992 resultados para Rodríguez, Alberto
Starting from the inaugural text of Philibert de L'Orme, stereotomic treatises and manuscripts are subject to the opposing forces of reason and fancy. The Nativity Chapel in Burgos Cathedral provides an outstanding case study on this subject. It was built in 1571-1582 by Martín de Bérriz and Martín de la Haya, using an oval vault resting on trumpet squinches to span a rectangular bay. Bed joints and rib axes are not planar curves, as usual in oval vaults. This warping is not capricious; we shall argue that it is the outcome of a systematic tracing method. As a result of this process, the slope of the bed joints increases slightly in the first courses, but stays fairly constant after the third course; this solution prevents the upper courses from slipping. Thus, in the Nativity Chapel of Burgos Cathedral, the constraints of masonry construction fostered a singular solution verging on capriccio. It is also worthwhile to remark that the warping of the joints is not easily appreciable to the eye and that the tracing process does not seem to start from a previous conception of the resulting form. All this suggests that we should be quite careful when talking about the whimsical character of Late Gothic and Early Renaissance; in some occasions, apparent caprice is the offspring of practical thinking.
The number of online real-time streaming services deployed over network topologies like P2P or centralized ones has remarkably increased in the recent years. This has revealed the lack of networks that are well prepared to respond to this kind of traffic. A hybrid distribution network can be an efficient solution for real-time streaming services. This paper contains the experimental results of streaming distribution in a hybrid architecture that consist of mixed connections among P2P and Cloud nodes that can interoperate together. We have chosen to represent the P2P nodes as Planet Lab machines over the world and the cloud nodes using a Cloud provider's network. First we present an experimental validation of the Cloud infrastructure's ability to distribute streaming sessions with respect to some key streaming QoS parameters: jitter, throughput and packet losses. Next we show the results obtained from different test scenarios, when a hybrid distribution network is used. The scenarios measure the improvement of the multimedia QoS parameters, when nodes in the streaming distribution network (located in different continents) are gradually moved into the Cloud provider infrastructure. The overall conclusion is that the QoS of a streaming service can be efficiently improved, unlike in traditional P2P systems and CDN, by deploying a hybrid streaming architecture. This enhancement can be obtained by strategic placing of certain distribution network nodes into the Cloud provider infrastructure, taking advantage of the reduced packet loss and low latency that exists among its datacenters.
Aportaciones pioneras del ensayista hispano Alberto Nin Frías (1878-1937)en relación con la protección del medio ambiente, la importancia de los árboles, la psicología diferencial humana y la consideración pública de las distintas formas y niveles de homosexualidad.
Este proyecto final de carrera detalla el diseño y construcción de un gasoducto entre el almacenamiento profundo de Yela (Guadalajara) hasta el término municipal de el Villar de Arnedo (La Rioja), detallando su justificación desde un punto de vista técnico así como mediambiental
Se realiza el diseño de un gasoducto requerido para la conexión del nuevo almacenamiento subterráneo de Yela con la red de gasoductos existentes. Se plantea un trazado alternativo al original, debido a circunstancias legales y administrativas que han provocado su variación. En el proyecto se muestran los datos básicos de diseño, criterios de cálculo, planos y pliegos de condiciones y el correspondiente presupuesto de las instalaciones. ABSTRACT This project analyzes the design of a pipeline required to connect the new underground storage Yela with existing pipeline network. An alternative route is proposed to the original, due to legal and administrative circumstances . The project shows the basic design data, calculation criteria, plans and specifications and the corresponding budget installations.
Este proyecto tiene por objetivo la construcción de un aparcamiento subterráneo bajo el Paseo de Moret. Dada la oferta actual de aparcamientos en la zona, la concentración de vehículos que se produce en el entorno urbano de la Capital y la necesidad de fomentar el transporte público del sector de la población procedente de los núcleos próximos a la Nacional 6, resulta necesario, para satisfacer la demanda inducida de plazas de aparcamiento, el estudiar la ejecución de un aparcamiento subterráneo en el entorno del intercambiador de Moncloa Este aparcamiento cumplirá la función de un aparcamiento disuasorio, que permita estacionar el vehículo y continuar el trayecto por el entramado urbano mediante las amplias posibilidades que ofrece el Intercambiador de Moncloa, ya sea en autobús o en Metro. Puesto que la zona se halla totalmente consolidada, la ubicación determinada para dicho aparcamiento es en el subsuelo del Paseo de Moret, con una capacidad de unas 500 plazas, con carácter rotario y con plazas para residentes.
Error de pag., pasa de p. 316 a 313
Error de pag., pasa de p. 316 a 313