992 resultados para Sacrifícios elevados
Introdução: O dano miocárdico na doença de Chagas resulta tanto da ação parasitária quanto da resposta imune do hospedeiro humano. O mimetismo molecular entre proteínas do Trypanosoma cruzi e vários antígenos do hospedeiro tem sido amplamente descrito gerando células T CD8+ e anticorpos autorreativos. Entretanto, a geração dos autoanticorpos e seu papel na imunopatogenia da doença de Chagas ainda não têm sido elucidados, o que nos levou, neste trabalho, a avaliar a produção de imunoglobulina G total (IgGt) e seus isotipos anti-T. cruzi, proteínas cardíacas e sua possível associação com as diferentes formas clínicas da doença de Chagas. Métodos: A produção de IgGt e isotipos foi mensurada pelo método de ELISA no soro de pacientes com as formas clínicas indeterminada (IND, n=72), cardíaca (CARD, n=47) e digestiva/cardio-digestiva (DIG/CARD-DIG, n=12) da doença de Chagas, usando como antígenos as formas epimastigota e tripomastigota do T. cruzi e proteínas cardíacas humana (miosina e troponina T). As amostras de indivíduos não infectados saudáveis (CONT, n= 30) e pacientes com cardiomiopatia isquêmica (ISCH, n=15) foram usadas como controle. Os títulos de autoanticorpos foram correlacionados com parâmetros da função cardíaca obtidos por exames eletrocardiográficos, radiográficos e ecocardiográficos. Resultados: Neste estudo foram incluídos 131 indivíduos sem diferença significativa relativa à idade ou sexo. Destes, 55% foram classificados como IND, 35,9% CARD e 9,1% DIG/CARD-DIG. Os títulos de IgGt foram mais elevados em pacientes com as formas clínicas IND, CARD e DIG/CARD-DIG do que em indivíduos CONT e ISCH usando os antígenos as formas tripomastigotas e epimastigotas do T. cruzi e, proteínas cardíacas humanas. Os pacientes com formas clínicas CARD e DIG/CARD-DIG mostraram a produção mais elevada de IgG total dirigida contra antígenos de tripomastigota e epimastigota do que os IND. Os grupos de pacientes IND e CARD apresentaram uma similar produção de IgG total específica direcionada à miosina e troponina T, e mais elevada do que em indivíduos CONT e ISCH. Há uma correlação negativa entre a produção de anticorpos anti-proteínas cardíacas com a fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) em pacientes chagásicos crônicos. Os pacientes foram agrupados em baixo e alto produtores de autoanticorpos e comparados com a fração de ejeção demonstrando que em pacientes alto produtores de anti-troponina T (p=0.042) e miosina (p=0.013) a FEVE foi mais baixa do que os baixo produtores. A maioria dos pacientes chagásicos produz simultaneamente autoanticorpos direcionados à ambas proteínas cardíacas (r=0.9508, p=0.0001). Conclusões: Estes resultados indicam que os autoanticorpos anti- troponina T e miosina cardíaca parecem induzir redução FEVE e deve ser associado com o desenvolvimento de cardiomiopatia chagásica
To investigate the prevalence and factors associated to painful symptomatology in professional ballet dancers. Methodos: An analytical transversal cut study was performed with 141 professional ballet dancers in the main capital cities of the Brazilian Northeast. McGill`s Pain Questionnaire and the Wisconsin Brief Pain Inventory, both validated for Portuguese, were used to assess painful symptomatology. Descriptive statistical analysis of the results was carried out, followed by Student`s t-test and Pearson s correlation with pvalue < 0.05. Results: High pain tolerance levels were observed in 70.2% of the subjects, where the intensity varied from moderate to severe. Pain in the lumbar region was present in 85.8% of the individuals. Positive correlations were verified between the degree of pain intensity and activities how to dance (60,3%), general activities (32,6%), sleep (28,4%), mood (27,7%), march (20,6%) and relations with others (16,3%). Conclusions: High pain prevalence was found in professional ballet dancers in the main capital cities of the northeast, and the most affected area was the lumbar followed by knees, neck, hip and feet, with substantial interference of pain symptoms in several activities of the personal and professional lives of these people
Schistosomiasis is an ancient disease caused by helminth Schistosoma mansoni and is a public health problem in Brazil. The granulomatous lesion, typical of the disease, associates itself with increase in the oxidative damage through the generation of free radicals. The aim of this work was to evaluate the occurrence of changes in parameters oxidant / antioxidant that are part of the human defense system, and observe whether they would cause oxidative stress in subjects with schistosomiasis. Moreover, correlating with some biochemical and hematological parameters. Two groups were selected for study, consisting of individuals of both sexes, aged between 16 and 30 years. A control group, formed by individuals without schistosomiasis (n = 30) and a test group, formed by individuals with schistosomiasis (n = 30). The evaluation of lipid peroxidation in plasma was performed by determination of malondialdehyde and antioxidant defense by the quantification of reduced glutathione and catalase activity. For the parameters that assess oxidative stress, the results showed a decrease in the content of reduced glutathione and no change in the activity of catalase, with an increase in the value of malondialdehyde. Therefore, the data found suggest the occurrence of oxidative stress in subjects with schistosomiasis. Of the parameters that assess hepatic function, only levels of aspartate aminotransferase have been high, while there was a decrease of bilirubine. There was a significant change in the lipid profile (p <0.5), however with regard to the renal function of patients, there was a decrease in creatinine. The assessment hematological, made through hemogram and the quantification of hemoglobin, shows increase of eosinophils individuals in the group test, which can be related to the presence of the parasite. The amendments suggest the involvement of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of this disease
Infections for intestinal parasites are one of the main morbidade causes in humans and, its relationships with socioeconomic levels and hygiene conditions in countries in development are already very established. Many works, even so, they are being accomplished to elucidate the complex interactions among nutrition, these infections and answer imunológica, because it is seen that malnutrition commits the immunity increasing the susceptibilidade for infectious diseases and these for its time can harm the state human nutricional. It is known that sponge helmínticos they stimulate synthesis of IgE so much policlonal as specific for the same ones and that IgA secretora, main imunoglobulina of defense of the mucous ones, can act against protozoa as the Giardia lamblia and against helmintos as Trichuris tichiura and Strongyloides stercorales. Some studies show that the malnutrition energy protéica influences in the production of these answers, but some authors show results divergentes. In this work it was evaluated the levels of total IgE, IgA sérica and secretora, contagem of sanguine eosinófilos, levels of proteins séricas and state nutricional, in 103 children of low socioeconomic level, to discover a correlation between those and infection for enteroparasitas. They participated in the study children of both sexes, with age of 3 to 6 years, visitors of the same creche and residents in a neighborhood with precarious hygiene conditions and basic saneamento, in the city of Christmas. The obtained results showed that the faulty environmental and socioeconomic conditions favored to a high infection frequency for enteroparasitas, mainly Trichuris trichiura and Ascaris lumbricoides between the helmintos and Endolimax sleep and Giárdia lamblia among the protozoa. Light malnutrition without deficit protéico was observed in 30% of the children, which didn't also present significant deficiencies of IgA sérica and secretora. The sponged children
Alcohol is one of the few psychotropic drugs that their consumption has admitted legally and sometimes encouraged by the society. Studies show alcohol as the highest consumption of drugs among young people and society in general, probably because of its availability and easy access. The abuse causes public health problems, which was closely related to the violence, socioeconomic problems and the high number of automobile accidents. Transit is one of the main sectors affected by the effects of alcohol, observing a high incidence in the studies. About half of automobile accidents occurs after the consumption of alcoholic beverage, and the vast majority of cases related to high concentrations of alcohol in the bloodstream. The relationship of drunk with traffic accidents is in fact evident everywhere in the world, including Brazil, where studies have shown a high relationship between alcohol consumption and traffic accidents. This study determined the alcohol in fatal victims of traffic accidents in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and established the profile of this population compared with those found in Brazil and other countries. Samples of blood of ethanol added to fulfillment of the standardization of chromatographic conditions and procedures for the analysis, being employed in the determination of alcohol in blood samples of 277 victims of traffic accidents, collected at the Institute of Scientific Technical Police of Rio Grande do North (ITEP) in the year 2007. The blood alcohol level was determined in these samples correlated with the sex, age and marital status of the victim and the location, day of week and month when the accident occurred, is doing a statistical analysis and outlining a profile of the victims of an accident at transit in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The parameters of standardization studied ensured the quality of the analytical method and, consequently, to obtain reliable laboratory results. Being given the best temperature for injector (150 ºC), detector (250 ºC) and column (50 ºC) with a flow of gas in the column of 2mL/minutos and analysis of time of 12 minutes. The method was linear in the range of 0.01 to 3.2 g / L (r2 = 0.9989) with average recovery of 100.2% and precision with coefficient of variation less than 15%. The analysis carried out on victims of fatal road traffic accidents, ethanol detected in the blood in 66.43% of the victims and these, 96% showed concentration ≥ 0.2 g / L, 87.73% of victims were male, while 12.27% female. The younger age group (1535 years) was the most involved (52,35%) and most single (55.60%). The accidents occurred with greater prevalence in the day on Monday (27%) followed by Sunday (24,19%) and Saturday (15,52%) and it was found that the prevalence of injuries varied between the different months of the year, and in February (14.4%) and April (10.47%) the months that had a higher number of accidents, however this oscillation showed no statistically significant difference. Also no significant difference was observed between the tracks of concentration found in men and women. The standardized method showed to be efficient, given satisfactorily to the goals of this work, and the high levels of alcohol found in victims of fatal road traffic accidents are consistent with several studies of literature, and the profile of the victim also supported by presenting in its most young adults, male and single
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar os açúcares em frutos de pessegueiro da variedade 'Biuti', armazenados sob condições de ambiente (27,3ºC; 70% UR) e sob refrigeração (4ºC; 90%), comparar as diferenças entre os teores de açúcares nas duas condições de armazenamento. A identificação e a quantificação precisa dos açúcares (glicose, frutose e sacarose) foi realizada por cromatografia em fase líquida HPLC. Verificou-se que a sacarose foi o açúcar encontrado em maior quantidade, sendo verificado apenas traços de glicose e frutose em alguns frutos. Sob condições ambientais, os teores de sacarose do 3º até o 9º dia de armazenamento não diferiram significativamente entre si; entretanto, no 12º dia, os frutos obtiveram baixos teores de sacarose, pois os mesmos já estavam em processo de senescência. Sob refrigeração, o aumento nos teores de açúcares dos frutos ocorreu gradativamente durante todo o armazenamento, e ao final do mesmo, verificaram-se os maiores teores de sacarose, frutose e glicose, os quais eram mais elevados do que os encontrados nos frutos armazenados sob condições ambientais.
Para testar o efeito da temperatura e do tempo de embebição nos valores de condutividade elétrica e verificar sua aplicabilidade para determinar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de Dalbergia nigra (jacarandá-da-bahia), foram utilizadas sementes colhidos em três anos (lote I _ 1998; lote II _ 1997 e lote III - 1994). Inicialmente determinou-se o teor de água e depois conduziu-se os testes de germinação em laboratório e viveiro, utilizando-se quatro repetições de 25 sementes. Para estudar a condutividade elétrica (CE) foram utilizadas quatro repetições de 50 sementes. Cada subamostra foi colocada em recipiente contendo 75ml de água deionizada, embebidas por 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 e 36 horas, a 20, 25 e 30ºC. Sementes do lote II apresentaram maiores valores na primeira contagem da germinação, diferindo significativamente dos demais lotes. O lote III apresentou qualidade inferior. Com o aumento do período e da temperatura de embebição ocorreu aumento nos valores de CE das sementes dos três lotes. O lote III mostrou qualidade fisiológica inferior a dos lotes I e II, que apresentaram valores mais elevados de CE. Não houve diferenciação entre os lotes I e II. Concluiu-se que o teste de CE foi eficiente para diferenciar os lotes de sementes de Dalbergia nigra, com alto grau de associação com o teste de germinação.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivos verificar o efeito do número de sementes e do volume de água utilizada no teste de condutividade elétrica (CE) para avaliar o vigor de três lotes de sementes de Dalbergia nigra (jacarandá-da-bahia) e correlacionar esses resultados com os dados de germinação em laboratório e em viveiro. Os testes de germinação em laboratório e viveiro foram conduzidos com quatro repetições de 25 sementes. O teste de CE foi realizado com 25, 50 e 75 sementes embebidas a 75, 100 e 125ml de água, por diferentes períodos. A porcentagem de germinação e de plântulas normais em laboratório, indicaram o lote III como de qualidade inferior aos lotes I e II. A primeira contagem da germinação e o índice de velocidade de germinação em laboratório e a emergência, índice de velocidade de emergência e porcentagem de plântulas normais em viveiro identificaram o lote II como superior ao lote I e o III como inferior. A CE diminui com o aumento do volume de água e aumentou com o período de embebição. A diferenciação dos lotes foi mais eficiente, quando se utilizou 75ml de água deionizada e amostras de 50 sementes com pelo menos 36 horas de embebição, com valores de CE menores nos lotes I e II do que no lote II. Os coeficientes de correlação simples entre a CE e as demais características avaliadas, em laboratório e viveiro, foram elevados e significativos, evidenciando alta associação entre os mesmos. Assim, pode-se recomendar que o teste de CE seja conduzido a 25ºC, com amostras de 50 sementes embebidas em 75ml de água deionizada, por períodos iguais ou superiores a 36 horas de embebição, para determinar a qualidade fisiológica de lotes de sementes de jacarandá-da-bahia.
Beta thalassemia arises as a consequence of the reduction (β+, β++, βsilent) or absence (β0) of beta globin chain synthesis and results from a number of mechanisms that lead to genetic defects. The inheritance of beta thalassemia is characterized by the existence of heterozygous individuals, compound heterozygotes, homozygotes and those with coinheritance of beta thalassemia allele and other thalassemias and/or hemoglobin variants. The aim of this study was to perform molecular and laboratory characterization of beta thalassemia in heterozygous and homozygous individuals and in those with coinheritance of S beta thalassemia. A total of 48 individuals were included (35 heterozygotes, 4 homozygotes and 9 S beta thalessemia carriers) referred to the Integrated Laboratory of Clinical Analyses of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and the Hematology Ambulatory Facility of the Dalton Barbosa Cunha Hemocenter (Hemonorte Natal, Brazil). Peripheral blood samples form each patient underwent the following laboratory examinations: erythrogram, hemoglobin electrophoresis at alkaline pH, measurements of Hb A2, Fetal Hb and serum ferritin. DNA was extracted using the illustra blood genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit and molecular characterization was performed by the PCR/RFLP technique, which involves digestion with specific restriction enzymes for IVS-1 nt 1 (G®A), IVS-1 nt 6 (T®C) and codon 39 (CAG®TAG) mutations. Of the 35 heterozygotes, 37.1% showed IVS-1 nt 6 mutation, 42.9% IVS-1 nt 1 and 20% were carriers of other mutations not identified by the technique used. The four homozygous patients presented with the IVS-1 nt 6 mutation, while 66.7% of the individuals with S beta thalassemia had the IVS-1 nt 1 mutation. Codon 39 was not detected in any of the patients investigated. Of the thallasemic alleles found, 40.4% were IVS- 1 nt 1, 40.4% IVS-1 nt 6 and 19.2% were not identified. Laboratory data showed that the heterozygotes exhibited microcytosis and hypochromia, evidenced by MCV ranging from 57 to 75fL and MCH from 15.9 to 23.6 pg. Hemoglobin A2 varied between 3.7 and 7.2%. The homogygotes also showed reduced MCV and MCH and elevated HbA2.. Comparison of laboratory data between heterozygous individuals with IVS-1 nt 1 and IVS-1 nt 6 mutations showed that heterozygotes for the IVS1-1 mutation had significantly lower mean MCV and MCH (p = 0.023 and 0.007, respectively) and significantly higher hemoglobin A2 (p < 0.001) when compared to heterozygotes for the IVS-1 nt 6 mutation. PCR/RFLP was useful in identifying the presence or absence of IVS-1 nt 6, IVS-1 nt 1 and codon 39 mutations in most of the patients investigated here. This is the first study conducted in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil aimed at identifying beta thalassemia mutations and represents an important contribution to the knowledge regarding the molecular profile of beta thalassemia in our country
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and osteoposes are chronic diseases with great socioeconomic consequences, mainly due to the late complications and consequent disabilities. The potential effects of DM on bone metabolism remain a very conroversial issue, and disagreement exists with regard to the clinical implications of diabetic osteopenia and the mechanism of its ocurrence. The issue is further complicated by the contribuicion of the especific factors, such as duration of disease an dthe degree of metabolic control. The objective of this study is to identify the osteopathy in children and adolescents with DM 1 assisted in the hospital of pediatrics, UFRN, through biochemical markers of bone and mineral metabolism and the extent of bone mineral density. The study was composed by 74 diabetics type 1 patients (DM1) of both gender and aged 6 to 20 yars. Normoglicêmic group was composed by 97 healthy subjects of both genders, which showed the same age range of DM1, in addition to same socioeconomic class. These individuals qere students from the networks of public education in the city of Natal-RN, randomly invited to paticipate in our study. Both groups DM1 and NG were divided intofour subgroups, according to the classification of tanner , T1, T2, T3, T4 for achieving a benchmark. Diabetic individuals showed up with a poor glycemic control. the group DN1 T4 showed an incresead value for total protein, albumin, urea and microalbumiuria are predictors of grumelura injury in DM1 patients . The total alkaline phosphatase activitywas kept on high levels for both groups because they are in a stature development age. For osteocalcin there were decreased levels for groups Dm1 T1, T2, and T3 when compared to their NG (s), suggesting that this decrease could be associated with reduction in the number and/or differentiation os osteoblasts thereby contributing to reducing bone formation. There were no changes in the activity of TRAP. The serum concentrations of total and ionized calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were included within the RV. It was observed that the BMD (Z- SCORE ) has always been within the RV for both groups, despite to DM1 T4. Taking all together, our results support the hypothesis that children and adolescents with type 1 DM present the risk in the long run to suffer a reduction in the bone mass, associated to poor glicemic control and disease duration. It could limit the bone growth and increase the probality of development of osteopenia, as well as other complications surch as retinopathy and renal failure
Studies report that the pathophysiological mechanism of diabetes complications is associated with increased production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)-induced by hyperglycemia and changes in the capacity the antioxidant defense system. In this sense, the aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the capacity of antioxidant defense system, by evaluating antioxidant status, gene expression and polymorphisms in the genes of GPx1, SOD1 and SOD2 in children, adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes. We studied 101 individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and 106 normoglycemic individuals (NG) aged between 6 and 20 years. Individuals with type 1 diabetes were evaluated as a whole group and subdivided according to glycemic control in DM1G good glycemic control and DM1P poor glycemic control. Glycemic and metabolic control was evaluate by serum glucose, glycated hemoglobin, triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions (HDL and LDL). Renal function was assessed by measurement of serum urea and creatinine and albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) in spot urine. Antioxidant status was evaluate by content of reduced glutathione (GSH) in whole blood and the activity of erythrocyte enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). We also analyzed gene expression and gene polymorphisms of GPx1 (rs1050450), SOD1 (rs17881135) and SOD2 (rs4880) by the technique of real-time PCR (Taqman®). Most individuals with DM1 (70.3%) had poor glycemic control (glycated hemoglobin> 8%). Regarding the lipid profile, individuals with type 1 diabetes had significantly elevated total cholesterol (p <0.001) and LDL (p <0.000) compared to NG; for triglycerides only DM1NC group showed significant increase compared to NG. There was an increase in serum urea and RAC of individuals with DM1 compared to NG. Nine individuals with type 1 diabetes showed microalbuminuria (ACR> 30 mg / mg). There was a decrease in GSH content (p = 0.006) and increased erythrocyte GPx activity (p <0.001) and SOD (p <0.001) in DM1 group compared to NG. There was no significant difference in the expression of GPx1 (p = 0.305), SOD1 (.365) and SOD2 (0.385) between NG and DM1. The allele and genotype frequencies of the polymorphisms studied showed no statistically significant difference between the groups DM1 and NG. However, the GPx1 polymorphism showed the influence of erythrocyte enzyme activity. There was a decrease in GPx activity in individuals with type 1 diabetes who had a polymorphic variant T (p = 0.012). DM1 patients with the polymorphic variant G (AG + GG) for polymorphism of SOD2 (rs4880) showed an increase in the RAC (p <0.05). The combined data suggest that glucose control seems to be the predominant factor for the emergence of changes in lipid profile, renal function and antioxidant system, but the presence of the polymorphisms studied may partly contribute to the onset of complications
O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a dinâmica fermentativa e microbiológica de silagens de capins tropicais acrescidas de polpa cítrica. Os capins tanzânia (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia) e marandu (Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex. A. Rich) Stapf cv. Marandu) foram colhidos aos 64 e 49 dias de rebrota, respectivamente, e ensilados com 0, 5 ou 10% de polpa cítrica peletizada (PCP), em relação à matéria verde, durante 1, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28 e 56 dias. Foram utilizados silos experimentais de PVC adaptados com válvula do tipo Bunsen para eliminação dos gases. A forragem foi compactada visando obter densidade de 550 kg/m³. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente ao acaso com três repetições, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas. A inclusão de PCP aumentou os teores de MS e diminuiu o pH das silagens. A adição de PCP influenciou os teores de N-NH3 (N total), uma vez que, nas silagens sem PCP, os teores N-NH3 foram significativamente elevados, o que as caracteriza como de qualidade duvidosa. A adição de PCP aumentou a concentração molar dos ácidos acético e propiônico. A população de enterobactérias foi detectada somente no primeiro dia de fermentação nas silagens do capim-tanzânia e até o 18º dia nas do capim-marandu. Nas silagens avaliadas, a população de bactérias homofermentativas foi semelhante à das bactérias heterofermentativas.
The aim of this study is the labour market at Natal Metropolitan Region with emphasis in occupations and incomes that took place at the nineties. The definition of its chronological boundaries passed by verification of existence of evident socio-spatial impacts for output, occupation and income in national economy, with rebounds in all national territory, conditioned by institutional and socio-economical transformations which marked Brazilian insertion to capital flows and commodities globalization movement that took place at the cited decade. It has been shown that such impacts did not distributed themselves equally between diverse spatial levels (great regions, federate unities, municipalities) because of historical specificities in each place in terms of output structures and organization of distinct social agents. Having as its basis the Marxist perspective, it tackled theoretically occupations and incomes, transformations in labour universe occurred at world level, mainly in most urbanized areas, and following that to focus changes occurred in Brazilian society related to the search for competitive insertion in global economy during the period regarded. Special attention was gave to Natal Metropolitan Region, because it was historically a concentration area for investments, productive structure, people, occupations and incomes generated/appropriated in Rio Grande do Norte State. The basic data sources for research were the demographic Census (micro data) made by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) intending to present the structure and the labour market dynamics, having as basis: 1) traditional indicators about labour market; 2) sectors of economic activities and 3) social positions and classes segments. One of the purposes is the demonstration that occupations and incomes keep relation with the restructuring which occurred in each specific sector during the period. Other purpose is to make explicit the factors which bear the participation of distinct segments in production or service execution that make possible the different participation in income distribution. Results are revealing the increasin precariousness in labour market, enlargement of occupations in tertiary sector and greater concentration of average incomes in the social segments which were owners of the greatest capital allowances between residents in Natal Metropolitan Region during the nineties
This issue analises the unevenness in the brazilian system of public health care as an extension of socials inequities. It is a theoretical study based in a historical method, using empirical camp from academic, corporation and institution researchs, along the period 2002-2006. Equality and effectiveness in health systems are analitical basic cathegories grap in the root of the doctrine, principles and organization of the Unique Health System, in which sectorial actions are inserted. Discuss the estructural prodution and determined those inequalities through some social determiners of health system: income, land, food securitiy, nutritional situation, basic sanitation, epidemiological inequities and public management policy. Carry out a thematic review over health social production, it formlation and the goals of social policies, as well as the insertion of the equality principle in the assistance system, in the frame of the running public health regulations. It uses reflections that enlighted the correlation between the process of political-institutional actions and equity on health assistance. Analized the pertinency of sectorial reorganizational strategies on basic attendance, confronting the hipothesis that those strategies reinforce social inequities in health system, because it organize diferential assistance levels over not equal baselines. The results show up that social inequalities, even remaining, have had a small decrease; that the selectiviness of actual public policies and the duplication of the health system, increases the differences within and between the social classes and configures the assistance as inequal. The basic care system has great shortages that also appeares in middle and complex assistance levels. As conclusion, it remarks that the health assintance system, even with it integrality has limits; structural problems on material conditions of living and health system could not be reversed only with institutional legal arragements; by the contrary, in border conditions, these strategies produce policies that reinforce inequities, neglecting the equity principle of the system in which frame, they work. One patina of this tim
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)