993 resultados para Rush Hour.


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While the number of traditional laptops and computers sold has dipped slightly year over year, manufacturers have developed new hybrid laptops with touch screens to build on the tactile trend. This market is moving quickly to make touch the rule rather than the exception and the sales of these devices have tripled since the launch of Windows 8 in 2012, to reach more than sixty million units sold in 2015. Unlike tablets, that benefit from easy-to-use applications specially designed for tactile interactions, hybrid laptops are intended to be used with regular user-interfaces. Hence, one could ask whether tactile interactions are suited for every task and activity performed with such interfaces. Since hybrid laptops are increasingly used in educational situations, this study focuses on information search tasks which are commonly performed for learning purposes. It is hypothesized that tasks that require complex and/or less common gestures will increase user's cognitive load and impair task performance in terms of efficacy and efficiency. A study was carried out in a usability laboratory with 30 participants for whom prior experience with tactile devices has been controlled. They were asked to perform information search tasks on an online encyclopaedia by using only the touch screen of and hybrid laptop. Tasks were selected with respect to their level of cognitive demand (amount of information that had to be maintained in working memory) and the complexity of gestures needed (left and/or right clicks, zoom, text selection and/or input.), and grouped into 4 sets accordingly. Task performance was measured by the number of tasks succeeded (efficacy) and time spent on each task (efficiency). Perceived cognitive load was assessed thanks to a questionnaire given after each set of tasks. An eye tracking device was used to monitor users' attention allocation and to provide objective cognitive load measures based on pupil dilation and the Index of Cognitive Activity. Each experimental run took approximately one hour. The results of this within-subjects design indicate that tasks involving complex gestures led to a lower efficacy, especially when the tasks were cognitively demanding. Regarding efficacy, there is no significant differences between sets of tasks excepted for tasks with low cognitive demand and complex gestures that required more time to be achieved. Surprisingly, users that declared the biggest experience with tactile devices spent more time than less frequent users. Cognitive load measures indicate that participants reported having devoted more mental effort in the interaction when they had to use complex gestures.


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Background: With the spread of pyrethroid resistance in mosquitoes, the combination of an insecticide (carbamate or organophosphate) with a repellent (DEET) is considered as a promising alternative strategy for the treatment of mosquito nets and other relevant materials. The efficacy of these mixtures comes from the fact that they reproduce pyrethroid features and that positive interactions occur between insecticides and repellent. To better understand the mechanisms involved and assess the impact of detoxifying enzymes (oxidases and esterases) in these interactions, bioassays were carried out in the laboratory against the main dengue vector Aedes aegypti. Methods: Topical applications of DEET and propoxur (carbamate), used alone or as a mixture, were carried out on female mosquitoes, using inhibitors of the two main detoxification pathways in the insect. PBO, an inhibitor of multi-function oxidases, and DEF, an inhibitor of esterases, were applied one hour prior to the main treatment. Results: Results showed that synergism between DEET and propoxur disappeared in the presence of PBO but not with DEF. This suggests that oxidases, contrary to esterases, play a key role in the interactions occurring between DEET and cholinesterase inhibitors in mosquitoes. Conclusion: These findings are of great interest for the implementation of "combination nets" in the field. They support the need to combine insecticide with repellent to overcome insecticide resistance in mosquitoes of public health importance.


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Thermosetting polymer materials are widely utilised in modern microelectronics packaging technology. These materials are used for a number of functions, such as for device bonding, for structural support applications and for physical protection of semiconductor dies. Typically, convection heating systems are used to raise the temperature of the materials to expedite the polymerisation process. The convection cure process has a number of drawbacks including process durations generally in excess of 1 hour and the requirement to heat the entire printed circuit board assembly, inducing thermomechanical stresses which effect device reliability. Microwave energy is able to raise the temperature of materials in a rapid, controlled manner. As the microwave energy penetrates into the polymer materials, the heating can be considered volumetric – i.e. the rate of heating is approximately constant throughout the material. This enables a maximal heating rate far greater than is available with convection oven systems which only raise the surface temperature of the polymer material and rely on thermal conductivity to transfer heat energy into the bulk. The high heating rate, combined with the ability to vary the operating power of the microwave system, enables the extremely rapid cure processes. Microwave curing of a commercially available encapsulation material has been studied experimentally and through use of numerical modelling techniques. The material assessed is Henkel EO-1080, a single component thermosetting epoxy. The producer has suggested three typical convection oven cure options for EO1080: 20 min at 150C or 90 min at 140C or 120 min at 110C. Rapid curing of materials of this type using advanced microwave systems, such as the FAMOBS system [1], is of great interest to microelectronics system manufacturers as it has the potential to reduce manufacturing costs, increase device reliability and enables new device designs. Experimental analysis has demonstrated that, in a realistic chip-on-board encapsulation scenario, the polymer material can be fully cured in approximately one minute. This corresponds to a reduction in cure time of approximately 95 percent relative to the convection oven process. Numerical assessment of the process [2] also suggests that cure times of approximately 70 seconds are feasible whilst indicating that the decrease in process duration comes at the expense of variation in degree of cure within the polymer.


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Exercise can have deleterious effects on the secretion of salivary immunoglobulin A (s-IgA), which appears to be related to perturbations in sympatheticoadrenal activation (Teeuw et al., 2004). Caffeine, commonly used for its ergogenic properties is associated with increased sympathetic nervous system activity, and it has been previously shown that caffeine ingestion before intensive cycling enhances s-IgA responses during exercise (Bishop et al., 2006). Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of a performance cereal bar, containing caffeine, before and during prolonged exhaustive cycling on exercise performance and the salivary secretion of IgA, alpha-amylase activity and cortisol. Using a randomised cross-over design and following a 10 – 12 hour overnight fast, 12 trained cyclists, mean (SEM) age: 21(1) yr; height: 179(2) cm; body mass: 73.6(2.5) kg; maximal oxygen uptake, VO2max: 57.9(1.2) completed 2.5 h of cycling at 60%VO2max (with regular water ingestion) on a stationary ergometer, which was followed by a ride to exhaustion at 75% VO2max. Immediately before exercise, and after 55 min and 115 min of exercise participants ingested a 0.9 MJ cereal bar containing 45 g carbohydrate, 5 g protein, 3 g fat and 100 mg of caffeine (CAF) or an isocaloric noncaffeine bar (PLA). Unstimulated timed saliva samples were collected immediately before exercise, after 70 min and 130 min of exercise, and immediately after the exhaustive exercise bout. Saliva was analysed for s-IgA, alpha-amylase activity and cortisol concentration. Saliva flow rates were determined to calculate the s-IgA secretion rate. Data were analysed using a 2-way repeated measures ANOVA and post-hoc t-tests with Holm Bonferroni adjustments applied where appropriate. Time to exhaustion was 35% longer in CAF compared with PLA ((2177 (0.2) vs 1615 (0.16) s; P < 0.05)). Saliva flow rate did not change significantly during the exercise protocol. Exercise was associated with elevations in s-IgA concentration (9% increase), s-IgA secretion rate (24% increase) and alpha-amylase activity (224% increase) post-exhaustion (P < 0.01), but there was no effect of CAF on these responses. Salivary cortisol concentration increased by 64% post-exhaustion in the CAF trial only (P < 0.05), indicating an increase in adrenal activity following caffeine ingestion. Values were 35.7 (5.5) and 19.6 (3.4) nmol/L post-exhaustion for CAF and PLA, respectively. These findings show that ingestion of a caffeine containing cereal bar during prolonged exhaustive cycling enhances endurance performance, increases salivary cortisol secretion post-exhaustion, but does not affect the exercise-induced increases in s-IgA or alpha-amylase activity.


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The water loss behaviour of a clinical glass-ionomer dental cement has been studied with and without the addition of alkali metal chlorides. Dehydrating conditions were provided by placing specimens in a desiccator over concentrated sulphuric acid. Cements were prepared using either pure water or an aqueous solution of metal chloride (LiCl, NaCl, KCl) at 1.0 mol/dm(3). In addition, NaCl at 0.5 mol/dm(3) was also used to fabricate cements. Disc-shaped specimens of size 6 mm diameter x 2 mm thickness were made, six performulation, and cured at 37 degrees C for 1 hour They were then exposed to desiccating conditions, and the mass measured at regular intervals. All formulations were found to lose water in a diffusion process that equilibrated after approximately 3 weeks. Diffusion coefficients ranged from 2.27 (0.13) x 10(9) with no additive to 1.85 (0.07) x 10(9) m(2)/s with 1.0 mol/dm(3) KCl. For the salts, diffusion coefficients decreased in the order LiCl > NaCl > KCl. There was no statistically significant difference between the diffusion coefficients for 1.0 and 0.5 mol/dm(3) NaCl. For all salts at 1.0 mol/dm(3) and also additive-free cements, equilibrium losses were, with statistical limits, the same, ranging from 6.23 to 6.34%. On the other hand, 0.5 mol/dm(3) NaCl lost significantly more water 7.05%.


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The objective of this cross-sectional study was a comprehensive nutrition and health assessment to provide a basis for future intervention strategies for an elderly population attending a day-care centre. Socio-demographic, health and 24-hour recall dietary intake questionnaires were administered and anthropometric and biochemical measurements taken. The results indicate that the majority of respondents had an income of between R501 and R1 000 (South African rand) per month and most of them reported an occasional lack of funds to meet basic household needs, confirming the presence of food insecurity. Daily dietary intakes (mean [+ or -] Standard Deviation [SD]) of the women were 5 395 [+ or -] 2 946 kJ energy, 47 [+ or -] 27 g protein, 28 [+ or -] 21 g fat and 196 [+ or -] 123 g carbohydrates compared to 8 641 [+ or -] 3 799 kJ, 86 [+ or -] 48 g, 49 [+ or -] 32 g and 301 [+ or -] 139 g of the men, respectively. The majority (83.6%) of the women were overweight (body mass index [BMI] [greater than or equal to] 25) or obese (BMI [greater than or equal to] 30) whilst 78% had a mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) of [greater than or equal to] 21.7 cm. Mean intakes of micronutrients were low in comparison to reference standards and serum zinc levels were suboptimal. Obesity, hypertension and raised total serum cholesterol levels indicated an increased risk for coronary heart disease. It can be concluded that a low income, household food insecurity and risk factors associated with malnutrition and non-communicable diseases were prevalent in this elderly population. OPSOMMING Die doelwit van hierdie dwarssnitstudie was ‘n omvattende bepaling van voeding- en gesondheidstatus om as basis te dien vir toekomstige intervensiestrategieë vir ’n groep bejaardes wat ’n dagsentrum besoek. Sosiodemografiese, gesondheid- en 24-uur herroep-dieetinname vraelyste is voltooi en antropometriese en biochemiese metings is geneem. Die resultate het bevestig dat die meerderheid respondente ‘n maandelikse inkomste van tussen R501 en R1 000 (Suid-Afrikaanse rand) gehad het. Die meeste het ‘n geldtekort vir basiese huishoudelike behoeftes gerapporteer wat dui op huishoudelike voedselinsekuriteit. Daaglikse dieetinnames (gemiddeld±standaardafwyking [SA]) van die vroue was onderskeidelik 5 395±2 946 kJ energie, 47±27 g proteïen, 28±21 g vet en 196±123 g koolhidrate in vergelyking met 8 641±3 799 kJ, 86±48 g, 49±32 g en 301±139 g vir die mans. Die meerderheid (83.6%) van die vroue was oorgewig (liggaamsmassa-indeks [LMI] >25) of vetsugtig (LMI > 30) en 78% het ’n middel-bo-armomtrek (MUAC) van > 21.7 cm gehad. Gemiddelde mikronutriëntinnames was laag in vergelyking met die verwysingstandaarde en serumsink was suboptimaal. Vetsug, hipertensie en verhoogde totale serumcholesterolvlakke het op ‘n verhoogde risiko van kardiovaskulêre siekte gedui. Die resultate het dus bewys dat lae inkomste, huishoudelike voedselinsekuriteit en die risikofaktore wat met wanvoeding en leefstylsiektes geassosieer word, teenwoordig was.


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Aims: to study the gambling history and stories of participants, motivations, impact and helpseeking. Method: Details were advertised on websites and newspapers. 30 frequent gamblers were interviewed over the telephone for approximately one hour. Verbatim transcriptions were analysed using NVIVO and grounded theory. Results/conclusions: Not all women had gambled before. However, internet accessibility meant prolonged periods were spent gambling to the neglect of other life areas. Some were originally motivated by excitement but others gambled to escape from current difficulties. Depression, anxiety, panic attacks and suicide ideation were common. The women were ambivalent towards their gambling and receiving help.


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There is no tradition of public service in large parts of English higher education. This is because historically HE in England has seen itself as independent of the state and unaccountable to the public for its twin roles of research and teaching. These serve its own interests conceived as advancing knowledge and ensuring the continued transmission of that knowledge to future generations. The dominance of this conception explains the so-called ‘academic community’s’ Gaderene rush to abandon free HE in England. Resistance to preserve and extend public service HE will therefore predictably come mainly from former-local authority further and higher education institutions.


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An inexpensive Marine Environmental Recorder is described. The instrument system is small, lightweight and of low-power consumption. It is flexible, simple to operate and economical. It can be used remotely in a moored, buoyed or towed instrument system, recording measurements continuously for up to 24 h, or intermittently for 1 min every hour, for a period of up to 60 d. It has been used extensively in the Continuous Plankton Recorder and the Undulating Oceanographic Recorder to measure temperature, depth and occasionally chlorophyll and radiant energy; as a temperature recorder, it has a resolution of 0.1 Co, an uncertainty of measurement of ±0.1 Co and a stability of calibration within ±0.1 Co over a period of several months. With optional additional sensors for pitch, roll, vibration, acceleration and water-flow, the instrument system has been used to measure the performance of underwater towed vehicles and plankton samplers. The Marine Environmental Recorder is being incorporated into an instrument system in a data buoy, for automatically monitoring the marine environment in estuaries around the British Isles.


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The vertical distribution of decapod larvae off the northwest Portuguese coast was analysed in relation to associated environmental conditions from sampling during a 69 h period around a current meter mooring located on the shelf, approximately 21 km off the coast. Plankton samples were collected every 2 h at the surface with a neuston net and through the water column with a Longhurst Hardy Plankton Recorder (Pro-LHPR), allowing a very detailed resolution of larval vertical distribution. Environmental data (temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll a) were obtained every hour. To investigate the horizontal distribution of decapod larvae in relation to the coast, a plankton-sampling grid was carried out before the 69 h fixed station. Larvae of shelf decapod species were widely distributed over the shelf, while those of inshore species were found much closer to the coast. Decapod larvae (zoeae and megalopae) showed clear diel vertical migrations, only appearing in the upper 20 m at night, a migration that did not appear to be affected by physical conditions in the water column. Larval densities were highly variable, 0.01 to 215 ind. m super(-3) for zoeae and 0 to 93 ind. m super(-3) for megalopae, the zoeae being generally more abundant. The results indicated that during the day larvae accumulate very close to the bottom. The diel vertical migration behaviour is discussed as one of the contributing mechanisms for larval retention over the shelf, even with offshore transport conditions promoted by coastal upwelling, and is hence of major relevance for the recruitment success of decapod species that inhabit inshore and shelf zones of coastal upwelling systems.


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Scepticism over stated preference surveys conducted online revolves around the concerns over “professional respondents” who might rush through the questionnaire without sufficiently considering the information provided. To gain insight on the validity of this phenomenon and test the effect of response time on choice randomness, this study makes use of a recently conducted choice experiment survey on ecological and amenity effects of an offshore windfarm in the UK. The positive relationship between self-rated and inferred attribute attendance and response time is taken as evidence for a link between response time and cognitive effort. Subsequently, the generalised multinomial logit model is employed to test the effect of response time on scale, which indicates the weight of the deterministic relative to the error component in the random utility model. Results show that longer response time increases scale, i.e. decreases choice randomness. This positive scale effect of response time is further found to be non-linear and wear off at some point beyond which extreme response time decreases scale. While response time does not systematically affect welfare estimates, higher response time increases the precision of such estimates. These effects persist when self-reported choice certainty is controlled for. Implications of the results for online stated preference surveys and further research are discussed.


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Background: It has been suggested that asthmatic subjects with persisting symptoms despite adequate maintenance therapy should be systematically evaluated to identify factors contributing to poor control. The aims of this study were to examine the prevalence of these factors in a cohort of sequentially referred poorly controlled asthmatics, and to determine if any factor or combination of factors predicted true therapy resistant asthma (TRA).

Methods: Patients were evaluated using a systematic evaluation protocol including induced sputum analysis, psychiatric assessment, ear, nose and throat examination, pulmonary function testing, high resolution CT scan of the thorax, and 24 hour dual probe ambulatory oesophageal pH monitoring; any identified provoking factor was treated. Asthma was managed according to BTS guidelines.

Results: Of 73 subjects who completed the assessment, 39 responded to intervention and 34 had TRA. Subjects with TRA had a greater period of instability, a higher dose of inhaled steroids at referral, more rescue steroid use, and a lower best percentage forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1%). Oesophageal reflux, upper airway disease, and psychiatric morbidity were common (57%, 95%, 49%, respectively) but were not more prevalent in either group. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, inhaled steroid dose >2000 µg BDP, previous assessment by a respiratory specialist, and initial FEV1% of <70% at referral predicted a final diagnosis of TRA.

Conclusions: In poorly controlled asthmatics there is a high prevalence of co-morbidity, identified by detailed systematic assessment, but no difference in prevalence between those who respond to intervention and those with TRA. Targeted treatment of identified co-morbidities has minimal impact on asthma related quality of life in those with therapy resistant disease.


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Objective To determine how long it takes from the decision to achieve delivery by non-elective caesarean section (DDI), the influence on this interval, and the impact on neonatal condition at birth. Design Twelve months prospective data collection on all non-elective caesarean sections. Methods Prospective collection of data relating to all caesarean sections in 1996 in a major teaching hospital obstetric unit was conducted, without the knowledge of the other clinicians providing clinical care. Details of the indication for section, the day and time of the decision and the interval till delivery were recorded as well as the seniority of the surgeon, and condition of the baby at birth. Results The mean time from decision-to-delivery for 100 emergency intrapartum caesarean sections was 42.9 minutes for fetal distress and 71.1 minutes for 230 without fetal distress (P<0.0001). For 22 'crash' sections the mean time from decision-to-delivery was 27.4 minutes; for 13 urgent antepartum deliveries for fetal reasons it was 124.7 minutes and for 21 with maternal reasons it was 97.4 minutes. The seniority of the surgeon managing the patient did not appear to influence the interval, nor did the time of day or day of the week when the delivery occurred. Intrapartum sections were quicker the more advanced the labour, and general anaesthesia was associated with shorter intervals than regional anaesthesia for emergency caesarean section for fetal distress (P<0.001). Babies born within one hour of the decision tended to be more acidaemic than those born later, irrespective of the indication for delivery. Babies tended to be in better condition when a time from decision-to-delivery was not recorded than those for whom the information had been recorded. Conclusion Fewer than 40% intrapartum deliveries by caesarean section for fetal distress were achieved within 30 minutes of the decision, despite that being the unit standard. There was, however, no evidence to indicate that overall an interval up to 120 minutes was detrimental to the neonate unless the delivery was a 'crash' caesarean section. These data thus do not provide evidence to sustain the recommendation of a standard of 30 minutes for intrapartum delivery by caesarean section.


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Adrenomedullin may provide a compensatory mechanism to attenuate left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Nitric oxide synthase inhibition, induced by chronic administration of N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) to rats, induces cardiac hypertrophy in some, but not all cases; there are few reports of direct assessment of cardiomyocyte parameters. The objective was to characterize hypertrophic parameters in left (LV) and right ventricular (RV) cardiomyocytes after administration of L-NAME to rats for 8 wk and to determine whether adrenomedullin and its receptor components were upregulated. After treatment with L-NAME (20 and 50 mg x kg(-1) x day(-1)), compared with nontreated animals, 1) systolic blood pressure increased (by 34.2 and 104.9 mmHg), 2) heart weight-to-body wt ratio increased 24.1% at the higher dose (P


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of recombinant bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (rBPI21) in the attenuation of the sepsis syndrome and acute lung injury associated with lower limb ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Gut-derived endotoxin has been implicated in the conversion of the sterile inflammatory response to a lethal sepsis syndrome after lower torso I/R injury. rBPI21 is a novel antiendotoxin therapy with proven benefit in sepsis. METHODS: Anesthetized ventilated swine underwent midline laparotomy and bilateral external iliac artery occlusion for 2 hours followed by 2.5 hours of reperfusion. Two groups (n = 6 per group) were randomized to receive, by intravenous infusion over 30 minutes, at the start of reperfusion, either thaumatin, a control-protein preparation, at 2 mg/kg body weight, or rBPI21 at 2 mg/kg body weight. A control group (n = 6) underwent laparotomy without further treatment and was administered thaumatin at 2 mg/kg body weight after 2 hours of anesthesia. Blood from a carotid artery cannula was taken every half-hour for arterial blood gas analysis. Plasma was separated and stored at -70 degrees C for later determination of plasma tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-6 by bioassay, and IL-8 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), as a markers of systemic inflammation. Plasma endotoxin concentration was measured using ELISA. Lung tissue wet-to-dry weight ratio and myeloperoxidase concentration were used as markers of edema and neutrophil sequestration, respectively. Bronchoalveolar lavage protein concentration was measured by the bicinclinoic acid method as a measure of capillary-alveolar protein leak. The alveolar-arterial gradient was measured; a large gradient indicated impaired oxygen transport and hence lung injury. RESULTS: Bilateral hind limb I/R injury increased significantly intestinal mucosal acidosis, intestinal permeability, portal endotoxemia, plasma IL-6 concentrations, circulating phagocytic cell priming and pulmonary leukosequestration, edema, capillary-alveolar protein leak, and impaired gas exchange. Conversely, pigs treated with rBPI21 2 mg/kg at the onset of reperfusion had significantly reduced intestinal mucosal acidosis, portal endotoxin concentrations, and circulating phagocytic cell priming and had significantly less pulmonary edema, leukosequestration, and respiratory failure. CONCLUSIONS: Endotoxin transmigration across a hyperpermeable gut barrier, phagocytic cell priming, and cytokinemia are key events of I/R injury, sepsis, and pulmonary dysfunction. This study shows that rBPI21 ameliorates these adverse effects and may provide a novel therapeutic approach for prevention of I/R-associated sepsis syndrome.