923 resultados para Redox mediation


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En els darrers anys, ha augmentat l’interès per l’estudi de la prevenció i la protecció de la delinqüència juvenil. En aquest context els conceptes vinculats són els de desistiment i resiliència. L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és aprofundir en el concepte de desistiment i els factors de protecció, primer en el pla teòric i després en l’àmbit empíric. L’estudi consta de dues parts: la primera descriptiu el perfil del menor desistent a la Direcció General de Justícia Juvenil, i la segona mostra enquestes en què s’avaluen les dimensions de la competència emocional en un grup d’adolescents infractors. A partir d’una mostra de 288 adolescents infractors, 86 reincidents i 202 desistents, de les comarques del Baix Llobregat, Garraf, Alt Penedès i d’alguns municipis de l’Anoia, s’analitzen les diferències sociodemogràfiques, criminològiques i de recorregut educatiu fet a la Direcció General de Justícia Juvenil. A continuació, participen de l’estudi per enquesta una mostra accidental de 101 adolescents, 45 reincidents i 56 desistents, procedents dels programes de mediació, medi obert i internament. Els adolescents desistents en el delicte obtenen puntuacions superiors als reincidents, diferències que són estadísticament significatives en la dimensió de competència social i en la puntuació total de competència emocional.


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L'estudi té per objectiu valorar la conveniència d'implementar la pràctica del conferencing en els programes de mediació i reparació penal, tant en la jurisdicció penal juvenil com en la jurisdicció ordinària. La recerca inclou dos estudis: el primer és una anàlisi dels programes i models de conferencing desenvolupats en 4 països: Nova Zelanda, Austràlia, Irlanda del Nord i Bèlgica; el segon recull les percepcions dels mediadors de l'àmbit penal a Catalunya pel que fa a l'assoliment dels objectius dels programes, la inclusió espontània de més persones en el procés de mediació, el coneixement sobre el conferencing, l'opinió en relació amb la implementació d'aquesta pràctica, les necessitats formatives i els interessos de futur. La metodologia de la recerca combina aproximacions qualitatives i quantitatives, i inclou l'anàlisi de la documentació dels programes dels països estudiats, la creació, validació i passació a càrrec d’experts d'un qüestionari, i la realització de dos grups de discussió i d’una entrevista als professionals dels programes de mediació penal. Els mediadors consultats consideren que el conferencing és una eina útil per als programes de mediació en l'àmbit penal. L'estudi dels models implementats en d'altres països aporta elements útils per a l'adaptació del conferencing a la realitat i les especificitats de Catalunya. Així, es concreten aspectes que cal tenir en compte per a la definició d'un programa pilot.


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El treball de recerca té per objecte l’estudi dels avantatges que podria oferir la implantació de l’anomenada "justícia de proximitat" a Catalunya tot considerant, en especial, la seva virtualitat com a mecanisme de prevenció de la criminalitat a les grans ciutats. Aquest model de justícia presenta molts paral·lelismes, quant als seus objectius i finalitats, però també en relació amb alguns aspectes concrets de la seva configuració, amb la denominada mediació comunitària. Per això es presta especial consideració, per una banda, al pojecte de Llei orgànica de modificació de la Llei orgànica 6/1985, d’1 de juliol, del Poder Judicial, en matèria de justícia de proximitat i Consells de justícia, i , per altra banda a l’Avantprojecte de Llei de Mediació familiar i comunitària a Catalunya. Aquestes propostes de reforma legislativa són analitzades a la llum de les principals aportacions de la sociologia, la criminologia i la ciencia política en matèria de garantia de la seguretat ciudadana. També s’han pres en consideració diversos models de dret comparat. Els resultats de la recerca han posat de manifest que la garantia de la seguretat ciudadana s’ha d’articular a través de mecanismes basats en els principis de subsidiarietat, cooperació i participació, en la corresponsabilització de la societat i en la introducció d’instruments d’autoregulació normalitzats. Tenint en compte aquests resultats i les necessitats de reforma de l’organització jurisdiccional, es presenta en aquest treball un model de justícia de proximitat que s’articula principalment com un model de justícia de barri, que s’hauria de compatibilitzar amb la mediació comunitària, però que inclou també de forma paral•lela un sistema de justícia de les petites reclamacions.


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The Urn Sohryngkew section of Meghalaya, NE India, located 800-1000 km from the Deccan volcanic province, is one of the most complete Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB) transitions worldwide with all defining and supporting criteria present: mass extinction of planktic foraminifera, first appearance of Danian species, delta(13)C shift, Ir anomaly (12 ppb) and KTB red layer. The geochemical signature of the KTB layer indicates not only an extraterrestrial signal (Ni and all Platinum Group Elements (PGEs)) of a second impact that postdates Chicxulub, but also a significant component resulting from condensed sedimentation (P), redox fluctuations (As, Co, Fe, Pb, Zn, and to a lesser extent Ni and Cu) and volcanism. From the late Maastrichtian C29r into the early Danian, a humid climate prevailed (kaolinite: 40-60%, detrital minerals: 50-80%). During the latest Maastrichtian, periodic acid rains (carbonate dissolution; CIA index: 70-80) associated with pulsed Deccan eruptions and strong continental weathering resulted in mesotrophic waters. The resulting super-stressed environmental conditions led to the demise of nearly all planktic foraminiferal species and blooms (>95%) of the disaster opportunist Guembelitria cretacea. These data reveal that detrimental marine conditions prevailed surrounding the Deccan volcanic province during the main phase of eruptions in C29r below the KTB. Ultimately these environmental conditions led to regionally early extinctions followed by global extinctions at the KTB. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two regulons, soxRS and marRAB, are associated with resistance to quinolones or multiple antibiotic in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. These regulons are activated by nitric oxide and redox-cycling drugs, such as paraquat and cause on activation of the acrAB-encoded efflux pump. In this study, we investigated the effect of nitric oxide (NO) alone and in combination with ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and pefloxacin against S. typhimurium clinical isolates and mutant strains in vitro. We did not observe synergistic effect against clinical isolates and SH5014 (parent strain of acr mutant), while we found synergistic effect against PP120 (soxRS mutant) and SH7616 (an acr mutant) S. typhimurium for all quinolones. Our results suggest that the efficiencies of some antibiotics, including ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and pefloxacin are decreased via activation of soxRS and marRAB regulons by NO in S. enterica serovar Typhimurium. Further studies are warranted to establish the interaction of NO with the genes of Salmonella and, with multiple antibiotic resistance.


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L'utilisation de l'Internet comme medium pour faire ses courses et achats a vu une croissance exponentielle. Cependant, 99% des nouveaux business en ligne échouent. La plupart des acheteurs en ligne ne reviennent pas pour un ré-achat et 60% abandonnent leur chariot avant de conclure l'achat. En effet, après le premier achat, la rétention du consommateur en ligne devient critique au succès du vendeur de commerce électronique. Retenir des consommateurs peut sauver des coûts, accroître les profits, et permet de gagner un avantage compétitif.Les recherches précédentes ont identifié la loyauté comme étant le facteur le plus important dans la rétention du consommateur, et l'engagement ("commitment") comme étant un des facteurs les plus importants en marketing relationnel, offrant une réflexion sur la loyauté. Pourtant, nous n'avons pu trouver d'étude en commerce électronique examinant l'impact de la loyauté en ligne et de l'engagement en ligne ("online commitment") sur le ré-achat en ligne. Un des avantages de l'achat en ligne c'est la capacité à chercher le meilleur prix avec un clic. Pourtant, nous n'avons pu trouver de recherche empirique en commerce électronique qui examinait l'impact de la perception post-achat du prix sur le ré-achat en ligne.L'objectif de cette recherche est de développer un modèle théorique visant à comprendre le ré-achat en ligne, ou la continuité d'achat ("purchase continuance") du même magasin en ligne.Notre modèle de recherche a été testé dans un contexte de commerce électronique réel, sur un échantillon total de 1,866 vrais acheteurs d'un même magasin en ligne. L'étude est centrée sur le ré-achat. Par conséquent, les répondants sélectionnés aléatoirement devaient avoir acheté au moins une fois de ce magasin en ligne avant le début de l'enquête. Cinq mois plus tard, nous avons suivi les répondants pour voir s'ils étaient effectivement revenus pour un ré-achat.Notre analyse démontre que l'intention de ré-achat en ligne n'a pas d'impact significatif sur le ré-achat en ligne. La perception post-achat du prix en ligne ("post-purchase Price perception") et l'engagement normatif en ligne ("Normative Commitment") n'ont pas d'impact significatif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. L'engagement affectif en ligne ("Affective Commitment"), l'attitude loyale en ligne ("Attitudinal Loyalty"), le comportement loyal en ligne ("Behavioral Loyalty"), l'engagement calculé en ligne ("Calculative Commitment") ont un impact positif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. De plus, l'attitude loyale en ligne a un effet de médiation partielle entre l'engagement affectif en ligne et l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. Le comportement loyal en ligne a un effet de mediation partielle entre l'attitude loyale en ligne et l'intention de ré-achat en ligne.Nous avons réalisé deux analyses complémentaires : 1) Sur un échantillon de premiers acheteurs, nous trouvons que la perception post-achat du prix en ligne a un impact positif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. 2) Nous avons divisé l'échantillon de l'étude principale entre des acheteurs répétitifs Suisse-Romands et Suisse-Allemands. Les résultats démontrent que les Suisse-Romands montrent plus d'émotions durant l'achat en ligne que les Suisse-Allemands. Nos résultats contribuent à la recherche académique mais aussi aux praticiens de l'industrie e-commerce.AbstractThe use of the Internet as a shopping and purchasing medium has seen exceptional growth. However, 99% of new online businesses fail. Most online buyers do not comeback for a repurchase, and 60% abandon their shopping cart before checkout. Indeed, after the first purchase, online consumer retention becomes critical to the success of the e-commerce vendor. Retaining existing customers can save costs, increase profits, and is a means of gaining competitive advantage.Past research identified loyalty as the most important factor in achieving customer retention, and commitment as one of the most important factors in relationship marketing, providing a good description of what type of thinking leads to loyalty. Yet, we could not find an e-commerce study investing the impact of both online loyalty and online commitment on online repurchase. One of the advantages of online shopping is the ability of browsing for the best price with one click. Yet, we could not find an e- commerce empirical research investigating the impact of post-purchase price perception on online repurchase.The objective of this research is to develop a theoretical model aimed at understanding online repurchase, or purchase continuance from the same online store.Our model was tested in a real e-commerce context with an overall sample of 1, 866 real online buyers from the same online store.The study focuses on repurchase. Therefore, randomly selected respondents had purchased from the online store at least once prior to the survey. Five months later, we tracked respondents to see if they actually came back for a repurchase.Our findings show that online Intention to repurchase has a non-significant impact on online Repurchase. Online post-purchase Price perception and online Normative Commitment have a non-significant impact on online Intention to repurchase, whereas online Affective Commitment, online Attitudinal Loyalty, online Behavioral Loyalty, and online Calculative Commitment have a positive impact on online Intention to repurchase. Furthermore, online Attitudinal Loyalty partially mediates between online Affective Commitment and online Intention to repurchase, and online Behavioral Loyalty partially mediates between online Attitudinal Loyalty and online Intention to repurchase.We conducted two follow up analyses: 1) On a sample of first time buyers, we find that online post-purchase Price perception has a positive impact on Intention. 2) We divided the main study's sample into Swiss-French and Swiss-German repeated buyers. Results show that Swiss-French show more emotions when shopping online than Swiss- Germans. Our findings contribute to academic research but also to practice.


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Current evidence on the association between personality factors, drinking motives, and alcohol use comes exclusively from North America. The present study, however, is based on a sample of 2090 Swiss college students (mean age 23.5, SD = 2,9) and investigates by means of structural equation modeling whether drinking motives mediate the association between personality factors and alcohol use. The results revealed that extraversion was positively related to drinking for enhancement motives; conscientiousness was negatively related to both enhancement and coping motives; and neuroticism was positively related to drinking for coping motives. The association between extraversion and alcohol use was mediated by enhancement motives, while the negative association between conscientiousness and alcohol use was partially mediated by both enhancement and coping motives. This concurs with the findings of North American studies. However, in contrast to these findings, our study finds that coping motives attenuate the "protective" effect of neuroticism with regard to alcohol use. Taken together, the study indicates that alcohol use serves specific purposes depending on particular personality traits. The finding that personality-related effects are partially mediated by motives increases the likelihood that motive-based preventive efforts will help reduce alcohol use among young adults who display particular personality traits.


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BACKGROUND: High blood pressure, blood glucose, serum cholesterol, and BMI are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and some of these factors also increase the risk of chronic kidney disease and diabetes. We estimated mortality from cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes that was attributable to these four cardiometabolic risk factors for all countries and regions from 1980 to 2010. METHODS: We used data for exposure to risk factors by country, age group, and sex from pooled analyses of population-based health surveys. We obtained relative risks for the effects of risk factors on cause-specific mortality from meta-analyses of large prospective studies. We calculated the population attributable fractions for each risk factor alone, and for the combination of all risk factors, accounting for multicausality and for mediation of the effects of BMI by the other three risks. We calculated attributable deaths by multiplying the cause-specific population attributable fractions by the number of disease-specific deaths. We obtained cause-specific mortality from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors 2010 Study. We propagated the uncertainties of all the inputs to the final estimates. FINDINGS: In 2010, high blood pressure was the leading risk factor for deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes in every region, causing more than 40% of worldwide deaths from these diseases; high BMI and glucose were each responsible for about 15% of deaths, and high cholesterol for more than 10%. After accounting for multicausality, 63% (10·8 million deaths, 95% CI 10·1-11·5) of deaths from these diseases in 2010 were attributable to the combined effect of these four metabolic risk factors, compared with 67% (7·1 million deaths, 6·6-7·6) in 1980. The mortality burden of high BMI and glucose nearly doubled from 1980 to 2010. At the country level, age-standardised death rates from these diseases attributable to the combined effects of these four risk factors surpassed 925 deaths per 100 000 for men in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia, but were less than 130 deaths per 100 000 for women and less than 200 for men in some high-income countries including Australia, Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, and Spain. INTERPRETATION: The salient features of the cardiometabolic disease and risk factor epidemic at the beginning of the 21st century are high blood pressure and an increasing effect of obesity and diabetes. The mortality burden of cardiometabolic risk factors has shifted from high-income to low-income and middle-income countries. Lowering cardiometabolic risks through dietary, behavioural, and pharmacological interventions should be a part of the global response to non-communicable diseases. FUNDING: UK Medical Research Council, US National Institutes of Health.


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Chronic disorders, such as obesity, diabetes, inflammation, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis, are related to alterations in lipid and glucose metabolism, in which peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR)α, PPARβ/δ and PPARγ are involved. These receptors form a subgroup of ligand-activated transcription factors that belong to the nuclear hormone receptor family. This review discusses a selection of novel PPAR functions identified during the last few years. The PPARs regulate processes that are essential for the maintenance of pregnancy and embryonic development. Newly found hepatic functions of PPARα are the mediation of female-specific gene repression and the protection of the liver from oestrogen induced toxicity. PPARα also controls lipid catabolism and is the target of hypolipidaemic drugs, whereas PPARγ controls adipocyte differentiation and regulates lipid storage; it is the target for the insulin sensitising thiazolidinediones used to treat type 2 diabetes. Activation of PPARβ/δ increases lipid catabolism in skeletal muscle, the heart and adipose tissue. In addition, PPARβ/δ ligands prevent weight gain and suppress macrophage derived inflammation. In fact, therapeutic benefits of PPAR ligands have been confirmed in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, such as encephalomyelitis and inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, PPARs promote skin wound repair. PPARα favours skin healing during the inflammatory phase that follows injury, whilst PPARβ/δ enhances keratinocyte survival and migration. Due to their collective functions in skin, PPARs represent a major research target for our understanding of many skin diseases. Taken altogether, these functions suggest that PPARs serve as physiological sensors in different stress situations and remain valuable targets for innovative therapies.


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Projecte que pretén planificar els serveis que pot oferir la Residència Diocesana d'Estudiants, amb dues condicions: que sigui tècnicament correcta i entri dintre d'uns principis humanístics mínims i que a això se li doni un sentit d'utilitat social i ajudi, expressament, les parts menys afavorides de la societat (no només econòmicament). Entre els serveis proposats consten els següents: un internat de 300 places per a infants i adolescents; la posada en marxa, obertura i utilització d'un antic internat per a fer-ne una mena de centre de recursos alternatius a l'escola (colònies, campaments, estades educatives, etc.), així com també d'una casa de colònies que està creant-se i de dues zones d'acampada (una a la serra, l'altra a la platja); la creació de l'Escola de l'Esplai diocesana (és dels pocs bisbats de Catalunya que no en té, i aquest bisbat abasta també el nord de Castelló); la generació d'un servei per a elaborar els diversos tipus de mediacions que, a hores d'ara, demana la societat, i dels quals s'espera un fort creixement (matrimonis, menors, etc.), i la cerca d'altres serveis que es puguin oferir a menors i a famílies que tinguin dificultats econòmiques (centre d'acolliments familiars, etc.).


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Thioredoxins comprise a conserved family of redox regulators involved in many biological processes, including stress resistance and aging. We report that the C. elegans thioredoxin TRX-1 acts in ASJ head sensory neurons as a novel modulator of the insulin-like neuropeptide DAF-28 during dauer formation. We show that increased formation of stress-resistant, long-lived dauer larvae in mutants for the gene encoding the insulin-like neuropeptide DAF-28 requires TRX-1 acting in ASJ neurons, upstream of the insulin-like receptor DAF-2. Genetic rescue experiments demonstrate that redox-independent functions of TRX-1 specifically in ASJ neurons are needed for the dauer formation constitutive (Daf-c) phenotype of daf-28 mutants. GFP reporters of trx-1 and daf-28 show opposing expression patterns in dauers (i.e. trx-1 is up-regulated and daf-28 is down-regulated), an effect that is not observed in growing L2/L3 larvae. In addition, functional TRX-1 is required for the down-regulation of a GFP reporter of daf-28 during dauer formation, a process that is likely subject to DAF-28-mediated feedback regulation. Our findings demonstrate that TRX-1 modulates DAF-28 signaling by contributing to the down-regulation of daf-28 expression during dauer formation. We propose that TRX-1 acts as a fluctuating neuronal signaling modulator within ASJ neurons to monitor the adjustment of neuropeptide expression, including insulin-like proteins, during dauer formation in response to adverse environmental conditions.


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Introduction. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome with unknown etiology. Recent studies have shown some evidence demonstrating that oxidative stress may have a role in the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia. However, it is still not clear whether oxidative stress is the cause or the effect of the abnormalities documented in fibromyalgia. Furthermore, the role of mitochondria in the redox imbalance reported in fibromyalgia also is controversial. We undertook this study to investigate the role of mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and mitophagy in fibromyalgia. Methods. We studied 20 patients (2 male, 18 female patients) from the database of the Sevillian Fibromyalgia Association and 10 healthy controls. We evaluated mitochondrial function in blood mononuclear cells from fibromyalgia patients measuring, coenzyme Q10 levels with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and mitochondrial membrane potential with flow cytometry. Oxidative stress was determined by measuring mitochondrial superoxide production with MitoSOX™ and lipid peroxidation in blood mononuclear cells and plasma from fibromyalgia patients. Autophagy activation was evaluated by quantifying the fluorescence intensity of LysoTracker™ Red staining of blood mononuclear cells. Mitophagy was confirmed by measuring citrate synthase activity and electron microscopy examination of blood mononuclear cells. Results. We found reduced levels of coenzyme Q10, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, increased levels of mitochondrial superoxide in blood mononuclear cells, and increased levels of lipid peroxidation in both blood mononuclear cells and plasma from fibromyalgia patients. Mitochondrial dysfunction was also associated with increased expression of autophagic genes and the elimination of dysfunctional mitochondria with mitophagy. Conclusions. These findings may support the role of oxidative stress and mitophagy in the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia.


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Introduction. Critically ill patients suffer from oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). Although ROS/RNS are constantly produced under normal circumstances, critical illness can drastically increase their production. These patients have reduced plasma and intracellular levels of antioxidants and free electron scavengers or cofactors, and decreased activity of the enzymatic system involved in ROS detoxification. The pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance is of functional relevance during critical illness because it is involved in the pathogenesis of multiple organ failure. In this study the objective was to evaluate the relation between oxidative stress in critically ill patients and antioxidant vitamin intake and severity of illness. Methods. Spectrophotometry was used to measure in plasma the total antioxidant capacity and levels of lipid peroxide, carbonyl group, total protein, bilirubin and uric acid at two time points: at intensive care unit (ICU) admission and on day seven. Daily diet records were kept and compliance with recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of antioxidant vitamins (A, C and E) was assessed. Results. Between admission and day seven in the ICU, significant increases in lipid peroxide and carbonyl group were associated with decreased antioxidant capacity and greater deterioration in Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score. There was significantly greater worsening in oxidative stress parameters in patients who received antioxidant vitamins at below 66% of RDA than in those who received antioxidant vitamins at above 66% of RDA. An antioxidant vitamin intake from 66% to 100% of RDA reduced the risk for worsening oxidative stress by 94% (ods ratio 0.06, 95% confidence interval 0.010 to 0.39), regardless of change in severity of illness (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score). Conclusion. The critical condition of patients admitted to the ICU is associated with worsening oxidative stress. Intake of antioxidant vitamins below 66% of RDA and alteration in endogenous levels of substances with antioxidant capacity are related to redox imbalance in critical ill patients. Therefore, intake of antioxidant vitamins should be carefully monitored so that it is as close as possible to RDA.


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Amantadine is an antiviral and antiparkinsonian drug that has been evaluated in combination therapies against hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Controversial results have been reported concerning its efficacy, and its mechanism of action remains unclear. Data obtained in vitro suggested a role of amantadine in inhibiting HCV p7-mediated cation conductance. In keeping with the fact that mitochondria are responsible to ionic fluxes and that HCV infection impairs mitochondrial function, we investigated a potential role of amantadine in modulating mitochondrial function. Using a well-characterized inducible cell line expressing the full-length HCV polyprotein, we found that amantadine not only prevented but also rescued HCV protein-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction. Specifically, amantadine corrected (i) overload of mitochondrial Ca(2+); (ii) inhibition of respiratory chain activity and oxidative phosphorylation; (iii) reduction of membrane potential; and (iv) overproduction of reactive oxygen species. The effects of amantadine were observed within 15 min following drug administration and confirmed in Huh-7.5 cells transfected with an infectious HCV genome. These effects were also observed in cells expressing subgenomic HCV constructs, indicating that they are not mediated or only in part mediated by p7. Single organelle analyzes carried out on isolated mouse liver mitochondria demonstrated that amantadine induces hyperpolarization of the membrane potential. Moreover, amantadine treatment increased the calcium threshold required to trigger mitochondrial permeability transition opening. In conclusion, these results support a role of amantadine in preserving cellular bioenergetics and redox homeostasis in HCV-infected cells and unveil an effect of the drug which might be exploited for a broader therapeutic utilization.


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There are two principal chemical concepts that are important for studying the naturalenvironment. The first one is thermodynamics, which describes whether a system is atequilibrium or can spontaneously change by chemical reactions. The second main conceptis how fast chemical reactions (kinetics or rate of chemical change) take place wheneverthey start. In this work we examine a natural system in which both thermodynamics andkinetic factors are important in determining the abundance of NH+4 , NO−2 and NO−3 insuperficial waters. Samples were collected in the Arno Basin (Tuscany, Italy), a system inwhich natural and antrophic effects both contribute to highly modify the chemical compositionof water. Thermodynamical modelling based on the reduction-oxidation reactionsinvolving the passage NH+4 -& NO−2 -& NO−3 in equilibrium conditions has allowed todetermine the Eh redox potential values able to characterise the state of each sample and,consequently, of the fluid environment from which it was drawn. Just as pH expressesthe concentration of H+ in solution, redox potential is used to express the tendency of anenvironment to receive or supply electrons. In this context, oxic environments, as thoseof river systems, are said to have a high redox potential because O2 is available as anelectron acceptor.Principles of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics allow to obtain a model that oftendoes not completely describe the reality of natural systems. Chemical reactions may indeedfail to achieve equilibrium because the products escape from the site of the rectionor because reactions involving the trasformation are very slow, so that non-equilibriumconditions exist for long periods. Moreover, reaction rates can be sensitive to poorly understoodcatalytic effects or to surface effects, while variables as concentration (a largenumber of chemical species can coexist and interact concurrently), temperature and pressurecan have large gradients in natural systems. By taking into account this, data of 91water samples have been modelled by using statistical methodologies for compositionaldata. The application of log–contrast analysis has allowed to obtain statistical parametersto be correlated with the calculated Eh values. In this way, natural conditions in whichchemical equilibrium is hypothesised, as well as underlying fast reactions, are comparedwith those described by a stochastic approach