996 resultados para Síndrome de Christ-Siemens-Touraine


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Proyecto de grúa eléctrica para el servicio de un taller de hornos Martin-Siemens de 12 toneladas


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La tesis conceptualiza la inteligencia espacial y su relación con las estrategias de dibujo de arquitectura para el desarrollo de las habilidades visoespaciales y orientación espacial de los jóvenes con síndrome de Down, utilizando un marco teórico seleccionado de la arquitectura, la neurociencia y la educación. Estas estrategias son diseñadas y adaptadas para innovar el ejercicio de la funcionalidad espacial en los jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual. Todo ello encaminado a proporcionar una mejor autonomía personal y la inclusión social, vinculada a su funcionalidad y la mejora de la percepción espacial de su entorno inmediato. Una de esas estrategias es el mapa o mapeo. Se selecciona el marco teórico entorno la experiencia de un estudio empírico de dibujo arquitectónico, llamado arquitecta, desarrollado con 25 jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual, y cuyos resultados proporcionan las observaciones finales de dos interesantes discusiones y las conclusiones de la tesis frente a dos hipótesis: Hipótesis 1_ La implementación de estrategias gráficas basadas en el dibujo arquitectónico es posible para la ejercitación de la capacidad de comprensión espacial en jóvenes con síndrome de Down. Hipótesis 2_ La capacidad de orientación espacial puede ser ejercitada mediante el mapeo en jóvenes con síndrome de Down. Ambos escenarios se demuestran con detalles metodológicos y de contenidos gráficos del estudio empírico que se valoran con nuevas pruebas gráficas adaptadas y diseñadas para ello. ABSTRACT The thesis conceptualizes spatial intelligence and its possible link with architectural drawing strategies for the development of visuospatial and spatial orientation abilities of young people with Down syndrome, using a selected theoretical frame of architecture, neuroscience and education. These strategies are designed and adapted as possible ways to innovate the exercise of the spatial functionality in youth with intellectual disabilities. All aimed to better personal autonomy and social inclusion, linked to their functionality and improved spatial awareness of their immediate environment. One such strategy is to map or mapping. This framework is selected around a practical research with a empirical study of architectural drawing, called ARQUITECTA, developed with 25 young people with intellectual disabilities, and its results provide the concluding remarks of two interesting discussions and the conclusions of the two hypotheses thesis: Hypothesis 1_The implementation of graphic strategies based on the architectural drawing is possible for exercing the capacity of spatial understanding in youth with Down syndrome. Hypothesis 2_The spatial capacity can be exercised by mapping in youth with Down syndrome. Both scenarios are demonstrated with methodological details and graphic contents of the empitical study that are valued with new adapted graphic tests.


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Polysilicon production costs contribute approximately to 25-33% of the overall cost of the solar panels and a similar fraction of the total energy invested in their fabrication. Understanding the energy losses and the behaviour of process temperature is an essential requirement as one moves forward to design and build large scale polysilicon manufacturing plants. In this paper we present thermal models for two processes for poly production, viz., the Siemens process using trichlorosilane (TCS) as precursor and the fluid bed process using silane (monosilane, MS).We validate the models with some experimental measurements on prototype laboratory reactors relating the temperature profiles to product quality. A model sensitivity analysis is also performed, and the efects of some key parameters such as reactor wall emissivity, gas distributor temperature, etc., on temperature distribution and product quality are examined. The information presented in this paper is useful for further understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of both deposition technologies, and will help in optimal temperature profiling of these systems aiming at lowering production costs without compromising the solar cell quality.


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The use of thermal shields to reduce radiation heat loss in Siemens-type CVD reactors is analyzed, both theoretically and experimentally. The potential savings from the use of the thermal shields is first explored using a radiation heat model that takes emissivity variations with wavelength into account, which is important for materials that do not behave as grey bodies. The theoretical calculations confirm that materials with lower surface emissivity lead to higher radiation savings. Assuming that radiation heat loss is responsible for around 50% of the total power consumption, a reduction of 32.9% and 15.5% is obtained if thermal shields with constant emissivities of 0.3 and 0.7 are considered, respectively. Experiments considering different thermal shields are conducted in a laboratory CVD reactor, confirming that the real materials do not behave as grey bodies, and proving that significant energy savings in the polysilicon deposition process are obtained. Using silicon as a thermal shield leads to energy savings of between 26.5-28.5%. For wavelength-dependent emissivities, the model shows that there are significant differences in radiation heat loss, of around 25%, when compared to that of constant emissivity. The results of the model highlight the importance of having reliable data on the emissivities within the relevant range of wavelengths, and at deposition temperatures, which remains a pending issue.


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Es necesario optimizar aspectos referentes a las capacidades y actitudes de los alumnos con síndrome de Down. Estos aspectos mejorables ayudarán a su desarrollo personal. Pretendemos que los alumnos con esta discapacidad, progresen y mejoren su visión personal, aumenten su autoestima y autonomía y logren desenvolverse adecuadamente en su vida cotidiana. Para ello vamos a crear y poner en práctica una unidad didáctica de Educación Física adaptada, donde el baloncesto será la herramienta fundamental. Dicha unidad didáctica pretende que el alumnado desarrolle su identidad personal al máximo. Para conseguir esto hay que conocer las necesidades individuales de cada uno y darles respuesta a través de una metodología específica y óptima. En nuestra UD, priorizaremos métodos que favorezcan la experiencia directa, la comunicación o la iniciativa; emplearemos estrategias para motivar y desarrollar el interés de los alumnos; diseñaremos diversas actividades para trabajar un mismo contenido; realizaremos ejercicios individuales o grupales y adecuaremos tiempos entre otras adaptaciones. Y todo ello con el apoyo verbal, visual o manual del docente. Con todo lo expuesto esperamos atender y satisfacer las necesidades que cada alumno plantee. ABSTRACT It is important to optimize aspects relating to the skills and attitudes of students with Down Syndrome. The areas for improvement will help with their personal development, self-esteem and increase their personal autonomy to deal with their daily lives. To do this we will create and implement an adapted educational unit using basketball as a fundamental tool. This educational unit is intended for students to develop their personal identity (individuality) to the fullest. To achieve this we must meet the individual needs of each student and apply them through specific and optimal (ideal). In our educational unit, we will prioritize methods that favour the direct experience, communication or initiative. By employing strategies that motivate and develop the student´s interests along with designing various activities that work the same content, for individual and group exercises. All exercises whether verbal, visual or manual will be done under teacher´s supervision. With all the above we hope to serve and meet the needs of each student.


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My project in this paper is to provide a plausible idea of Christ’s suffering and death in terms of a theory of the human person. More specifically, I want to contrast two major theories of the person-body relation. One is dualism. Dualism is the view that a human person is composed of two substances, that is, a soul and a body, and he (strictly speaking) is identical with the soul. On the other hand, physicalism is the view that a human person is numerically identical with his biological body. I will argue that dualism is not successful in explaining Christ’s passion for some reasons. Rather, physicalism, as I shall argue, provides a better explanation of how Christ’s physical suffering and death are real just like everyone else’s, so it is philosophically and theologically more plausible than dualism.


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A prevalência de stress e burnout tem-se tornado um problema comum nas profissões assistenciais. Os ministros religiosos não são uma exceção. Evidências disponíveis derivadas de reflexões pessoais e pesquisas científicas demonstram que o trabalho pastoral hoje é uma ocupação com elevados índices de burnout; entretanto, pouca atenção tem sido dada a este assunto. O presente estudo tem como objetivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento de pré-condições e recursos individuais de forma a prevenir e controlar os efeitos da síndrome entre os pastores adventistas da cidade de São Paulo. Inicialmente o trabalho apresentará uma análise do burnout, a partir de referências selecionadas, incluindo informações gerais sobre os sintomas, antecedentes, instrumentos de medida; intervenções e métodos preventivos. Os ministros religiosos geralmente são tratados como outros profissionais de ajuda nas pesquisas de burnout, com pouca consideração para com a dimensão espiritual, o que é prioritário ou mesmo vital para o clero. Para este estudo, em particular, o burnout pastoral será considerado como um fator resultante de um relacionamento deficiente com Deus. Somam-se a isso as condições ambientais do trabalho e as características pessoais. Finalmente, o estudo pretende sugerir estratégias para ajudar na redução e na prevenção última da síndrome entre os pastores em foco.(AU)


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A prevalência de stress e burnout tem-se tornado um problema comum nas profissões assistenciais. Os ministros religiosos não são uma exceção. Evidências disponíveis derivadas de reflexões pessoais e pesquisas científicas demonstram que o trabalho pastoral hoje é uma ocupação com elevados índices de burnout; entretanto, pouca atenção tem sido dada a este assunto. O presente estudo tem como objetivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento de pré-condições e recursos individuais de forma a prevenir e controlar os efeitos da síndrome entre os pastores adventistas da cidade de São Paulo. Inicialmente o trabalho apresentará uma análise do burnout, a partir de referências selecionadas, incluindo informações gerais sobre os sintomas, antecedentes, instrumentos de medida; intervenções e métodos preventivos. Os ministros religiosos geralmente são tratados como outros profissionais de ajuda nas pesquisas de burnout, com pouca consideração para com a dimensão espiritual, o que é prioritário ou mesmo vital para o clero. Para este estudo, em particular, o burnout pastoral será considerado como um fator resultante de um relacionamento deficiente com Deus. Somam-se a isso as condições ambientais do trabalho e as características pessoais. Finalmente, o estudo pretende sugerir estratégias para ajudar na redução e na prevenção última da síndrome entre os pastores em foco.(AU)


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