894 resultados para Rectangular protocol in field
A Clorose Variegada dos Citros (CVC), causada pela bactéria Xylella fastidiosa, é uma séria ameaça à citricultura brasileira, constituindo-se, atualmente, numa das principais doenças dos citros no Brasil. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar cultivares de citros introduzidas quanto à suscetibilidade ou resistência à CVC, em condições de campo. O trabalho foi conduzido em Bebedouro-SP. Os materiais genéticos estudados foram cultivares de tangerinas e híbridos (tangores e tangelos) introduzidas de bancos de germoplasma da Itália, Portugal, Espanha e Córsega. O trabalho foi constituído por 56 parcelas, com três plantas das quais uma foi inoculada, empregando-se o método de encostia, utilizando-se de mudas previamente infectadas como fontes da bactéria. Foram avaliados os sintomas da doença mediante observação visual através de notas e teste de PCR, específico para Xylella fastidiosa. Os materiais genéticos que se apresentaram positivos ao PCR, mas não apresentaram sintomas, e os que foram negativos ao PCR, possuem um potencial de utilização em programas de melhoramento genético visando à resistência e/ou à tolerância à doença.
O uso de resíduos agroindustriais pode acumular metais pesados no solo e na planta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do lodo de esgoto e/ou vinhaça, aplicados no solo, disponibilizando Cd, Cr, Ni e Pb ao solo e quantificar as respectivas concentrações em plantas de cana-de-açúcar, após três aplicações anuais sucessivas. O experimento foi conduzido em condições de campo, com parcelas experimentais de cinco linhas espaçadas de 1,5 m e 10 m de comprimento. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: 1. Lodo de esgoto com 100% de N; 2. Lodo de esgoto com 200% de N; 3. Vinhaça com 100% de K; 4. Vinhaça com 200% de K; 5. Lodo de esgoto+vinhaça com 100% de N e K; 6. Lodo de esgoto+vinhaça com 200% de N e K; 7. Testemunha (fertilização mineral). Os baixos teores de metais pesados (Cd, Cr, Ni e Pb) disponíveis no solo e nas partes das plantas de cana-de-açúcar indicam que o lodo de esgoto e a vinhaça, empregados nas doses mencionadas, não apresentaram, após três aplicações anuais sucessivas, potencial de contaminação do sistema solo-planta.
According to great concern between the developed industrial activities and resultant impacts over the environment, an association of several factors have occurred, procedures to the efficient management of the rotation between economical development and the environment have been improved. A research in field have been realized inside building sites of companies in order to provide knowledge about the implemented and accomplish actions according to the resolution from CONAMA nº307. Trough the interview among the representations of the companies and photographic survey in loco, such as, what makes the companies implement this management, reutilization and recycling, transport and disposition. The present study had as objective: analyze the insertion of the used tools to residuals management, proposing improvements, in a way that it can be easily identified during the procedures execution in the building sites of the building companies of the city of Natal/RN. To reach the goal, in the first place a revision of the pertinent literature was performed; there for, it can be seen the relation between residues management and environment sustainability, once it happens in a continued way it may prevent the waste and reduces the risk that the activities way bring to the employees, community and environment; once found the great difficult faced with regard to labors, material, equipment, project, planning, costumer s interference, furnisher. And still, it could be verified wich materials generate greater indexes of residues in the works and the main occurrences of waste and loss. However a greater transparency is needed coming from the high administration in the commitment with the continued actions, to make it so, there must be a cultural change inside the company. There for there will be a greater productivity and quality of the under taking such as costumer s satisfaction
Deregulation of the sugar-alcohol sector in the 90s meant that agribusiness firms begin a process of reorganization of their production structures to enhance their abilities to become competitive in the new scenario. This study aims to examine the Production Chain of Sugar cane in Agreste region of Rio Grande do Norte, with studies to contribute to the competitiveness of farmers giving grants for planning and implementing policies, programs and projects, public and / or private. The method used in the study was researching the literature on the history of sugar cane in Brazil, agribusiness management, production chains and competitiveness, in field research used a questionnaire to collect information from farmers. It is concluded that the rural producers of cane sugar in newborns are not competitive and therefore it is necessary policies and / or for private gain in competitiveness of producers and consequently the production chain. It is hoped that the study serves as a subsidy for those policies proposição
This work presents a theoretical and experimental investigation about the properties of microstrip antennas for ultra-wideband systems. Configurations of elliptic monopoles with different eccentricities and circular monopoles are considered. Two prototypes for each antenna configuration were built, one with the typical microstrip configuration and the other is similar to the first, except for a small aperture in the ground plane. Therefore, this work proposes to modify the configuration of the ground plane of the monopoles designed adding a rectangular stub, in order to optimize and improve the performance of such structures. The obtained results show that the introduction of that rectangular aperture in the ground plane allows an improvement of the frequency response for the considered antenna propotypes. It is observed a good agreement between the measured and simulated results. Finally, some proposals for future works are presented
During a petroleum well production process, It is common the slmultaneous oil and water production, in proportion that can vary from 0% up to values close to 100% of water. Moreover, the production flows can vary a lot, depending on the charaeteristies of eaeh reservoir. Thus being, the meters used in field for the flow and BSW (water in the oil) measurement must work well in wide bands of operation. For the evaluation of the operation of these meters, in the different operation conditions, a Laboratory will be built in UFRN, that has for objective to evaluate in an automatic way the processes of flow and BSW petroleum measurement, considering different operation conditions. The good acting of these meters is fundamental for the accuracy of the measures of the volumes of production liquid and rude of petroleum. For the measurement of this production, the petroleum companies use meters that should indicate the values with tha largast possible accuracy and to respect a series of conditions and minimum requirements, estabelished by the united Entrance ANP/INMETRO 19106/2000. The laboratory of Evafuation of the Processes of Measurement of Flow and BSW to be built will possess an oil tank basically, a tank of water, besides a mixer, a tank auditor, a tank for separation and a tank of residues for discard of fluids, fundamental for the evaluation of the flow metars and BSW. The whole process will be automated through the use of a Programmable Logicat Controller (CLP) and of a supervisory system.This laboratory besides allowing the evaluation of flow meters and BSW used by petroleum companies, it will make possible the development of researches related to the automation. Besides, it will be a collaborating element to the development of the Computer Engineering and Automation Department, that it will propitiate the evolution of the faculty and discente, qualifying them for a job market in continuous growth. The present work describes the project of automation of the laboratory that will be built at of UFRN. The system will be automated using a Programmable Logical Controller and a supervisory system. The programming of PLC and the screens of the supervisory system were developed in this work
The microstrip antennas are largely used in wireless communication systems due to their low cost, weight, less complex construction and manufacturing, in addition to its versatility. UWB systems have emerged as an alternative to wireless communications over short distances because they offer of higher capacity and lower multipath distortion than other systems with the same purpose. Combining the advantages of microstrip antennas to the characteristics of UWB, it is possible to develop more and more smaller devices, with diverse geometries to operate satisfactorily in these systems. This paper aims to propose alternatives to microstrip antennas for UWB systems operate in the range between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz, with a patch on circular ring. Some techniques are analyzed and employed to increase the bandwidth of proposed antenna: the insertion of a parasitic elements and a rectangular slit in the displaced ground plane. For this, key issues are presented as the basic principles of UWB systems, the fundamental theory of antennas and microstrip antennas. The simulations and experimental characterization of constructed antennas are presented, as well as analysis of parameters such as bandwidth and radiation pattern
A aplicação mecanizada de herbicidas em ferrovias tem como principal vantagem a grande capacidade operacional, cobrindo trechos extensos em curtos espaços de tempo. Entretanto em função das características dos equipamentos utilizados, quase sempre ocorre grande desperdício de herbicida. A aplicação manual, através de pulverizadores costais, tem como principal vantagem a possibilidade da pulverização dirigida às áreas infestadas, diminuindo a quantidade de herbicida aplicado. Por outro lado, sua reduzida capacidade operacional faz com que a aplicação de longos trechos seja demorada, tornando-a, assim, mais dependente dos problemas climáticos e operacionais da ferrovia. O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar uma análise comparativa das características operacionais e econômicas destes sistemas de aplicação, apontando os fatores mais importantes a serem avaliados para a sua implantação. Para tanto, foram realizadas simulações em computador, baseando-se em diversas equações matemáticas e dados levantados no campo. Os resultados mostraram que a aplicação manual apresentou-se mais econômica apenas para trechos com baixas infestações (até 10%, e média). Na composição de custos, os gastos com herbicidas corresponderam a cerca de 80% do total para a aplicação mecanizada e apenas 8% na manual. Levando-se em conta os fatores operacionais e de mão-de-obra, em apenas um dos trechos avaliados houve vantagem econômica do uso da aplicação manual.
Microstrip antennas are widely used in modern telecommunication systems. This is particularly due to the great variety of geometries and because they are easily built and integrated to other high frequency devices and circuits. This work presents a study of the properties of the microstrip antenna with an aperture impressed in the conducting patch. Besides, the analysis is performed for isotropic and anisotropic dielectric substrates. The Multiport Network Model MNM is used in combination with the Segmentation Method and the Greens function technique in the analysis of the considered microstrip antenna geometries. The numerical analysis is performed by using the boundary value problem solution, by considering separately the impedance matrix of the structure segments. The analysis for the complete structure is implemented by choosing properly the number and location of the neighboor element ports. The numerial analysis is performed for the following antenna geometries: resonant cavity, microstrip rectangular patch antenna, and microstrip rectangular patch antenna with aperture. The analysis is firstly developed for microstrip antennas on isotropic substrates, and then extended to the case of microstrip antennas on anisotropic substrates by using a Mapping Method. The experimental work is described and related to the development of several prototypes of rectangular microstrip patch antennas wtih and without rectangular apertures. A good agreement was observed between the simulated and measured results. Thereafter, a good agreement was also observed between the results of this work and those shown in literature for microstrip antennas on isotropic substrates. Furthermore, results are proposed for rectangular microstrip patch antennas wtih rectangular apertures in the conducting patch