1000 resultados para Relações ordinais


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Nesta pesquisa estudamos as relações entre cultura e processos de subjetivação a partir da identificação das marcas da chamada cultura da malandragem tal como se expressa por meio da sensibilidade de uma obra de arte. Cartografamos na peça teatral “A ópera do malandro”, de Chico Buarque de Holanda, as marcas do movimento do corpo do malandro que nos permitem identificar a constituição de um princípio ético e de uma escolha estética ao transitar nas fronteiras da marginalidade e da legalidade estabelecidas no interior da cultura brasileira. Estudamos o “corpo” e o “movimento” em uma dimensão política situados na cultura. Para isso assumimos a concepção de cultura como um campo de materialidade configurada por forças em permanente tensão. Investigamos na “Ópera do Malandro” as configurações da subjetividade observando um corpo que aprende a dançar para “não dançar na vida”.


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The landfill biogas can be an alternative energetic resource as a fuel to electrical energy generators, although, there are not too many techniques to prospect the gas. Usually, landfills receive home waste, which in most are constituted by organic matter whose degradation by anaerobic activity produces the biogas. Geophysics is an important tool in environmental studies and the electrorresistivity, an important method employed in contaminated areas by slurry or necroslurry, including a monitoring for each contaminator flow. The electrorresistivity has not too much application in finding biogas. For this work, two biogas drains in Rio Claro-SP landfill were selected: one whose waste disposition correspond to the initial activities in the landfill and another drain whose disposition started more recently. The result consists in a higher biogas production if compared to the biogas from the older drain. The present paper consists in a monitoring along one year, with dates collection in each fifteen days. These dates were tabled in Excel 2010 program and graphics of resistivity x depth were generated. Hereafter, most variable resistivity values depth were chosen, to further graphics pluviosity x resistivity generation in Grapher 8 program and the biogas output (m³/h) in monitoring period. The use of pluviosity parameter can be justified by its influence above resistivity. The results show that there is a horizon with possibly biogas accumulation. Lastly, the method was effective, although, for any application of geophysical methods, the knowledge about its limitations is necessary; in this case the influence of pluviosity and also that the measurements were made in one single point, it will not show any side variation


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Large motor dysfunctions are observed in older adults with the age advance. Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients have motor deficits to perform daily living activities. To raise from a chair, a daily task necessary to live independently, requires both large muscle recruitment and large joint range of motion to achieve the vertical position safely. Normally, we initiate gait after raise from a chair. The aim of this study was to analyze the PD patients’ behavior when rising from a chair and initiating gait and to compare it according to the age advance. In order to do that, 23 PD patients (66.61±7.64 years old) were distributed in three age groups: Young group, between 51 and 60 years of age (n=7); intermediary group, between 61 and 70 years of age (n=7); and elderly group, over 70 years of age (n=9). There were no statistical differences among groups either for the disease evolution stage or for it compromising. The task was to stand from a chair and to initiate gait forward in three attempts. The dependent variables were: spatial and temporal (first step length and duration, and stride length, duration and velocity) and angular (flexion and extension of head, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle). The motion of standing from a chair was divided in two phases. The data was statistically treated by means of Analyses of Variance with group as the only factor. The Scheffé’s post hoc test was used to localize differences among groups and the significance level was adjusted to p≤0.017. There were statistical differences for stride...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The theme approached relates contemporaneous organizational competitive scenario to draw parallels between the organizational structure, Knowledge Management and Public Relations. Many aspects are complementary and can be grouped, enabling the idea of verifying the possibility of a Public Relations work like a manager of Knowledge Management. The objective of this study focuses in analyzing the administration ways of the organizational environment to verify the best kind of structure for the competitive development pattern, then we sought the meaning of Knowledge Management and their results to draw a parallel between the image of the Knowledge Management process manager and the Public Relations professional. The methodology chosen was bibliographic research, by which we noticed the theme relevance, the proposal validity and build a convergence between the skills of a person responsible for managing processes in Knowledge Management and the capabilities of a Public Relations professional. This way adopts a human feature to the managing process, respecting the technical-informational scenario of this area


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The present work intends to analyze the Public Relations as strategy way, evidencing the function of this professional for the appropriate development of the company's strategic plan, basing on the public mapping, a study which deepens the features of each interest group to the organization, listing the points of interest and the performance of each public, exalting the strategic characteristics between public and organization. For this will be done a demonstration of the application of Fabio Franças's theory applied to SNTalent Company. The study of public allows the identification of needs and preferences of each group, which allows creating communication strategies more directed and more prosperous and lasting relations, becoming competitive advantages among this context where the information is fast and the media drive markets constantly. Therefore, SNTalent company will be used as way to verify the theory presented combined with exploratory descriptive research for obtaining subsidies to compare the of relationship with different publics of the institution


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This project analyses in theory the transformations that have occurred in the information society in the range of the organizational communication, developing the internet historical trajectory as a technology of transformation. We highlight the cyber culture study as a cultural expression that emerges with the current society needs, observed by an optic that focuses on digital communication, emphasizing the digital environment as a space for information trade, in the interior premise of communication: the relationship. The organizations will be approached in the project through a channel for communication, in the digital range, besides the traditional forms. In regards to the enterprises we will study in depth the consumer of this society of consumerism, with a special look at the generation Y, deeply inserted in this virtual context, describing the current type of consumption, mainly the relations of consumption with the social medias. After this transforming process in which individuals are inserted in the digital environment we intend to focus in the corporate digital communication, analyzing the organizational digital communication in the contemporary society. We emphasize the theories of Public Relations, one of the main activities, able to do planning, to put together and execute the strategies that will be used in the social medias as a form of corporate digital communication. We explicit Twitter as a tool of the corporate digital communication, because it reaffirms the theories described throughout the research as one of the most essential social media to turn loyal the relationship between the consumer and the organization in real time, as an example is the organization “camisetaria” that became a success case in the social medias; we detail the participation of the company on Twitter and the reach of this network through it’s strategies in the corporate digital communication


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Technological development in the IT and telecommunications sectors have transformed the way organizations communicate with their audiences. Social Media allow the exchange of information instantaneously, in a communication from many to many. With few studies in the area, many companies venture into the social media without a strategy and a generally end up denigrating their image itself. Thus, this study was conceived from the idea of contributing, analytically, based on the main concepts of Public Relations so the organizations effectively take advantage of their online presence to generate relationships, more specifically, on Twitter.Twitter is a social media with a mature public, requiring dynamics of information and quick answers, based on dialogue, referring to the idea of text messages (SMS). To better expose the results of this research, three organizations with expertise in twitter were chosen: Bradesco , Positivo Informática and Ponto Frio. The choice of case studies was based on the different segments that each one operates and that they are large companies with reputable commercial operations in the Brazilian scenario. To analyze their profiles, several authors were studied, like Fábio França, Maria Aparecida Ferrari, Margarida Kunsch e Marlene Machiori.The intent of the analysis of the Twitter profiles of these organizations is to understand whether they are using strategies for creating and maintaining relationships with your followers and how this occurs from specific categories, as other companies have committed serious errors and impairing their business because of mismanagement in social media. Therefore, the profiles were analyzed from the netnográfica methodology. As a result, it was observed that organizations have not yet developed the character of relationships in social media , treating this channel as another advertising channel It was observed that Positivo Informática has no specific strategy for Twitter...


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This monograph has as objective to study the human relations and the Public Relations in the contemporary time in witch the new technologies of the information got closer to the various existent cultures, but who make of the informative society of the global era, the expansion of the capital and of the culture of the more value. Man kind is backing away from the human relations, because the social interactions in the global world are done by objects such as the television, the internet and the telephone in witch cases the subjectivity and the human contact are traded for the informative quantity, because man kind doesn’t have anymore time to think, reflect and to exchange information. Man kind isolates itself and fills it’s subjective emptiness with the products offered by the neoliberal capitalism. The public relations in the organizations seek the human values created from a complex network of social interactions in all the heterogeneous of the organization. Through the communication the public relations tries to manage the relationships with the dialogical communication, between the public-organization, to harmonize the conflicting differences of the organizational environment. Thus, the public relations has to assume the roll of the information manager, and administrator of the human relations in this new global world, informative and that functions from the capital


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The main purpose of this study is to show how internal communication can be allied to people management in the process of transformation of the organizations. It is known that the advent of new technologies and the information age, consequences of globalization, are provoking deep transformations in organizations and reaching people too. This way there is the human and the social issue that goes beyond the race for profit. The new forms of management are becoming increasingly concerned with the value of human being and communication professionals, more specifically public relations, can facilitate processes and significantly improve the relationships towards positive results


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The Aquidauana Formation is characterized by sandstones of variable granulation, mudstones and diamectites abundant in clay, typical colors like brick red (vermelho tijolo) of glacial, fluvial and lacustrine origin. It’s chronostratigraphic equivalent to the Itarará group from the Neo Carboniferous age, that under the exploratory view, such units represent important intervals in the basin, occurring together with them minerals as well as energy resources as petroleum, underground water and coal – what requires a great paleogeography and stratigraphy knowledge for its exploration. By gathering information from the columnar sections of the area, it was possible to characterize the sedimentary facies, the stacking pattern as well as the association. It was also made an attempt of stratigraphic correlation, which showed great difficulties since glacial environments present a great lateral discontinuity of the facies besides the complex relationship process of formation. As a result, it was obtained 8 sedimentary facies, the lateral and vertical relations and genesis process. It is proposed that the sedimentary environment in the study area is the fluvio glacial, characterized by alluvial systems formed by defrosted water which transport the sediments that are deposited in plains in front of the glacier (distal outwash). Petrographic thin section analysis showed that the transportation process was ineffective. The grains present punctual to lobular contacts, characterizing good porosity and permeability to the rock, varying these qualities according to more or less existence of matrix. The presence of Iron Oxide deposited between the recrystallization border and feldspathic mineral indicates that this rock has possibly presented a primary rubefaction, intensified by alkaline fluid percolation


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Esse estudo tem como objetivo, utilizando revisão de literatura, evidenciar a importância na atividade física para pacientes com transtornos mentais, com foco mais específico na esquizofrenia. Por ser uma doença neurodegenerativa e que o paciente geralmente convive muitos anos com o seu agravamento, busco mostrar os benefícios das práticas corporais na qualidade de vida e agravantes da doença, nos indivíduos acometidos por esta. Assim como saliento a importância de mais estudos com foco específico na atividade física, por se tratar de um tratamento não medicamentoso que traz benefícios físicos, fisiológicos, moral, afetivos e cognitivos. Apesar de não ser evidente o desaparecimento de sintomas específicos da doença, o exercício físico auxilia, principalmente, nos sintomas negativos da doença, os quais os medicamentos pouco afetam; além de ser uma das formas de tratamento para as doenças cardiorrespiratórias muito evidenciadas nos pacientes esquizofrênicos. Não obstante, vale ressaltar a importância de considerar a individualidade de cada sujeito, pois cada um responde de uma forma as atividades, seja por experiências anteriores, ou pelo agravo da doença; assim como o tipo de prática utilizada, a qual pode ser mais motivadora para alguns, e menos para outros


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The growing need for organizations to make themselves present on the Internet, the study aimed to demonstrate the importance of public relations activity in crisis management and analysis of the crisis in Americanas.com site. It also aims to analyze the electronic scene, highlighting their implications for consumer relations in e-commerce. In addition, as a consequence of conflicts, settles a loss situation, financial and reputation. A crisis begins with planning and communication failures, it is clear that public relations is essential in business today, as interest in integrating their knowledge and opinions, and maintaining a global view of the environment in which it operates. The case study analysis provided confirmation that the public relations face a growing market, which requires qualified and updated to do crisis management, especially in the online environment


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This proposed project is to analyze the strategies for building and maintaining relationships, as well as the possibilities of intervention of the public relations in the virtual world. For this purpose, we used the multicase study of beer brands - Devassa, Nova Schin, Heineken, Skol and Brahma - to verify their roles in the communication process in their social media channels. Analyses were based on communication theories covering concepts such as the Excellence in Public Relations, the questioning about the definition of public flashing and discussion about the processes of interaction mediated by the Internet. The evaluation of the channels covered the period of 30 days and that the end of the checks it was found that most brands promote specific actions with surface interconnections between media channels, referring only to the effectiveness of social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Orkut in order to consolidate of relationships