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The endosymbiotic bacteria in the genus Wolbachia have been proposed as a potential candidate to deliver pathogen-blocking genes into natural populations of medically important insects. The successful application of Wolbachia in insect vector control depends on the ability of the agent to successfully invade and maintain itself at high frequency under field conditions. Here, we evaluated the prevalence of Wolbachia infections in a field population of the Wolbachia-superinfected mosquito Aedes albopictus. A field prevalence of 100% (n = 1,016) was found in a single population in eastern Thailand via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing of Wolbachia both from individual parent females and their corresponding F1 offspring. This is the first report of accurate Wolbachia prevalence in a field population of an insect disease vector. The prevalence of superinfection was estimated to be 99.41%. All single-infected individual mosquitoes (n = 6) were found to harbor group A Wolbachia. For this particular population, none was found to be single-infected with group B Wolbachia. Our results also show that PCR testing of field materials alone without checking F1 offspring overestimated the natural prevalence of single infection. Thus, the confirmation of infection status by means of F1 offspring was critical to the accurate estimates of Wolbachia prevalence under field conditions.


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Old and New World phlebotomine sand fly species were screened for infection with Wolbachia, intracellular bacterial endosymbionts found in many arthropods and filarial nematodes. Of 53 samples representing 15 species, nine samples of four species were found positive for Wolbachia by polymerase chain reaction amplification using primers for the Wolbachia surface protein (wsp) gene. Five of the wsp gene fragments from four species were cloned, sequenced, and used for phylogenetic analysis. These wsp sequences were placed in three different clades within the arthropod associated Wolbachia (groups A and B), suggesting that Wolbachia has infected sand flies on more than one occasion. Two distantly related sand fly species, Lutzomyia (Psanthyromyia) shannoni (Dyar) and Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho), infected with an identical Wolbachia strain suggest a very recent horizontal transmission.


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Polymerase chain reaction screening revealed that Armigeres subalbatus (Coquillett), a vector of filariasis, was infected with the intracellular bacteria Wolbachia. Laboratory crosses between infected males and uninfected females resulted in less than half the number of offspring than control crosses between uninfected individuals when young (2- to 3-d-old) males were used in the cross. However, incompatibility was lost when old (14- to 17-d-old) males were used. Field-collected females did not show detectable cytoplasmic incompatibility, and this may be because of the age at which males mate in the field. We used head pigment fluorescence levels to age field males collected from mating swarms, and found that 25-63% of swarming males were older than 13 d. Male age may be one factor influencing the observed low levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility detected in the field.


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We examined the transmission efficiency of 2 strains of Wolbachia bacteria that cause cytoplasmic incompatibility in field populations of Aedes albopictus by polymerase chain reaction assay. We found mainland and island populations throughout Thailand to be superinfected with group A and B bacteria. Of 320 Wolbachia-positive adult mosquitoes, 97.5% were infected with both groups. Single infected individuals of each Wolbachia group were encountered in nearly equal numbers. We screened 550 offspring from 80 field-collected mothers and found the transmission efficiency of group A Wolbachia to be 96.7% and that of group B Wolbachia to be 99.6%. Mothers that did not transmit both Wolbachia infections to all of their offspring were significantly larger in size than those with perfect transmission fidelity. We discuss our findings in relation to the prospects of the use of Wolbachia as a gene-driving mechanism.


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A continuous cell line, Aa23, was established from eggs of a strain of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, naturally infected with the intracellular symbiont Wolbachia pipientis. The resulting cell line was shown to be persistently infected with the bacterial endosymbiont. Treatment with antibiotics cured the cells of the infection. In the course of establishing this cell line it was noticed that RFLPs in the PCR products of two Wolbachia genes from the parental mosquitoes were fixed in the infected cell line. This indicates that the mosquito host was naturally superinfected with different Wolbachia strains, whereas the infected cell line derived from these mosquitoes only contained one of the original Wolbachia strains. The development of anin vitroculture system for this fastidious microorganism should facilitate molecular analysis of the reproduction distorting phenotypes it induces in natural arthropod hosts.


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Various stocks of Drosophila mauritiana and D. sechellia were found to be infected with Wolbachia, a Rickettsia-like bacterium that is known to cause cytoplasmic incompatibility and other reproductive abnormalities in arthropods. Testing for the expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility in these two species showed partial incompatibility in D. sechellia but no expression of incompatibility in D. mauritiana. To determine whether absence of cytoplasmic incompatibility in D. mauritiana was due to either the bacterial or host genome, we transferred bacteria from D. mauritiana into an uninfected strain of D. simulans, a host species known to express high levels of incompatibility with endogenous Wolbachia. We also performed the reciprocal transfer of the natural D. simulans Riverside infection into a tetracycline-treated stock of D. mauritiana. In each case, the ability to express incompatibility was unaltered by the different host genetic background. These experiments indicate that in D. simulans and D. mauritiana expression of the cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotype is determined by the bacterial strain and that D. mauritiana harbors a neutral strain of Wolbachia.


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Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) describes the phenomenon whereby eggs fertilized by sperm from insects infected with a rickettsial endosymbiont fail to hatch. Unidirectional CI between conspecific populations of insects is a well documented phenomenon. Bidirectional CI has, however, only been described in mosquito populations, and recently between closely related species of parasitic wasps, where it is of interest as both an unusual form of reproductive isolation and as a potential means of insect population suppression. Here we report on the first known example of bidirectional CI between conspecific populations of Drosophila simulans. Further, we show that defects as early as the first cleavage division are associated with CI. This observation suggests that the cellular basis of CI involves disruption of processes before or during zygote formation and that CI arises from defects in the structure and/or function of the sperm during fertilization.


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A mathematical model was developed to estimate HIV incidence in NSW prisons. Data included: duration of imprisonment; number of inmates using each needle; lower and higher number of shared injections per IDU per week; proportion of IDUs using bleach; efficacy of bleach; HIV prevalence and probability of infection. HIV prevalence in IDUs in prison was estimated to have risen from 0.8 to 5.7% (12.2%) over 180 weeks when using lower (and higher) values for frequency of shared injections. The estimated minimum (and maximum) number of IDU inmates infected with HIV in NSW prisons was 38 (and 152) in 1993 according to the model. These figures require confirmation by seroincidence studies. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Seventy-two epaulette sharks, Hemiscyllium ocellatum (Bonnaterre), were infected with the nematode parasite Proleptus australis Bayliss, 1933. The parasite population was overdispersed. Infection intensity ranged from 3 to 1002 worms per fish stomach, and there was a positive correlation between shark length and number of parasites present. The majority of worms were attached to the stomach wall, and scanning electron microscopy and histological examination showed that worms penetrated the stomach lining. Worms were observed within the lamina propria of the stomach and occasionally penetrated the muscularis mucosa. Little to no inflammatory or cellular immune reaction to the presence of the parasites was observed, except in one case where a worm was being degraded by a host tissue response. There was a large amount of connective tissue proliferation as a result of nematode attachment,, but no obvious effects on the overall health of the sharks were seen. Three sharks were also found to be infected by the cestode Callitetrarhynchus sp.


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During a survey of the helminth parasites of the introduced load, Bufo marinus, on O'ahu, Hawaii, an acanthocephalan corresponding to Acanthocephalus bufonis (Shipley, 1903) was found in the intestinal tract. This is a new host and locality record for A. bufonis which has only previously been recorded from amphibians in the Orient. Possible mechanisms for the introduction of A. bufonis to Hawaii, and its transmission to the toad, are discussed. Almost 98 % of toads were infected with a mean intensify of: 28.6 acanthocephalans per infected toed. There was a significant negative correlation between host length and intensity of infection with subadult toads having significantly higher infection levels than adult male and female loads. Trunk length of both male and female acanthocephalans was significantly related to host length.


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Glasshouse experiments determined effects of a moth, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and the anthracnose pathogen, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. and Sacc., on each other when attacking the same host plant, Stylosanthes scabra (Vog.) (Leguminosae) cv. Fitzroy. The host was treated with both organisms in 2 ways of succession and at 2 different life stages each. Larvae of the moth preferred to feed on healthy plants rather than plants recently infected with C. gloeosporioides, and preferred such newly infected plants to severely diseased ones. Adult female moths laid more eggs on healthy and recently infected plants than on diseased plants, when given a choice of all 3 plant types. Severity of anthracnose disease was neither promoted nor retarded by damage to leaves caused by larvae of the moth.


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This study reports avian malaria caused by Plasmodium relictum in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) from Sao Paulo Zoo. The disease was highly infective among the birds and was clinically characterized by its acute course and high mortality. The penguins of Sao Paulo Zoo were housed for at least 2 years without malaria; however, they had always been maintained in an enclosure protected from mosquito exposure during the night period. When they presented pododermatitis, they were freed at night for a short period. sao Paulo Zoo is located in one of the last forest remnants of the city, an area of original Atlantic forest. In the winter, the space destined for Zoo birds is shared with migratory species. Hence the possibility exists that the disease was transmitted to the penguins by mosquitoes that had previously bitten infected wild birds. Avian malaria parasites are transmitted mainly by mosquitoes of the genera Aedes and Culex, common vectors in the Atlantic forest. In this study, one Culex (Cux.) sp. was found, infected with P. relictum. There are diverse problems in housing distinct species of animals in captivity, principally when occupying the same enclosure, since it facilitates the transmission of diseases with indirect cycles, as is the case of Plasmodium spp., because certain species that cause discrete infections in some bird species can become a serious danger for others, especially penguins, which do not possess natural resistance. Thus, serious implications exist for periodically testing and administrating malaria therapy in captive penguins potentially exposed to mosquitoes during the night period, as well as other captive birds from Sao Paulo Zoo. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE. To identify risk factors associated with nosocomial bloodstream infections caused by multiple clones of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) type IV strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). DESIGN. An unmatched case-control study (at a ratio of 1 : 2) performed during the period from October 2002 through September 2003. SETTING. A 2,000-bed tertiary care teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Sao Paulo in Sao Paulo, Brazil. METHODS. Case patients (n = 30) were defined either as patients who had a bloodstream infection due to SCCmec type IV strains of MRSA diagnosed at least 48 hours after hospital admission or as neonates with the infection who were born in the hospital. Control patients (n = 60) were defined as patients with SCCmec type III MRSA infection diagnosed at least 48 hours after hospital admission. Genes n = 60 encoding virulence factors were studied in the isolates recovered from case patients, and molecular typing of the SCCmec type IV MRSA isolates was also done by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and multilocus sequence typing. RESULTS. In multivariate analysis, the following 3 variables were significantly associated with having a nosocomial bloodstream infection caused by SCCmec type IV strains of MRSA: an age of less than 1 year, less frequent use of a central venous catheter (odds ratio [OR], 0.07 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 0.02-0.28]; P = .001), and female sex. A second analysis was performed that excluded the case and Pp. 001 control patients from the neonatal unit, and, in multivariate analysis, the following variables were significantly associated with having a nosocomial bloodstream infection caused by SCCmec type IV strains of MRSA: less frequent use of a central venous catheter (OR, 0.12 [95% CI, 0.03-0.55]; P = .007), lower Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score on admission (OR, 0.14 [95% CI, 0.03-0.61];), less frequent surgery (OR, 0.21 [95% CI, 0.06-0.83];), and female sex (OR, 5.70 [95% CI, 1.32-24.66]; P =.020). P = .009 Pp. 025 Pp). Of the 29 SCCmec type IV MRSA isolates recovered from case patients, none contained the Panton-Valentine leukocidin, gamma-hemolysin, enterotoxin B or C, or toxic shock syndrome toxin-1. All of the isolates contained genes for the LukE-LukD leukocidin and alpha-hemolysin. Genes for enterotoxin A were present in 1 isolate, and genes for beta-hemolysin were present in 3 isolates. CONCLUSIONS. ""Classical"" risk factors do not apply to patients infected with the SCCmec type IV strain of MRSA, which is an important cause of nosocomial bacteremia. This strain infects a patient population that is less ill and has had less frequent invasive procedures than a patient population infected with the multidrug-resistant strain of SCCmec type III MRSA. We found that virulence factors were rare and that Panton-Valentine leukocidin was absent. There were multiple clones of the SCCmec type IV strain in our hospital. Children under 1 year of age were at a higher risk. There was a predominant clone ( sequence type 5) in this patient population.


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A rapid DNA extraction was used for T. cruzi detection in triatomines dry fecal spots collected on filter paper and analyzed by PCR. Fifty T infestans were fed on experimentally infected Balb/C mice with high T. cruzi parasitemia and divided into five groups of len triatomines, and 100 triatomines were infected with lower parasitemia and divided into five groups of 20 triatomines, One dry fecal spot was analyzed per group on days 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 post feeding. Amplification targeted T. cruzi TCZ sequence and resulted positive from day 4 after bugs feeding in the two models (high and lower parasitemia). The rapid DNA isolation and PCR proposed are suitable for detection of T. cruzi DNA in in filter paper and should be considered in field research.


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We examined the association between IL28B single-nucleotide polymorphism rs12979860, hepatitis C virus (HCV) kinetic, and pegylated interferon alpha-2a pharmacodynamic parameters in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients from South America. Twenty-six subjects received pegylated interferon alpha-2a + ribavirin. Serum HCV-RNA and interferon concentrations were measured frequently during the first 12 weeks of therapy and analyzed using mathematical models. African Americans and whites had a similar distribution of IL28B genotypes (P = 0.5). The IL28B CC genotype was overrepresented (P = 0.015) in patients infected with HCV genotype-3 compared with genotype-1. In both genotype-1 and genotype-3, the first-phase viral decline and the average pegylated interferon-alpha-2a effectiveness during the first week of therapy were larger (trend P <= 0.12) in genotype-CC compared with genotypes-TC/TT. In genotype-1 patients, the second slower phase of viral decline (days 2-29) and infected cells loss rate, delta, were larger (P = 0.02 and 0.11, respectively) in genotype-CC than in genotypes-TC/TT. These associations were not observed in genotype-3 patients.