For applications to laboratory and astrophysical plasmas, there is a great need for accurate electron-impact excitation data between individual levels in the lower charge-state ions of iron. Recently, we have reported on the first intermediate-coupling R -matrix calculation of electron-impact excitation in Fe 4+ , in which the close-coupling expansion of the target included levels from both ground and excited configurations (Ballance et al 2007 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. [/0953-4075/40/23/f01] 40 F327 , 2008 Europhys. News 39 14). In this paper, we present the results of two large intermediate-coupling Dirac R -matrix calculations of electron-impact excitation of Fe 5+ . The results from the two calculations, which differ only in the configuration–interaction expansions of the target, are compared. These comparisons provide some indication of the accuracy of the calculations and the resulting data should be useful in modelling plasmas containing iron.
Modeling the spectral emission of low-charge iron group ions enables the diagnostic determination of the local physical conditions of many cool plasma environments such as those found in H II regions, planetary nebulae, active galactic nuclei etc. Electron-impact excitation drives the population of the emitting levels and, hence, their emissivities. By carrying-out Breit-Pauli and intermediate coupling frame transformation (ICFT) R-matrix calculations for the electron-impact excitation of Fe$^{2+}$ which both use the exact same atomic structure and the same close-coupling expansion, we demonstrate the validity of the application of the powerful ICFT method to low-charge iron group ions. This is in contradiction to the finding of Bautista et al. [Ap.J.Lett, 718, L189, (2010)] who carried-out ICFT and Dirac R-matrix calculations for the same ion. We discuss possible reasons.
For a number of years, there has been a major effort to calculate electron-impact excitation data for every ion stage of iron embodied by the ongoing efforts of the IRON project by Hummer et al (1993 Astron. Astrophys. 279 298). Due to the complexity of the targets, calculations for the lower stages of ionization have been limited to either intermediate-coupling calculations within the ground configurations or LS -coupling calculations of the ground and excited configurations. However, accurate excitation data between individual levels within both the ground and excited configurations of the low charge-state ions are urgently required for applications to both astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. Here we report on the results of the first intermediate-coupling R -matrix calculation of electron-impact excitation for Fe 4+ for which the close-coupling (CC) expansion includes not only those levels of the 3d 4 ground configuration, but also the levels of the 3d 3 4s, 3d 3 4p, 3d 3 4d and 3d 2 4s 2 excited configurations. With 359 levels in the CC expansion and over 2400 scattering channels for many of the J Π partial waves, this represents the largest electron–ion scattering calculation to date and it was performed on massively parallel computers using a recently developed set of relativistic parallel R -matrix programs.
We review the development of the time-dependent close-coupling method to study atomic and molecular few body dynamics. Applications include electron and photon collisions with atoms, molecules, and their ions.
Fluid administration to critically ill patients remains the subject of considerable controversy. While intravenous fluid given for resuscitation may be life-saving, a positive fluid balance over time is associated with worse outcomes in critical illness. The aim of this systematic review is to summarise the existing evidence regarding the relationship between fluid administration or balance and clinically important patient outcomes in critical illness.
We will search Medline, EMBASE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from 1980 to the present and key conference proceedings from 2009 to the present. We will include studies of critically ill adults and children with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). We will include randomised controlled trials comparing two or more fluid regimens of different volumes of fluid and observational studies reporting the relationship between volume of fluid administered or fluid balance and outcomes including mortality, lengths of intensive care unit and hospital stay and organ dysfunction. Two independent reviewers will assess articles for eligibility, data extraction and quality appraisal. We will conduct a narrative and/or meta-analysis as appropriate.
While fluid management has been extensively studied and discussed in the critical care literature, no systematic review has attempted to summarise the evidence for post-resuscitation fluid strategies in critical illness. Results of the proposed systematic review will inform practice and the design of future clinical trials.
Systematic review registration
PROSPERO CRD42013005608. (http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/)
Acute respiratory distress syndrome presents as hypoxia and bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on chest imaging in the absence of heart failure sufficient to account for this clinical state. Management is largely supportive, and is focused on protective mechanical ventilation and the avoidance of fluid overload. Patients with severe hypoxaemia can be managed with early short-term use of neuromuscular blockade, prone position ventilation, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. The use of inhaled nitric oxide is rarely indicated and both β2 agonists and late corticosteroids should be avoided. Mortality remains at approximately 30%.
O presente trabalho apresenta novas metodologias desenvolvidas para a análise das propriedades magnéticas e magnetocalóricas de materiais, sustentadas em considerações teóricas a partir de modelos, nomeadamente a teoria de transições de fase de Landau, o modelo de campo médio molecular e a teoria de fenómeno crítico. São propostos novos métodos de escala, permitindo a interpretação de dados de magnetização de materiais numa perspectiva de campo médio molecular ou teoria de fenómeno crítico. É apresentado um método de estimar a magnetização espontânea de um material ferromagnético a partir de relações entropia/magnetização estabelecidas pelo modelo de campo médio molecular. A termodinâmica das transições de fase magnéticas de primeira ordem é estudada usando a teoria de Landau e de campo médio molecular (modelo de Bean-Rodbell), avaliando os efeitos de fenómenos fora de equilíbrio e de condições de mistura de fase em estimativas do efeito magnetocalórico a partir de medidas magnéticas. Efeitos de desordem, interpretados como uma distribuição na interacção magnética entre iões, estabelecem os efeitos de distribuições químicas/estruturais nas propriedades magnéticas e magnetocalóricas de materiais com transições de fase de segunda e de primeira ordem. O uso das metodologias apresentadas na interpretação das propriedades magnéticas de variados materiais ferromagnéticos permitiu obter: 1) uma análise quantitativa da variação de spin por ião Gadolínio devido à transição estrutural do composto Gd5Si2Ge2, 2) a descrição da configuração de cluster magnético de iões Mn na fase ferromagnética em manganites da família La-Sr e La-Ca, 3) a determinação dos expoentes críticos β e δ do Níquel por métodos de escala, 4) a descrição do efeito da pressão nas propriedades magnéticas e magnetocalóricas do composto LaFe11.5Si1.5 através do modelo de Bean-Rodbell, 5) uma estimativa da desordem em manganites ferromagnéticas com transições de segunda e primeira ordem, 6) uma descrição de campo médio das propriedades magnéticas da liga Fe23Cu77, 7) o estudo de efeitos de separação de fase na família de compostos La0.70-xErxSr0.30MnO3 e 8) a determinação realista da variação de entropia magnética na família de compostos de efeito magnetocalórico colossal Mn1-x-yFexCryAs.
Os estuários são ambientes complexos, biologicamente diversos e muito importantes no que respeita à produtividade primária. As zonas intertidais destes ecossistemas são ocupadas por organismos que possuem uma elevada capacidade de sobrevivência e adaptação face às variadas e rápidas alterações nos factores ambientais (tais como temperatura, salinidade, conteúdo hídrico, etc.). As cadeias tróficas com origem no ecossistema estuarino bentónico são essencialmente herbívoras, regulando o fluxo de energia desde o fundo sedimentar e através do ecossistema. Nas áreas estuarinas intertidais a produção primária é essencialmente suportada pelo microfitobentos (MPB). Estas comunidades de microalgas bênticas constituem uma importante fonte de matéria orgânica e são por si só a principal fonte alimentar para as populações de Hydrobia. Neste contexto, a interacção MPB - Hydrobia é um modelo-chave na investigação da cadeia trófica estuarina de origem bentónica, actuando como um importante canal de transporte de energia para os níveis tróficos superiores, especialmente se considerarmos que Hydrobia é uma importante presa para peixes, aves e caranguejos. O presente estudo tem por objectivos gerais: i) a investigação do controlo ambiental (particularmente da luz e do teor em água do sedimento) e endógeno na migração vertical do MPB e ii) a identificação e potencial utilização de marcadores tróficos (pigmentos e ácidos gordos) úteis à investigação da interacção MPB – Hydrobia em laboratório e em condições naturais, considerando a existência de uma elevada plasticidade trófica por parte da Hydrobia e a elevada densidade populacional que estes organismos podem apresentar. A primeira fase de investigação resultou na comparação do papel dos estímulos ambientais e do controlo endógeno nos padrões de comportamento migratório vertical do microfitobentos, demonstrando a existência de um controlo essencialmente endógeno na formação e desintegração do biofilme superficial. A regulação e manutenção da biomassa à superfície do sedimento são claramente controladas pela variação dos factores ambientais, em especial da luz, cuja presença é essencial à formação total do biofilme microalgal à superfície do sedimento intertidal. Foi proposta uma nova abordagem metodológica com vista à estimativa nãodestrutiva do teor de água de sedimentos intertidais vasosos , possibilitando o estudo da influência da acção do vento no conteúdo hídrico dos sedimentos e o consequente impacto da dessecação na comunidade microfitobêntica. Observou-se que a dessecação provoca efeitos limitantes não só na biomassa superficial mas também na actividade fotossintética dos biofilmes microfitobênticos, conduzindo à diminuição da produtividade primária. No que respeita à dinâmica trófica da interacção MPB - Hydrobia foi estabelecido o uso do pigmento feoforbide a, quantificado nas partículas fecais da fauna, como marcador trófico que permite estimar a quantidade de biomassa de microalgas (clorofila a) incorporada pelos organismos animais.Para tal foi investigada e comprovada a existência de uma relação significativa entre a concentração de feopigmentos excretados e a concentração de clorofila a ingerida. Estes estudos foram desenvolvidos numa primeira fase à escala diária, considerando os efeitos dos ciclos sazonais, dia-noite e maré, e depois com a validação em condições naturais, numa escala mensal. A taxa de ingestão média de indivíduos de H. ulvae varia ao longo do dia, com o máximo em torno dos períodos diurnos de maré baixa, o que pode estar relacionado com a disponibilidade de MPB. As taxas de ingestão (TI) de H. ulvae variam ainda em função da estação do ano (TI verão > TI primavera) e em função da densidade de indivíduos (> densidade, < ingestão). Verificou-se um efeito negativo na concentração de clorofila disponível após herbívoria independentemente da densidade de indivíduos. Finalmente, a comparação dos perfis de ácidos gordos de H. ulvae provenientes de diferentes habitats com os perfis de potenciais fontes alimentares permitiu demonstrar que os ácidos gordos são ferramentas úteis na identificação do habitat ocupado por estes organismos. No entanto, apesar da ocupação de diferentes habitats e da integração de múltiplas fontes de produção primária na sua dieta foram sempre observados significativos níveis de ácidos gordos específicos de microalgas (em particular diatomáceas), reforçando o papel importante das comunidades de microalgas bênticas na dieta das populações de H. ulvae.
Nitrate and urban waste water directives have raised the need for a better understanding of coastal systems in European Union. The incorrect application of these directives can lead to important ecological or social penalties. In the paper this problem is addressed to Ria Formosa Coastal Lagoon. Ria Formosa hosts a Natural Park, important ports of the southern Portuguese coast and significant bivalve aquaculture activity. Four major urban waste water treatment plants discharging in the lagoon are considered in this study. Its treatment level must be selected, based on detailed information from a monitoring program and on a good knowledge of the processes determining the fate of the material discharged in the lagoon. In this paper the results of a monitoring program and simulations using a coupled hydrodynamic and water quality / ecological model, MOHID, are used to characterise the system and to understand the processes in Ria Formosa. It is shown that the water residence time in most of the lagoon is quite low, of the order of days, but it can be larger in the upper parts of the channels where land generated water is discharged. The main supply of nutrients to the lagoon comes from the open sea rather than from the urban discharges. For this reason the characteristics and behaviour of the general lagoon contrasts with the behaviour of the upper reaches of the channels where the influence of the waste water treatment plants are high. In this system the bottom mineralization was found to be an important mechanism, and the inclusion of that process in the model was essential to obtain good results.
This paper presents an ultra compact waveguide bandpass filter that exhibits a pseudo-elliptic response. The transmission zero created in the upper stopband to form a rapid roll off is produced through a bypass coupling with higher order modes. A 3rd order filter is designed at the centre frequency of 9.4 GHz with a 5.3% fractional bandwidth. The proposed structure's size is 38% smaller than one of a 3rd order E-plane extracted pole filter with comparable response. Additionally, this configuration allows larger span of different bandwidths. The filter has been fabricated and tested using E-plane waveguide technology, which has benefits of being inexpensive and having mass producible capabilities. Measurements of such a fabricated filter validate the simulated results.
The quantity of blood arriving at the left side of the heart oscillates throughout the breathing cycle due to the mechanics of breathing. Neurally regulated fluctuations in the length of the heart period act to dampen oscillations of the left ventricular stroke volume entering the aorta. We have reported that stroke volume oscillations but not spectral frequency variability stroke volume measures can be used to estimate the breathing frequency. This study investigated with the same recordings whether heart period oscillations or spectral heart rate variability measures could function as estimators of breathing frequency. Continuous 270 s cardiovascular recordings were obtained from 22 healthy adult volunteers in the supine and upright postures. Breathing was recorded simultaneously. Breathing frequency and heart period oscillation frequency were calculated manually, while heart rate variability spectral maximums were obtained using heart rate variability software. These estimates were compared to the breathing frequency using the Bland–Altman agreement procedure. Estimates were required to be \±10% (95% levels of agreement). The 95% levels of agreement measures for the heart period oscillation frequency (supine: -27.7 to 52.0%, upright: -37.8 to 45.9%) and the heart rate variability spectral maximum estimates (supine: -48.7 to 26.5% and -56.4 to 62.7%, upright: -37.8 to 39.3%) exceeded 10%. Multiple heart period oscillations were observed to occur during breathing cycles. Both respiratory and non-respiratory sinus arrhythmia was observed amongst healthy adults. This observation at least partly explains why heart period parameters and heart rate variability parameters are not reliable estimators of breathing frequency. In determining the validity of spectral heart rate variability measurements we suggest that it is the position of the spectral peaks and not the breathing
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is recognized as an occupational hazard in the hospitality industry. Although Portuguese legislation banned smoking in most indoor public spaces, it is still allowed in some restaurants/bars, representing a potential risk to the workers’ health, particularly for chronic respiratory diseases. The aims of this work were to characterize biomarkers of early genetic effects and to disclose proteomic signatures associated to occupational exposure to ETS and with potential to predict respiratory diseases development. A detailed lifestyle survey and clinical evaluation (including spirometry) were performed in 81 workers from Lisbon restaurants. ETS exposure was assessed through the level of PM 2.5 in indoor air and the urinary level of cotinine. The plasma samples were immunodepleted and analysed by 2D-SDSPAGE followed by in-gel digestion and LC-MS/MS. DNA lesions and chromosome damage were analysed innlymphocytes and in exfoliated buccal cells from 19 cigarette smokers, 29 involuntary smokers, and 33 non-smokers not exposed to tobacco smoke. Also, the DNA repair capacity was evaluated using an ex vivo challenge comet assay with an alkylating agent (EMS). All workers were considered healthy and recorded normal lung function. Interestingly, following 2D-DIGE-MS (MALDI-TOF/TOF), 61 plasma proteins were found differentially expressed in ETS-exposed subjects, including 38 involved in metabolism, acute-phase respiratory inflammation, and immune or vascular functions. On the other hand, the involuntary smokers showed neither an increased level of DNA/chromosome damage on lymphocytes nor an increased number of micronuclei in buccal cells, when compared to non-exposed non-smokers. Noteworthy, lymphocytes challenge with EMS resulted in a significantly lower level of DNA breaks in ETS-exposed as compared to non-exposed workers (P<0.0001) suggestive of an adaptive response elicited by the previous exposure to low levels of ETS. Overall, changes in proteome may be promising early biomarkers of exposure to ETS. Likewise, alterations of the DNA repair competence observed upon ETS exposure deserves to be further understood. Work supported by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, ACSS and FCT/Polyannual Funding Program.
Background: Acute respiratory infections are usual in children under three years old occurring in upper respiratory tract, having an impact on child and caregiver’s quality of life predisposing to otitis media or bronchiolitis. There are few valid and reliable measures to determine the child’s respiratory condition and to guide the physiotherapy intervention. Aim: To assess the intra and inter rater reliability of nasal auscultation, to analyze the relation between sounds’ classification and middle ear’s pressure and compliance as well as with the Clinical Severity Score. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was composed by 125 nursery children aged up to three years old. Tympanometry, pulmonary and nasal auscultation and application of Clinical Severity Score were performed to each child. Nasal auscultation sounds’ were recorded and sent to 3 blinded experts, that classified, as “obstructed” and “unobstructed”, with a 48 hours interval, in order to analyze inter and intra rater reliability. Results: Nasal auscultation revealed a substantial inter and intra rater reliability (=0,749 and evaluator A - K= 0,691; evaluator B - K= 0,605 and evaluator C - K= 0,724, respectively). Both ears’ pressure was significantly lower in children with an "unobstructed" nasal sound when compared with an “obstructed” nasal sound (t=-3,599, p<0,001 in left ear; t=-2,258, p=0,026 in right ear). Compliance in both ears was significantly lower in children with an "obstructed" nasal sound when compared with “unobstructed” nasal sound (t=-2,728, p=0,007 in left ear; t=-3,830, p<0,001 in right ear). There was a statistically significant association between sounds’ classification and tympanograms types in both ear’s (=11,437, p=0,003 in left ear; =13,535, p=0,001 in right ear). There was a trend to children with an "unobstructed" nasal sound that had a lower clinical severity score when compared with “obstructed” children. Conclusion: It was observed a good intra and substantial inter reliability for nasal auscultation. Nasal auscultation sounds’ classification was related to middle ears’ pressure and compliance.
Certain environmental conditions in animal and plant production have been associated with increased frequency in respiratory illnesses, including asthma, chronic bronchitis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, in farmers occupationally exposed in swine production. The aim of this study was to characterize particulate matter (PM) contamination in seven Portuguese swine farms and determine the existence of clinical symptoms associated with asthma and other allergy diseases, utilizing the European Community Respiratory Health Survey questionnaire. Environmental assessments were performed with portable direct-reading equipment, and PM contamination including five different sizes (PM0.5, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM5.0, PM10) was determined. The distribution of particle size showed the same trend in all swine farms, with high concentrations of particles with PM5 and PM10. Results from the questionnaire indicated a trend such that subjects with diagnosis of asthma were exposed to higher concentrations of PM with larger size (PM2.5, PM5, and PM10) while subjects with sneezing, runny nose, or stuffy nose without a cold or flu were exposed to higher concentrations of PM with smaller size (PM0.5 and PM1). Data indicate that inhalation of PM in swine farm workers is associated with increased frequency of respiratory illnesses.
This paper reports on the analysis of tidal breathing patterns measured during noninvasive forced oscillation lung function tests in six individual groups. The three adult groups were healthy, with prediagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and with prediagnosed kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The three children groups were healthy, with prediagnosed asthma, and with prediagnosed cystic fibrosis, respectively. The analysis is applied to the pressure–volume curves and the pseudophaseplane loop by means of the box-counting method, which gives a measure of the area within each loop. The objective was to verify if there exists a link between the area of the loops, power-law patterns, and alterations in the respiratory structure with disease. We obtained statistically significant variations between the data sets corresponding to the six groups of patients, showing also the existence of power-law patterns. Our findings support the idea that the respiratory system changes with disease in terms of airway geometry and tissue parameters, leading, in turn, to variations in the fractal dimension of the respiratory tree and its dynamics.