915 resultados para RETINAL COLOBOMA


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The major components of blood vessels are the vascular endothelium and its supporting smooth muscle. Significant strides have been made in the understanding of the cellular and molecular biology of these two cell types and in particular their interactions have been the subject of much interest and debate over the past two decades. The vascular endothelium is now known to profoundly influence the synthetic and motor functions of the underlying smooth muscle and participate in the pathogenesis of all the major vascular disorders. Similarly, the vascular smooth muscle has important effects on the overlying endothelium, and any disruption in the cellular physiology of either cell type can result in dysfunction with important effects on blood flow and vascular permeability The majority of this accumulated knowledge relates to the vascular cells of the macrocirculation. Pericytes are the supporting cells of the microvasculature and a body of evidence is now available to show that similar regulatory mechanisms and vessel-wall cross-talk exists between these cells and the microvascular endothelium. Nowhere are these interactions more important than in the retinal microcirculation where autoregulation is vital for the maintenance of smooth and uninterrrupted blood flow. This review focuses on the interactions between retinal microvascular endothelial cells and their associated pericytes and examines the role of the endothelial cell and the pericyte in the pathogenesis of disease.


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BACKGROUND: In experimental models of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), a vasoproliferative disorder of the retina, retinal lesions are usually assessed by morphological examination. However, studies suggest that the polyamine system may be useful in monitoring proliferation processes. For this reason, polyamine concentrations in rat erythrocytes (RBC) and the regulation of polyamine system in rat eyes under the conditions relevant to ROP were investigated. METHODS: Newborn Wistar rats were reared in room air (control) or exposed first to hyperoxia (60% or 80% oxygen, 2 weeks) and then to normoxia (relative hypoxia, 1 or 2 weeks). Blood was collected from orbital vessels at 2 weeks of age and before death. Polyamine system-related enzyme activities were measured in retina and lens with radioassays. Polyamines were quantified by fluorometry after extraction, dansylation and HPLC separation. RESULTS: Oxygen (80% only) significantly decreased RBC polyamine concentrations, which then markedly increased after rats were transferred for a week to normal air, suggesting retardation of growth processes and compensatory stimulation, respectively. However, polyamine system changes in the rat eye were not so pronounced. Enzyme activities and polyamine concentrations tended to be lower in retina after hyperoxia and were only slightly higher, with the exception of ornithine decarboxylase, after a subsequent 1 week of normoxia. In litters subjected to normoxia for longer periods no changes were found. CONCLUSION: The transient and short-lived alteration in polyamine metabolism, especially in the eye, suggests that exposure of newborn rats to high oxygen supplementation followed by normoxia does not necessarily result in marked retinopathy.


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This review considers the effects of ionizing radiation on the retina and examines the relationship between the natural course of radiation retinopathy and the radiobiology of the retinal vascular endothelial cell (RVEC). Radiation retinopathy presents clinically as a progressive pattern of degenerative and proliferative vascular changes, chiefly affecting the macula, and ranging from capillary occlusion, dilation, and microaneurysm formation, to telangiectasia, intraretinal microvascular abnormalities, and neovascularization. The total-radiation dose and fractionation schedule are the major determinants for the time of onset, rate of progression, and severity of retinopathy, although other factors such as concomitant chemotherapy and preexisting diabetes may exaggerate the vasculopathy by intensifying the oxygen-derived free-radical assault on the vascular cells. The differential radiosensitivity of RVECs is attributed to their nuclear chromatin conformation, their antioxidant status, and their environment. We propose pathogenetic mechanisms for radiation retinopathy and suggest that the peculiar latency and unique clinical pattern is related to the life cycle of the RVEC. A rationale is also proposed for the use of radiotherapy in the treatment of subneovascularization and age-related macular degeneration.


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The combined effect of STZ-diabetes and ionising radiation on the rat retina was investigated. Wistar rats, which had been diabetic for 6 months, were irradiated with a single dose of x-rays (1500 cGy) and the ultrastructural effects evaluated at 4-10 mths post-irradiation. At 4 months post-irradiation, the outer nuclear layer of the retina was greatly reduced in thickness and the photoreceptor outer segments were disorganised and reduced in length. In addition, the nerve fibre layer contained many cytoid bodies and there were many redundant basement membrane tubes throughout the inner retina. By 6 months post-irradiation, the photoreceptor cells were virtually absent, bringing the external limiting membrane into close apposition to the RPE. Throughout large areas of the outer retina, RPE cells were hypertrophic and some had proliferated into the inner retina. In many regions, proliferating retinal capillaries were observed within the RPE layer, and at 8 months post-irradiation, some vessels extended into the inner retina accompanied by RPE cells. At 10 months post-irradiation, the RPE was atrophic and degenerative with retinal glial cells coming into contact with Bruch's membrane. In some areas, the glia which had breached Bruch's membrane had invaded the underlying choroid. Where glial cells contacted the choriocapillaries, the vessels assumed the appearance of retinal vessels with plump endothelia and no fenestrations. This study has described a progressive inner retinal ischemia, with cytoid bodies, capillary non-perfusion and general atrophy of the inner retina intensifying markedly with increasing post-irradiation time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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This study documents the ultrastructural findings in a case of solar retinopathy, 6 days after sungazing. A malignant melanoma of the choroid was diagnosed in a 65-year-old man. On fundoscopy, the macula was normal. The patient agreed to stare at the sun prior to enucleation. A typical solar retinopathy developed, characterised by a small, reddish, sharply circumscribed depression in the foveal area. Structural examination of the fovea and parafovea revealed a spectrum of cone and rod outer segment changes including vesiculation and fragmentation of the photoreceptor lamellae and the presence of discrete 100-120 nm whorls within the disc membranes. Many photoreceptor cells, particularly the parafoveal rods, also demonstrated mitochondrial swelling and nuclear pyknosis. Scattered retinal pigment epithelial cells in the fovea and parafovea showed a degeneration characterised by loss of plasma membrane specialisations, swelling of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and changes in the fine structure of the lipofuscin granules. The good visual prognosis in solar retinopathy was attributed to the resistance of the foveal cone cells to photochemical damage.


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This study describes ultrastructural changes in the pigmented hooded Lister rat retina, 3-12 months following X-irradiation with single doses of between 200 and 2000 cGy. The extreme radiosensitivity of the photoreceptor cells was underlined by the continued manifestation of fine structural changes and cell death up to 6 months post-radiation in animals receiving doses above 500 cGy. The retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells were more radioresistant than photoreceptors and RPE cell loss was only observed at doses of more than 1500 cGy. One year after irradiation with 1500 cGy the retinal vasculature showed capillary occlusion with some evidence of recanalisation. Telangiectasia was observed in the large retinal veins. Although the inner retinal neurones and glial cells showed no evidence of direct radiation damage, the nerve fibre layer adjacent to occluded retinal vessels demonstrated ultrastructural evidence of ischaemic neuropathy and retinal oedema. At doses above 1500 cGy the choriocapillaris showed platelet aggregation and capillary loss.


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Clinical, pathological and experimental studies of radiation retinopathy confirm that the primary vascular event is endothelial cell loss and capillary closure. Pericytes are less susceptible, but typically atrophy as the capillaries become non-functional. The immediate effects of radiation reflect interphase and early mitotic death of injured endothelial cells, whereas later changes may be attributed to delayed mitotic death of compromised endothelial cells as they attempt division in the ordinary course of repair and replacement. Capillary occlusion leads to the formation of dilated capillary collaterals which may remain serviceable and competent for years. Microaneurysms develop in acellular and poorly supported capillaries, predominantly on the arterial side of the circulation and adjacent to regions of poorly perfused retina. Alterations in haemodynamics produce large telangiectatic-like channels which, typically develop a thick collagenous adventitia and may become fenestrated. Limited capillary regeneration occurs, usually evident as recanalisation of arterioles or venules by new capillaries. Vitreo-retinal neovascularisation may occur where retinal ischaemia is widespread. Radiation produces an exaggerated vasculopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus, and five month streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats develop a severe ischaemic retinopathy with vitreoretinal neovascularisation when exposed to 1500 cGy of radiation. Later photocoagulation is useful in containing or reversing microvascular incompetence and vasoproliferation in some patients with advanced radiation retinopathy.


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In this study Lister rats were given doses of X-rays ranging from 200-2,000 Rads to the retina of one eye, sacrificed at various time intervals between one hour and one month later and the irradiated eye processed for electron microscopy. The rod photoreceptor cells were by far the most radiosensitive cells in the retina, their outer segments showing distinctive membrane damage at one hour after 200 Rads of X-rays. Photoreceptor cell death was not seen at doses less than 1,000 Rads in the time period of the experiment. The retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells showed damage in the form of mitochondrial swelling but only in doses over 500 Rads. Retinal pigment epithelial cell loss did not occur under 2,000 Rads. The inner retinal neurones, glial elements and the retinal vasculature did not show any ill effects in the time period of this study.


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Focal gamma irradiation was used to limit the intraocular extension of scar tissue which typically occurs after posterior perforating injury to the eye. Standard posterior perforating injuries were created in the right eye of forty-eight rabbits, half of which had the site of perforation focally irradiated using a Cobalt 60 ophthalmic plaque. Non-irradiated wounds healed with profuse formation of highly cellular and vascularised granulation tissue which invaded the vitreous to form contractile vitreo-retinal membranes. In irradiated eyes vitreo-retinal membrane formation was infrequent; the wounds showing only sparse granulation tissue with little or no extension into the vitreous cavity. Autoradiographic studies carried out in a second group of 40 animals showed that the episclera was the main source of the proliferating fibroblasts, and cell counts confirmed that the inflammatory and repair responses in irradiated wounds were both delayed and attenuated.


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An experimental model of quinine induced blindness is presented. Electrophysiological, angiographical and morphological examinations were made. The occurrence of blindness and any recovery from blindness was dependent upon the dose of quinine taken. As no evidence of acute retinal ischaemia was found it is concluded that quinine is retinotoxic.


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A controlled study was undertaken to assess the effect of gamma irradiation on post-traumatic intraocular cellular proliferation. A standard perforating injury in the posterior segment of the rabbit eye was used to induce intraocular cellular proliferation and vitreo-retinal membrane formation. The site of injury was irradiated with an ophthalmic Cobalt60 applicator which provided a continuous source of gamma rays. Non-irradiated eyes developed traction retinal detachments associated with post-traumatic vitreo-retinal membranes. Irradiated eyes developed attenuated membranes or atrophic retinal scars, with the retina remaining attached. The membranes in non-irradiated eyes were highly cellular with abundant collagen, while irradiated membranes had fewer cells within a sparse collagen matrix. The episcleral fibroblasts, on autoradiographic studies appeared to be the main source of the cells that formed the proliferating tissue in both non-irradiated and irradiated eyes. In irradiated eyes both the inflammatory response and division of fibroblasts were delayed and reduced.


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We produced choroidal neovascularization in the rhesus monkey by diminishing the blood supply to the inner retina and producing defects in Bruch's membrane by photocoagulation. The neovascular fronds which developed either infiltrated the subretinal space or proliferated through necrotic and gliotic retina into the vitreous cavity. Sequential electron microscopic sections of neovascular fronds in the subretinal space demonstrated that the advancing capillary sprouts were composed of primitive endothelial tubes surrounded by pericytes and enmeshed in a loose basement-membrane-like substance. More mature capillaris and displayed endothelial fenestrations and endothelial-pericyte membranous contacts. Large neovascular fronds developed major feeding vessels that closely resembled normal small choroidal arteries and veins. Retinal pigment epithelial cells in various guises were in constant association with proliferating neovascular networks.


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We induced choroidal neovascularization in the rhesus monkey by impoverishing the blood supply to the inner retina and producing defects in Bruch's membrane by photocoagulation. Fourteen of 46 eyes undergoing photocoagulation developed neovascular fronds which were identified and categorized by histopathologic examination and fluorescein angiography. All new vessels gained access to the retina through defects in Bruch's membrane at the site of photocoagulation marks. In eight eyes the new vessels remained localized to the immediate vicinity of photocoagulation marks. In four eyes neovascular fronds infiltrated the subretinal space for distances up to 6 disk diameters from the point of entry into the retina. In the two eyes choroidovitreal neovascular complexes developed but rapidly regressed shortly after gaining the vitreous cavity. Fluorescein angiography demonstrated that all neovascular fronds were grossly incompetent to dye but that formed feeding channels had some degree of integrity. Light microscopic studies showed the proliferating networks to be composed of capillaries with well-formed basement membranes and more mature vessels with the basic structure of choroidal arteries and veins.


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Purpose: To evaluate the clinical and histological side effects of a prototype stereotactic radiotherapy system delivering microcollimated external beam radiation through pars plana in porcine eyes.

Methods: Five Yucatan mini-swine (10 eyes) were randomized to five treatment groups. Eight eyes were dosed with X-ray radiation on Day 1, and two eyes served as untreated controls. Treated eyes received doses up to 60 Gy to the retina and up to 130 Gy to the sclera using single or overlapping beams. The treatment beams were highly collimated such that the diameter was approximately 2.5 mm on the sclera and 3 mm on the retinal surface. Fundus photography, fluorescein angiography (FA), and spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) were obtained on days 7, 30, 60, and 110. Images were examined by a masked grader and evaluated for abnormalities. Animals were sacrificed on day 111 and gross and histopathological analysis was conducted.

Results: Histological and gross changes to eye structures including conjunctiva and lens were minimal at all doses. Fundus, FA, and SD-OCT of the targeted region failed to disclose any abnormality in the control or 21 Gy treated animals. In the 42 and 60 Gy animals, hypopigmented spots were noted after treatment on clinical exam, and corresponding hyperfluorescent staining was seen in late frames. No evidence of choroidal hypoperfusion was seen. The histological specimens from the 60 Gy animals showed photoreceptor loss and displacement of cone nuclei.

Conclusion: Transcleral stereotactic radiation dosing in porcine eyes can be accomplished with no significant adverse events as doses less than 42 Gy.