982 resultados para SOLID-STATE AL-27


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Surfactant-intercalated layered double-hydroxide solid Mg-Al LDH-dodecyl sulfate (DDS) undergoes rapid and facile delamination to its ultimate constituent, single sheets of nanometer thickness and micrometer size, in a nonpolar solvent such as toluene to form stable dispersions. The delaminated nanosheets are electrically neutral because the surfactant chains remain tethered to the inorganic layer even on exfoliation. With increasing volume fraction of the solid, the dispersion transforms from a free-flowing sol to a solidlike gel. Here we have investigated the sol-gel transition in dispersions of the hydrophobically modified Mg-Al LDH-DDS in toluene by rheology, SAXS, and (1)H NMR measurements. The rheo-SAXS measurements show that the sharp rise in the viscosity of the dispersion during gel formation is a consequence of a tactoidal microstructure formed by the stacking of the nanosheets with an intersheet separation of 3.92 nm. The origin and nature of the attractive forces that lead to the formation of the tactoidal structure were obtained from 1D and 2D (1)H NMR measurements that provided direct evidence of the association of the toluene solvent molecules with the terminal methyl of the tethered DDS surfactant chains. Gel formation is a consequence of the attractive dispersive interactions of toluene molecules with the tails of DDS chains anchored to opposing Mg-Al LDH sheets. The toluene solvent molecules function as molecular ``glue'' holding the nanosheets within the tactoidal microstructure together. Our study shows how rheology, SAXS, and NMR measurements complement each other to provide a molecular-level description of the sol-gel transition in dispersions of a hydrophobically modified layered double hydroxide.


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he thermodynamic properties of the spinel Mg2SnO4 have been determined by emf measurements on the solid oxide galvanic cell,View the MathML source in the temperature range 600 to 1000°C. The Gibbs' free energy of formation of Mg2SnO4 from the component oxides can be expressed as View the MathML source,View the MathML source These values are in good agreement with the information obtained by Jackson et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.24, 203 (1974)] on the high pressure decomposition of magnesium stannate into component oxides at different temperatures. The thermodynamic data suggest that the spinel phase is entropy stabilized, and would be unstable below 207 (±25)°C at atmospheric pressure. Based on the information obtained in this study and trends in the stability of aluminate and chromite spinels, it can be deduced that the stannates of nickel and copper(II) are unstable.


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The activities of CaO and Al2O3 in lime-alumina melts were studied by Knudsen cell-mass spectrometry at 2060 K. Emf of solid state cells, with CaF2 as the electrolyte, was measured from 923 to 1223 K to obtain the free energies of formation of the interoxide compounds. The results are critically evaluated in the light of data reported in the literature on phase equilibria, activities in melts, and stabilities of compounds. A coherent set of data is presented, including the previously unknown free energy of formation of CaO.6Al2O3 and the temperature dependence of activities in the liquid phase.


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The Gibbs energy of formation of titania-saturated lead titanate has been determined by e.m.f. measurements on the solid state cell;Pt,Ir,Pb + Pb1−xTiO3−x + TiO2(rutile)/CaO-ZrO2/Ni + NiO,Pt in the temperature range 1075–1350 K. The results obtained are significantly different from those reported in the literature based upon vapour pressure measurements, employing Knudsen effusion and transportation techniques, and assuming that the vapor phase consisted entirely of monomeric PbO molecules. A reanalysis of the data obtained in the earlier vapor pressure studies using mass spectrometric measurements on polymeric PbO species in the gas phase, gives Gibbs energies of formation of lead titanate which are in better agreement with those obtained in this study. Earlier electrochemical measurements by Mehrotra et al. and more recent electrochemical measurements by Schmahl et al. both employing CaO-ZrO2 solid electrolytes are in good agreement with the present study. The electro-chemical measurements by Schmahl et al. using PbF 2 solid electrolyte give a slightly more positive Gibbs energy of formation. There was no evidence supporting the formation of compounds other than Pb1−xTiO3−x from yellow PbO and rutile form of TiO2 in the temperature range covered in this study.Résumé L'enthalpie libre de formation du titanate de plomb saturé en oxyde de titane a été déterminée par des mesures de FEM de la pile: Pt,Ir,Pb + Pb1−xTiO3−x + TiO2(rutile)/CaO-ZrO2/Ni + NiO,Pt dans le domaine de températures 1075–1350 K. Les résultats obtenus, different appréciablement de ceux publiés, déterminés par mesures de tensions de vapeur (techniques de transport et d'effusion de Knudsen) en supposant que la phase gazeuse etait uniquement constituée de molécules monomériques de PbO. Une réanalyse des résultats de la littérature, à partir de mesures par spectrométrie de masse sur les polymères de PbO gazeux, donne des enthalpies libres de formation du titanate de plomb se rapprochant de celles obtenues dans cette étude. Les mesures de Mehrotra et al. et plus récemment de Schmahl et al. utilisant toutes deux l'électrolyte CaO-ZrO2 concordent bien avec celles de la présente étude. Les mesures de Schmahl et al., à l'aide de l' électrolyte solide PbF2, donnent une enthalpie de formation légèrement plus positive. Pour la gammede températures étudiée, rien ne permet de supposer que des composés autres que Pb1−x TiO3−x puissent se former à partir du PbO Gaune) et du rutile (TiO2).


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The Gibbs energies of formation of three compounds in the PbO-Al2O3 system—2PbO · Al2O3, PbO · Al2O3, andPbO· 6Al2O3—have been determined from potentiometric measurements on reversible solid-state galvanic cells [dformula Pt, Ir | Pb, alpha-Al[sub 2]O[sub 3], PbO [center-dot] 6Al[sub 2]O[sub 3] | ZrO[sub 2]-CaO | NiO, Ni | Pt] [dformula Pt | NiO, Ni | ZrO[sub 2]-CaO | Pb, PbO [center-dot] 6Al[sub 2]O[sub 3], PbO [center-dot] Al[sub 2]O[sub 3] | Ir, Pt] and [dformula Pt | NiO, Ni | ZrO[sub 2]-CaO | Pb, PbO [center-dot] Al[sub 2]O[sub 3], 2PbO [center-dot] Al[sub 2]O[sub 3] | Ir, Pt] in the temperature range 850–1375 K. The results are discussed in the light of reported phase diagrams for the PbO-Al2O3system. The partial pressures of different lead oxide species, PbnOn, n = 1–6, in the gas phase in equilibrium withthe aluminates are calculated by combining the results of this study with the mass-spectrometric data of Drowart et al.(1) for polymerization equilibria in the gas phase. The concentration of oxygen in lead in equilibrium with the aluminatesare also derived from the results and the literature data on the Gibbs energy of solution of oxygen in liquid lead.


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A solid state e.m.f. cell with yttria-doped thoria as the electrolyte and a mixture of Cr + Cr sub 2 O sub 3 as the reference electrode, was employed for the measurement of the activity of manganese in the Co--Mn system at 1760 deg K, for 0.3 > X sub Mn > 0.05. The liquid alloy was contained in an alumina crucible and saturated with MnAl sub 2+2x O sub 4+3x . The cell can be represented by Pt, W, (Co--Mn) + MnAl sub 2+2x O sub 4+3x + Al sub 2 O sub 3 /ThO sub 2 --Y sub 2 O sub 3 /Cr + Cr sub 2 O sub 3 , Pt. The activity of manganese shows negative deviations from Raoult's law. The activities in the Co--Mn system are intermediate between those in the Fe--Mn and Ni--Mn systems. The Gibbs' energies of mixing in these systems follow the trends given by Miedema's model. 14 ref.--AA.


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The activity of Cr in solid Cr-Mo alloys has been measured at 1873 K using a metal-oxide-gas equilibrium technique. Thin foils of Mo were equilibrated with solid Cr203 under flowing gas mixtures of argon, hydrogen and watervapourof known composition. The equilibrium concentration of Cr in Mo was determined by chemical analysis. These measurements indicate positive deviations from Raoult's law. The activity data obtained in the study at 1873 K are combined with free energy of mixing at 1471 K, calorimetric enthalpy of mixing at 1673 K, and experimental evidence of phase separation at lower temperatures, reported in the literature, to obtain an optimised set of thermodynamic parameters for the Cr-Mosystem in the solid state.


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The Gibbs' energy offormation of the intermetallic compound URh3has been measured in the temperature range 980 to 1320 K using an oxide solid state cell incorporating yttria-doped thoria as the solid electrolyte and a mixture of manganese and manganese oxide as the reference electrode. The cell can be represented as Pt, Mn + MnO I (Y203)Th02 I Rh + URh3 + U02 + x' Rh, Pt The reversible emf of the cell was a linear function of temperature E = 15.60 +0.0237 T (±0.8) mY. Using auxiliary thermodynamic data for MnO and U02+ x the Gibbs' energy of formation of URh3 from component metals has been computed. The results can be expressed by the equation L'.G?< URh3 > = -316240 + 13.22 T (± 3000) J mol-1. The "third-law" enthalpy of formation of URh3at 298 K is -293.2 (± 4) kJ mol-1, significantly more negative than the value of -181.5 kJ mol-1 calculated using Miedema's model.


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The thermodynamic stability of the compound BaCu2O2 was determined using a solid-state galvanic cell: View the MathML source as a function of temperature in the range 970–1170 K. Single crystal BaF2 was used as the solid electrolyte. The partial pressure of oxygen in the argon gas flowing over the electrodes was 1.27 Pa. The reversible e.m.f. of the cell can be expressed by View the MathML source. The Gibbs free energy of formation of barium cuprite from component oxides according to the reaction View the MathML source is View the MathML source.


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New compos~tiong radient solid electrolytes are developed which have application in high temperature solid state galvanic sensors and provide a new tool for thermodynamic measurements. The electrolyte consists oi a solid solution between two ionic conductors with a common mobile ion and spatial variation in composition of otber coxup nents. Incorporation of the composite electrolyte in sensors permits the use oi dissimilar gas electrodes. It is demonsuated, both experimentall y and theoretically, that the composition gradient of the relativeiy immobile species does not give rise to a diffusion potential.The emi of a cell is determined by the activity of the mobile species at the two eiectrodes. The thermodynamic properties of solid solutions can be measured using the gradient solid electrolyte. The experimental stuay is based on model systems A?(COj)x(S04)l-x (A=Na,K),where S \.aria across the electrolyte. The functionally gradient solid electrolytes used for activity measurements consist of pure carbonate at one ena and the solid solution under stuav at the other. The identical vaiues of activity, obtained h m t hree different modes of operation of the ceil. indicate unit transport number for the ddi metal ion in the graciient electrolyte. Tlle activities in the solid solutions exhibit moderate positive deviations from Raoult 's law.


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Activities of FeCr2O4 in the spinel solid solutions Fe X Mg1−X Cr2O4 (0solid-state galvanic cell of the type Pt, Fe + Fe X Mg1−X Cr2O4 + Cr2O3//(Y2O3) ThO2/(CaO) ZrO2//Fe + FeCr2O4 + Cr2O3, Pt Activities of both the components exhibit small negative deviation from the ideal behavior, characterized by the regular solution parameter Ω s =−2260 (±200) J/mol. The lattice parameter of the spinel solid solutions quenched from 1200 K was found to obey Vegard’s law. The phase relations in the FeO-MgO-Cr2O3 system have been deduced from the results obtained in this study together with other relevant thermodynamic data from the literature. The tie-lines between the solid solutions with rock salt and spinel structures represent the influence of intercrystalline ion exchange. The tie-lines are skewed toward the FeCr2O4 corner, primarily because of the higher stability of FeCr2O4 compared to MgCr2O4, with respect to their component binary oxides. The oxygen partial pressure corresponding to the two three-phase regions, Fe + Fe X Mg1−X Cr2O4 + Cr2O3 and Fe + Fe Y Mg1−Y O + Fe X Mg1−X Cr2O4, have been evaluated as a function of composition at 1200 K.


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The 2p 6d feature in the Bi L3 spectra has different energies in the semiconducting (0.0≤x<0.7) and the superconducting (x=0.75) compositions of BaBi1−xPbxO3. The Bi 4f core level spectrum shows distinct features ascribable to Bi III and Bi V in BaBiO3 and in the semiconducting compositions; the width of the 4f peaks is also considerably larger in these compositions compared to that in BaBi0.25Pb0.75O3, which shows a single sharp Bi 4f feature.


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Electrodeposition produced features with a dendritic morphology and features with a branched wire like morphology made up of about 20 nm sized particles. Both the features contained Ag and Ni atoms in a solid solution arrangement. However, the feature made up of nanoparticles contained a greater concentration of Ni as compared to the Ni content in the dendritic feature. The greater Ni content in the Ag-Ni solid solution for the features with nanoparticles when compared to the dendritic morphology features strongly indicated the effect of curvature in increasing the extent of miscibility between bulk immiscible atoms. (C) 2011 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.003202esl] All rights reserved.