997 resultados para Rubble mound breakwaters
Los diques flotantes son estructuras que atenúan la energía del oleaje fundamentalmente por reflexión y turbulencia. Aunque presentan importantes ventajas en términos constructivos y medioambientales, su efectividad es limitada y en la práctica sólo se emplean en condiciones climáticas propias de zonas con oleajes poco energéticos. Por otro lado, el buque es la estructura flotante por excelencia y su empleo para el abrigo portuario y costero en determinadas situaciones puede aportar las ventajas propias de los diques flotantes, al tiempo que ampliar el rango de oleajes frente a los que estas estructuras son efectivas. El propósito de esta Tesis Doctoral es evaluar la viabilidad del empleo de buques fondeados como diques flotantes para el abrigo portuario y costero. Para ello, se han realizado ensayos en modelo físico a escala reducida en un canal de oleaje del Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas (CEPYC), con el objeto de determinar los coeficientes de transmisión (Ct), reflexión (Cr) y disipación (Cd) de barcos de diversas tipologías y dimensiones, sometidos a diferentes oleajes en distintas situaciones de carga, fondeo y profundidad del emplazamiento. La efectividad de los buques empleados en los ensayos se ha determinado mediante el análisis de dichos coeficientes y su variación con la altura de ola y el periodo de los oleajes incidentes. Además, se han registrado las fuerzas existentes en las cadenas de fondeo con objeto de comprobar la viabilidad del mismo y facilitar una estimación del diámetro de las cadenas que serían necesarias en cada situación. Posteriormente, se han aplicado los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos en modelo físico reducido a dos situaciones de abrigo portuario y costero. La primera aplicación consiste en el empleo de buques como defensa temporal en fases constructivas por medios marítimos, partiendo de la hipótesis de que, actuando como diques flotantes, puede proteger la zona de la obra y ampliar las ventanas temporales de periodos de actividad en obra marítima. Las actividades que se han analizado son las de dragado de fondos, vertidos de material granular y transporte y fondeo de cajones flotantes para diques y muelles. La segunda aplicación estudiada es el empleo de buques para la protección costera y la formación de salientes y tómbolos. Los coeficientes de transmisión obtenidos se han introducido en formulaciones analíticas que permiten prever la evolución de la costa frente a la protección procurada por el buque actuando como dique flotante exento. Finalmente se han redactado las conclusiones de la investigación y se han propuesto nuevas líneas de investigación relacionadas con esta Tesis Doctoral. Floating breakwaters are structures which attenuate wave energy mainly by reflection and turbulence. They display advantages in terms of construction and ecology, amongst others. However, their use is restricted in practice to certain areas with good climatic conditions and low energy waves. Moreover, ships are the most common floating structures and their use for port and coastal shelter in certain situations could widen the range of applicability in addition to the rest of advantages of floating breakwaters. The purpose of this research is to assess the feasibility of ships anchored as floating breakwaters for port and coastal protection. To that end, tests in a scaled down physical model have been conducted in a wave flume in the Centre of Port and Coastal Studies (CEPYC), in order to determine the transmission (Ct), reflection (Cr) and dissipation (Cd) coefficients of ships of diverse types and dimensions, under different wave, load, anchoring and depth conditions. The effectiveness of the several ships used in the tests has been determined by analyzing these coefficients and their variation with the wave height and period of the incident waves. In addition, the existing forces in the anchor chains have been registered to verify the feasibility of the anchoring systems, as well as to provide an estimation of the diameter of the chains that would be needed in each situation. Subsequently, the results of the tests have been applied to two situations of port and coastal protection. The first one is the use of ships as a temporary defense for maritime works with construction phases by maritime means, on the assumption that, acting as floating breakwaters, they can protect the work area and increase the time windows of periods of activity in maritime works. Dredging, dumping of granular material and transport and positioning of big concrete caissons for docks and breakwaters were the activities analyzed. The second situation is the use of ships for coastal protection and forming salients of sand or tombolos. Some analytical formulations which take into account the transmission coefficients from the tests have been used to predict the evolution of the coastline under the protection given by the ships acting as detached floating breakwaters. Finally, the conclusions of the research have been addressed and the proposal of new lines of work related to the topic has been made.
Actualmente en nuestro planeta producimos 1.300 millones de toneladas de residuos urbanos al año. Si los extendemos sobre la superficie de un cuadrado de lado 100 m (una hectárea) alcanzarían una altura de 146 km. ¿Cuál es el origen de nuestros residuos? ¿A dónde va esta basura? ¿Cómo nos afecta? ¿Tiene alguna utilidad? Se trata de un problema antiguo que, en los últimos tiempos, ha adquirido una nueva dimensión por el tipo y la cantidad de residuos generados. Las primeras preocupaciones de la ciudad por ordenar estos problemas dieron lugar al establecimiento de espacios o lugares específicos para la acumulación de los residuos urbanos: los vertederos. Los desechos hoy se generan más rápidamente que los medios disponibles para reciclarlos o tratarlos. Los vertederos de residuos urbanos son y seguirán siendo, a corto y medio plazo, soluciones válidas por ser un método de gestión relativamente barato, sobre todo en los países en vías de desarrollo. Como consecuencia y necesidad de lo anterior, se plantea demostrar que la recuperación y la transformación de estos vertederos de residuos urbanos (lugares del deterioro), una vez abandonados, es posible y que además pueden dar lugar a nuevos espacios públicos estratégicos de la ciudad contemporánea. Son espacios de oportunidad, vacíos monumentales producto de una reactivación arquitectónica y paisajística realizada a partir de complejos procesos de ingeniería medioambiental. Pero las soluciones aplicadas a los vertederos de residuos urbanos desde mediados del siglo XX se han realizado exclusivamente desde la ingeniería para tratar de resolver cuestiones técnicas, un modelo agotado que ya no puede gestionar la magnitud que este problema ha alcanzado, haciéndose necesaria e inevitable la participación de la arquitectura para abrir nuevas líneas de investigación y de acción. En estos primeros compases del siglo XXI existe una “nueva” preocupación, un “nuevo” interés en los paradigmas de lo ecológico y de la sostenibilidad, también un interés filosófico (que igualmente otorga un nuevo valor al residuo como recurso), que dirigen su mirada hacia un concepto de paisaje abierto y diferente a modelos anteriores más estáticos, recuperando como punto de partida el ideal pintoresco. El landscape urbanism se consolida como una disciplina capaz de dar respuesta a lo natural y artificial simultáneamente, que sustituye a las herramientas tradicionales de la arquitectura para solucionar los problemas de la ciudad contemporánea, incorporando las infraestructuras de gran escala, como un vertedero de residuos urbanos, y los paisajes públicos que generan como el verdadero mecanismo de organización del urbanismo de hoy. No se trata solo de un modelo formal sino, lo que es más importante: de un modelo de procesos. Esta nueva preocupación permite abordar la cuestión del paisaje de manera amplia, sin restricciones, con un alto grado de flexibilidad en las nuevas propuestas que surgen como consecuencia de estos conceptos, si bien los esfuerzos, hasta la fecha, parecen haberse dirigido más hacia el fenómeno de lo estético, quedando todavía por explorar las consecuencias políticas, sociales, económicas y energéticas derivadas de los residuos. También las arquitectónicas. El proyecto del landscape urbanism se ocupa de la superficie horizontal, del plano del suelo. Desde siempre, la preparación de este plano para desarrollar cualquier actividad humana ha sido un gesto fundacional, un gesto propio necesario de toda arquitectura, que además ahora debe considerarlo como un medio o soporte biológicamente activo. En términos contemporáneos, el interés disciplinar radica en la continuidad y en la accesibilidad del suelo, diluyendo los límites; en que funcione a largo plazo, que se anticipe al cambio, a través de la flexibilidad y de la capacidad de negociación, y que sea público. La recuperación de un vertedero de residuos urbanos ofrece todas estas condiciones. Un breve recorrido por la historia revela los primeros ejemplos aislados de recuperación de estos lugares del deterioro, que han pasado por distintas fases en función de la cantidad y el tipo de los desechos producidos, evolucionando gracias a la tecnología y a una nueva mirada sobre el paisaje, hasta desarrollar una verdadera conciencia de lo ecológico (nacimiento de una ideología). El Monte Testaccio en Roma (siglos I-III d.C.) constituye un caso paradigmático y ejemplar de vertedero planificado a priori no solo como lugar en el que depositar los residuos, sino como lugar que será recuperado posteriormente y devuelto a la ciudad en forma de espacio público. Una topografía de desechos generada por acumulación, organizada y planificada durante tres siglos, que nos hace reflexionar sobre los temas de producción, consumo y proyecto arquitectónico. El Monte Testaccio revela una fuente de inspiración, un arquetipo de gestión sostenible de los recursos y del territorio. A través de la experiencia en la recuperación y transformación en espacios públicos de casos contemporáneos, como el antiguo vertedero de Valdemingómez en Madrid o el de El Garraf en Barcelona, se han analizado las técnicas y las soluciones empleadas para establecer nuevas herramientas de proyecto planteadas en clave de futuro, que revelan la importancia de los procesos frente a la forma, en los cuales intervienen muchos factores (tanto naturales como artificiales), entre ellos la vida y el tiempo de la materia viva acumulada. Son lugares para nuevas oportunidades y ejemplos de una nueva relación con la naturaleza. La reactivación de los vertederos de residuos, a través del proyecto, nos propone una nueva topografía construida en el tiempo, el suelo como soporte, como punto de encuentro de la naturaleza y los sistemas tecnológicos de la ciudad que posibilitan nuevos modos de vida y nuevas actividades. Los vertederos de residuos son inmensas topografías naturales surgidas de procesos artificiales, atalayas desde las que divisar un nuevo horizonte, un nuevo mundo, un nuevo futuro donde sea posible lograr la reversibilidad de nuestros actos del deterioro. Pero la voluntad de estas recuperaciones y transformaciones no consiste exclusivamente en su reintegración al paisaje, sino que han servido como muestra de las nuevas actitudes que la sociedad ha de emprender en relación a los temas medio ambientales. ABSTRACT Here on our planet we currently produce 1.3 billion tonnes of urban waste per year. If we were to spread this over a surface of 100m2 (one hectare), it would reach a height of 146km. What is the origin of this waste? Where does our refuse go? How does it affect us? Does it have any uses? We are dealing with an old problem which, in recent times, has taken on a new dimension due to the type of waste and the amount generated. Cities’ first concerns in resolving these problems gave rise to the establishment of areas or specific places for the accumulation of urban waste: landfills. These days, waste is generated more quickly than the available resources can recycle or process it. Urban waste landfills are and will continue to be, in the short and mid-term, valid solutions, given that they constitute a relatively cheap method for waste management, especially in developing countries. Consequently and necessarily, we plan to demonstrate that it is possible to recover and transform these urban waste landfills (areas of deterioration) once they have been abandoned and that they can give rise to new strategic public areas in contemporary cities. They are areas of opportunity, monumental vacancies produced by an architectural reactivation of the landscape, which is achieved using complex processes of environmental engineering. But the solutions applied to urban waste landfills throughout the 20th century have used engineering exclusively in the attempt to resolve the technical aspects. This is a worn-out model which can no longer handle the magnitude which the problem has attained and therefore, there is an inevitable need for the participation of architecture, which can open new lines of research and action. In these first steps into the 21st century, there is a “new” concern, a “new” interest in the paradigms of environmentalism and sustainability. There is also a philosophical interest (which assigns the new value of ‘resource’ to waste) and all is aimed towards the concept of an open landscape, unlike the previous, more static models, and the intention is to recover picturesque ideals as the starting point. Landscape urbanism has been established as a discipline capable of simultaneously responding to the natural and the artificial, replacing the traditional tools of architecture in order to resolve contemporary cities’ problems. It incorporates large scale infrastructures, such as urban waste landfills, and public landscapes which are generated as the true organisational mechanism of modern day urbanism. It is not merely a formal model, it is more important than that: it is a model of processes. This new concern allows us to address the matter of landscape in a broad way, without restrictions, and with a great degree of flexibility in the new proposals which come about as a consequence of these concepts. However, efforts to date seem to have been more directed at aesthetic aspects and we have yet to explore the political, social, economic and energetic consequences derived from waste – nor have we delved into the architectural consequences. The landscape urbanism project is involved with the horizontal surface, the ground plane. Traditionally, the preparation of this plane for the development of any human activity has been a foundational act, a necessary act of all architecture, but now this plane must be considered as a biologically active medium or support. In contemporary terms, the discipline’s interest lies in the continuity and accessibility of the land, diffusing the limits; in long term functionality; in the anticipation of change, via flexibility and the ability to negotiate; and in it being a public space. The recovery of an urban waste landfill offers all of these conditions. A brief look through history reveals the first isolated examples of recovery of these spaces of deterioration. They have gone through various phases based on the quantity and type of waste produced, they have evolved thanks to technology and a new outlook on the landscape, and a real environmental awareness has been developed (the birth of an ideology). Monte Testaccio in Rome (1st to 3rd Century AD) constitutes a paradigmatic and exemplary case of a landfill that was planned a priori not only as a place to deposit waste but also as a place that would be subsequently recovered and given back to the city in the form of a public space. This spoil mound, generated by organised and planned accumulation over three centuries, makes us reflect on the themes of production, consumption and architectural planning. Monte Testaccio reveals a source of inspiration, an archetype of the sustainable management of resources and land. Using our experience of contemporary cases of land recovery and its transformation into public spaces, such as the former Valdemingómez landfill in Madrid or the Garraf in Barcelona, we analysed the techniques and solutions used in order to establish new project tools. These are proposed with an eye on the future, seeing as they reveal the importance of the processes over the form and involve many factors (both natural and artificial), including the life and age of the accumulated living matter. They are places for new opportunities and examples of our new relationship with nature. The reactivation of landfills, via this project, is a proposal for a new topography built within time, using the ground as the support, as the meeting point between nature and the technological systems of the city which make it possible for new ways of life and new activities to come about. Landfills are immense natural topographical areas produced by artificial processes, watchtowers from which to discern a new horizon, a new world, a new future in which it will be possible to reverse our acts of deterioration. But the intention behind these recoveries and transformations does not only hope for landscape reintegration but it also hopes that they will also serve as a sign of the new attitudes that must be adopted by society with regard to environmental matters.
El rebase se define como el transporte de una cantidad importante de agua sobre la coronación de una estructura. Por tanto, es el fenómeno que, en general, determina la cota de coronación del dique dependiendo de la cantidad aceptable del mismo, a la vista de condicionantes funcionales y estructurales del dique. En general, la cantidad de rebase que puede tolerar un dique de abrigo desde el punto de vista de su integridad estructural es muy superior a la cantidad permisible desde el punto de vista de su funcionalidad. Por otro lado, el diseño de un dique con una probabilidad de rebase demasiado baja o nula conduciría a diseños incompatibles con consideraciones de otro tipo, como son las estéticas o las económicas. Existen distintas formas de estudiar el rebase producido por el oleaje sobre los espaldones de las obras marítimas. Las más habituales son los ensayos en modelo físico y las formulaciones empíricas o semi-empíricas. Las menos habituales son la instrumentación en prototipo, las redes neuronales y los modelos numéricos. Los ensayos en modelo físico son la herramienta más precisa y fiable para el estudio específico de cada caso, debido a la complejidad del proceso de rebase, con multitud de fenómenos físicos y parámetros involucrados. Los modelos físicos permiten conocer el comportamiento hidráulico y estructural del dique, identificando posibles fallos en el proyecto antes de su ejecución, evaluando diversas alternativas y todo esto con el consiguiente ahorro en costes de construcción mediante la aportación de mejoras al diseño inicial de la estructura. Sin embargo, presentan algunos inconvenientes derivados de los márgenes de error asociados a los ”efectos de escala y de modelo”. Las formulaciones empíricas o semi-empíricas presentan el inconveniente de que su uso está limitado por la aplicabilidad de las fórmulas, ya que éstas sólo son válidas para una casuística de condiciones ambientales y tipologías estructurales limitadas al rango de lo reproducido en los ensayos. El objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral es el contrate de las formulaciones desarrolladas por diferentes autores en materia de rebase en distintas tipologías de diques de abrigo. Para ello, se ha realizado en primer lugar la recopilación y el análisis de las formulaciones existentes para estimar la tasa de rebase sobre diques en talud y verticales. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo el contraste de dichas formulaciones con los resultados obtenidos en una serie de ensayos realizados en el Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas. Para finalizar, se aplicó a los ensayos de diques en talud seleccionados la herramienta neuronal NN-OVERTOPPING2, desarrollada en el proyecto europeo de rebases CLASH (“Crest Level Assessment of Coastal Structures by Full Scale Monitoring, Neural Network Prediction and Hazard Analysis on Permissible Wave Overtopping”), contrastando de este modo la tasa de rebase obtenida en los ensayos con este otro método basado en la teoría de las redes neuronales. Posteriormente, se analizó la influencia del viento en el rebase. Para ello se han realizado una serie de ensayos en modelo físico a escala reducida, generando oleaje con y sin viento, sobre la sección vertical del Dique de Levante de Málaga. Finalmente, se presenta el análisis crítico del contraste de cada una de las formulaciones aplicadas a los ensayos seleccionados, que conduce a las conclusiones obtenidas en la presente Tesis Doctoral. Overtopping is defined as the volume of water surpassing the crest of a breakwater and reaching the sheltered area. This phenomenon determines the breakwater’s crest level, depending on the volume of water admissible at the rear because of the sheltered area’s functional and structural conditioning factors. The ways to assess overtopping processes range from those deemed to be most traditional, such as semi-empirical or empirical type equations and physical, reduced scale model tests, to others less usual such as the instrumentation of actual breakwaters (prototypes), artificial neural networks and numerical models. Determining overtopping in reduced scale physical model tests is simple but the values obtained are affected to a greater or lesser degree by the effects of a scale model-prototype such that it can only be considered as an approximation to what actually happens. Nevertheless, physical models are considered to be highly useful for estimating damage that may occur in the area sheltered by the breakwater. Therefore, although physical models present certain problems fundamentally deriving from scale effects, they are still the most accurate, reliable tool for the specific study of each case, especially when large sized models are adopted and wind is generated Empirical expressions obtained from laboratory tests have been developed for calculating the overtopping rate and, therefore, the formulas obtained obviously depend not only on environmental conditions – wave height, wave period and water level – but also on the model’s characteristics and are only applicable in a range of validity of the tests performed in each case. The purpose of this Thesis is to make a comparative analysis of methods for calculating overtopping rates developed by different authors for harbour breakwater overtopping. First, existing equations were compiled and analysed in order to estimate the overtopping rate on sloping and vertical breakwaters. These equations were then compared with the results obtained in a number of tests performed in the Centre for Port and Coastal Studies of the CEDEX. In addition, a neural network model developed in the European CLASH Project (“Crest Level Assessment of Coastal Structures by Full Scale Monitoring, Neural Network Prediction and Hazard Analysis on Permissible Wave Overtopping“) was also tested. Finally, the wind effects on overtopping are evaluated using tests performed with and without wind in the physical model of the Levante Breakwater (Málaga).
Los diques de abrigo verticales son estructuras monolíticas que sirven para reflejar el oleaje creando, de este modo, una zona abrigada en el lado tierra. Son estructuras de contención de gravedad, es decir, su peso es el elemento resistente fundamental. Las solicitaciones sobre estas estructuras son de tipo dinámico (oleaje) y consisten, fundamentalmente, en un empuje frontal y una subpresión en la base que varían en el tiempo. Habitualmente, las acciones sobre los diques de abrigo se establecen mediante fórmulas empíricas, que se describen en la presente tesis si bien, para obras de especial importancia, suelen medirse en modelos reducidos de laboratorio. Cuando el cimiento en que han de apoyarse estas estructuras no presenta una resistencia al corte suficiente, el apoyo se realiza en banquetas que redistribuyen la carga y que están formadas por materiales granulares. En la práctica habitual para conocer la estabilidad de estas estructuras frente a un temporal, tras establecer las acciones de cálculo (empuje frontal y subpresión) se efectúa un cálculo pseudoestático en el que se consideran condiciones drenadas o no drenadas del cimiento en función de su permeabilidad. Se conoce que en los suelos saturados, bajo cargas cíclicas, tiende a producirse una elevación de las presiones intersticiales y una reducción de tensiones efectivas así como una degradación del módulo de deformación tangencial en función del número de ciclos de carga, pudiéndose producir el fenómeno conocido como licuefacción (arenas) o movilidad cíclica (suelos más finos). El objeto de la tesis es explorar la posibilidad, con la tecnología actual, de analizar la estabilidad de los diques de abrigo verticales en cuyo cimiento existen suelos blandos, proponiendo un procedimiento para evaluar la estabilidad dinámica en este tipo de obras. Para ello se han revisado los procedimientos actualmente utilizados para definir las acciones de cálculo, los principales modelos de comportamiento dinámicos de suelos saturados disponibles y los procedimientos de cálculo. Una vez investigado el estado del arte sobre este tema, se propone un procedimiento de cálculo en el que, utilizando el programa comercial FLAC, se establecen las acciones cíclicas sobre un dique de abrigo vertical tipo con distintas condiciones de apoyo, aplicando, para el cimiento, un modelo de comportamiento tipo hiperbólico con generación de presiones intersticiales cuyos parámetros pueden obtenerse de ensayos de campo y laboratorio. Por último, una vez descrito el procedimiento, se aplica a un caso real en el que se produjo un fallo en la cimentación que desembocó en el hundimiento de parte de un dique vertical situado en el puerto de Barcelona, presentándose los resultados obtenidos del análisis efectuado y comparándolos con los obtenidos utilizando los métodos de cálculo habituales. Vertical breakwaters are monolithic structures built to reflect sea waves, thereby providing a sheltered area on the land side. They are gravity retaining structures, that is, their own weight is their basic resisting mechanism. Loads acting on these structures are dynamic (waves) and consist essentially in a frontal thrust and an uplift pressure on the base, which both vary over time. Usually, actions in breakwater design are established by empirical formulas, which are described in this thesis. For works of particular importance, such forces are measured in small-scale laboratory tests. When there are no soils with enough shear strength under the planned vertical breakwaters, they usually rest on granular berms which redistribute the load. Nowadays, after establishing the acting forces on the breakwater (front push and uplift pressure), a pseudostatic calculation (with drained or undrained conditions depending on the foundation permeability) is normally done to analyze the stability of these structures against storm waves. It is known that pore pressures tend to rise in saturated soils under cyclic loading and, consequently, there is a reduction of effective stress. A degradation of the shear modulus also occurs depending on the number of load cycles. All of these effects can bring about the phenomenon known as liquefaction in sands or cyclic mobility in fine-grained soils. The aim of the thesis is to explore the possibility that current technology provides to analyze the stability of vertical breakwaters founded on soft soils, and to suggest a method to evaluate the dynamic stability in this type of works. To this end, a review has been made of procedures currently used to define the actions in calculations, the main models of dynamic behaviour of saturated soils available and of calculation procedures. Once the state of the art on this subject has been reviewed, a method of calculation is proposed that uses the commercial program FLAC and is applied to a typical vertical breakwater on a range of different foundation conditions. For the foundation soil, a hyperbolic constitutive model with pore pressure generation has been employed, whose parameters can be obtained from field and laboratory tests. Finally, the described procedure is applied to an actual case where a foundation failure occurred that led to the sinking of several caissons in a vertical breakwater located in the port of Barcelona. The results obtained with the proposed method are compared with those obtained using conventional methods.
Social pressure exerted by urban development, the increase in erosion on many coastal stretches, and the rise in sea level due to climate change over the last few decades have led governments to increase investment in coastal protection. In turn, a reduction in costs and increases in ease of construction and rate of implementation have led to sand-filled geotextile elements, such as bags, tubes, and containers, becoming an alternative or supplement to traditional coastal defence materials, such as rubble mounds, concrete, and so on. Not all coastal zones are appropriate for sand-filled geotextile structures as coastal defences. This article analyses suitable zones for locating geotextile bag revetments to protect coasts from storm erosion and concludes that the least suitable zones are the surf zone (on an open coast and on a slightly protected coast) and deep water (on an open coast), except if a suitable reinforcement is carried out when the demand makes it necessary this build this kind of defence.
The different theoretical models related with storm wave characterization focus on determining the significant wave height of the peak storm, the mean period and, usually assuming a triangle storm shape, their duration. In some cases, the main direction is also considered. Nevertheless, definition of the whole storm history, including the variation of the main random variables during the storm cycle is not taken into consideration. The representativeness of the proposed storm models, analysed in a recent study using an empirical maximum energy flux time dependent function shows that the behaviour of the different storm models is extremely dependent on the climatic characteristics of the project area. Moreover, there are no theoretical models able to adequately reproduce storm history evolution of the sea states characterized by important swell components. To overcome this shortcoming, several theoretical storm shapes are investigated taking into consideration the bases of the three best theoretical storm models, the Equivalent Magnitude Storm (EMS), the Equivalent Number of Waves Storm (ENWS) and the Equivalent Duration Storm (EDS) models. To analyse the representativeness of the new storm shape, the aforementioned maximum energy flux formulation and a wave overtopping discharge structure function are used. With the empirical energy flux formulation, correctness of the different approaches is focussed on the progressive hydraulic stability loss of the main armour layer caused by real and theoretical storms. For the overtopping structure equation, the total volume of discharge is considered. In all cases, the results obtained highlight the greater representativeness of the triangular EMS model for sea waves and the trapezoidal (nonparallel sides) EMS model for waves with a higher degree of wave development. Taking into account the increase in offshore and shallow water wind turbines, maritime transport and deep vertical breakwaters, the maximum wave height of the whole storm history and that corresponding to each sea state belonging to its cycle's evolution is also considered. The procedure considers the information usually available for extreme waves' characterization. Extrapolations of the maximum wave height of the selected storms have also been considered. The 4th order statistics of the sea state belonging to the real and theoretical storm have been estimated to complete the statistical analysis of individual wave height
To investigate myosin II function in cell movement within a cell mass, we imaged green fluorescent protein-myosin heavy chain (GFP-MHC) cells moving within the tight mound of Dictyostelium discoideum. In the posterior cortex of cells undergoing rotational motion around the center of the mound, GFP-MHC cyclically formed a “C,” which converted to a spot as the cell retracted its rear. Consistent with an important role for myosin in rotation, cells failed to rotate when they lacked the myosin II heavy chain (MHC−) or when they contained predominantly monomeric myosin II (3xAsp). In cells lacking the myosin II regulatory light chain (RLC−), rotation was impaired and eventually ceased. These rotational defects reflect a mechanical problem in the 3xAsp and RLC− cells, because these mutants exhibited proper rotational guidance cues. MHC− cells exhibited disorganized and erratic rotational guidance cues, suggesting a requirement for the MHC in organizing these signals. However, the MHC− cells also exhibited mechanical defects in rotation, because they still moved aberrantly when seeded into wild-type mounds with proper rotational guidance cues. The mechanical defects in rotation may be mediated by the C-to-spot, because RLC− cells exhibited a defective C-to-spot, including a slower C-to-spot transition, consistent with this mutant’s slower rotational velocity.
We have identified a novel Ras-interacting protein from Dictyostelium, RIP3, whose function is required for both chemotaxis and the synthesis and relay of the cyclic AMP (cAMP) chemoattractant signal. rip3 null cells are unable to aggregate and lack receptor activation of adenylyl cyclase but are able, in response to cAMP, to induce aggregation-stage, postaggregative, and cell-type-specific gene expression in suspension culture. In addition, rip3 null cells are unable to properly polarize in a cAMP gradient and chemotaxis is highly impaired. We demonstrate that cAMP stimulation of guanylyl cyclase, which is required for chemotaxis, is reduced ∼60% in rip3 null cells. This reduced activation of guanylyl cyclase may account, in part, for the defect in chemotaxis. When cells are pulsed with cAMP for 5 h to mimic the endogenous cAMP oscillations that occur in wild-type strains, the cells will form aggregates, most of which, however, arrest at the mound stage. Unlike the response seen in wild-type strains, the rip3 null cell aggregates that form under these experimental conditions are very small, which is probably due to the rip3 null cell chemotaxis defect. Many of the phenotypes of the rip3 null cell, including the inability to activate adenylyl cyclase in response to cAMP and defects in chemotaxis, are very similar to those of strains carrying a disruption of the gene encoding the putative Ras exchange factor AleA. We demonstrate that aleA null cells also exhibit a defect in cAMP-mediated activation of guanylyl cyclase similar to that of rip3 null cells. A double-knockout mutant (rip3/aleA null cells) exhibits a further reduction in receptor activation of guanylyl cyclase, and these cells display almost no cell polarization or movement in cAMP gradients. As RIP3 preferentially interacts with an activated form of the Dictyostelium Ras protein RasG, which itself is important for cell movement, we propose that RIP3 and AleA are components of a Ras-regulated pathway involved in integrating chemotaxis and signal relay pathways that are essential for aggregation.
We have identified a developmentally essential gene, UbcB, by insertional mutagenesis. The encoded protein (UBC1) shows very high amino acid sequence identity to ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes from other organisms, suggesting that UBC1 is involved in protein ubiquitination and possibly degradation during Dictyostelium development. Consistent with the homology of the UBC1 protein to UBCs, the developmental pattern of protein ubiquitination is altered in ubcB-null cells. ubcB-null cells are blocked in the ability to properly execute the developmental transition that occurs between the induction of postaggregative gene expression during mound formation and the induction of cell-type differentiation and subsequent morphogenesis. ubcB-null cells plated on agar form mounds with normal kinetics; however, they remain at this stage for ∼10 h before forming multiple tips and fingers that then arrest. Under other conditions, some of the fingers form migrating slugs, but no culmination is observed. In ubcB-null cells, postaggregative gene transcripts accumulate to very high levels and do not decrease significantly with time as they do in wild-type cells. Expression of cell-type-specific genes is very delayed, with the level of prespore-specific gene expression being significantly reduced compared with that in wild-type cells. lacZ reporter studies using developmentally regulated and cell-type-specific promoters suggest that ubcB-null cells show an unusually elevated level of staining of lacZ reporters expressed in anterior-like cells, a regulatory cell population found scattered throughout the aggregate, and reduced staining of a prespore reporter. ubcB-null cells in a chimeric organism containing predominantly wild-type cells are able to undergo terminal differentiation but show altered spatial localization. In contrast, in chimeras containing only a small fraction of wild-type cells, the mature fruiting body is very small and composed almost exclusively of wild-type cells, with the ubcB-null cells being present as a mass of cells located in extreme posterior of the developing organism. The amino acid sequence analysis of the UbcB open reading frame (ORF) and the analysis of the developmental phenotypes suggest that tip formation and subsequent development requires specific protein ubiquitination, and possibly degradation.
The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is a widely used model system for studying a variety of basic processes in development, including cell–cell signaling, signal transduction, pattern formation, cell motility, and the movement of tissue-like aggregates of cells. Many aspects of cell motion are poorly understood, including how individual cell behavior produces the collective motion of cells observed within the mound and slug. Herein, we describe a biologically realistic model for motile D. discoideum cells that can generate active forces, that interact via surface molecules, and that can detect and respond to chemotactic signals. We model the cells as deformable viscoelastic ellipsoids and incorporate signal transduction and cell–cell signaling by using a previously developed model. The shape constraint restricts the admissible deformations but makes the simulation of a large number of interacting cells feasible. Because the model is based on known processes, the parameters can be estimated or measured experimentally. We show that this model can reproduce the observations on the chemotactic behavior of single cells, streaming during aggregation, and the collective motion of an aggregate of cells driven by a small group of pacemakers. The model predicts that the motion of two-dimensional slugs [Bonner, J. T. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 9355–9359] results from the same behaviors that are exhibited by individual cells; it is not necessary to invoke different mechanisms or behaviors. Our computational experiments also suggest previously uncharacterized phenomena that may be experimentally observable.
When individual amoebae of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum are starving, they aggregate to form a multicellular migrating slug, which moves toward a region suitable for culmination. The culmination of the morphogenesis involves complex cell movements that transform a mound of cells into a globule of spores on a slender stalk. The movement has been likened to a “reverse fountain,” whereby prestalk cells in the upper part form a stalk that moves downwards and anchors to the substratum, while prespore cells in the lower part move upwards to form the spore head. So far, however, no satisfactory explanation has been produced for this process. Using a computer simulation that we developed, we now demonstrate that the processes that are essential during the earlier stages of the morphogenesis are in fact sufficient to produce the dynamics of the culmination stage. These processes are cAMP signaling, differential adhesion, cell differentiation, and production of extracellular matrix. Our model clarifies the processes that generate the observed cell movements. More specifically, we show that periodic upward movements, caused by chemotactic motion, are essential for successful culmination, because the pressure waves they induce squeeze the stalk downwards through the cell mass. The mechanisms revealed by our model have a number of self-organizing and self-correcting properties and can account for many previously unconnected and unexplained experimental observations.
Esta tese é dividida em duas partes: traçar a filogenia de Sericothripinae Karny, 1921 e realizar uma revisão taxonômica das espécies neotropicais. Para a análise filogenética, estados de caracteres morfológicos foram examinados entre Sericothripinae e Thysanoptera-Terebrantia relacionados, e as relações genéricas e supragenéricas foram exploradas. O monofiletismo de Sericothripinae foi recuperado, mas o formato do metasterno, usado na classificação dos gêneros, provavelmente não reflete a filogenia. De acordo com estudos moleculares recentes, o grupo genérico Scirtothrips em conjunto com o gênero Echinothrips Moulton, 1911 foram recuperados como intimamente relacionados aos Sericothripinae, mas, neste trabalho, Psilothrips Hood, 1927 e Pseudothrips Hinds, 1902 foram recuperados como não relacionados com Sericothripinae. Muitos estados de caracteres morfológicos entre os Sericothripinae são considerados homoplásticos e, na ausência de análises moleculares adequadas, alterações formais de nomenclatura não foram realizadas. Na revisão taxonômica, 14 novas espécies de Sericothripinae da região Neotropical são descritas. Chaves ilustradas foram elaboradas para as fêmeas de sete espécies de Hydatothrips Karny, 1913 e 41 espécies de Neohydatothrips John, 1929, principalmente do Brasil, mas incluindo todas as espécies registradas do sul da fronteira entre o México e os EUA até o extremo sul da América do Sul. Espécies de plantas em que associações-hospedeiras foram registradas são indicadas sempre que possível, comentários são elencados para as poucas espécies de importância econômica e uma chave para imaturos de segundo instar de cinco espécies é proposta. Neohydatothrips burungae (Hood, 1935) stat. rev. e N. aztecus Johansen, 1983 stat. rev. são retiradas de sinonímia com N. signifer (Priesner, 1932), ao passo que Sericothrips denigratus De Santis, 1966 syn. n. é sinonimizada com N. burungae. Hydatothrips williamsi (Hood, 1928) comb. n. é realocado de Neohydatothrips e, com isso, houve um caso de homônimo no gênero. Para resolver esse problema, H. tareei nom. nov. é proposto para H. williamsi Mound e Tree, 2009, da Austrália.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
During the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 307 for the first time a cold-water coral carbonate mound was drilled down through its base into the underlying sediments. In the current study, sample material from within and below Challenger Mound, located in the Belgica carbonate mound province in the Porcupine Basin offshore Ireland, was investigated for its distribution of microbial communities and gas composition using biogeochemical and geochemical approaches to elucidate the question on the initiation of carbonate mounds. Past and living microbial populations are lower in the mound section compared to the underlying sediments or sediments of an upslope reference site. A reason for this might be a reduced substrate feedstock, reflected by low total organic carbon (TOC) contents, in the once coral dominated mound sequence. In contrast, in the reference site a lithostratigraphic sequence with comparatively high TOC contents shows higher abundances of both past and present microbial communities, indicating favourable living conditions from time of sedimentation until today. Composition and isotopic values of gases below the mound base seem to point to a mixed gas of biogenic and thermogenic origin with a higher proportion of biogenic gas. Oil-derived hydrocarbons were not detected at the mound site. This suggests that at least in the investigated part of the mound base the upward flow of fossil hydrocarbons, being one hypothesis for the initiation of the formation of carbonate mounds, seems to be only of minor significance.
A representative collection of hydrothermal manifestations was sampled practically from all hydrothermal mounds of the Broken Spur hydrothermal vent field with use of the Mir manned submersibles during three cruises of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. Mineral associations characteristic for different morphological types of sulfide ores from hydrothermal pipes, plates, and diffusers are assessed. Particular attention is paid to distribution of minor elements and their distribution patterns determined by mineralogical zonation. Measured isotopic composition of sulfur in sulfide minerals varies from 0.4 to 5.2 per mil that indicates their similarity with ores from the Snake Pit vent field and is related to dilution of hot ore-bearing solutions by seawater and reduction of water sulfate ions to H2S with heavy isotopic composition.