telai in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato con fibre di acciaio
uncinato ed ordinario. Il caricamento del sistema è di tipo monotono come nel caso dell’analisi di pushover. Il modello considera la presenza di armature orizzontali e verticali della regione nodale e tiene in conto delle modalità
di rottura legate allo snervamento delle barre e allo schiacciamento delle regioni compresse in regime di sforzi pluriassiali. Il modello include le deformazioni flessionali della trave e della colonna in presenza di sforzo normale costante e restituisce la risposta del sistema colonna-nodo-trave (sub-assembralggio) tramite le curve carico-freccia all’estremità della semitrave. Per i singoli costituenti (trave, colonna e nodo) si è considerata la prima fessurazione, lo snervamento e lo schiacciamento delle regioni compresse e si sono fornite precise indicazioni sulla sequenza degli eventi che come è noto sono di fondamentale importanza per lo sviluppo di un progetto plastico che rispetti la gerarchia delle resistenze. Con l’uso del modello il controllo della gerarchia delle resistenze avviene a livello sezionale (lo snervamento delle barre deve avvenire prima dello schiacciamento delle regioni compresse) o di macro elemento (nella regione nodale lo snervamento delle staffe precede la crisi dei puntoni) e dell’intero elemento
sub-assemblaggio trave debole, colonna forte e nodo sovraresistente.
La risposta ottenuta con i modello proposto è in buon accordo con le risposte sperimentali disponibili in letteratura (almeno in termini di resistenza del sub-assemblaggio). Il modello è stato ulteriormente validato con analisi
numeriche agli elementi finiti condotte con il codice ATENA-2D. Le analisi numeriche sono state condotte utilizzando per il calcestruzzo fibroso adeguate leggi costitutive proposte dagli autori ed in grado di cogliere gli effetti
di softening e di resistenza residua a trazione legati alla presenza di fibre. Ulteriori sviluppi del modello saranno indirizzati a includere gli effetti di sfilamento delle barre d’armatura della trave e del conseguente degrado delle
tensioni d’aderenza per effetto di carichi monotonici e ciclici.

SUMMARY – A softened strut-and-tie macro model able to reproduce the flexural behavior of external beam-tocolumn joints with the presence of horizontal and vertical steel bars, including softening of compressed struts and yielding of main and secondary steel bars, is presented, to be used for the pushover analysis. The model proposed is able to calculate also the flexural response of fibrous reinforced concrete (FRC) beam-to-column sub-assemblages in term of a multilinear load-deflection curves. The model is able to take into account of the tensile behavior of main bars embedded in the surrounding concrete and of the softening of the compressed strut, the arrangement and percentage of the steel bars, the percentage and the geometry of steel fibers. First cracking, yielding of main steel and crushing of concrete were identified to determine the corresponding loads and displacement and to plot the simplified monotonic load-deflection curves of the sub-assemblages subjected in the column to constant vertical
load and at the tip of the beam to monotonically increasing lateral force. Through these load-delfection curves the component (beam, joint and column) that first collapse can be recognized and the capacity design can be verified.
The experimental results available in the literature are compared with the results obtained through the proposed model. Further, a validation of the proposed model is numerically made by using a non linear finite element program (ATENA-2D) able to analyze the flexural behavior of sub-assemblages.


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The power output from a wave energy converter is typically predicted using experimental and/or numerical modelling techniques. In order to yield meaningful results the relevant characteristics of the device, together with those of the wave climate must be modelled with sufficient accuracy.

The wave climate is commonly described using a scatter table of sea states defined according to parameters related to wave height and period. These sea states are traditionally modelled with the spectral distribution of energy defined according to some empirical formulation. Since the response of most wave energy converters vary at different frequencies of excitation, their performance in a particular sea state may be expected to depend on the choice of spectral shape employed rather than simply the spectral parameters. Estimates of energy production may therefore be affected if the spectral distribution of wave energy at the deployment site is not well modelled. Furthermore, validation of the model may be affected by differences between the observed full scale spectral energy distribution and the spectrum used to model it.

This paper investigates the sensitivity of the performance of a bottom hinged flap type wave energy converter to the spectral energy distribution of the incident waves. This is investigated experimentally using a 1:20 scale model of Aquamarine Power’s Oyster wave energy converter, a bottom hinged flap type device situated at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in approximately 13m water depth. The performance of the model is tested in sea states defined according to the same wave height and period parameters but adhering to different spectral energy distributions.

The results of these tests show that power capture is reduced with increasing spectral bandwidth. This result is explored with consideration of the spectral response of the device in irregular wave conditions. The implications of this result are discussed in the context of validation of the model against particular prototype data sets and estimation of annual energy production.


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The Ziegler Reservoir fossil site near Snowmass Village, Colorado, provides a unique opportunity to reconstruct high-altitude paleoenvironmental conditions in the Rocky Mountains during the last interglacial period. We used four different techniques to establish a chronological framework for the site. Radiocarbon dating of lake organics, bone collagen, and shell carbonate, and in situ cosmogenic Be and Al ages on a boulder on the crest of a moraine that impounded the lake suggest that the ages of the sediments that hosted the fossils are between ~ 140 ka and > 45 ka. Uranium-series ages of vertebrate remains generally fall within these bounds, but extremely low uranium concentrations and evidence of open-system behavior limit their utility. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages (n = 18) obtained from fine-grained quartz maintain stratigraphic order, were replicable, and provide reliable ages for the lake sediments. Analysis of the equivalent dose (D) dispersion of the OSL samples showed that the sediments were fully bleached prior to deposition and low scatter suggests that eolian processes were likely the dominant transport mechanism for fine-grained sediments into the lake. The resulting ages show that the fossil-bearing sediments span the latest part of marine isotope stage (MIS) 6, all of MIS 5 and MIS 4, and the earliest part of MIS 3.


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Tidal turbines have been tested extensively at many scales in steady state flow. Testing medium- or full-scale devices in turbulent flow has been less thoroughly examined. The differences between turbine performances in these two different states are needed for testing method verification and numerical model validation. The work in this paper documents the performance of a 1/10 scale turbine in steady state pushing tests and tidal moored tests. The overall performance of the device appears to decrease with turbulent flow, though there is increased data scatter and therefore, reduced uncertainty. At maximum power performance, as velocity increases the mechanical power and electrical power reduction from steady to unsteady flow increases. The drive train conversion efficiency also decreases. This infers that the performance for this turbine design is affected by the presence of turbulent flow.


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Despite intensive research during the past decade on the effects of alien species, invasion science still lacks the capacity to accurately predict the impacts of those species and, therefore, to provide timely advice to managers on where limited resources should be allocated. This capacity has been limited partly by the context-dependent nature of ecological impacts, research highly skewed toward certain taxa and habitat types, and the lack of standardized methods for detecting and quantifying impacts. We review different strategies, including specific experimental and observational approaches, for detecting and quantifying the ecological impacts of alien species. These include a four-way experimental plot design for comparing impact studies of different organisms. Furthermore, we identify hypothesis-driven parameters that should be measured at invaded sites to maximize insights into the nature of the impact. We also present strategies for recognizing high-impact species. Our recommendations provide a foundation for developing systematic quantitative measurements to allow comparisons of impacts across alien species, sites, and time.


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Light emitted from metal/oxide/metal tunnel junctions can originate from the slow-mode surface plasmon polariton supported in the oxide interface region. The effective radiative decay of this mode is constrained by competition with heavy intrinsic damping and by the need to scatter from very small scale surface roughness; the latter requirement arises from the mode's low phase velocity and the usual momentum conservation condition in the scattering process. Computational analysis of conventional devices shows that the desirable goals of decreased intrinsic damping and increased phase velocity are influenced, in order of priority, by the thickness and dielectric function of the oxide layer, the type of metal chosen for each conducting electrode, and temperature. Realizable devices supporting an optimized slow-mode plasmon polariton are suggested. Essentially these consist of thin metal electrodes separated by a dielectric layer which acts as a very thin (a few nm) electron tunneling barrier but a relatively thick (several 10's of nm) optically lossless region. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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There is a strong northern bias in Europe as regards enchytraeid community ecology, particularly in urban settings. We approached the enchytraeid assemblages of urban holm oak stands in Naples and Siena adopting a high intensity sampling that, for the first time in the Mediterranean climate zone, would ensure that the data collected be representative of the target populations. Structural parameters (diversity and evenness, biomass, size classes, aggregation) were compared across different spatial (regional, urban district, within habitat) and temporal scales (season and year). Species richness was found to change significantly only at regional scale; background data suggest that this may depend on the higher environmental heterogeneity occurring at Naples. Differences in size class structure were significant only on a seasonal scale and within either city separately. With one exception (Fridericia bulbosa s.s.), the patterns of spatial aggregation of the common species were fairly robust and the total range of patchiness was consistent with previous studies, despite the different sampling methodologies. The size of the sampling unit, the number of replicates per plot and the number of plots proposed in this study appear suitable to obviate the difficulties of evaluating Mediterranean enchytraeid communities.


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(Chemical Equation Presented) The mechanisms and kinetics studies of the levoglucosan (LG) primary decomposition during cellulose pyrolysis have been carried out theoretically in this paper. Three decomposition mechanisms (C-O bond scission, C-C bond scission, and LG dehydration) including nine pathways and 16 elementary reactions were studied at the B3LYP/6-31 + G(D,P) level based on quantum mechanics. The variational transi-tion- state rate constants for every elementary reaction and every pathway were calculated within 298-1550 K. The first-order Arrhenius expressions for these 16 elementary reactions and nine pathways were suggested. It was concluded that computational method using transition state theory (TST) without tunneling correction gives good description for LG decomposition by comparing with the experimental result. With the temperature range of 667-1327 K, one dehydration pathway, with one water molecule composed of a hydrogen atom from C3 and a hydroxyl group from C2, is a preferred LG decomposition pathway by fitting well with the experimental results. The calculated Arrhenius plot of C-O bond scission mechanism is better agreed with the experimental Arrhenius plot than that of C-C bond scission. This C-O bond scission mechanism starts with breaking of C1-O5 and C6-O1 bonds with formation of CO molecule (C1-O1) simultaneously. C-C bond scission mechanism is the highest energetic barrier pathway for LG decomposition. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The energy transfer by stimulated Brillouin backscatter from a long pump pulse (15 ps) to a short seed pulse (1 ps)has been investigated in a proof-of-principle demonstration experiment. The two pulses were both amplified in differentbeamlines of a Nd:glass laser system, had a central wavelength of 1054 nm and a spectral bandwidth of 2 nm, and crossedeach other in an underdense plasma in a counter-propagating geometry, off-set by 10◦. It is shown that the energy transferand the wavelength of the generated Brillouin peak depend on the plasma density, the intensity of the laser pulses, and thecompetition between two-plasmon decay and stimulated Raman scatter instabilities. The highest obtained energy transferfrom pump to probe pulse is 2.5%, at a plasma density of 0.17ncr, and this energy transfer increases significantly withplasma density. Therefore, our results suggest that much higher efficiencies can be obtained when higher densities (above0.25ncr) are used.


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In recent years, wide-field sky surveys providing deep multi-band imaging have presented a new path for indirectly characterizing the progenitor populations of core-collapse supernovae (SN): systematic light curve studies. We assemble a set of 76 grizy-band Type IIP SN light curves from Pan-STARRS1, obtained over a constant survey program of 4 years and classified using both spectroscopy and machine learning-based photometric techniques. We develop and apply a new Bayesian model for the full multi-band evolution of each light curve in the sample. We find no evidence of a sub-population of fast-declining explosions (historically referred to as "Type IIL" SNe). However, we identify a highly significant relation between the plateau phase decay rate and peak luminosity among our SNe IIP. These results argue in favor of a single parameter, likely determined by initial stellar mass, predominantly controlling the explosions of red supergiants. This relation could also be applied for supernova cosmology, offering a standardizable candle good to an intrinsic scatter of 0.2 mag. We compare each light curve to physical models from hydrodynamic simulations to estimate progenitor initial masses and other properties of the Pan-STARRS1 Type IIP SN sample. We show that correction of systematic discrepancies between modeled and observed SN IIP light curve properties and an expanded grid of progenitor properties, are needed to enable robust progenitor inferences from multi-band light curve samples of this kind. This work will serve as a pathfinder for photometric studies of core-collapse SNe to be conducted through future wide field transient searches.


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The photoelectrochemistry of quinone radical anions has been demonstrated qualitatively by the photoassisted reduction of methyl viologen with benzoquinone and of neutral red with chloranil. Data were then collected for the estimation of quenching rate constants using Marcus-Weller theory. Reduction potentials of seven quinones were obtained in four solvents (and two aqueous mixtures) by cyclic voltammetry. The solvent effects on these potentials were studied by fitting them to the Taft relationship. The effects of proton donors were also noted. Absorption spectra of the radical anions were measured and the solvent effects noted and commented upon. From the molar absorption coefficients of the radical anions, the mean lifetimes of the excited states were estimated. Fluorescence spectra were obtained for anthraquinone and naphthaquinone radical anions and excitation energies were calculated. These values were estimated for the other quinones. Values of redox potentials for the excited radical anions were thence obtained. The Gibbs energies of the electron transfers between the excited quinone radical anions and the various substrates were obtained and hence the Gibbs energies of activation were calculated using the Marcus equation. The quenching rate constants were calculated using the Rehm-Weller equation and plotted vs. ΔG giving a characteristic Marcus plot including some data in the inverted region. The significance of the inverted region is discussed.