953 resultados para Refugee camp
Il campionamento biologico delle catture/sbarchi commerciali, modulo H, (Camp-Biol Risorse Demersali), nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la Raccolta Dati Alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti ex Reg CE. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, si propone di campionare pesci, molluschi e crostacei, provenienti dalle catture/sbarchi commerciali, al fine di conoscere il prelievo e l’impatto dei diversi segmenti e dei diversi sistemi di pesca della flotta sulle principali specie commerciali, in termini di struttura di lunghezza ed età delle risorse.
Il campionamento biologico delle catture/sbarchi commerciali, modulo H, (Camp-Biol), nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la Raccolta Dati Alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti ex Reg CE. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, si propone di campionare pesci, molluschi e crostacei, provenienti dalle catture/sbarchi commerciali, al fine di conoscere il prelievo e l’impatto dei diversi segmenti e dei diversi sistemi di pesca della flotta sulle principali specie commerciali, in termini di struttura di lunghezza ed età delle risorse.
Il campionamento biologico delle catture/sbarchi commerciali, modulo H, (Camp-Biol), nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la Raccolta Dati Alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti ex Reg CE. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, si propone di campionare pesci, molluschi e crostacei, provenienti dalle catture/sbarchi commerciali, al fine di conoscere il prelievo e l’impatto dei diversi segmenti e dei diversi sistemi di pesca della flotta sulle principali specie commerciali, in termini di struttura di lunghezza ed età delle risorse.
I examine determinants of refugee return after conflicts. I argue that institutional constraints placed on the executive provide a credible commitment that signals to refugees that the conditions required for durable return will be created. This results in increased return flows for refugees. Further, when credible commitments are stronger in the country of origin than in the country of asylum, the level of return increases. Finally, I find that specific commitments made to refugees in the peace agreement do not lead to increased return because they are not credible without institutional constraints. Using data on returnees that has only recently been made available, along with network analysis and an original coding of the provisions in refugee agreements, statistical results are found to support this theory. An examination of cases in Djibouti, Sierra Leone, and Liberia provides additional support for this argument.
Cadastral map with lot lines and numbers.
This dissertation studies refugee resettlement in the United States utilizing the Integration Indicator’s framework developed by Ager and Strang for the U.S. context. The study highlights the U.S. refugee admissions program and the policies in the states of Maryland and Massachusetts while analyzing the service delivery models and its effects on refugee integration in these locations. Though immigration policy and funding for refugee services are primarily the domain of the federal government, funds are allocated through and services are delivered at the state level. The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which operates under the Department of Health and Human Services, was established after the Refugee Act of 1980 to deliver assistance to displaced persons. The ORR provides funds to individual states primarily through The Refugee Social Service and Targeted Assistance Formula Grant programs. Since the inauguration of the ORR three primary models of refugee integration through service delivery have emerged. Two of the models include the publicly/privately administered programs, where resources are allocated to the state in conjunction with private voluntary agencies; and the Wilson/Fish Alternative programs, where states sub-contract all elements of the resettlement program to voluntary agencies and private organizations —in which they can cease all state level participation and voluntary agencies or private organizations contract directly from the ORR in order for all states to deliver refugee services where the live. The specific goals of this program are early employment and economic self-sufficiency. This project utilizes US Census, state, and ORR data in conjunction with interviews of refugee resettlement practitioners involved in the service delivery and refugees. The findings show that delivery models emphasizing job training, English instruction courses, institutional collaboration, and monetary assistance, increases refugee acclimation and adaptation, providing insight into their potential for integration into the United States.
Tässä työssä tarkastelen amerikkalaisen televisiosarja Sinkkuelämän neljää naishenkilöä viimeisen tuotantokauden kahdessa jaksossa. Teen tutkijaluentaa naishahmoista käyttäen apunani vastustavaa luentaa ja queer-luentaa sekä etsin campin piirteitä. Lähden liikkeelle Stuart Hallin jo 1970-luvulla esittämästä sisäänkoodaus/uloskoodausmallista, jossa televisiotekstin sisältöä voi lukea sisäänkoodattua merkitystä vastustaen, sisältöä uudelleen muokaten. Tuon Hallin mallin mukaan queer-luentaan, ja koitan selvittää miten heteronormatiivista televisiosarjaa Sinkkuelämää voidaan tulkita normeja haastaen. Queer tässä työssä tarkoittaa siis normien ulkopuolelle jäävää, niitä horjuttavaa ja vastustavaa. Työstän vastustavaa luentaa lähiluvun metodilla. Tekstistä, kuten televisio-ohjelmasta, tehdään tulkintoja toistuvien havaintojen perusteella, kiinnittäen huomiota myös pieniin yksityiskohtiin. Olen asennoitunut vastustavaan luentaan queer-tutkimusta tekevien tutkijoiden töiden inspiroimana, etenkin Annamari Vänskä ja Sanna Karkulehto ovat olleet työni kannalta tärkeitä. Tarkastelen Sinkkuelämää-sarjan naishahmoja erityisesti heteronormatiivisuuden ja normatiivisen heterouden kautta. Ensimmäisellä tarkoitetaan heteroseksuaalisuuden pitämistä luonnollisena ja normina, ja normatiivisen heterouden käsitteellä haluan tuoda esille kategorian heterous monimuotoisuuden: sen, että heterouden sisällä on normista poikkeavia muotoja. Esimerkkinä tästä on analyysini Charlottesta, jonka päältäpäin näyttävän normatiivinen heteronaiseus joutuu kyseenalaistetuksi, kun tämä ei tulekaan biologisesti luonnollisella tavalla raskaaksi. Campin avulla Sinkkuelämän queeriys herkullisesti esille. Sarja on esteettinen, muun muassa muotiin ja tyyliin on käytetty erityisen paljon aikaa. Campin esteettisyyden ja teatraalisuuden avulla Samanthan roolihahmo tulee herkullisesti esille naisen käydessä läpi kemoterapian jälkeistä hiustenlähtöä. Sinkkuelämän tyylille uskollisesti vakavallekin aiheelle, kuten rintasyövälle tässä tapauksessa, voidaan nauraa – tietyissä puitteissa. Graduni tarkoitus on aineiston perusteella osoittaa televisiosarjan sukupuolittunut maailma ja miten normatiivisuuden haastamiseen, vastustavaan queer-luentaan, tulee tilaisuuksia yksityiskohtaisen lähiluvun avulla.
El presente artículo estudia la función pretendida para un grupo de inscripciones conservadas en el monasterio de Sant Pau del Camp, en Barcelona. Se analiza el objetivo con el que las mandaron ejecutar sus autores morales, al tiempo que pretende descubrir quiénes fueron éstos. Se trata de responder a las preguntas de ¿quién? y ¿para qué? Este conjunto de inscripciones resulta singular en el conjunto del panorama epigráfico conocido del Medievo hispano; tales epígrafes no pueden ser asimilados sin más a los llamados epitaphia necrologica, dado que los existentes en Sant Pau del Camp realizan especial incidencia en la fundación de aniversarios que garantizan, o al menos así lo pretenden, la oración perpetua por el alma del difunto, hecho que no suele ser habitual en otras zonas peninsulares y que ha permitido conceptuar a algunas de ellas como fundationes anniversarii. Sí se localizan inscripciones similares en otros puntos de Cataluña y, especialmente, en la mitad sur de Francia. Se analiza también la relación de estos epígrafes con otros documentos escritos: los obituarios y los testamentos.
This is an informational brochure describing Camp Burnt Gin. It tells about the campers, the facilities, the program and the staff. It also gives a short history of the camp.
Association between hypertension and bladder symptoms has been described. We hypothesized that micturition dysfunction may be associated with renin-angiotensin system (RAS) acting in urethra. The effects of the anti-hypertensive drugs losartan (AT1 antagonist) and captopril (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor) in comparison with atenolol (β1-adrenoceptor antagonist independently of RAS blockade) have been investigated in bladder and urethral dysfunctions during renovascular hypertension in rats. Two kidney-1 clip (2K-1C) rats were treated with losartan (30 mg/kg/day), captopril (50mg/kg/day) or atenolol (90 mg/kg/day) for eight weeks. Cystometric study, bladder and urethra smooth muscle reactivities, measurement of cAMP levels and p38 MAPK phosphorylation in urinary tract were determined. Losartan and captopril markedly reduced blood pressure in 2K-1C rats. The increases in non-voiding contractions, voiding frequency and bladder capacity in 2K-1C rats were prevented by treatments with both drugs. Likewise, losartan and captopril prevented the enhanced bladder contractions to electrical-field stimulation (EFS) and carbachol, along with the impaired relaxations to β-adrenergic-cAMP stimulation. Enhanced neurogenic contractions and impaired nitrergic relaxations were observed in urethra from 2K-1C rats. Angiotensin II also produced greater urethral contractions that were accompanied by higher phosphorylation of p38 MAPK in urethral tissues of 2K-1C rats. Losartan and captopril normalized the urethral dysfunctions in 2K-1C rats. In contrast, atenolol treatment largely reduced the blood pressure in 2K-1C rats but failed to affect the urinary tract smooth muscle dysfunction. The urinary tract smooth muscle dysfunction in 2K-1C rats takes place by local RAS activation irrespective of levels of arterial blood pressure.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Reflexão sobre “O Campo de Terezin”, de Ecléa Bosi, mostrando uma área de confinamento de judeus com contornos especiais. Erigido para abrigar pessoas notáveis, como cientistas, heróis de guerra e artistas, ganhou feições de uma cidade exuberante, para quem de fora vinha lhe visitar, sobretudo nas artes e nos esportes. Internamente, administrava-se o terror da definição de quem iria ser escolhido para sobreviver ou para morrer. Ler o texto é como sentir o pulsar da vida em seus encantos - a música, a vibração, a alegria - mas, fundamentalmente, experimentar seus horrores: a dor, o silêncio e a morte. Não é possível percorrer estas páginas sem perder o fôlego e partilhar com a autora a aflição dos seus atores.
The aim of the present study was to assess social inequalities in health status, health behavior and the use of health services based on education level. A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out involving 1,518 elderly residents of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil. Significant demographic and social differences were found between schooling strata. Elderly individuals with a higher degree of schooling are in greater proportion alcohol drinkers, physically active, have healthier diets and a lower prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, dizziness, headaches, back pain, visual impairment and denture use, and better self-rated health. But, there were no differences in the use of health services in the previous two weeks, in hospitalizations or surgeries in the previous year, nor in medicine intake over the previous three days. Among elderly people with hypertension and diabetes, there were no differences in the regular use of health services and medication. The results demonstrate social inequalities in different health indicators, along with equity in access to some health service components.