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Duodenal duplication cysts are rare congenital abnormalities which are more commonly diagnosed in infancy and childhood. However, in rare cases, these lesions can remain asymptomatic until adulthood. The combination of duplication cyst and pancreas divisum is extremely rare and both conditions have been linked with acute recurrent pancreatitis. We present the case of a 37 years-old patient who presented with repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis. By means of magnetic resonance imaging and endoscopic ultrasonography we discovered a duplication cyst whose cavity received drainage from the dorsal pancreas. After opening the cyst cavity to the duodenal lumen with a needle knife the patient presented no further episodes in the clinical follow-up. Comparable literature findings and therapeutic options for these abnormalities are discussed with regard to the presented case.


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Background: In human skin, local heating produces local vasodilatation, a response termed thermal hyperemia. Thermal hyperemia is largely mediated by nitric oxide (NO). It is blunted on repeat stimulations applied to the same skin spot, a phenomenon termed desensitization. As this phenomenon could reflect a desensitization in the vasodilator effects of NO, we investigated whether a prior exposure to exogenous NO would result in an attenuated vasodilatory response to a subsequent thermal challenge. Methods: Thirteen healthy young men were studied. Skin blood flow (SkBF) was mesured on forearm skin with laser Doppler imaging. Exposure to exogenous NO was carried out by iontophoresis of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a donor of NO. A local thermal stimulus (temperature step from 34 to 41°C maintained for 30 minutes) was applied with temperature-controlled chambers. We tested the influence of a previous transient exposure to exogenous NO on : 1) thermal hyperemia and 2) the response to a second identical exposure to exogeneous NO. Results: Thermal hyperemia (plateau SkBF at 30 minutes minus SkBF at 34°C) obtained on a site preexposed to exogenous NO two hours before was lower than obtained on a site preexposed to iontophoretic current only (mean±SD 395±139 perfusion units [PU] vs 540±79 PU ; p<0.01). When repeated on the same skin site two hours after the first one, exposure to exogenous NO led to a blunted vasodilatory response (298±121 PU vs 394±92 PU), although this difference was not statistically significant (p≈0.09). Conclusion: In forearm human skin, prior exposure to exogenous NO partially inhibits thermal hyperemia. These data support that desensitization of thermal hyperemia depends on a downregulation of the NO-cGMP pathway, possibly downstream from the endogenous production of NO.


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BACKGROUND. Peritoneal carcinomatosis from a gastrointestinal carcinoid tumour is rare and the long-term management and prognosis have not been clearly defined. The natural history is different from gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma, although its capacity to invade regional lymph nodes and generate distal metastasis can make the management more complex. Whilst the development of carcinomatosis is uncommonly reported, it may be higher than expected. CASE PRESENTATION A 63 years-old woman underwent emergency surgery in 1993 for right iliac fossa pain and a mass that was found to be an ileal carcinoid tumour. Over the next ten years, further surgery was required for disseminated disease with peritoneal carcinomatosis and liver metastasis. Systemic chemotherapy had little effect, although Somatostatin was used effectively to relieve symptoms caused by the disseminated disease (flushing and diarrhoea). CONCLUSION. Peritoneal carcinomatosis from carcinoid tumours is not well documented in the literature. Aggressive surgery must be performed in order to control the disease since chemotherapy has not been reported to be effective. With repeated surgery long-term survival can be achieved in these patients.


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PURPOSE: To report on clinical corneal topography, histopathologic analysis, and fine structure findings in failed grafts after penetrating keratoplasty (PK) for keratoconus (KC). DESIGN: Retrospective, consecutive, interventional case series with histologic and clinical correlation. PARTICIPANTS: Twelve corneal buttons were obtained from consecutive patients undergoing repeated PK 10 to 28 years after the initial PK for KC. The indication for regrafting was endothelial deficiency in seven cases, irreversible immune graft rejection in two cases, and corneal ectasia in three cases. METHODS: Removed corneal buttons were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. A potential correlation between the clinical and videokeratoscopic findings and the microscopic structural observations was analyzed. RESULTS: Preoperative simulated keratometry measured by TMS-1 (Tomey, New York, NY) or EyeSys CAS (EyeSys Technology, Houston, TX) ranged from 49.8 to 66.1 diopters. A pattern compatible with KC characteristics was observed in all cases. Fine structure analysis revealed Bowman's layer disruption or folds and stromal deposits in all corneal buttons. However, central corneal thinning was not present in any of the removed buttons. CONCLUSIONS: Structure changes compatible with the diagnosis of KC were observed in all donor buttons many years after PK on KC recipients. Recurrence of the KC characteristics may result from graft repopulation by recipients' keratocytes, aging of the grafted tissue, or both.


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The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and the incidence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) among haemodialysis (HD) subjects and to evaluate whether testing for serological markers at the time of admission is suitable for HBV screening in this population. One hundred twenty-three patients belonging to two HD centres from São Paulo, Brazil, were tested prospectively. HBV DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in each of the prospective subjects (n = 123) during one year. Additionally, all samples (n = 1,476) were analysed for HBV serological markers. The prevalence of hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc), hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and HBV DNA were 34.1%, 15.4% and 8.1%, respectively, while the incidence was null. Fluctuation in HBV serology was observed in one patient. Only 37.8% (17/45) of cases responded to the HBV vaccine. Our results suggest that employing more than one HBV marker and repeated follow-up evaluations may improve HBV screening in HD units.


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Purpose: To study with a non invasive method any potential radiological change on the superior cerebellar artery (SCA) in patients treated radiosurgically for classic trigeminal neuralgia (CTN).Materials and methods: A retrospective measure of maximal dose received by SCA was performed analyzing the treatment planning in 55 consecutive patients treated by Gamma Knife radiosurgery for an CTN, then, a prospective study was designed using high resolution MR, with T2 SPIR, T1 without and with gadolinium enhancement, Proton density, 3D TONE and MIP reconstructions. Inclusion criteria were: patients followed at our institution, follow-up of one year or more, dose received by the SCA of 15 Gy or more and voluntary patient participation in the study. Patients with repeated Gamma Knife radiosurgery for failure or recurrence were excluded. The end points were: SCA occlusion, stenosis or infarction in the territory supplied by SCA.Results: Sixteen patients were studied, with a mean follow-up of 25.2 months (12-42 months). The mean maximal dose received by the SCA was 57.5 Gy. (15-87 Gy). Among these 16 patients studied, neither obstruction of the SCA nor infarction was demonstrated. In one patient a suspicion of asymptomatic SCA stenosis was visualized distant to the irradiation field.Conclusions: SCA can receive a high dose of irradiation during radiosurgical treatment for CTN. This study does not confirm any vascular damage to the SCA after radiosurgery for CTN. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The molecular basis underlying the aberrant DNA-methylation patterns in human cancer is largely unknown. Altered DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) activity is believed to contribute, as DNMT expression levels increase during tumorigenesis. Here, we present evidence that the expression of DNMT3b is post-transcriptionally regulated by HuR, an RNA-binding protein that stabilizes and/or modulates the translation of target mRNAs. The presence of a putative HuR-recognition motif in the DNMT3b 3'UTR prompted studies to investigate if this transcript associated with HuR. The interaction between HuR and DNMT3b mRNA was studied by immunoprecipitation of endogenous HuR ribonucleoprotein complexes followed by RT-qPCR detection of DNMT3b mRNA, and by in vitro pulldown of biotinylated DNMT3b RNAs followed by western blotting detection of HuR. These studies revealed that binding of HuR stabilized the DNMT3b mRNA and increased DNMT3b expression. Unexpectedly, cisplatin treatment triggered the dissociation of the [HuR-DNMT3b mRNA] complex, in turn promoting DNMT3b mRNA decay, decreasing DNMT3b abundance, and lowering the methylation of repeated sequences and global DNA methylation. In summary, our data identify DNMT3b mRNA as a novel HuR target, present evidence that HuR affects DNMT3b expression levels post-transcriptionally, and reveal the functional consequences of the HuR-regulated DNMT3b upon DNA methylation patterns.


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Codeine is commonly used in North America in the postpartum period for pain associated with episotomyand caesarean section. Analgesic properties of codeine are mainly due to its metabolisation intomorphine (5-10%) via CYP2D6. This enzyme is subject to genetic variability, which can alter theamount of active narcotic excreted into breastmilk. A recent case report highlighted this issue, reportingfatal consequences in a newborn whose mother was taking codeine for episiotomy-related pain (1-2). New-born's blood (post-mortem) and mother's milk showed high morphine concentrations. Genotypeanalysis classified the mother as a CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizer, a genotype associated withenhanced formation of morphine from codeine. The authors concluded "clinical and laboratory picturewas consistent with opioid toxicity leading to neonatal death". Subsequent comments expressed reasonnabledoubts on this conclusion, though (3-4). Since, anxiety increased about the safety of codeineduring breastfeeding and genetic screening was proposed as a prevention strategy.STIS position:? Codeine with paracetamol is not a usual pain prescription in the postpartum period in Switzerland.This markedly reduces codeine use during lactation in our country, and may partly explain why webarely collected 3 codeine exposures through breastmilk in 15 years at the STIS (all reported afterabove case's publication and without side effects).? Other centrally acting analgesics are not considered safer (5) than codeine during lactation andrequire close observation for somnolence in both the mother and the infant in case of repeated maternaldosage. A lack of monitoring was salient in the case reported above (1).? If the incidence of CYP2D6 polymorphism (1-10% of individuals in Western Europe) (6) can beconsidered of clinical significance, it is not the exclusive predisposing factor to toxic effects. Healthynewborns can be particularly sensitive to even usual doses of narcotic analgesics because of immaturedrug disposition (7). Conditions leading to impaired clearance or increased susceptibility inthe infant (e.g. preterm birth, metabolic diseases) represent further risk factors for opioid toxicity,regardless of the molecule.In conclusion, when prescribed on a large scale, codein can be rarely associated with adverse drugreactions in breastfed infants (8-9). However, other central acting analgesics cannot be considered asinvariably safer. Therefore, paracetamol and well documented NSAID should be used in 1st choiceduring lactation. In case of severe pain, codeine (with paracetamol) remains an acceptable choice butrequires close monitoring, and breastfeeding mothers should be educated regarding risks related toaccumulation in the newborn. Finally, it is doubtful whether CYP2D6 genetic screening would preventall toxic effects, as other risk factors exist for opioids toxicity


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A Web-based tool developed to automatically correct relational database schemas is presented. This tool has been integrated into a more general e-learning platform and is used to reinforce teaching and learning on database courses. This platform assigns to each student a set of database problems selected from a common repository. The student has to design a relational database schema and enter it into the system through a user friendly interface specifically designed for it. The correction tool corrects the design and shows detected errors. The student has the chance to correct them and send a new solution. These steps can be repeated as many times as required until a correct solution is obtained. Currently, this system is being used in different introductory database courses at the University of Girona with very promising results


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The pathogenesis and evolutive pattern of Chagas disease suggests that the chronic phase should be more widely treated in order to (i) eliminate Trypanosoma cruzi and prevent new inflammatory foci and the extension of tissue lesions, (ii) promote tissue regeneration to prevent fibrosis, (iii) reverse existing fibrosis, (iv) prevent cardiomyopathy, megaoesophagus and megacolon and (v) reduce or eliminate cardiac block and arrhythmia. All cases of the indeterminate chronic form of Chagas disease without contraindications due to other concomitant diseases or pregnancy should be treated and not only cases involving children or recently infected cases. Patients with chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy grade II of the New York Heart Association classification should be treated with specific chemotherapy and grade III can be treated according to medical-patient decisions. We are proposing the following new strategies for chemotherapeutic treatment of the chronic phase of Chagas disease: (i) repeated short-term treatments for 30 consecutive days and interval of 30-60 days for six months to one year and (ii) combinations of drugs with different mechanisms of action, such as benznidazole + nifurtimox, benznidazole or nifurtimox + allopurinol or triazole antifungal agents, inhibition of sterol synthesis.


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RÉSUMÉ Le but d'un traitement antimicrobien est d'éradiquer une infection bactérienne. Cependant, il est souvent difficile d'en évaluer rapidement l'efficacité en utilisant les techniques standard. L'estimation de la viabilité bactérienne par marqueurs moléculaires permettrait d'accélérer le processus. Ce travail étudie donc la possibilité d'utiliser le RNA ribosomal (rRNA) à cet effet. Des cultures de Streptococcus gordonii sensibles (parent Wt) et tolérants (mutant Tol 1) à l'action bactéricide de la pénicilline ont été exposées à différents antibiotiques. La survie bactérienne au cours du temps a été déterminée en comparant deux méthodes. La méthode de référence par compte viable a été comparée à une méthode moléculaire consistant à amplifier par PCR quantitative en temps réel une partie du génome bactérien. La cible choisie devait refléter la viabilité cellulaire et par conséquent être synthétisée de manière constitutive lors de la vie de la bactérie et être détruite rapidement lors de la mort cellulaire. Le choix s'est porté sur un fragment du gène 16S-rRNA. Ce travail a permis de valider ce choix en corrélant ce marqueur moléculaire à la viabilité bactérienne au cours d'un traitement antibiotique bactéricide. De manière attendue, les S. gordonii sensibles à la pénicilline ont perdu ≥ 4 log10 CFU/ml après 48 heures de traitement par pénicilline alors que le mutant tolérant Tol1 en a perdu ≥ 1 log10 CFU/ml. De manière intéressant, la quantité de marqueur a augmenté proportionnellement au compte viable durant la phase de croissance bactérienne. Après administration du traitement antibiotique, l'évolution du marqueur dépendait de la capacité de la bactérie à survivre à l'action de l'antibiotique. Stable lors du traitement des souches tolérantes, la quantité de marqueur détectée diminuait de manière proportionnelle au compte viable lors du traitement des souches sensibles. Cette corrélation s'est confirmée lors de l'utilisation d'autres antibiotiques bactéricides. En conclusion, l'amplification par PCR du RNA ribosomal 16S permet d'évaluer rapidement la viabilité bactérienne au cours d'un traitement antibiotique en évitant le recours à la mise en culture dont les résultats ne sont obtenus qu'après plus de 24 heures. Cette méthode offre donc au clinicien une évaluation rapide de l'efficacité du traitement, particulièrement dans les situations, comme le choc septique, où l'initiation sans délai d'un traitement efficace est une des conditions essentielles du succès thérapeutique. ABSTRACT Assessing bacterial viability by molecular markers might help accelerate the measurement of antibiotic-induced killing. This study investigated whether ribosomal RNA (rRNA) could be suitable for this purpose. Cultures of penicillin-susceptible and penicillin-tolerant (Tol1 mutant) Streptococcus gordonii were exposed to mechanistically different penicillin and levofloxacin. Bacterial survival was assessed by viable counts, and compared to quantitative real-time PCR amplification of either the 16S-rRNA genes (rDNA) or the 16S rRNA, following reverse transcription. Penicillin-susceptible S. gordonii lost ≥ 4 log10 CFU/ml of viability over 48 h of penicillin treatment. In comparison, the Toll mutant lost ≤ 1 log10 CFU/ml. Amplification of a 427-base fragment of 16S rDNA yielded amplicons that increased proportionally to viable counts during bacterial growth, but did not decrease during drug-induced killing. In contrast, the same 427-base fragment amplified from 16S rDNA paralleled both bacterial growth and drug-induced killing. It also differentiated between penicillin-induced killing of the parent and the Toll mutant (≥4 log10 CFU/ml and ≤1 lo10 CFU/ml, respectively), and detected killing by mechanistically unrelated levofloxacin. Since large fragments of polynucleotides might be degraded faster than smaller fragments the experiments were repeated by amplifying a 119-base region internal to the origina1 427-base fragment. The amount of 119-base amplicons increased proportionally to viability during growth, but remained stable during drug treatment. Thus, 16S rRNA was a marker of antibiotic-induced killing, but the size of the amplified fragment was critical to differentiate between live and dead bacteria.


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BACKGROUND: Adherence to combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is a dynamic process, however, changes in adherence behavior over time are insufficiently understood. METHODS: Data on self-reported missed doses of cART was collected every 6 months in Swiss HIV Cohort Study participants. We identified behavioral groups associated with specific cART adherence patterns using trajectory analyses. Repeated measures logistic regression identified predictors of changes in adherence between consecutive visits. RESULTS: Six thousand seven hundred nine individuals completed 49,071 adherence questionnaires [median 8 (interquartile range: 5-10)] during a median follow-up time of 4.5 years (interquartile range: 2.4-5.1). Individuals were clustered into 4 adherence groups: good (51.8%), worsening (17.4%), improving (17.6%), and poor adherence (13.2%). Independent predictors of worsening adherence were younger age, basic education, loss of a roommate, starting intravenous drug use, increasing alcohol intake, depression, longer time with HIV, onset of lipodystrophy, and changing care provider. Independent predictors of improvements in adherence were regimen simplification, changing class of cART, less time on cART, and starting comedications. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment, behavioral changes, and life events influence patterns of drug intake in HIV patients. Clinical care providers should routinely monitor factors related to worsening adherence and intervene early to reduce the risk of treatment failure and drug resistance.


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The vasoconstrictor effect of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) on isolated perfused rat kidney was investigated. H(2)O(2) induced vasoconstriction in the isolated rat kidney in a concentration-dependent manner. The vasoconstrictor effects of H(2)O(2) were completely inhibited by 1200 U/ml catalase. Endothelium-removal potentiated the renal response to H(2)O(2). The H(2)O(2) dose-response curve was not significantly modified by administration of the NO inhibitor L-NAME (10(-4) mol/l), whereas it was increased by the non-specific inhibitor of K+-channels, tetraethylammonium (3.10(-3) mol/l). Separately, removal of extracellular Ca(2+), administration of a mixture of calcium desensitizing agents (nitroprusside, papaverine, and diazoxide), and administration of a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor (chelerythrine, 10(-5) mol/l) each significantly attenuated the vasoconstrictor response to H(2)O(2), which was virtually suppressed when they were performed together. The pressor response to H(2)O(2) was not affected by: dimethyl sulfoxide (7.10(-5) mol/l) plus mannitol (3.10(-5) mol/l); intracellular Ca(2+) chelation using BAPTA (10(-5) mol/l); calcium store depletion after repeated doses of phenylephrine (10(-5) g/g kidney); or the presence of indomethacin (10(-5) mol/l), ODYA (2.10(-6) mol/l) or genistein (10(-5) mol/l). We conclude that the vasoconstrictor response to H(2)O(2) in the rat renal vasculature comprises the following components: 1) extracellular calcium influx, 2) activation of PKC, and 3) stimulation of pathways leading to sensitization of contractile elements to calcium. Moreover, a reduced pressor responsiveness to H(2)O(2) in female kidneys was observed.


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An attempt is made to define the usefulness and limitations of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) radioimmunoassay for evaluation of tumor resection and detection of tumor relapse in patients with large-bowel carcinoma. In 45 patients for whom complete tumor resection was reported, all but 5 showed a drop in CEA to normal values after surgery. The 5 patients whose CEA did not fall to below 5 ng/ml showed a subsequent rise in CEA level and later were all found to have a tumor relapse. The results indicate that an incomplete drop in circulating CEA level one month after surgery is a bad prognostic sign. Twenty-two of these patients were followed up by repeated CEA radioimmunoassay for several months after surgery; 8 showed a progressive increase in CEA levels preceding clinical diagnosis of tumor relapse by 2-10 months. The clinical history of these 8 patients is briefly described. The results demonstrate that relapses of colon and rectum carcinoma can be detected by increased CEA levels months before the appearance of any clinical evidence.


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Recently, morphometric measurements of the ascending aorta have been done with ECG-gated multidector computerized tomography (MDCT) to help the development of future novel transcatheter therapies (TCT); nevertheless, the variability of such measurements remains unknown. Thirty patients referred for ECG-gated CT thoracic angiography were evaluated. Continuous reformations of the ascending aorta, perpendicular to the centerline, were obtained automatically with a commercially available computer aided diagnosis (CAD). Then measurements of the maximal diameter were done with the CAD and manually by two observers (separately). Measurements were repeated one month later. The Bland-Altman method, Spearman coefficients, and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to evaluate the variability, the correlation, and the differences between observers. The interobserver variability for maximal diameter between the two observers was up to 1.2 mm with limits of agreement [-1.5, +0.9] mm; whereas the intraobserver limits were [-1.2, +1.0] mm for the first observer and [-0.8, +0.8] mm for the second observer. The intraobserver CAD variability was 0.8 mm. The correlation was good between observers and the CAD (0.980-0.986); however, significant differences do exist (P<0.001). The maximum variability observed was 1.2 mm and should be considered in reports of measurements of the ascending aorta. The CAD is as reproducible as an experienced reader.