933 resultados para Resource–capability Combination


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To navigate successfully in a previously unexplored environment, a mobile robot must be able to estimate the spatial relationships of the objects of interest accurately. A Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) sys- tem employs its sensors to build incrementally a map of its surroundings and to localize itself in the map simultaneously. The aim of this research project is to develop a SLAM system suitable for self propelled household lawnmowers. The proposed bearing-only SLAM system requires only an omnidirec- tional camera and some inexpensive landmarks. The main advantage of an omnidirectional camera is the panoramic view of all the landmarks in the scene. Placing landmarks in a lawn field to define the working domain is much easier and more flexible than installing the perimeter wire required by existing autonomous lawnmowers. The common approach of existing bearing-only SLAM methods relies on a motion model for predicting the robot’s pose and a sensor model for updating the pose. In the motion model, the error on the estimates of object positions is cumulated due mainly to the wheel slippage. Quantifying accu- rately the uncertainty of object positions is a fundamental requirement. In bearing-only SLAM, the Probability Density Function (PDF) of landmark position should be uniform along the observed bearing. Existing methods that approximate the PDF with a Gaussian estimation do not satisfy this uniformity requirement. This thesis introduces both geometric and proba- bilistic methods to address the above problems. The main novel contribu- tions of this thesis are: 1. A bearing-only SLAM method not requiring odometry. The proposed method relies solely on the sensor model (landmark bearings only) without relying on the motion model (odometry). The uncertainty of the estimated landmark positions depends on the vision error only, instead of the combination of both odometry and vision errors. 2. The transformation of the spatial uncertainty of objects. This thesis introduces a novel method for translating the spatial un- certainty of objects estimated from a moving frame attached to the robot into the global frame attached to the static landmarks in the environment. 3. The characterization of an improved PDF for representing landmark position in bearing-only SLAM. The proposed PDF is expressed in polar coordinates, and the marginal probability on range is constrained to be uniform. Compared to the PDF estimated from a mixture of Gaussians, the PDF developed here has far fewer parameters and can be easily adopted in a probabilistic framework, such as a particle filtering system. The main advantages of our proposed bearing-only SLAM system are its lower production cost and flexibility of use. The proposed system can be adopted in other domestic robots as well, such as vacuum cleaners or robotic toys when terrain is essentially 2D.


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Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is a homodimeric plasma glycoprotein that is the major sex steroid carrier-protein in the bloodstream and functions also as a key regulator of steroid bioavailability within target tissues, such as the prostate. Additionally, SHBG binds to prostatic cell membranes via the putative and unidentified SHBG receptor (RSHBG), activating a signal transduction pathway implicated in stimulating both proliferation and expression of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in prostate cell lines in vitro. A yeast-two hybrid assay suggested an interaction between SHBG and kallikrein-related protease (KLK) 4, which is a serine protease implicated in the progression of prostate cancer. The potential interaction between these two proteins was investigated in this PhD thesis to determine whether SHBG is a proteolytic substrate of KLK4 and other members of the KLK family including KLK3/PSA, KLK7 and KLK14. Furthermore, the effects from SHBG proteolytic degradation on SHBG-regulated steroid bioavailability and the activation of the putative RSHBG signal transduction pathway were examined in the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line. SHBG was found to be a proteolytic substrate of the trypsin-like KLK4 and KLK14 in vitro, yielding several proteolysis fragments. Both chymotrypsin-like PSA and KLK7 displayed insignificant proteolytic activity against SHBG. The kinetic parameters of SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14 demonstrate a strong enzyme-substrate binding capacity, possessing a Km of 1.2 ± 0.7 µM and 2.1 ± 0.6 µM respectively. The catalytic efficiencies (kcat/Km) of KLK4 and KLK14 proteolysis of SHBG were 1.6 x 104 M-1s-1 and 3.8 x 104 M-1s-1 respectively, which were comparable to parameters previously reported for peptide substrates. N-terminal sequencing of the fragments revealed cleavage near the junction of the N- and C-terminal laminin globulin-like (G-like) domains of SHBG, resulting in the division of the two globulins and ultimately the full degradation of these fragments by KLK4 and KLK14 over time. Proteolytic fragments that may retain steroid binding were rapidly degraded by both proteases, while fragments containing residues beyond the steroid binding pocket were less degraded over the same period of time. Degradation of SHBG was inhibited by the divalent metal cations calcium and zinc for KLK4, and calcium, zinc and magnesium for KLK14. The human secreted serine protease inhibitors (serpins), α1-antitrypsin and α2-antiplasmin, inhibited KLK4 and KLK14 proteolysis of SHBG; α1-antichymotrypsin inhibited KLK4 but not KLK14 activity. The inhibition by these serpins was comparable and in some cases more effective than general trypsin protease inhibitors such as aprotinin and phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). The binding of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to SHBG modulated interactions with KLK4 and KLK14. Steroid-free SHBG was more readily digested by both enzymes than DHT-bound SHBG. Moreover, a binding interaction exists between SHBG and pro-KLK4 and pro-KLK14, with DHT strengthening the binding to pro-KLK4 only. The inhibition of androgen uptake by cultured prostate cancer cells, mediated by SHBG steroid-binding, was examined to assess whether SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14 modulated this process. Proteolytic digestion eliminated the ability of SHBG to inhibit the uptake of DHT from conditioned media into LNCaP cells. Therefore, the proteolysis of SHBG by KLK4 and KLK14 increased steroid bioavailability in vitro, leading to an increased uptake of androgens by prostate cancer cells. Interestingly, different transcriptional responses of PSA and KLK2, which are androgen-regulated genes, to DHT-bounsd SHBG treatment were observed between low and high passage number LNCaP cells (lpLNCaP and hpLNCaP respectively). HpLNCaP cells treated with DHT-bound SHBG demonstrated a significant synergistic upregulation of PSA and KLK2 above DHT or SHBG treatment alone, which is similar to previously reported downstream responses from RSHBG-mediated signaling activation. As this result was not seen in lpLNCaP cells, only hpLNCaP cells were further investigated to examine the modulation of potential RSHBG activity by KLK4 and KLK14 proteolysis of SHBG. Contrary to reported results, no increase in intracellular cAMP was observed in hpLNCaP cells when treated with SHBG in the presence and absence of either DHT or estradiol. As a result, the modulation of RSHBG-mediated signaling activation could not be determined. Finally, the identification of the RSHBG from both breast (MCF-7) and prostate cancer (LNCaP) cell lines was attempted. Fluorescently labeled peptides corresponding to the putative receptor binding domain (RBD) of SHBG were shown to be internalized by MCF-7 cells. Crosslinking of the RBD peptide to the cell surfaces of both MCF-7 and LNCaP cells, demonstrated the interaction of the peptide with several targets. These targets were then captured using RBD peptides synthesized onto a hydrophilic scaffold and analysed by mass spectrometry. The samples captured by the RBD peptide returned statistically significantly matches for cytokeratin 8, 18 and 19 as well as microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1, which may indicate a novel interaction between SHBG and these proteins, but ultimately failed to detect a membrane receptor potentially responsible for the putative RSHBG-mediated signaling. This PhD project has reported the proteolytic processing of SHBG by two members of the kallikrein family, KLK4 and KLK14. The effect of SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14 on RSHBG-mediated signaling activation was unable to be determined as the reported signal transduction pathway was not activated after treatment with SHBG, in combination with either DHT or estradiol. However, the digestion of SHBG by these two proteases positively regulated androgen bioavailability to prostate cancer cells in vitro. The increased uptake of androgens is deleterious in prostate cancer due to the promotion of proliferation, metastasis, invasion and the inhibition of apoptosis. The increased bioavailability of androgens, from SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14, may therefore promote both carcinogenesis and progression of prostate cancer. Finally, this information may contribute to the development of therapeutic treatment strategies for prostate cancer by inhibiting the proteolysis of SHBG, by KLK4 and KLK14, to prevent the increased uptake of androgens by hormone-dependent cancerous tissues.


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Research on social networking sites like Facebook is emerging but sparse. The exploratory study investigates the value users derive from self-described ‘cool’ Facebook applications, and explores the features that either encourage or discourage users to recommend application to their friends. Thus the concepts of value and cool are explored in a social networking setting. Our qualitative data shows that consumers derive a combination of functional value along with either social or emotional value from the applications. Female Facebook users indicated self-expression as important, while mates then to use Facebook application to socially compete. Three broad categories emerged for application features; symmetrical features can both encourage or discourage recommendation, asymmetrical features one encourage or discourage but not both, and polar features where different levels of the same feature encourage or discourage. Recommending or not recommending an application tends to be the result of a combination of features rather than one feature in isolation.


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It is important to detect and treat malnutrition in hospital patients so as to improve clinical outcome and reduce hospital stay. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a nutrition screening tool with a simple and quick scoring system for acute hospital patients in Singapore. In this study, 818 newly admitted patients aged above 18 years old were screened using five parameters that contribute to the risk of malnutrition. A dietitian blinded to the nutrition screening score assessed the same patients using the reference standard, Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) within 48 hours. The sensitivity and specificity were established using the Receiver Operator Characteristics (ROC) curve and the best cutoff scores determined. The nutrition parameter with the largest Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) was chosen as the final screening tool, which was named 3-Minute Nutrition Screening (3-MinNS). The combination of the parameters weight loss, intake and muscle wastage (3-MinNS), gave the largest AUC when compared with SGA. Using 3-MinNS, the best cutoff point to identify malnourished patients is three (sensitivity 86%, specificity 83%). The cutoff score to identify subjects at risk of severe malnutrition is five (sensitivity 93%, specificity 86%). 3-Minute Nutrition Screening is a valid, simple and rapid tool to identify patients at risk of malnutrition in Singapore acute hospital patients. It is able to differentiate patients at risk of moderate malnutrition and severe malnutrition for prioritization and management purposes.


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The explosive growth of the World-Wide-Web and the emergence of ecommerce are the major two factors that have led to the development of recommender systems (Resnick and Varian, 1997). The main task of recommender systems is to learn from users and recommend items (e.g. information, products or books) that match the users’ personal preferences. Recommender systems have been an active research area for more than a decade. Many different techniques and systems with distinct strengths have been developed to generate better quality recommendations. One of the main factors that affect recommenders’ recommendation quality is the amount of information resources that are available to the recommenders. The main feature of the recommender systems is their ability to make personalised recommendations for different individuals. However, for many ecommerce sites, it is difficult for them to obtain sufficient knowledge about their users. Hence, the recommendations they provided to their users are often poor and not personalised. This information insufficiency problem is commonly referred to as the cold-start problem. Most existing research on recommender systems focus on developing techniques to better utilise the available information resources to achieve better recommendation quality. However, while the amount of available data and information remains insufficient, these techniques can only provide limited improvements to the overall recommendation quality. In this thesis, a novel and intuitive approach towards improving recommendation quality and alleviating the cold-start problem is attempted. This approach is enriching the information resources. It can be easily observed that when there is sufficient information and knowledge base to support recommendation making, even the simplest recommender systems can outperform the sophisticated ones with limited information resources. Two possible strategies are suggested in this thesis to achieve the proposed information enrichment for recommenders: • The first strategy suggests that information resources can be enriched by considering other information or data facets. Specifically, a taxonomy-based recommender, Hybrid Taxonomy Recommender (HTR), is presented in this thesis. HTR exploits the relationship between users’ taxonomic preferences and item preferences from the combination of the widely available product taxonomic information and the existing user rating data, and it then utilises this taxonomic preference to item preference relation to generate high quality recommendations. • The second strategy suggests that information resources can be enriched simply by obtaining information resources from other parties. In this thesis, a distributed recommender framework, Ecommerce-oriented Distributed Recommender System (EDRS), is proposed. The proposed EDRS allows multiple recommenders from different parties (i.e. organisations or ecommerce sites) to share recommendations and information resources with each other in order to improve their recommendation quality. Based on the results obtained from the experiments conducted in this thesis, the proposed systems and techniques have achieved great improvement in both making quality recommendations and alleviating the cold-start problem.


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Random Indexing K-tree is the combination of two algorithms suited for large scale document clustering.


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Objective: To summarise the extent to which narrative text fields in administrative health data are used to gather information about the event resulting in presentation to a health care provider for treatment of an injury, and to highlight best practise approaches to conducting narrative text interrogation for injury surveillance purposes.----- Design: Systematic review----- Data sources: Electronic databases searched included CINAHL, Google Scholar, Medline, Proquest, PubMed and PubMed Central.. Snowballing strategies were employed by searching the bibliographies of retrieved references to identify relevant associated articles.----- Selection criteria: Papers were selected if the study used a health-related database and if the study objectives were to a) use text field to identify injury cases or use text fields to extract additional information on injury circumstances not available from coded data or b) use text fields to assess accuracy of coded data fields for injury-related cases or c) describe methods/approaches for extracting injury information from text fields.----- Methods: The papers identified through the search were independently screened by two authors for inclusion, resulting in 41 papers selected for review. Due to heterogeneity between studies metaanalysis was not performed.----- Results: The majority of papers reviewed focused on describing injury epidemiology trends using coded data and text fields to supplement coded data (28 papers), with these studies demonstrating the value of text data for providing more specific information beyond what had been coded to enable case selection or provide circumstantial information. Caveats were expressed in terms of the consistency and completeness of recording of text information resulting in underestimates when using these data. Four coding validation papers were reviewed with these studies showing the utility of text data for validating and checking the accuracy of coded data. Seven studies (9 papers) described methods for interrogating injury text fields for systematic extraction of information, with a combination of manual and semi-automated methods used to refine and develop algorithms for extraction and classification of coded data from text. Quality assurance approaches to assessing the robustness of the methods for extracting text data was only discussed in 8 of the epidemiology papers, and 1 of the coding validation papers. All of the text interrogation methodology papers described systematic approaches to ensuring the quality of the approach.----- Conclusions: Manual review and coding approaches, text search methods, and statistical tools have been utilised to extract data from narrative text and translate it into useable, detailed injury event information. These techniques can and have been applied to administrative datasets to identify specific injury types and add value to previously coded injury datasets. Only a few studies thoroughly described the methods which were used for text mining and less than half of the studies which were reviewed used/described quality assurance methods for ensuring the robustness of the approach. New techniques utilising semi-automated computerised approaches and Bayesian/clustering statistical methods offer the potential to further develop and standardise the analysis of narrative text for injury surveillance.


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A combination of micro-Raman spectroscopy, micro-infrared spectroscopy and SEM–EDX was employed to characterize decorative pigments on Classic Maya ceramics from Copán, Honduras. Variation in red paint mixtures was correlated with changing ceramic types and improvements in process and firing techniques. We have confirmed the use of specular hematite on Coner ceramics by the difference in intensities of Raman bands. Different compositions of brown paint were correlated with imported and local wares. The carbon-iron composition of the ceramic type, Surlo Brown, was confirmed. By combining micro-Raman analysis with micro-ATR infrared and SEM–EDX, we have achieved a more comprehensive characterization of the paint mixtures. These spectroscopic techniques can be used non-destructively on raw samples as a rapid confirmation of ceramic type.


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Helvetica (connotes Swiss typeface) has been used the most widely from street signs to government campaign posters since 1957. Helvetica represents a great leap forward for modernity: clean, sans-serif, optimistic. However in history, there was a movement against Helvetica among American artists and designers since David Carson and Paula Scher indicted Helvetica as the cause of Vietnam war. Paradoxically, we celebrated its 50th birthday in 2007. Helvetica’s message it this: “you are going to get to your destination on time; your plan will not crash; your money is safe in our vault; we will not break the package; the paperwork has been filled in; everything is going to be OK” (Finlo Rohrer, Helvetica At 50, BBC News Magazine 9 May 2007). The artwork, Hell-vetica describes its characteristic of double agent for modernism and postmodernism in this contemporary era by combination of a stylised graphical form of a heart shape in red and a typographical manipulation - Hell-vetica.


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The Autistic Behavioural Indicators Instrument (ABII) is an 18-item instrument developed to identify children with Autistic Disorder (AD) based on the presence of unique autistic behavioural indicators. The ABII was administered to 20 children with AD, 20 children with speech and language impairment (SLI) and 20 typically developing (TD) children aged 2-6 years. Results indicated that the ABII discriminated children diagnosed with AD from those diagnosed with SLI and those who were TD, based on the presence of specific social attention, sensory, and behavioural symptoms. A combination of symptomology across these domains correctly classified 100% of children with and without AD. The paper concludes that the ABII shows considerable promise as an instrument for the early identification of AD.


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The emergence of Enterprise Resource Planning systems and Business Process Management have led to improvements in the design, implementation, and overall management of business processes. However, the typical focus of these initiatives has been on internal business operations, assuming a defined and stable context in which the processes are designed to operate. Yet, a lack of context-awareness for external change leads to processes and supporting information systems that are unable to react appropriately and timely enough to change. To increase the alignment of processes with environmental change, we propose a conceptual framework that facilitates the identification of context change. Based on a secondary data analysis of published case studies about process adaptation, we exemplify the framework and identify four general archetypes of context-awareness. The framework, in combination with the learning from the case analysis, provides a first understanding of what, where, how, and when processes are subjected to change.


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Nontuberculous mycobacteria are ubiquitous environmental organisms that have been recognised as a cause of pulmonary infection for over 50 years. Traditionally patients have had underlying risk factors for development of disease; however the proportion of apparently immunocompetent patients involved appears to be rising. Not all patients culture-positive for mycobacteria will have progressive disease, making the diagnosis difficult, though criteria to aid in this process are available. The two main forms of disease are cavitary disease (usually involving the upper lobes) and fibronodular bronchiectasis (predominantly middle and lingular lobes). For patients with disease, combination antibiotic therapy for 12-24 months is generally required for successful treatment, and this may be accompanied by drug intolerances and side effects. Published success rates range from 30-82%. As the progression of disease is variable, for some patients, attention to pulmonary hygiene and underlying diseases without immediate antimycobacterial therapy may be more appropriate. Surgery can be a useful adjunct, though is associated with risks. Randomised controlled trials in well described patients would provide stronger evidence-based data to guide therapy of NTM lung diseases, and thus are much needed.


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This is a guidebook for clinicians on how to conduct assessment interviews with patients presenting with common psychological disorders. The orientation is behavioural and cognitive; so the book has wide applicability, as most clinicians explicitly or implicitly accept this combination of models as a useful basis for assessing and treating these problems. The problem areas covered are: fear and anxiety problems; depression, obesity; interpersonal problems; sexual dysfunction; insomnia; headache; and substance abuse.


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This paper explores an innovative model for work-integrated learning using a virtual paradigm – The Virtual Law Placement Unit at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Australia. It builds upon the conceptual model previously explored at WACE 2007 and provides an account of the lessons learned from the pilot offering of the unit which was conducted and evaluated in 2008. ----- The Virtual Placement Unit offers students the opportunity to complete an authentic workplace task under the guidance of a real-life workplace supervisor, where student-student communication and student-supervisor communication is all conducted virtually (and potentially asynchronously) to create an engaging but flexible learning environment using a combination of Blackboard and SharePoint technologies. This virtual experience is pioneering in the sense that it enables law students to access an unprecedented range of law graduate destination workplaces and projects, including international and social justice placements, absent the constraints traditionally associated with arranging physical placements. ----- All aspects of this unit have been designed in conjunction with community partners with a view to balancing student learning objectives with community needs through co-operative education. This paper will also explore how the implementation of the project is serving to strengthen those partnerships with the wider community, simultaneously addressing the community engagement agenda of the University and enabling students to engage meaningfully with local, national and international community partners in the real world of work.


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The loss of valuable water resources due to pipe failure has become a major problem in Australia, especially in areas under high level of water restrictions. Generally pipe failure occurs due to a combination of physical and environmental factors. Stresses induced by shrinking and swelling of reactive soils are one of the major factors affecting the performance of buried pipes. This paper presents the details of a field instrumentation undertaken to monitor the performance of an in-service water reticulation pipe buried in a reactive soil and subjected to seasonal climatic changes.