916 resultados para Reservatório Batatã
Steam injection is the most used thermal recovery method of oil nowadays because of the high degree of development of the technique that allows high recovery factors. However, injection of superheated steam into the reservoir affects the entire structure of the well, including the cemented layer that presents a retrogression of compressive strength and increases the permeability due to formation of more crystalline and denser phases at temperatures above 110 °C. These changes result in failures in the cement that favor the entrance of formation fluids into the annulus space resulting in unsafe operations and restrictions in the economic life of the well. But the strength retrogression can be prevented by partial replacement of cement by silica-based materials that reduce the CaO/SiO2 ratio of cement slurries changing the trajectory of the reactions, converting those deleterious phases in phases with satisfactory mechanical strength and permeability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of a ceramic waste material rich in silica in partial and total substitution of a mineral additive used to fight the strength retrogression of cement slurries subjected to high temperatures. The evaluation was made by compression, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetry (TG/DTG). The samples were submitted to a cycle of low temperature (38 °C) for 28 days and a cycle of low temperature followed by exposure to 280 ºC and 1000 psi by 3 days. The results showed that slurries with additions of up to 30% of the waste material are not enough to prevent the strength retrogression, while slurries with additions of the waste material combined with silica flour in various proportions produced hydrated products of low Ca/Si ratios that maintained the compressive strength at satisfactory levels
In Brazilian Northeast there are reservoirs with heavy oil, which use steam flooding as a recovery method. This process allows to reduce oil viscosity, increasing its mobility and consequently its oil recovery. Steam injection is a thermal method and can occurs in continues or cyclic form. Cyclic steam stimulation (CSS) can be repeated several times. Each cycle consisting of three stages: steam injection, soaking time and production phase. CSS becomes less efficient with an increase of number of cycles. Thus, this work aims to study the influence of compositional models in cyclic steam injection and the effects of some parameters, such like: flow injection, steam quality and temperature of steam injected, analyzing the influence of pseudocomponents numbers on oil rate, cumulative oil, oil recovery and simulation time. In the situations analyzed was compared the model of fluid of three phases and three components known as Blackoil . Simulations were done using commercial software (CMG), it was analyzed a homogeneous reservoir with characteristics similar to those found in Brazilian Northeast. It was observed that an increase of components number, increase the time spent in simulation. As for analyzed parameters, it appears that the steam rate, and steam quality has influence on cumulative oil and oil recovery. The number of components did not a lot influenced on oil recovery, however it has influenced on gas production
The oil companies in the area in general are looking for new technologies that can increase the recovery factor of oil contained in reservoirs. These investments are mainly aimed at reducing the costs of projects which are high. Steam injection is one of these special methods of recovery in which steam is injected into the reservoir in order to reduce the viscosity of the oil and make it more mobile. The process assisted gravity drainage steam (SAGD) using steam injection in its mechanism, as well as two parallel horizontal wells. In this process steam is injected through the horizontal injection well, then a vapor chamber is formed by heating the oil in the reservoir and, by the action of gravitational forces, this oil is drained down to where the production well. This study aims to analyze the influence of pressure drop and heat along the injection well in the SAGD process. Numerical simulations were performed using the thermal simulator STARS of CMG (Computer Modeling Group). The parameters studied were the thermal conductivity of the formation, the flow of steam injection, the inner diameter of the column, the steam quality and temperature. A factorial design was used to verify the influence of the parameters studied in the recovery factor. We also analyzed different injection flow rates for the model with pressure drop and no pressure drop, as well as different maximum flow rates of oil production. Finally, we performed an economic analysis of the two models in order to check the profitability of the projects studied. The results showed that the pressure drop in injection well have a significant influence on the SAGD process.
Waste generated during the exploration and production of oil, water stands out due to various factors including the volume generated, the salt content, the presence of oil and chemicals and the water associated with oil is called produced water. The chemical composition of water is complex and depends strongly on the field generator, because it was in contact with the geological formation for thousands of years. This work aims to characterize the hydrochemical water produced in different areas of a field located in the Potiguar Basin. We collected 27 samples from 06 zones (400, 600, 400/600, 400/450/500, 350/400, A) the producing field called S and measured 50 required parameter divided between physical and chemical parameters, cations and anions. In hydrochemical characterization was used as tools of reasons ionic calculations, diagrams and they hydrochemical classification diagram Piper and Stiff diagram and also the statistic that helped in the identification of signature patterns for each production area including the area that supplies water injected this field for secondary oil recovery. The ionic balance error was calculated to assess the quality of the results of the analysis that was considered good, because 89% of the samples were below 5% error. Hydrochemical diagrams classified the waters as sodium chloride, with the exception of samples from Area A, from the injection well, which were classified as sodium bicarbonate. Through descriptive analysis and discriminant analysis was possible to obtain a function that differs chemically production areas, this function had a good hit rate of classification was 85%
The world has many types of oil that have a range of values of density and viscosity, these are characteristics to identify whether an oil is light, heavy or even ultraheavy. The occurrence of heavy oil has increased significantly and pointing to a need for greater investment in the exploitation of deposits and therefore new methods to recover that oil. There are economic forecasts that by 2025, the heavy oil will be the main source of fossil energy in the world. One such method is the use of solvent vaporized VAPEX which is known as a recovery method which consists of two horizontal wells parallel to each other, with a gun and another producer, which uses as an injection solvent that is vaporized in order to reduce the viscosity of oil or bitumen, facilitating the flow to the producing well. This method was proposed by Dr. Roger Butler, in 1991. The importance of this study is to analyze how the influence some operational reservoir and parameters are important in the process VAPEX, such as accumulation of oil produced in the recovery factor in flow injection and production rate. Parameters such as flow injection, spacing between wells, type of solvent to be injected, vertical permeability and oil viscosity were addressed in this study. The results showed that the oil viscosity is the parameter that showed statistically significant influence, then the choice of Heptane solvent to be injected showed a greater recovery of oil compared to other solvents chosen, considering the spacing between the wells was shown that for a greater distance between the wells to produce more oil
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Tropical, 2016.
Oil recovery using waterflooding has been until now the worldwide most applied method, specially for light oil recovery, its success is mainly because of the low costs involved and the facilities of the injection process. The Toe- To-Heel Waterflooding TTHWTM method uses a well pattern of vertical injector wells completed at the bottom of the reservoir and horizontal producer wells completed at the top of it. The main producing mechanism is gravitational segregation in short distance. This method has been studied since the early 90´s and it had been applied in Canada with positive results for light heavy oils, nevertheless it hasn´t been used in Brazil yet. In order to verify the applicability of the process in Brazil, a simulation study for light oil was performed using Brazilian northwest reservoirs characteristics. The simulations were fulfilled using the STARS module of the Computer Modelling Group Software, used to perform improved oil recovery studies. The results obtained in this research showed that the TTHWTM well pattern presented a light improvement in terms of recovery factor when compared to the conventional 5- Spot pattern, however, it showed lower results in the economic evaluation
The method "toe-to-heel air injection" (THAITM) is a process of enhanced oil recovery, which is the integration of in-situ combustion with technological advances in drilling horizontal wells. This method uses horizontal wells as producers of oil, keeping vertical injection wells to inject air. This process has not yet been applied in Brazil, making it necessary, evaluation of these new technologies applied to local realities, therefore, this study aimed to perform a parametric study of the combustion process with in-situ oil production in horizontal wells, using a semi synthetic reservoir, with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast basin. The simulations were performed in a commercial software "STARS" (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator), from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The following operating parameters were analyzed: air rate, configuration of producer wells and oxygen concentration. A sensitivity study on cumulative oil (Np) was performed with the technique of experimental design, with a mixed model of two and three levels (32x22), a total of 36 runs. Also, it was done a technical economic estimative for each model of fluid. The results showed that injection rate was the most influence parameter on oil recovery, for both studied models, well arrangement depends on fluid model, and oxygen concentration favors recovery oil. The process can be profitable depends on air rate
The objective of the thermal recovery is to heat the resevoir and the oil in it to increase its recovery. In the Potiguar river basin there are located several heavy oil reservoirs whose primary recovery energy provides us with a little oil flow, which makes these reservoirs great candidates for application of a method of recovery advanced of the oil, especially the thermal. The steam injection can occur on a cyclical or continuous manner. The continuous steam injection occurs through injection wells, which in its vicinity form a zone of steam that expands itself, having as a consequence the displace of the oil with viscosity and mobility improved towards the producing wells. Another possible mechanism of displacement of oil in reservoirs subjected to continuous injection of steam is the distillation of oil by steam, which at high temperatures; their lighter fractions can be vaporized by changing the composition of the oil produced, of the oil residual or to shatter in the amount of oil produced. In this context, this paper aims to study the influence of compositional models in the continuous injection of steam through in the analysis of some parameters such as flow injection steam and temperature of injection. Were made various leading comparative analysis taking the various models of fluid, varying from a good elementary, with 03 pseudocomponents to a modeling of fluids with increasing numbers of pseudocomponents. A commercial numerical simulator was used for the study from a homogeneous reservoir model with similar features to those found in northeastern Brazil. Some conclusions as the increasing of the simulation time with increasing number of pseudocomponents, the significant influence of flow injection on cumulative production of oil and little influence of the number of pseudocomponents in the flows and cumulative production of oil were found
Como os recursos de hidrocarbonetos convencionais estão se esgotando, a crescente demanda mundial por energia impulsiona a indústria do petróleo para desenvolver mais reservatórios não convencionais. Os recursos mundiais de betume e óleo pesado são estimados em 5,6 trilhões de barris, dos quais 80% estão localizados na Venezuela, Canadá e EUA. Um dos métodos para explorar estes hidrocarbonetos é o processo de drenagem gravitacional assistido com injeção de vapor e solvente (ES-SAGD Expanding Solvent Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage). Neste processo são utilizados dois poços horizontais paralelos e situados verticalmente um acima do outro, um produtor na base do reservatório e um injetor de vapor e solvente no topo do reservatório. Este processo é composto por um método térmico (injeção de vapor) e um método miscível (injeção de solvente) com a finalidade de causar a redução das tensões interfaciais e da viscosidade do óleo ou betume. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a sensibilidade de alguns parâmetros operacionais, tais como: tipo de solvente injetado, qualidade do vapor, distância vertical entre os poços, porcentagem de solvente injetado e vazão de injeção de vapor sobre o fator de recuperação para 5, 10 e 15 anos. Os estudos foram realizados através de simulações concretizadas no módulo STARS (Steam Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) do programa da CMG (Computer Modelling Group), versão 2010.10, onde as interações entre os parâmetros operacionais, estudados em um modelo homogêneo com características de reservatórios semelhantes aos encontrados no Nordeste Brasileiro, foram observadas. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo mostraram que os melhores fatores de recuperação ocorreram para níveis máximos do percentual de solvente injetado e da distância vertical entre os poços. Observou-se também que o processo será rentável dependendo do tipo e do valor do solvente injetado
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Nearly 3 x 1011 m3 of medium and light oils will remain in reservoirs worldwide after conventional recovery methods have been exhausted and much of this volume would be recovered by Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods. The in-situ combustion (ISC) is an EOR method in which an oxygen-containing gas is injected into a reservoir where it reacts with the crude oil to create a high-temperature combustion front that is propagated through the reservoir. The High Pressure Air Injection (HPAI) method is a particular denomination of the air injection process applied in light oil reservoirs, for which the combustion reactions are dominant between 150 and 300°C and the generation of flue gas is the main factor to the oil displacement. A simulation model of a homogeneous reservoir was built to study, which was initially undergone to primary production, for 3 years, next by a waterflooding process for 21 more years. At this point, with the mature condition established into the reservoir, three variations of this model were selected, according to the recovery factors (RF) reached, for study the in-situ combustion (HPAI) technique. Next to this, a sensitivity analysis on the RF of characteristic operational parameters of the method was carried out: air injection rate per well, oxygen concentration into the injected gas, patterns of air injection and wells perforations configuration. This analysis, for 10 more years of production time, was performed with assistance of the central composite design. The reservoir behavior and the impacts of chemical reactions parameters and of reservoir particularities on the RF were also evaluated. An economic analysis and a study to maximize the RF of the process were also carried out. The simulation runs were performed in the simulator of thermal processes in reservoirs STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The results showed the incremental RF were small and the net present value (NPV) is affected by high initial investments to compress the air. It was noticed that the adoption of high oxygen concentration into the injected gas and of the five spot pattern tends to improve the RF, and the wells perforations configuration has more influence with the increase of the oil thickness. Simulated cases relating to the reservoir particularities showed that smaller residual oil saturations to gas lead to greater RF and the presence of heterogeneities results in important variations on the RF and on the production curves
Nowadays, most of the hydrocarbon reserves in the world are in the form of heavy oil, ultra - heavy or bitumen. For the extraction and production of this resource is required to implement new technologies. One of the promising processes for the recovery of this oil is the Expanding Solvent Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (ES-SAGD) which uses two parallel horizontal wells, where the injection well is situated vertically above the production well. The completion of the process occurs upon injection of a hydrocarbon additive at low concentration in conjunction with steam. The steam adds heat to reduce the viscosity of the oil and solvent aids in reducing the interfacial tension between oil/ solvent. The main force acting in this process is the gravitational and the heat transfer takes place by conduction, convection and latent heat of steam. In this study was used the discretized wellbore model, where the well is discretized in the same way that the reservoir and each section of the well treated as a block of grid, with interblock connection with the reservoir. This study aims to analyze the influence of the pressure drop and heat along the injection well in the ES-SAGD process. The model used for the study is a homogeneous reservoir, semi synthetic with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast and numerical simulations were performed using the STARS thermal simulator from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The operational parameters analyzed were: percentage of solvent injected, the flow of steam injection, vertical distance between the wells and steam quality. All of them were significant in oil recovery factor positively influencing this. The results showed that, for all cases analyzed, the model considers the pressure drop has cumulative production of oil below its respective model that disregards such loss. This difference is more pronounced the lower the value of the flow of steam injection
As rochas carbonáticas ocupam, numa visão global, um expressivo volume da crosta terrestre. De maneira geral, pode-se dizer que essas rochas estão presentes nas diversas unidades litoestatigráficas da Terra. Os reservatórios carbonáticos são reservas naturalmente fraturadas que exigem uma abordagem diferenciada na modelagem em programas de simulação numérica. Os modelos de dupla porosidade são descritos por funções de tranferências que modelam o fluxo de óleo entre matriz e fraturas. Em um reservatório carbonático naturalmente fraturado o sistema de fraturas é determinante no escoamento de fluidos dentro da reserva. Os maiores reservatórios carbonáticos do mundo estão situados no Oriente Médio e na América do Norte. As maiores reservas de óleo brasileiras encontradas neste tipo de reservatório estão localizadas nos campos do Pré-Sal. No Pré-Sal, um volume significativo de dióxido de carbono é produzido juntamente com o óleo. A disponibilidade de um volume consideravél de dióxido de carbono derivado da produção de óleo no Pré-Sal favorece a utilização dos processos de EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) por injeção de gás. O processo de injeção de dióxido de carbono vem sendo utilizado em uma grande quantidade de projetos pelo mundo. A afinidade existente entre o óleo e o dióxido de carbono causa uma frente miscível entre as duas fases causando inchamento e vaporização do óleo dentro do reservatório. Para o estudo, foi utilizado um modelo base de reservatório de dupla-porosidade, desenvolvido pela CMG para o 6° Projeto de Soluções Comparativas da SPE, que modela sistemas de fraturas e de matriz e a tranferência de massa fluida entre elas, características de reservatórios naturalmente fraturados. Foi feita uma análise da injeção de diferentes vazões de dióxido de carbono no modelo base e em modelos semelhantes, com aumento e redução de 5 e 0.5 pontos nas propriedades de porosidade e permeabilidade da matriz, respectivamente, tendo a produção de óleo como resultado. A injeção de 25 milhões de pés cúbicos por dia de CO2 foi a vazão que obteve a melhor fator de recuperação
The major aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the introduction of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and the enrichment with nutrients (N and P) interact synergistically to change the structure of plankton communities, increase phytoplankton biomass and decrease water transparency of a semi-arid tropical reservoir. One field experiment was performed during five weeks in twenty enclosures (8m3) to where four treatments were randomly allocated: with tilapia addition (T), with nutrients addition (NP), with tilapia and nutrients addition (T+NP) and a control treatment with no tilapia or nutrients addition (C). A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was done to test for time (t), tilapia (T) and nutrient (NP) effects and their interaction on water transparency, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, phytoplankton and zooplankton. The results show that there was no effect of nutrient addition on these variables but significant fish effects on the biomass of total zooplankton, nauplii, rotifers, cladocerans and calanoid copepods, on the biovolume of Bacillariophyta, Zygnemaphyceae and large algae (GALD ≥ 50 μm) and on Secchi depth. In addition, we found significant interaction effects between tilapia and nutrients on Secchi depth and rotifers. Overall, tilapia decreased the biomass of most zooplankton taxa and large algae (diatoms) and decreased the water transparency while nutrient enrichment increased the biomass of zooplankton (rotifers) but only in the absence of tilapia. In conclusion, the influence of fish on the reservoir plankton community and water transparency was greater than that of nutrient loading. This finding suggests that biomanipulation should be a greater priority in the restoration of eutrophic reservoirs in tropical semi-arid regions