1000 resultados para São Paulo State, Brazil
Fish assemblage composition and seasonal patterns of species abundance were studied in Cabaceiras stream, a tributary of the Mogi Guaçu river in São Paulo State, Brazil. Three stations were sampled monthly from June 1999 to May 2000 using sieves and small trawl net and gill nets. Fifteen fish families, 37 genera and 45 species were captured. Characiformes (27 spp.) and Siluriformes (13 spp.) were the most species-rich orders. Gymnotiformes and Perciformes were represented by two species each, and Synbranchiformes had only a single species. One group of species (approximately 75 %) persisted in the stream throughout the year. A second group (approximately 25 %) contained species that only occupy the stream for a limited period of their life cycle, and overall fish assemblage composition was associated with the seasonal flood cycle.
The occurrence of 27 second-instar larvae of the flesh fly Microcerella halli (Engel, 1931) (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) in a carcass of a snake usually called as Urutu, Bothrops alternatus (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) (Serpentes, Viperidae, Crotalinae) is reported. The snake was kept in captivity in a snake farm in Morungaba, São Paulo state, Brazil. Descriptions of reptile carcass colonization by insects and general biological data of this flesh fly are scarce and this necrophagic behavior is described for the first time in literature.
Diversity of the euglossine bee community (Hymenoptera, Apidae) of an Atlantic Forest remnant in southeastern Brazil. Euglossine bees, attracted to scent baits of cineole, eugenol and vanillin, were collected with entomological nets, from December 1998 to November 1999. Samplings were carried out once a month simultaneously by two collectors positioned in two different sites in an Atlantic Forest remnant in northeastern São Paulo state, Brazil. A total of 859 male euglossine bees, belonging to 13 species and four Euglossini genera were collected. Of the total sample, 506 (12 species) males were captured at site A and 353 (10 species) were collected at site B.In both sites, Euglossa pleosticta Dressler, 1982 was the most abundant species (45.79%), followed by Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, 1841 (20.79%). The results of this study supply new information about the diversity of orchid bee fauna in Atlantic Forest remnants as well as show that more than one site is needed to sample these bees in a fragmented landascape.
The presence of low carbonyl compounds (C1-C4) and glutaraldehyde was observed in 14 work-locations in São Paulo city, Brazil, during January to July 1997 period. The quantification of other carbonyls was not possible due to a sampling artifact caused probably by undesirable reactions between the ambient ozone and the organic substract of C18 cartridge used to collect carbonyls. High indoor concentrations, compared to outdoor levels, were observed for all compounds. Formaldehyde was the most abundant species (29 ppb) followed by acetone and acetaldehyde (25 and 17 ppb) with a small contribution of propanal, crotonaldehyde and C4 isomers (0.7 to 1.5 ppb) when related to the total indoor carbonyls level. Glutaraldehyde was observed only in two different occupational locations in a hospital at high concentrations (121 ppb). In general, high individual carbonyl levels as well as total carbonyls levels found in several locations indicated an unpropitious air quality for the occupants of these non-industrial sites.
The characterization of dextran in sugars by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) has been carried out according to the number-average molecular weight (Mn), the weight-average molecular weight (Mw), the Z-average molecular weight (Mz), and the polydispersity (Mw/Mn). The results suggest that all the analyzed thirty sugar samples from São Paulo state were contaminated with two or three different dextran polymers. The collected data clearly point out that the total dextran content together with the mass distribution parameters Mw, Mn, Mz, and Mw/Mn should be considered during the evaluation of the quality of the sugar used for the cachaça sweeting process.
Atmospheric pollutants can have serious impacts on the preservation of São Paulo's tangible cultural heritage. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of a monitoring campaign focussed on particulate matter (PM) that was conducted in three of the most important museums of the São Paulo megacity (Brazil): the Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (MAE-USP), the Museu Paulista (MP-USP), and the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (PE). These museums exhibit indoor PM and black carbon (BC) concentrations consistent with their urban locations and their specific methods for managing the indoor environment.
A recent (November 2010) outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in a multi-age laying hen facility in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, is described. Previous ILT outbreak in laying hens was only notified in São Paulo state, Brazil, in 2002. In the outbreak described here, the affected population was approximately eight million hens, with flock sizes ranging from 100,000 to 2,900,000 chickens. The average mortality ranged from 1 to 6%, and morbidity was around 90% (most of the twenty seven farms of the area were positive for ILT virus). Three multi-age laying farms from one company were selected for this report. Clinical signs included prostration, dyspnea, conjunctivitis, occasional swelling of the paranasal sinuses and bloody mucous nasal discharge. Severely affected chickens presented with dyspnea, gasping and became cyanotic before death. At necropsy, these chickens had fibrinous exudate blocking the larynx and the lumen of cranial part of the trachea. In addition, conjunctivitis with intense hyperemia, edema and sinuses with caseous exudate were present. On histopathology, there were marked necrosis and desquamation of respiratory ephitelium and conjunctiva with numerous syncytial cells formation and fibrinous exudate. Moderate to marked non suppurative (especially lymphocytes and plasma cells) infiltration in the lamina propria also was observed. Sixteen out of 20 examined chickens, eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed in the syncytial cells. The DNA extracted from larynx and trachea produced positive PCR results for ILT virus (ILTV) DNA using formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples. Amplicons from a small region of ICP4 gene were submitted to sequencing and showed 100% identity with ILTV EU104910.1 (USA strain), 99% with ILTV JN596963.1 (Australian strain) and 91% with ILTV JN580316.1 (Gallid herpesvirus 1 CEO vaccine strain) and JN580315.1 (Gallid herpesvirus 1 TCO vaccine strain).
Abstract: Dermatosparaxis is an autosomal recessive disorder of connective tissue; the disorder is clinically characterized by skin fragility and hyperextensibility. Dermatosparaxis in White Dorper sheep is caused by a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (c.421G>T) in the ADAM metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 2 (ADAMTS2) gene. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of this SNP in a White Dorper herd in São Paulo state, Brazil. In this study, we collected blood DNA samples from 303 White Dorper sheep and performed polymerase chain reaction to amplify the SNP region. The samples were sequenced to determine the presence of the SNP in the ADAMTS2 gene. The SNP prevalence in the studied population was 15.5%; this finding indicates that more effective control measures should be used to prevent the inheritance of SNP c.421G>T in the ADAMTS2 gene in Brazilian White Dorper herds.
RESUMO - (Tibouchina sect. Pleroma (D. Don) Cogn. (Melastomataceae) no estado de São Paulo). Tibouchina Aubl. (Melastomeae), com ca. de 308 espécies, ocupa posição central entre as Melastomataceae neotropicais de fruto capsular. Muitas destas espécies estão especialmente concentradas nas regiões sudeste e centro-oeste do Brasil. O gênero Tibouchina encontra-se dividido em 11 seções. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as espécie de Tibouchina sect. Pleroma no estado de São Paulo. São relacionadas as seguintes espécies: T. chamissoana Cogn., T. clavata (Pers.) Wurdack, T. estrellensis (Raddi) Cogn., T. grandifolia Cogn., T. granulosa (Desr.) Cogn., T. langsdorffiana (Bonpl.) Baill., T. martialis (Cham.) Cogn., T. riedeliana Cogn., T. serrana P. Guimarães & A. B. Martins, T. stenocarpa (Schrank et Mart. ex DC.) Cogn., T. ursina (Cham.) Cogn. e T. urvilleana (DC.) Cogn. Estas espécies estão distribuidas principalmente na região litorânea do estado. Foi elaborada chave de identificação e são apresentadas descrições, comentários, relação do material examinado e ilustrações.
The Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest is a highly heterogeneous ecosystem comprising large numbers of tropical and subtropical habitats favorable to the development of cyanobacteria. Studies on cyanobacteria in this ecosystem are still rare, however, especially those involving unicellular and colonial types. The high biodiversity and endemism of this biome has been extremely impacted and fragmented, and less than 10% of its original vegetation cover remains today. We describe here a new species of a colonial cyanobacteria, Lemmermanniella terrestris, found on dry soils in a subtropical region of the Atlantic Rainforest in the municipality of Cananéia in southern São Paulo State, Brazil. This new taxon demonstrated all of the diacritical features of the genus Lemmermanniella but, unlike the other species of the genus, it was growing on the soil surface and not in an aquatic environment. A set of morphological features, including colonies composed of subcolonies, and cell dimensions, shapes and contents distinguish it from other species of the genus. Considering that species of Lemmermanniella are found in very distinct habitats (such as thermal and brackish waters) and that they maintain the same life cycle described for the genus in all of those environments, the morphological structures of the colonies can be used as reliable markers for identifying the genus, and its species differ primarily in relation to the habitats they occupy.
Dans ce travail, j’étudie les relations entre la blogosphère politique dans la ville de São Paulo, au Brésil, et l’ensemble de l’écologie médiatique dans laquelle celle-ci est insérée. En établissant un dialogue avec les théories qui posent la dissémination des blogues comme le moment de répartition des moyens de production et de démocratisation de parole, je propose que la blogosphère doit plutôt être envisagée comme une instance de filtrage des produits des médias de masse. J’emprunte le concept de « dispositif » à Michel Foucault et à Giorgio Agamben, pour définir les médias du monde contemporain selon les termes d’un dispositif médiatique. J’emprunte aussi les concepts de « two-step flow of communications » et de « leader d’opinion » à Paul F. Lazarsfeld et Elihu Katz pour localiser la blogosphère dans l’ensemble de notre espace médiatique. Je défends également l’idée que les blogueurs exercent aujourd’hui une fonction semblable à celle des leaders d’opinion que décrivent Katz et Lazarsfeld – ce que je nomme la fonction-filtre de la blogosphère - et que ces blogueurs se situent dans la couche intermédiaire du flux d’informations dans les démocraties occidentales, c'est-à-dire celle qui se trouve entre les médias de masse et les récepteurs. Pour conduire ma recherche, j’ai réalisé une ethnographie virtuelle auprès des blogueurs de la ville de São Paulo, au Brésil, pendant la période de la campagne électorale de 2008 à la mairie. Ensuite, j’ai soumis l’ensemble de leur production discursive à une analyse sociolinguistique. Et je conclus que plutôt qu’étant le fruit d’une révolution, l’écologie médiatique contemporaine reprend - en les diversifiant et en les étendant - des processus que l’on ne pensait propres qu’aux dynamiques des médias de masse.
Ce mémoire propose d’aborder la relation entre le chez-soi et la construction des identités géographiques. Plus précisément, il s’agit de se pencher sur l’importance que revêt cette dimension intime et familière de l’habitat dans la part des identités qui mobilise les lieux, territoires et paysages comme référents. S’interroger à cet égard s’avère d’autant plus pertinent aujourd’hui, dans un contexte de fragmentation socio-spatiale à l’échelle urbaine et de prolifération d’enclaves résidentielles qui témoignent d’un enfermement et d’une introversion de l’habitat. Nous abordons la question à travers le cas du projet AlphaVille São Paulo (Brésil), un large développement résidentiel composé de plusieurs communautés fermées. Les entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès de onze habitants de ce projet permettent de confirmer l’importance du chez-soi dans leur construction identitaire. En effet, le chez-soi en communauté fermée représente l’aboutissement d’un parcours géographique et permet au regard des habitants rencontrés une expérience de l’espace résidentiel qui s’approche de celle qu’ils ont connue au cours de l’enfance et qu’ils ont perdue à mesure que la ville s’est transformée en un milieu de plus en plus hostile. Ainsi, il leur permet dans une certaine mesure de revivre un idéal perdu. Néanmoins, habiter en communauté fermée contraint les territorialités : au sein de la métropole, le chez-soi fait figure de refuge. Il n’en demeure pas moins que les réponses des résidents révèlent une conscience que leur choix d’habitat constitue en quelque sorte une fuite de la réalité. Ainsi, ils entretiennent à l’égard de leur milieu de vie une relation qui oscille entre illusion et désillusion.
O estudo analisa a parceria firmada entre a Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo e Organizações Sociais na gestão de serviços de saúde, hospitalares em particular. São analisadas a terminologia jurídica e os formatos institucionais utilizados no processo. É efetuada comparação com outras alternativas, como a administração pública direta, a terceirização e os consórcios de saúde.
Cerca de 90% da variabilidade da densidade de m2 de loja de supermercados nas microrregiões do estado de São Paulo pode ser explicada pela densidade de renda ali existente, desde que a autocorrelação espacial presente nas duas variáveis seja levada em consideração. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se o conceito de autocorrelação espacial, sugere-se uma medida para a sua intensidade (Índice de Geary), e estuda-se uma estratégia para sua remoção.
O objetivo geral do presente estudo é conhecer os indicadores disponíveis bem como a utilização dos mesmos nas atividades de planejamento e gerenciamento dos hospitais públicos estaduais da Região Metropolitana da Grande São Paulo RMGSP. A partir de revisão bibliográfica e consulta a documentos técnicos sobre experiências no uso de indicadores para a gestão hospitalar, foram identificados os indicadores mais adequados às atividades da administração superior de Hospitais. Por meio de levantamento dos dados existentes na Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo e de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os gestores dos hospitais e com profissionais que atuam na área de informações, foram identificados os indicadores hospitalares disponíveis, e analisado o uso dos mesmos para a tomada de decisão, em nível gerencial. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que os hospitais públicos estaduais produzem um considerável volume de informações, embora com lacunas importantes, e que muitos gestores desconhecem a existência de tais informações ou não as utilizem adequadamente para a formulação das diretrizes e a gestão dos hospitais.