992 resultados para RECOGNITION ELEMENT
Forced vibration field tests and finite element studies have been conducted on Morrow Point (arch) Dam in order to investigate dynamic dam-water interaction and water compressibility. Design of the data acquisition system incorporates several special features to retrieve both amplitude and phase of the response in a low signal to noise environment. These features contributed to the success of the experimental program which, for the first time, produced field evidence of water compressibility; this effect seems to play a significant role only in the symmetric response of Morrow Point Dam in the frequency range examined. In the accompanying analysis, frequency response curves for measured accelerations and water pressures as well as their resonating shapes are compared to predictions from the current state-of-the-art finite element model for which water compressibility is both included and neglected. Calibration of the numerical model employs the antisymmetric response data since they are only slightly affected by water compressibility, and, after calibration, good agreement to the data is obtained whether or not water compressibility is included. In the effort to reproduce the symmetric response data, on which water compressibility has a significant influence, the calibrated model shows better correlation when water compressibility is included, but the agreement is still inadequate. Similar results occur using data obtained previously by others at a low water level. A successful isolation of the fundamental water resonance from the experimental data shows significantly different features from those of the numerical water model, indicating possible inaccuracy in the assumed geometry and/or boundary conditions for the reservoir. However, the investigation does suggest possible directions in which the numerical model can be improved.
Recent improvements to IBM's speech recognition system for automatic transcription of broadcast news
Recent improvements to IBM's speech recognition system for automatic transcription of broadcast news
Oligonucleotide-directed triple helix formation is one of the most versatile methods for the sequence specific recognition of double helical DNA. Chapter 2 describes affinity cleaving experiments carried out to assess the recognition potential for purine-rich oligonucleotides via the formation of triple helices. Purine-rich oligodeoxyribonucleotides were shown to bind specifically to purine tracts of double helical DNA in the major groove antiparallel to the purine strand of the duplex. Specificity was derived from the formation of reverse Hoogsteen G•GC, A•AT and T•AT triplets and binding was limited to mostly purine tracts. This triple helical structure was stabilized by multivalent cations, destabilized by high concentrations of monovalent cations and was insensitive to pH. A single mismatched base triplet was shown to destabilize a 15 mer triple helix by 1.0 kcal/mole at 25°C. In addition, stability appeared to be correlated to the number of G•GC triplets formed in the triple helix. This structure provides an additional framework as a basis for the design of new sequence specific DNA binding molecules.
In work described in Chapter 3, the triplet specificities and required strand orientations of two classes of DNA triple helices were combined to target double helical sequences containing all four base pairs by alternate strand triple helix formation. This allowed for the use of oligonucleotides containing only natural 3'-5' phosphodiester linkages to simultaneously bind both strands of double helical DNA in the major groove. The stabilities and structures of these alternate strand triple helices depended on whether the binding site sequence was 5'-(purine)_m (pyrimidine)_n-3' or 5'- (pyrimidine)_m (purine)_n-3'.
In Chapter 4, the ability of oligonucleotide-cerium(III) chelates to direct the transesterfication of RNA was investigated. Procedures were developed for the modification of DNA and RNA oligonucleotides with a hexadentate Schiff-base macrocyclic cerium(III) complex. In addition, oligoribonucleotides modified by covalent attachment of the metal complex through two different linker structures were prepared. The ability of these structures to direct transesterification to specific RNA phosphodiesters was assessed by gel electrophoresis. No reproducible cleavage of the RNA strand consistent with transesterification could be detected in any of these experiments.
The behaviors of six new cyclophane receptors for organic guest molecules in aqueous media are reported. These new hosts are modifications of more basic parent structures, and the main goal of their examination has been to determine how the modifications affect host selectivity for cationic guests. In particular, we have been interested in determining how additional non-covalent binding interactions can complement the cation-π interactions active in the parent systems. Three types of modifications were made to these systems. Firstly, neutral methoxy and bromine substituents were added to produce four of the six new macrocycles. Secondly, two additional aromatic rings (relative to the parent host) capable of making cation-π interactions with charged guest species were appended. Thirdly, a negatively charged carboxyl group was attached to produce a cavity in which electrostatic interactions should enhance cationic guest binding. ^1H-NMR and circular dichroic techniques were employed to determine the binding affinities of a wide variety of organic guests for the parent and modified structures in aqueous media.
Bromination of the parent host greatly enhances its binding in a general fashion, primarily as the result of hydrophobic interactions. The addition of methoxy groups does not enhance binding, apparently as a result of a collapse of the hosts into a conformation that is not suitable for binding. The appendage of extra aromatic rings enhances the binding of positively charged guests, most likely in response to more complete encapsulation of guest species. The addition of a negatively charged carboxylate enhances the binding to only selective groups of cationic guests. AM1 calculations of the electrostatic potentials of several guests molecules suggests that the enhancements seen with the modified receptor compared to the parent are most likely the result of close contact between regions of highest potential on the guest and the appended carboxylate.