947 resultados para Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Aspergillus fumigatus is a major opportunistic pathogen and allergen of mammals. Nutrient sensing and acquisition mechanisms, as well as the capability to cope with different stressing conditions, are essential for A. fumigatus virulence and survival in the mammalian host. This study characterized the A. fumigatus SebA transcription factor, which is the putative homologue of the factor encoded by Trichoderma atroviride seb1. The Delta sebA mutant demonstrated reduced growth in the presence of paraquat, hydrogen peroxide, CaCl2, and poor nutritional conditions, while viability associated with sebA was also affected by heat shock exposure. Accordingly, SebA:GFP (SebA:green fluorescent protein) was shown to accumulate in the nucleus upon exposure to oxidative stress and heat shock conditions. In addition, genes involved in either the oxidative stress or heat shock response had reduced transcription in the Delta sebA mutant. The A. fumigatus Delta sebA strain was attenuated in virulence in a murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Furthermore, killing of the Delta sebA mutant by murine alveolar macrophages was increased compared to killing of the wild-type strain. A. fumigatus SebA plays a complex role, contributing to several stress tolerance pathways and growth under poor nutritional conditions, and seems to be integrated into different stress responses.
Cells of Candida guilliermondii (ATCC 201935) were permeabilised with surfactant treatment (CTAB or Triton X-100) or a freezing-thawing procedure. Treatments were monitored by in situ activities of the key enzymes involved in xylose metabolism, that is, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XD). The permeabilising ability of the surfactants was dependent on its concentration and incubation time. The optimum operation conditions for the permeabilisation of C. guilliermondii with surfactants were 0.41 mM (CTAB) or 2.78 mM (Triton X-100), 30 degrees C, and pH 7 at 200 rpm for 50 min. The maximum permeabilisation measured in terms of the in situ G6PD activity observed was, in order, as follows: CTAB (122.4 +/- 15.7 U/g(cells)) > freezing-thawing, , (54.3 +/- 1.9 U/g(cells)) > Triton X-100 (23.5 +/- 0.0 U/g(cells)). These results suggest that CTAB surfactant is more effective in the permeabilisation of C. guilliermondii cells in comparison to the freezing-thawing and Triton X-100 treatments. Nevertheless, freezing-thawing was the only treatment that allowed measurable in situ XR activity. Therefore, freezing-thawing permeabilised yeast cells could be used as a source of xylose reductase for analytical purposes or for use in biotransformation process such as xylitol preparation from xylose. The level of in situ xylose reductase was found to be 13.2 +/- 0.1 U/g(cells).
Anti-silencing factor 1 (ASF1) is a histone chaperone that contributes to the histone deposition during nucleosome assembly in newly replicated DNA. It is involved in chromatin disassembly, transcription activation and in the cellular response to DNA damage. In Leishmania major the ASF1 gene (LmASF1) is located in chromosome 20 and codes for a protein showing 67% of identity with the Trypanosoma brucei TbASF1a. Compared to orthologous proteins, LmASF1 conserves the main residues relevant for its various biological functions. To study ASF1 in Leishmania we generated a mutant overexpressing LmASF1 in L. major. We observed that the excess of LmASF1 impaired promastigotes growth rates and had no impact on cell cycle progress. Differently from yeast, ASF1 overproduction in Leishmania did not affect expression levels of genes located on telomeres, but led to an upregulation of proteins involved in chromatin remodelling and physiological stress, such as heat shock proteins, oxidoreductase activity and proteolysis. In addition, we observed that LmASF1 mutant is more susceptible to the DNA damaging agent, methyl methane sulphonate, than the control line. Therefore, our study suggests that ASF1 from Leishmania pertains to the chromatin remodelling machinery of the parasite and acts on its response to DNA damage.
Industrial production of semi-synthetic cephalosporins by Penicillium chrysogenum requires supplementation of the growth media with the side-chain precursor adipic acid. In glucose-limited chemostat cultures of P. chrysogenum, up to 88% of the consumed adipic acid was not recovered in cephalosporinrelated products, but used as an additional carbon and energy source for growth. This low efficiency of side-chain precursor incorporation provides an economic incentive for studying and engineering the metabolism of adipic acid in P. cluysogenum. Chemostat-based transcriptome analysis in the presence and absence of adipic acid confirmed that adipic acid metabolism in this fungus occurs via beta-oxidation. A set of 52 adipate-responsive genes included six putative genes for acyl-CoA oxidases and dehydrogenases, enzymes responsible for the first step of beta-oxidation. Subcellular localization of the differentially expressed acyl-CoA oxidases and dehydrogenases revealed that the oxidases were exclusively targeted to peroxisomes, while the dehydrogenases were found either in peroxisomes or in mitochondria. Deletion of the genes encoding the peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase Pc20g01800 and the mitochondrial acyl-CoA dehydrogenase Pc20g07920 resulted in a 1.6- and 3.7-fold increase in the production of the semi-synthetic cephalosporin intermediate adipoyl-6-APA, respectively. The deletion strains also showed reduced adipate consumption compared to the reference strain, indicating that engineering of the first step of beta-oxidation successfully redirected a larger fraction of adipic acid towards cephalosporin biosynthesis. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Previous studies have demonstrated that volatile organic compounds (VOCs), produced by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, were able to inhibit the development of phytopathogenic fungi. In this context, the nematicidal potential of the synthetic mixture of VOCs, constituted of alcohols and esters, was evaluated for the control of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica, which causes losses to crops of high economic value. The fumigation of substrate containing second-stage juveniles with VOCs exhibited nematicidal effect higher than 30% for the lowest concentration tested (33.3 µL g-1 substrate), whereas at 66.6 and 133.3 µL g-1 substrate, the nematode mortality was 100%. The present results stimulate other studies on VOCs for nematode management.
Over the past three decades, L-proline has become recognized as an important metabolite for trypanosomatids. It is involved in a number of key processes, including energy metabolism, resistance to oxidative and nutritional stress and osmoregulation. In addition, this amino acid supports critical parasite life cycle processes by acting as an energy source, thus enabling host-cell invasion by the parasite and subsequent parasite differentiation. In this paper, we demonstrate that L-proline is oxidized to Δ(1)-pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C) by the enzyme proline dehydrogenase (TcPRODH, E.C. localized in Trypanosoma cruzi mitochondria. When expressed in its active form in Escherichia coli, TcPRODH exhibits a Km of 16.58±1.69 µM and a Vmax of 66±2 nmol/min mg. Furthermore, we demonstrate that TcPRODH is a FAD-dependent dimeric state protein. TcPRODH mRNA and protein expression are strongly upregulated in the intracellular epimastigote, a stage which requires an external supply of proline. In addition, when Saccharomyces cerevisiae null mutants for this gene (PUT1) were complemented with the TcPRODH gene, diminished free intracellular proline levels and an enhanced sensitivity to oxidative stress in comparison to the null mutant were observed, supporting the hypothesis that free proline accumulation constitutes a defense against oxidative imbalance. Finally, we show that proline oxidation increases cytochrome c oxidase activity in mitochondrial vesicles. Overall, these results demonstrate that TcPRODH is involved in proline-dependant cytoprotection during periods of oxidative imbalance and also shed light on the participation of proline in energy metabolism, which drives critical processes of the T. cruzi life cycle.
Il presente studio ha avuto l’obiettivo di indagare la produzione di bioetanolo di seconda generazione a partire dagli scarti lignocellulosici della canna da zucchero (bagassa), facendo riscorso al processo enzimatico. L’attività di ricerca è stata svolta presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica dell’Università di Lund (Svezia) all’interno di rapporti scambio con l’Università di Bologna. Il principale scopo è consistito nel valutare la produzione di etanolo in funzione delle condizioni operative con cui è stata condotta la saccarificazione e fermentazione enzimatica (SSF) della bagassa, materia prima che è stata sottoposta al pretrattamento di Steam Explosion (STEX) con aggiunta di SO2 come catalizzatore acido. Successivamente, i dati ottenuti in laboratorio dalla SSF sono stati utilizzati per implementare, in ambiente AspenPlus®, il flowsheet di un impianto che simula tutti gli aspetti della produzione di etanolo, al fine di studiarne il rendimento energetico dell’intero processo. La produzione di combustibili alternativi alle fonti fossili oggigiorno riveste primaria importanza sia nella limitazione dell’effetto serra sia nel minimizzare gli effetti di shock geopolitici sulle forniture strategiche di un Paese. Il settore dei trasporti in continua crescita, consuma nei paesi industrializzati circa un terzo del fabbisogno di fonti fossili. In questo contesto la produzione di bioetanolo può portare benefici per sia per l’ambiente che per l’economia qualora valutazioni del ciclo di vita del combustibile ne certifichino l’efficacia energetica e il potenziale di mitigazione dell’effetto serra. Numerosi studi mettono in risalto i pregi ambientali del bioetanolo, tuttavia è opportuno fare distinzioni sul processo di produzione e sul materiale di partenza utilizzato per comprendere appieno le reali potenzialità del sistema well-to-wheel del biocombustibile. Il bioetanolo di prima generazione ottenuto dalla trasformazione dell’amido (mais) e delle melasse (barbabietola e canna da zucchero) ha mostrato diversi svantaggi: primo, per via della competizione tra l’industria alimentare e dei biocarburanti, in secondo luogo poiché le sole piantagioni non hanno la potenzialità di soddisfare domande crescenti di bioetanolo. In aggiunta sono state mostrate forti perplessità in merito alla efficienza energetica e del ciclo di vita del bioetanolo da mais, da cui si ottiene quasi la metà della produzione di mondiale di etanolo (27 G litri/anno). L’utilizzo di materiali lignocellulosici come scarti agricolturali e dell’industria forestale, rifiuti urbani, softwood e hardwood, al contrario delle precedenti colture, non presentano gli svantaggi sopra menzionati e per tale motivo il bioetanolo prodotto dalla lignocellulosa viene denominato di seconda generazione. Tuttavia i metodi per produrlo risultano più complessi rispetto ai precedenti per via della difficoltà di rendere biodisponibili gli zuccheri contenuti nella lignocellulosa; per tale motivo è richiesto sia un pretrattamento che l’idrolisi enzimatica. La bagassa è un substrato ottimale per la produzione di bioetanolo di seconda generazione in quanto è disponibile in grandi quantità e ha già mostrato buone rese in etanolo se sottoposta a SSF. La bagassa tal quale è stata inizialmente essiccata all’aria e il contenuto d’acqua corretto al 60%; successivamente è stata posta a contatto per 30 minuti col catalizzatore acido SO2 (2%), al termine dei quali è stata pretrattata nel reattore STEX (10L, 200°C e 5 minuti) in 6 lotti da 1.638kg su peso umido. Lo slurry ottenuto è stato sottoposto a SSF batch (35°C e pH 5) utilizzando enzimi cellulolitici per l’idrolisi e lievito di birra ordinario (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) come consorzio microbico per la fermentazione. Un obiettivo della indagine è stato studiare il rendimento della SSF variando il medium di nutrienti, la concentrazione dei solidi (WIS 5%, 7.5%, 10%) e il carico di zuccheri. Dai risultati è emersa sia una buona attività enzimatica di depolimerizzazione della cellulosa che un elevato rendimento di fermentazione, anche per via della bassa concentrazione di inibitori prodotti nello stadio di pretrattamento come acido acetico, furfuraldeide e HMF. Tuttavia la concentrazione di etanolo raggiunta non è stata valutata sufficientemente alta per condurre a scala pilota un eventuale distillazione con bassi costi energetici. Pertanto, sono stati condotti ulteriori esperimenti SSF batch con addizione di melassa da barbabietola (Beta vulgaris), studiandone preventivamente i rendimenti attraverso fermentazioni alle stesse condizioni della SSF. I risultati ottenuti hanno suggerito che con ulteriori accorgimenti si potranno raggiungere gli obiettivi preposti. E’ stato inoltre indagato il rendimento energetico del processo di produzione di bioetanolo mediante SSF di bagassa con aggiunta di melassa in funzione delle variabili più significative. Per la modellazione si è fatto ricorso al software AspenPlus®, conducendo l’analisi di sensitività del mix energetico in uscita dall’impianto al variare del rendimento di SSF e dell’addizione di saccarosio. Dalle simulazioni è emerso che, al netto del fabbisogno entalpico di autosostentamento, l’efficienza energetica del processo varia tra 0.20 e 0.53 a seconda delle condizioni; inoltre, è stata costruita la curva dei costi energetici di distillazione per litro di etanolo prodotto in funzione delle concentrazioni di etanolo in uscita dalla fermentazione. Infine sono già stati individuati fattori su cui è possibile agire per ottenere ulteriori miglioramenti sia in laboratorio che nella modellazione di processo e, di conseguenza, produrre con alta efficienza energetica bioetanolo ad elevato potenziale di mitigazione dell’effetto serra.
Hefen stellen einen großen und wichtigen Teil der Mikrobiota während der Weinbereitung dar, da ohne ihre alkoholische Fermentation die Umwandlung von Most und Wein nicht möglich wäre. Ferner ist es ihre Vielzahl an Stoffwechselprodukten, die dem Aroma des fertigen Weines eine zusätzliche Komplexität verleihen. Auf der anderen Seite steht durch den Metabolismus verschiedenster so genannter Wildhefen die Gefahr von Qualitätsabstufungen der Weine, was allgemein als „Weinfehler“ betrachtet wird. Ziel dieser Arbeit war zum einen die taxonomische Einordnung von Saccharomyces-Spezies, sowie die Quantifizierung und Hemmung von ausgewählten Wildhefen während der Weinbereitung.rnEin Teil dieser Arbeit umfasste die Identifizierung der nahverwandten Mitglieder der Saccharomyces sensu stricto-Gruppe. Durch den Einsatz des DNA-Fingerpinting-Systems SAPD-PCR konnten alle die Gruppe umfassenden Spezies anhand spezifischer Bandenmuster nachgewiesen werden, wodurch eine Einordnung dieser schwer zu differenzierenden Arten möglich war. Die Differenzierung zwischen den einzelnen Spezies war in jedem Fall deutlicher als dies die Sequenzierung der 5.8S rDNA und ihre flankierenden ITS-Regionen vermochte. Die SAPD-PCR zeichnete sich zudem durch eine geringe Muster-Varianz bei verschiedenen Stämmen einer Art aus und konnte zuverlässig unbekannte Stämme bestimmen und bereits hinterlegte Stämme neu klassifizieren. Zudem konnte mit Hilfe dieses Systems Hybride aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae und S. bayanus bzw. S. cerevisiae und S. kudriavzevii detektiert werden, wenn diese Hybride aus relativ gleichen genomischen Anteilen der Eltern bestanden. rnZusätzlich wurde ein quantitatives PCR-System entwickelt, um die Gattungen Saccharomyces, Hanseniaspora und Brettanomyces in Most und Wein detektieren und quantifizieren zu können. Die hierfür entwickelten Primer zeigten sich spezifisch für die untersuchten Arten. Durch die serielle Verdünnung definierter DNA-Mengen konnte für alle drei Systeme eine Kalibrierungskurve erstellt werden, mit Hilfe derer die tatsächlichen Quantifizierungen durchgeführt wurden. Die qPCR-Analyse lieferte ähnliche Zellzahlen wie Lebendzellzahl-Bestimmungen und wurde nicht von anderen Spezies und von Traubensaft gestört. Die maximal detektierbare Zellzahl betrug 2 x 107 Zellen/ml, während die minimale Detektionsgrenze je nach Art zwischen 1 x 102 Zellen/ml und 1 x 103 Zellen/ml lag. Allerdings konnte eine effektive DNA-Isolierung dieser geringen Zellzahlen nur erreicht werden, wenn die Zellzahl durch artfremde Hefen künstlich erhöht wurde. Die Analyse einer Most-Vergärung mit den drei Spezies zeigte schlussendlich, dass die quantitative PCR sicher und schnell Veränderungen und Sukzessionen detektiert und so ein geeignetes Mittel darstellt, um Populationsdynamiken während der Weinherstellung zu beobachten. rnDer letzte Teil dieser Arbeit befasste sich mit der Inhibierung von Schadhefen durch zellwand-hydrolysierende Enzyme. Es konnte hierbei eine endoglykosidisch wirkende β-1,3-Glucanase aus dem Bakterium Delftia tsuruhatensis isoliert werden. Diese besaß eine ungefähre Masse von 28 kDa, einen isolektrischen Punkt von ca. 4,3 und wirkte mit einer spezifischen Aktivität von 10 U/mg Protein gegen das Glucan Laminarin. Zudem zeigte das Enzym ein Temperaturoptimum von 50 °C und ein pH-Optimum bei pH 4,0. Weinparameter wie erhöhte Konzentrationen an Ethanol, Phenolen und Sulfit beeinflussten die Wirkung des Enzyms nicht oder nur wenig. Neben der allgemeinen Wirkung gegen β-1,3-Glucane konnte hier auch gezeigt werden, dass ebenso gut die β-1,3-Glucane in der Zellwand verschiedener Hefen hydrolysiert wurden. Fluoreszenz- und rasterelektronen-mikroskopische Aufnahmen von Hefezellen nach Inkubation mit der β-1,3-Glucanase zeigten zusätzlich die Zerstörung der Zelloberfläche der Hefen. Die lytische Wirkung des Enzyms wurde an verschiedenen weintypischen Hefen getestet. Hierbei zeigten sich stammspezifische Unterschiede in der Sensitivität gegenüber dem Enzym. Außerdem konnte festgestellt werden, dass sowohl Wachstumsphase als auch Medium der Hefen Einfluss auf deren Zellwand hat und somit auch auf die Wirkung des Enzyms.rn
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, mehr Informationen über unkonventionelle Gründe für Gärstockungen zu gewinnen und neue Wege zu finden, diese zu überwinden. Mikrobielle Sukzession und die chemische Zusammensetzung bei der Gärung wurden in zwei aufeinander folgenden Jahren in einem Weingut von der oberen Mosel in Deutschland studiert. Es gab keinen Hinweis darauf, dass die isolierten Bakterienspezies oder chemischen Komponenten von Most und Jungwein an schleppenden oder stockenden Gärungen beteiligt waren. Ferner konnte während dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass Saccharomyces bayanus die dominierende Weinhefe in diesem Weingut war statt der klassischen und bekannten Weinhefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Während der Gärstockung konnte ein Dreifach-Hybrid Saccharomyces cerevisiae x Saccharomyces kudriavzevii x Saccharomyces bayanus wachsen, Saccharomyces bayanus ersetzen und die Gärung beenden. Beide isolierten Hefestämme Saccharomyces bayanus Stamm HL 77 und der Dreifach-Hybrid Saccharomyces cerevisiae x Saccharomyces kudriavzevii x Saccharomyces bayanus Stamm HL 78 konnten Glucose und Fructose von Anfang an verwerten und konnten bei niedrigen Temperaturen von 15 °C und in der Abwesenheit von Hefe-verwertbarem Stickstoff in Form von Ammonium wachsen, solange Aminosäuren im Medium vorhanden waren, im Gegensatz zu einer kommerziellen Saccharomyces cerevisiae-Starterkultur. Chemische Untersuchungen ergaben, dass Hefe-verwertbarer Stickstoff in dem kooperierenden Weingut mit einem Maximum von 160 mg/l zu Beginn der Gärung vorhanden war und auf 40 mg/L verringert war nach zwei Wochen. Aus diesem Grund sind beide isolierten Hefestämme interessant als Starterkulturen in diesem Weingut und dies kann neben der niedrigen Temperatur im Keller auch ein Grund sein, warum Saccharomyces cerevisiae nicht die dominierende Weinhefe in diesem Fall ist. Der Dreifach-Hybrid Saccharomyces cerevisiae x Saccharomyces kudriavzevii x Saccharomyces bayanus Stamm HL 78 ist in der Lage, Fructose noch effizienter zu nutzen als Saccharomyces bayanus Stamm HL 77 und ist weniger abhängig von der Aminosäurekonzentration. Dieser Stamm wurde bereits erfolgreich bei diesem Projekt eingesetzt, um eine Gärstockung in dem kooperierenden Weingut zu beheben. Es ist bekannt, dass Saccharomyces-Hybride in der Weinherstellung vorkommen aber ihre Rolle bei der Überwindung von Gärstockungen wurde bisher noch nicht beschrieben. Diese Ergebnisse sind nützlich, um Gärstockungen zu vermeiden oder zu überwinden mit der selektiven Verwendung dieser Hefestämme in verschiedenen Stadien der Gärung. Das kooperierende Weingut, welches im oberen Qualitätssegment platziert ist, hatte jedes Jahr Probleme mit Gärstockungen. Daher ist die Anwendung der Dreifach-Hybriden Saccharomyces cerevisiae x Saccharomyces kudriavzevii x Saccharomyces bayanus Stamm HL 78 eine große Chance, Gärstockungen und finanzielle Verluste ohne kommerzielle Starterkulturen oder andere übliche Praktiken, die zu einer Veränderung des Aromaprofils führen können, zu vermeiden. Die beschriebenen Untersuchungen stellen ein Modell dar, um Gärstockungen auch in anderen Weingütern, die Spontangärungen anwenden, zu überwinden.
In questo lavoro di tesi è presentato un metodo per lo studio della compartimentalizzazione dell’acqua in cellule biologiche, mediante lo studio dell’autodiffusione delle molecole d’acqua tramite uno strumento NMR single-sided. Le misure sono state eseguite nel laboratorio NMR all’interno del DIFA di Bologna. Sono stati misurati i coefficienti di autodiffusione di tre campioni in condizione bulk, ottenendo risultati consistenti con la letteratura. È stato poi analizzato un sistema cellulare modello, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, allo stato solido, ottimizzando le procedure per l’ottenimento di mappe di correlazione 2D, aventi come assi il coefficiente di autodiffusione D e il tempo di rilassamento trasversale T2. In questo sistema l’acqua è confinata e l’autodiffusione è ristretta dalle pareti cellulari, si parla quindi di coefficiente di autodiffusione apparente, Dapp. Mediante le mappe sono state individuate due famiglie di nuclei 1H. Il campione è stato poi analizzato in diluizione in acqua distillata, confermando la separazione del segnale in due distinte famiglie. L’utilizzo di un composto chelato, il CuEDTA, ha permesso di affermare che la famiglia con il Dapp maggiore corrisponde all’acqua esterna alle cellule. L’analisi dei dati ottenuti sulle due famiglie al variare del tempo lasciato alle molecole d’acqua per la diffusione hanno portato alla stima del raggio dei due compartimenti: r=2.3±0.2µm per l’acqua extracellulare, r=0.9±0.1µm per quella intracellulare, che è probabilmente acqua scambiata tra gli organelli e il citoplasma. L’incertezza associata a tali stime tiene conto soltanto dell’errore nel calcolo dei parametri liberi del fit dei dati, è pertanto una sottostima, dovuta alle approssimazioni connesse all’utilizzo di equazioni valide per un sistema poroso costituito da pori sferici connessi non permeabili. Gli ordini di grandezza dei raggi calcolati sono invece consistenti con quelli osservabili dalle immagini ottenute con il microscopio ottico.
In Crohn's disease (CD) the deficiency of mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is associated with an increased prevalence of anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) and with complicated phenotypes of the disease. However, the role of MBL in intestinal inflammation is currently unclear. A study was undertaken to analyse local MBL expression in human intestine and the consequences of MBL deficiency in experimental colitis and yeast infection.
The last few years have seen the advent of high-throughput technologies to analyze various properties of the transcriptome and proteome of several organisms. The congruency of these different data sources, or lack thereof, can shed light on the mechanisms that govern cellular function. A central challenge for bioinformatics research is to develop a unified framework for combining the multiple sources of functional genomics information and testing associations between them, thus obtaining a robust and integrated view of the underlying biology. We present a graph theoretic approach to test the significance of the association between multiple disparate sources of functional genomics data by proposing two statistical tests, namely edge permutation and node label permutation tests. We demonstrate the use of the proposed tests by finding significant association between a Gene Ontology-derived "predictome" and data obtained from mRNA expression and phenotypic experiments for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Moreover, we employ the graph theoretic framework to recast a surprising discrepancy presented in Giaever et al. (2002) between gene expression and knockout phenotype, using expression data from a different set of experiments.
Background Leishmania represent a complex of important human pathogens that belong to the systematic order of the kinetoplastida. They are transmitted between their human and mammalian hosts by different bloodsucking sandfly vectors. In their hosts, the Leishmania undergo several differentiation steps, and their coordination and optimization crucially depend on numerous interactions between the parasites and the physiological environment presented by the fly and human hosts. Little is still known about the signalling networks involved in these functions. In an attempt to better understand the role of cyclic nucleotide signalling in Leishmania differentiation and host-parasite interaction, we here present an initial study on the cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterases of Leishmania major. Results This paper presents the identification of three class I cyclic-nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterases (PDEs) from L. major, PDEs whose catalytic domains exhibit considerable sequence conservation with, among other, all eleven human PDE families. In contrast to other protozoa such as Dictyostelium, or fungi such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida ssp or Neurospora, no genes for class II PDEs were found in the Leishmania genomes. LmjPDEA contains a class I catalytic domain at the C-terminus of the polypeptide, with no other discernible functional domains elsewhere. LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 are coded for by closely related, tandemly linked genes on chromosome 15. Both PDEs contain two GAF domains in their N-terminal region, and their almost identical catalytic domains are located at the C-terminus of the polypeptide. LmjPDEA, LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 were further characterized by functional complementation in a PDE-deficient S. cerevisiae strain. All three enzymes conferred complementation, demonstrating that all three can hydrolyze cAMP. Recombinant LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 were shown to be cAMP-specific, with Km values in the low micromolar range. Several PDE inhibitors were found to be active against these PDEs in vitro, and to inhibit cell proliferation. Conclusion The genome of L. major contains only PDE genes that are predicted to code for class I PDEs, and none for class II PDEs. This is more similar to what is found in higher eukaryotes than it is to the situation in Dictyostelium or the fungi that concomitantly express class I and class II PDEs. Functional complementation demonstrated that LmjPDEA, LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 are capable of hydrolyzing cAMP. In vitro studies with recombinant LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 confirmed this, and they demonstrated that both are completely cAMP-specific. Both enzymes are inhibited by several commercially available PDE inhibitors. The observation that these inhibitors also interfere with cell growth in culture indicates that inhibition of the PDEs is fatal for the cell, suggesting an important role of cAMP signalling for the maintenance of cellular integrity and proliferation.
The 5' cap structure of trypanosomatid mRNAs, denoted cap 4, is a complex structure that contains unusual modifications on the first four nucleotides. We examined the four eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) homologues found in the Leishmania genome database. These proteins, denoted LeishIF4E-1 to LeishIF4E-4, are located in the cytoplasm. They show only a limited degree of sequence homology with known eIF4E isoforms and among themselves. However, computerized structure prediction suggests that the cap-binding pocket is conserved in each of the homologues, as confirmed by binding assays to m(7)GTP, cap 4, and its intermediates. LeishIF4E-1 and LeishIF4E-4 each bind m(7)GTP and cap 4 comparably well, and only these two proteins could interact with the mammalian eIF4E binding protein 4EBP1, though with different efficiencies. 4EBP1 is a translation repressor that competes with eIF4G for the same residues on eIF4E; thus, LeishIF4E-1 and LeishIF4E-4 are reasonable candidates for serving as translation factors. LeishIF4E-1 is more abundant in amastigotes and also contains a typical 3' untranslated region element that is found in amastigote-specific genes. LeishIF4E-2 bound mainly to cap 4 and comigrated with polysomal fractions on sucrose gradients. Since the consensus eIF4E is usually found in 48S complexes, LeishIF4E-2 could possibly be associated with the stabilization of trypanosomatid polysomes. LeishIF4E-3 bound mainly m(7)GTP, excluding its involvement in the translation of cap 4-protected mRNAs. It comigrates with 80S complexes which are resistant to micrococcal nuclease, but its function is yet unknown. None of the isoforms can functionally complement the Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF4E, indicating that despite their structural conservation, they are considerably diverged.
Trypanosoma brucei encodes a relatively high number of genes of the equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT) family. We report here the cloning and in-depth characterization of one T. brucei brucei ENT member, TbNT9/AT-D. This transporter was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and displayed a uniquely high affinity for adenosine (Km = 0.068 +/- 0.013 microM), as well as broader selectivity for other purine nucleosides in the low micromolar range, but was not inhibited by nucleobases or pyrimidines. This selectivity profile is consistent with the P1 transport activity observed previously in procyclic and long-slender bloodstream T. brucei, apart from the 40-fold higher affinity for adenosine than for inosine. We found that, like the previously investigated P1 activity of long/slender bloodstream trypanosomes, the 3'-hydroxy, 5'-hydroxy, N3, and N7 functional groups contribute to transporter binding. In addition, we show that the 6-position amine group of adenosine, but not the inosine 6-keto group, makes a major contribution to binding (DeltaG0 = 12 kJ/mol), explaining the different Km values of the purine nucleosides. We further found that P1 activity in procyclic and long-slender trypanosomes is pharmacologically distinct, and we identified the main gene encoding this activity in procyclic cells as NT10/AT-B. The presence of multiple P1-type nucleoside transport activities in T. brucei brucei facilitates the development of nucleoside-based treatments for African trypanosomiasis and would delay the onset of uptake-related drug resistance to such therapy. We show that both TbNT9/AT-D and NT10/AT-B transport a range of potentially therapeutic nucleoside analogs.